class KHistoryCombo

A combobox for offering a history and completion. More...

Definition#include <kcombobox.h>
InheritsKComboBox [public ]
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Methods

Public Slots


Protected Methods

Detailed Description

A combobox which implements a history like a unix shell. You can navigate through all the items by using the Up or Down arrows (configurable of course). Additionally, weighted completion is available. So you should load and save the completion list to preserve the weighting between sessions.

 KHistoryCombo ( QWidget *parent = 0L, const char *name = 0L )


Constructs a "read-write" combobox. A read-only history combobox doesn't make much sense, so it is only available as read-write. Completion will be used automatically for the items in the combo.

The insertion-policy is set to NoInsertion, you have to add the items yourself via the slot addToHistory. If you want every item added, use

 connect( combo, SIGNAL( activated( const QString& )),
          combo, SLOT( addToHistory( const QString& )));

Use QComboBox::setMaxCount() to limit the history.

parent the parent object of this widget. name the name of this widget.

 KHistoryCombo ( bool useCompletion, QWidget *parent = 0L, const char *name = 0L )


Same as the previous constructor, but additionally has the option to specify whether you want to let KHistoryCombo handle completion or not. If set to true, KHistoryCombo will sync the completion to the contents of the combobox.

 ~KHistoryCombo ()


Destructs the combo, the completion-object and the pixmap-provider

inline void  setHistoryItems ( QStringList items )


Inserts items into the combobox. items might get truncated if it is longer than maxCount()

See also: historyItems

void  setHistoryItems ( QStringList items, bool setCompletionList )


Inserts items into the combobox. items might get truncated if it is longer than maxCount()

Set setCompletionList to true, if you don't have a list of completions. This tells KHistoryCombo to use all the items for the completion object as well. You won't have the benefit of weighted completion though, so normally you should do something like

 KConfig *config = kapp->config();
 QStringList list;

 // load the history and completion list after creating the history combo
 list = config->readListEntry( "Completion list" );
 combo->completionObject()->setItems( list );
 list = config->readListEntry( "History list" );
 combo->setHistoryItems( list );


 // save the history and completion list when the history combo is
 // destroyed
 list = combo->completionObject()->items()
 config->writeEntry( "Completion list", list );
 list = combo->historyItems();
 config->writeEntry( "History list", list );

Be sure to use different names for saving with KConfig if you have more than one KHistoryCombo.

Note: When setCompletionList is true, the items are inserted into the KCompletion object with mode KCompletion::Insertion and the mode is set to KCompletion::Weighted afterwards.

See also: historyItems, setItems, items, KCompletion::items

QStringList  historyItems ()



Returns the list of history items. Empty, when this is not a read-write combobox.

See also: setHistoryItems

bool  removeFromHistory ( const QString& item )


Remove all items named item.

Returns: true if at least one item was removed.

See also: addToHistory

void  setPixmapProvider ( KPixmapProvider *prov )


Sets a pixmap provider, so that items in the combobox can have a pixmap. KPixmapProvider is just an abstract class with the one pure virtual method KPixmapProvider::pixmapFor(). This method is called whenever an item is added to the KHistoryComboBox. Implement it to return your own custom pixmaps, or use the KURLPixmapProvider from libkio, which uses KMimeType::pixmapForURL to resolve icons.

Set prov to 0L if you want to disable pixmaps. Default no pixmaps.

See also: pixmapProvider

KPixmapProvider *  pixmapProvider ()



Returns: the current pixmap provider.

See also: setPixmapProvider, KPixmapProvider

void  reset ()


Resets the current position of the up/down history. Call this when you manually call setCurrentItem() or clearEdit().

void  addToHistory ( const QString& item )



Adds an item to the end of the history list and to the completion list. If maxCount() is reached, the first item of the list will be removed.

If the last inserted item is the same as item, it will not be inserted again.

If duplicatesEnabled() is false, any equal existing item will be removed before item is added.

Note: By using this method and not the Q and KComboBox insertItem() methods, you make sure that the combobox stays in sync with the completion. It would be annoying if completion would give an item not in the combobox, and vice versa.

See also: removeFromHistory, setDuplicatesEnabled

void  clearHistory ()



Clears the history and the completion list.

void  cleared ()



Emitted when the history was cleared by the entry in the popup menu.

void  keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * )


[protected virtual]

Handling key-events, the shortcuts to rotate the items.

Reimplemented from KComboBox.

void  insertItems ( const QStringList& items )



Inserts items into the combo, honouring pixmapProvider() Does not update the completionObject.

Note: duplicatesEnabled() is not honored here.

Called from setHistoryItems() and setPixmapProvider()

bool  useCompletion ()



Returns: if we can modify the completion object or not.