kdeui Annotated List

Annotated List
KAboutApplicationStandard "About Application" dialog box.
KAboutContainer KAboutContainer can be used to make a application specific AboutDialog.
KAboutDialog A KDialogBase with predefined main widget.
KAboutKDEStandard "About KDE" dialog box,.
KAboutWidget KAboutWidget is the main widget for KAboutDialog.
KAccelGen Provides functions that, given a collection of QStrings, will automatically and intelligently assign menu accelerators to the QStrings in the collection.
KAccelGen::Deref_Key Static dereference class that calls the key() method on its target; for use as a template parameter.
KAccelMenu Simplify the use of KAccel and KKeyDialog with menus.
KActionClass to encapsulate user-driven action or event.
KActionMenu A KActionMenu is an action that holds a sub-menu of other actions.
KAlphaPainterMethods to easily draw/blend images with an alpha channel.
KAnimWidgetWidget animated using individual icons.
KArrowButtonDraws a button with an arrow.
KAuthIconABC for authorization icon widgets.
KBugReportA dialog box for sending bug reports.
KButtonBox Container widget for buttons.
KCModule The base class for control center modules.
KCharSelectCharacter-Selection Widget.
KCharSelectTableCharacter-Selection Table.
KColorButtonA pushbutton to display or allow user selection of a colour.
KColorCells A table of editable colour cells.
KColorCombo Combobox for colours.
KColorDialogA color selection dialog.
KColorDrag Drag (XDnD) objects of type application/x-color.
KColorPatchA color shower.
KComboBoxAn enhanced combo box.
KCommand The abstract base class for all Commands.
KCommandHistory The command history stores a (user) configurable amount of Commands.
KCompletionBoxA helper widget for "completion-widgets" (KLineEdit, KComboBox)).
KContainerLayout Alternative Layout manager widget.
KContextMenuManagerConvenience class to mangage context menus.
KCursorA QCursor wrapper allowing "themed" cursors and auto-hiding cursors.
KDCOPActionProxyA proxy class publishing a DCOP interface for actions.
KDatePickerA date selection widget.
KDateValidator Validates user-entered dates.
KDateWidgetA pushbutton to display or allow user selection of a date.
KDialog Dialog with extended modeless support and methods for KDE standard compliance.
KDialogBaseA dialog base class which standard buttons and predefined layouts.
KDockMainWindow A special kind of KMainWindow that is able to have dockwidget child widgets (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockManager The manager that knows all dockwidgets and handles the dock process (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockManager::MenuDockData A data structure containing data about every dockwidget that is under control.
KDockTabBar The actual tab bar for dockwidgets (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockTabBarPainter The draw helper for the KDockTabBar (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockTabCtl A manager for a single KDockTabBar (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockTabCtl_PrivateStruct Actually an internal struct.
KDockTabGroup It just hides the special implementation of a dockwidget tab groups (and is member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockWidget Floatable widget that can be dragged around with the mouse and encapsulate the actual widgets (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockWidgetAbstractHeader An abstract base clase for all dockwidget headers (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockWidgetAbstractHeaderDrag An abstract class for all dockwidget drag-panels of a dockwidgets (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockWidgetHeader The header (additional bar) for a KDockWidget s (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockWidgetHeaderDrag This special widget is the panel one can grip with the mouses (and member of the dockwidget class set).
KDockWidgetPrivate additional KDockWidget stuff (private)
KDockWindow This class is obsolete, it is provided for compatibility only.
KDoubleNumInputAn input control for real numbers, consisting of a spinbox and a slider.
KDualColorButtonA widget for selecting two related colors.
KEdit A simple text editor for the KDE project.
KEditListBox An editable listbox
KEditToolbarA dialog used to customize or configure toolbars.
KEditToolbarWidgetA widget used to customize or configure toolbars.
KFontChooserA font selection widget.
KFontComboA combobox to choose a font.
KFontDialogA font selection dialog.
KGradientSelector The KGradientSelector widget allows the user to choose from a one-dimensional range of colors which is given as a gradient between two colors provided by the programmer.
KHSSelector Widget for Hue/Saturation selection.
KHelpMenuStandard KDE help menu with dialog boxes.
KHistoryComboA combobox for offering a history and completion.
KIconViewA variant of QIconView that honors KDE's system-wide settings.
KImageEffect This class includes various QImage based graphical effects.
KIntNumInputAn input widget for integer numbers, consisting of a spinbox and a slider.
KIntSpinBoxA spin box widget for non-decimal numbers.
KIntValidator QValidator for integers.
KJanusWidgetEasy to use widget with many layouts.
KKeyChooserWidget for configuration of KAccel and KGlobalAccel.
KKeyDialogDialog for configuration of KAccel and KGlobalAccel.
KLedAn LED widget.
KLineEditAn enhanced single line input widget.
KLineEditDlg Dialog for user to enter a single line of text.
KListBoxA variant of QListBox that honors KDE's system-wide settings.
KListView This Widget extends the functionality of QListView to honor the system wide settings for Single Click/Double Click mode, AutoSelection and ChangeCursorOverLink (TM).
KListViewItemlistview item with alternate background colour support.
KMacroCommand A Macro Command is a command that holds several sub-commands.
KMainWindowKDE top level main window.
KMenuBar KDE Style-able menubar.
KMessageBox Easy message dialog box.
KNumInput You need to inherit from this class if you want to implement K*NumInput for a different variable type
KPaletteTable A color palette in table form.
KPanelAppletKDE Panel Applet class.
KPanelExtensionKDE Panel Extension class.
KPanelMenu DCop client menu class for the Kicker panel that will insert a submenu into the KDE menu.
KPasswordDialogA password input dialog.
KPasswordEditA safe password input widget.
KPixmapEffect This class includes various pixmap-based graphical effects.
KPixmapIOFast QImage to/from QPixmap conversion.
KPopupFrame Frame with popup menu behaviour.
KPopupMenuA menu with title items.
KPopupTitleKPopupMenu title widget.
KProgressA progress indicator widget.
KPushButtonA QPushButton with drag-support.
KRadioAction An action that operates like a radio button.
KRecentFilesActionRecent files action.
KRestrictedLineA line editor for restricted character sets.
KRootPermsIcon Icon to show whether or not a user has root permissions.
KRootPixmap Create pseudo-transparent widgets.
KRulerA ruler widget.
KSelectActionAction for selecting one of several items.
KSelector KSelector is the base class for other widgets which provides the ability to choose from a one-dimensional range of values.
KSeparator Standard horizontal or vertical separator.
KSharedPixmap Shared pixmap client.
KSqueezedTextLabelA replacement for QLabel that squeezes its text.
KStatusBarKDE statusbar widget.
KStdAction Convenience methods to access all standard KDE actions.
KSystemTrayKDE System Tray Window class.
KTMainWindowKDE top level main window. (deprecated)
KTabCtl Tabbed dialog with extended features.
KTextBrowserExtended QTextBrowser.
KThemeBase This is a base class for KDE themed styles.
KThemeCache A very simple pixmap cache for theme plugins.
KThemePixmap This class adds simple time management to KPixmap for use in flushing KThemeCache.
KThemeStyle KDE themed styles.
KTipDatabase A database for tips-of-the-day.
KTipDialog A Tip-of-the-Day dialog.
KToggleActionCheckbox like action.
KToolBarFloatable toolbar with auto resize.
KToolBarPopupAction This action is a normal action everywhere, except in a toolbar where it also has a delayed popupmenu.
KToolBarRadioGroupClass for group of radio butons in toolbar.
KURLLabelA drop-in replacement for QLabel that displays hyperlinks.
KValueSelector Dialog for colour value selection.
KWizard General-purpose multi-page dialog.
KWritePermsIcon Auth icon for write permission display.
KXMLGUIFactory KXMLGUIFactory, together with KXMLGUIClient objects, can be used to create a GUI of container widgets (like menus, toolbars, etc.
KXYSelector KXYSelector is the base class for other widgets which provides the ability to choose from a two-dimensional range of values.

Generated by: dfaure on kde.faure.org on Thu Jan 17 22:16:05 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53.