This class handles segmentation-faults. By default it displays a message-box saying the application crashed. This default can be overridden by setting a custom crash handler with setCrashHandler(). If a function is specified with setEmergencySaveFunction() it will be called by the default crash handler, giving the application a chance to save its data.
void defaultCrashHandler (int signal)
| defaultCrashHandler |
typedef void (*HandlerType) (int) | (*HandlerType) |
void setCrashHandler (HandlerType handler = defaultCrashHandler)
| setCrashHandler |
Install a function to be called in case a SIGSEGV is caught.
HandlerType | handler can be one of |
HandlerType crashHandler ()
| crashHandler |
Returns the installed crash handler
void setEmergencySaveFunction (HandlerType saveFunction = (HandlerType)0)
| setEmergencySaveFunction |
Installs a function which should try to save the applications data. It is the crash handler´s responsibility to call this function. Therefore, if no crash handler is set, the default crash handler is installed to ensure the save function is called.
HandlerType emergencySaveFunction ()
| emergencySaveFunction |
Return the currently set emergency save function.
void setApplicationPath (QString path)
| setApplicationPath |
Sets the application path path
which should be passed to
Dr. Konqi, our nice crash display application.
void setApplicationName (QString name)
| setApplicationName |
Sets the application name name
which should be passed to
Dr. Konqi, our nice crash display application.
static HandlerType _crashHandler | _crashHandler |
static HandlerType _emergencySaveFunction | _emergencySaveFunction |
Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:49:00 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53. |