Source: kfontdialog.h

Annotated List
    $Id: kfontdialog_h.html 132191 2002-01-17 21:32:13Z dfaure $

    Requires the Qt widget libraries, available at no cost at

    Copyright (C) 1997 Bernd Johannes Wuebben 
    Copyright (c) 1999 Preston Brown 
    Copyright (c) 1999 Mario Weilguni 

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
    Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef _K_FONT_DIALOG_H_
#define _K_FONT_DIALOG_H_


class QComboBox;
class QFont;
class QGroupBox;
class QLabel;
class QStringList;
class KListBox;

// Just a marker for a feature that was added after 2.2-beta2.
// When KOffice depends on kdelibs-2.2, this can be removed.

 * A widget for interactive font selection.
 * While @ref KFontChooser as an ordinary widget can be embedded in
 * custom dialogs and therefore is very flexible, in most cases
 * it is preferable to use the convenience functions in
 * @ref KFontDialog.
 * @short A font selection widget.
 * @author Preston Brown , Bernd Wuebben 
 * @version $Id: kfontdialog_h.html 132191 2002-01-17 21:32:13Z dfaure $
class KFontChooser : public QWidget

   *  @li @p FamilyList - Identifies the family (leftmost) list.
   *  @li @p StyleList -  Identifies the style (center) list.
   *  @li @p SizeList -   Identifies the size (rightmost) list.
  enum FontColumn { FamilyList=0x01, StyleList=0x02, SizeList=0x04,
    CharsetList=0x08 };

   * Constructs a font picker widget.
   * @param parent The parent widget.
   * @param name The widget name.
   * @param onlyFixedFonts Only display fonts which have fixed-width
   *        character sizes.
   * @param fontList A list of fonts to display, in XLFD format.  If
   *        no list is formatted, the internal KDE font list is used.
   *        If that has not been created, X is queried, and all fonts
   *        available on the system are displayed.
   * @param visibleListSize The minimum number of visible entries in the
   *        fontlists.
  KFontChooser(QWidget *parent = 0L, const char *name = 0L,
	       bool onlyFixed = false,
	       const QStringList &fontList = QStringList(),
	       bool makeFrame = true, int visibleListSize=8 );

  virtual ~KFontChooser();

   * Enable or disable a font column in the chooser.
   * Use this
   * function if your application does not need or supports all font
   * properties.
   * @param font Specifie the columns. An or'ed combination of
   *        @p FamilyList, @p StyleList and @p SizeList is possible.
   * @param state If @p false the columns are disabled.
  void enableColumn( int column, bool state );

   * Set the currently selected font in the chooser.
   * @param font The font to select.
   * @param onlyFixed Readjust the font list to display only fixed
   *        width fonts if @p true, or vice-versa.
  void setFont( const QFont &font, bool onlyFixed = false );

   * @return The currently selected font in the chooser.
  QFont font() const { return selFont; }

   * Set the color to use in the preview
  void setColor( const QColor & col );

   * @return The color currently used in the preview (default: black)
  QColor color() const;

   * Set the currently selected charset in the chooser.
  void setCharset( const QString & charset );

   * @return The currently selected charset in the dialog.
  QString charset() const;

   * @return The current text in the sample text input area.
  QString sampleText() const { return sampleEdit->text(); }

   * Set the sample text.
   * Normally you should not change this
   * text, but it can be better to do this if the default text is
   * too large for the edit area when using the default font of your
   * application.
   * @param text The new sample text. The current will be removed.
  void setSampleText( const QString &text )
    sampleEdit->setText( text );

   * Convert a @ref QFont into the corresponding X Logical Font
   * Description (XLFD).
   * @param theFont The font to convert.
   * @return A string representing the given font in XLFD format.
  static QString getXLFD( const QFont &theFont )
    { return theFont.rawName(); }

   * Create a list of font strings that match @p pattern.
   * @param list The list is returned here.
   * @param pattern The font pattern.
  static void getFontList( QStringList &list, const char *pattern );

   * Create a list of font strings.
   * @param list The list is returned here.
   * @param fixed Flag, when true only fixed fonts are returned.
  static void getFontList( QStringList &list, bool fixed );

   * Reimplemented for internal reasons.
  virtual QSize sizeHint( void ) const;

private slots:
  void family_chosen_slot(const QString&);
  void size_chosen_slot(const QString&);
  void style_chosen_slot(const QString&);
  void displaySample(const QFont &font);
  void charset_chosen_slot(const QString&);
  void showXLFDArea(bool);

   * connect to this to monitor the font as it is selected.
  void fontSelected( const QFont &font );

  void fillFamilyListBox(bool onlyFixedFonts = false);
  void fillCharsetsCombo();
  // This one must be static since getFontList( QStringList, char*) is so
  static void addFont( QStringList &list, const char *xfont );

  void setupDisplay();

  // pointer to an optinally supplied list of fonts to
  // inserted into the fontdialog font-family combo-box
  QStringList  fontList;

  QGroupBox    *xlfdBox;

  QLineEdit    *sampleEdit;
  QLineEdit    *xlfdEdit;

  QLabel       *familyLabel;
  QLabel       *styleLabel;
  QLabel       *sizeLabel;
  KListBox     *familyListBox;
  KListBox     *styleListBox;
  KListBox     *sizeListBox;
  QComboBox    *charsetsCombo;

  QFont        selFont;

  bool usingFixed;

  class KFontChooserPrivate;
  KFontChooserPrivate *d;

 * The KFontDialog provides a dialog for interactive font selection.
 * It is basically a thin wrapper around the @ref KFontChooser widget,
 * which can also be used standalone. In most cases, the simplest
 * use of this class is the static method @ref KFontDialog::getFont(),
 * which pops up the dialog, allows the user to select a font, and
 * returns when the dialog is closed.
 * Example:
 *      QFont myFont;
 *      int result = KFontDialog::getFont( myFont );
 *      if ( result == KFontDialog::Accepted )
 *            ...
* * @image kfontdialog.png KFontDialog * * @short A font selection dialog. * @author Preston Brown , Bernd Wuebben * @version $Id: kfontdialog_h.html 132191 2002-01-17 21:32:13Z dfaure $ */ class KFontDialog : public KDialogBase { Q_OBJECT public: /** * Constructs a font selection dialog. * * @param parent The parent widget of the dialog, if any. * @param name The name of the dialog. * @param modal Specifies whether the dialog is modal or not. * @param onlyFixed only display fonts which have fixed-width * character sizes. * @param fontlist a list of fonts to display, in XLFD format. If * no list is formatted, the internal KDE font list is used. * If that has not been created, X is queried, and all fonts * available on the system are displayed. * @param makeFrame Draws a frame with titles around the contents. * */ KFontDialog( QWidget *parent = 0L, const char *name = 0, bool onlyFixed = false, bool modal = false, const QStringList &fontlist = QStringList(), bool makeFrame = true ); /** * Sets the currently selected font in the dialog. * * @param font The font to select. * @param onlyFixed readjust the font list to display only fixed * width fonts if true, or vice-versa */ void setFont( const QFont &font, bool onlyFixed = false ) { chooser->setFont(font, onlyFixed); } /** * @return The currently selected font in the dialog. */ QFont font() const { return chooser->font(); } /** * Sets the currently selected charset in the dialog. */ void setCharset( const QString & charset ) { chooser->setCharset( charset ); } /** * @return The currently selected charset in the dialog. */ QString charset() const { return chooser->charset(); } /** * Creates a modal font dialog, lets the user choose a font, * and returns when the dialog is closed. * * @param theFont a reference to the font to write the chosen font * into. * @param onlyFixed if true, only select from fixed-width fonts. * @param parent Parent widget of the dialog. Specifying a widget different * from 0 (Null) improves centering (looks better). * @param makeFrame Draws a frame with titles around the contents. * * @returns @ref QDialog::result(). */ static int getFont( QFont &theFont, bool onlyFixed = false, QWidget *parent = 0L, bool makeFrame = true ); /** * When you are not only interested in the font selected, but also * in the example string typed in, you can call this method. * * @param theFont a reference to the font to write the chosen font * into. * @param theString a reference to the example text that was typed. * @param onlyFixed if true, only select from fixed-width fonts. * @param parent Parent widget of the dialog. Specifying a widget different * from 0 (Null) improves centering (looks better). * @param makeFrame Draws a frame with titles around the contents. * @return The result of the dialog. */ static int getFontAndText( QFont &theFont, QString &theString, bool onlyFixed = false, QWidget *parent = 0L, bool makeFrame = true ); signals: /** * Emitted whenever the currently selected font changes. * Connect to this to monitor the font as it is selected if you are * not running modal. */ void fontSelected( const QFont &font ); protected: KFontChooser *chooser; private: class KFontDialogPrivate; KFontDialogPrivate *d; }; #endif

Generated by: dfaure on on Thu Jan 17 22:16:05 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53.