This file defines portable defines for large file support. To use this you must compile your code with _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE defined and use the KDE_xxx defines instead of the normal C functions and structures.
Please note that not every platform supports 64 bit file structures, in that case the normal 32 bit functions will be used.
KDE makes use of the "Transitional Extensions" since we can not ensure that all modules and libraries used by KDE will be compiled with 64-bit support. (A.3.2.3 Mixed API and Compile Environments within a Single Process)
See also: http://www.suse.de/~aj/linux_lfs.html, http://ftp.sas.com/standards/large.file/xopen/x_open.05Mar96.html
KInstance ( const QCString& instanceName)
| KInstance |
instanceName | the name of the instance |
KInstance ( const KAboutData * aboutData )
| KInstance |
When building a KInstance that is not your KApplication, make sure that the KAboutData and the KInstance have the same life time. You have to destroy both, since the instance doesn't own the about data. Don't build a KAboutData on the stack in this case ! Building a KAboutData on the stack is only ok for usage with KCmdLineArgs and KApplication (not destroyed until the app exits).
aboutData | data about this instance (see KAboutData) |
KInstance ( KInstance* src )
| KInstance |
~KInstance ()
| ~KInstance |
KStandardDirs * dirs ()
| dirs |
Returns the application standard dirs object.
KConfig * config ()
| config |
Returns the general config object.
KIconLoader * iconLoader ()
| iconLoader |
Returns an iconloader object.
void newIconLoader ()
| newIconLoader |
Re-allocate the global iconloader.
KCharsets * charsets ()
| charsets |
const KAboutData * aboutData ()
| aboutData |
Returns the about data of this instance Warning, can be 0L
QCString instanceName ()
| instanceName |
Returns: the instance name
KMimeSourceFactory* mimeSourceFactory ()
| mimeSourceFactory |
Mainly added for API completeness and future extensibility.
Returns: the KMimeSourceFactory set as default for this application.
KInstance ( const KInstance& )
| KInstance |
Copy Constructor is not allowed
void virtual_hook ( int id, void* data )
| virtual_hook |
[protected virtual]
Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:49:00 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53. |