Common API for root window properties/protocols.
The NETRootInfo class provides a common API for clients and window managers to set/read/change properties on the root window as defined by the NET Window Manager Specification..
See also: NET
NETRootInfo (Display *display, Window supportWindow, const char *wmName,
unsigned long properties, int screen = -1, bool doActivate = true)
| NETRootInfo |
Window Managers should use this constructor to create a NETRootInfo object, which will be used to set/update information stored on the rootWindow. The application role is automatically set to WindowManager when using this constructor.
Taken arguments:
NETRootInfo (Display *display, unsigned long properties, int screen = -1,
bool doActivate = true)
| NETRootInfo |
Clients should use this constructor to create a NETRootInfo object, which will be used to query information set on the root window. The application role is automatically set to Client when using this constructor.
Taken arguments:
NETRootInfo (const NETRootInfo &rootinfo)
| NETRootInfo |
Creates a shared copy of the specified NETRootInfo object.
~NETRootInfo ()
| ~NETRootInfo |
Destroys the NETRootInfo object.
Display * x11Display ()
| x11Display |
Returns the X11 Display struct used.
Window rootWindow ()
| rootWindow |
Returns the Window id of the rootWindow.
Window supportWindow ()
| supportWindow |
Returns the Window id of the supportWindow.
const char * wmName ()
| wmName |
Returns the name of the Window Manager.
int screenNumber ()
| screenNumber |
Returns the screenNumber.
unsigned long supported ()
| supported |
Returns an OR'ed list of supported protocols and properties.
const Window * clientList ()
| clientList |
Returns an array of Window id's, which contain all managed windows.
See also: clientListCount
int clientListCount ()
| clientListCount |
Returns the number of managed windows in clientList array.
const Window * clientListStacking ()
| clientListStacking |
Returns an array of Window id's, which contain all managed windows in stacking order.
int clientListStackingCount ()
| clientListStackingCount |
Returns the number of managed windows in the clientListStacking array.
const Window * kdeSystemTrayWindows ()
| kdeSystemTrayWindows |
Returns an array of Window id's, which contain all KDE system tray windows.
int kdeSystemTrayWindowsCount ()
| kdeSystemTrayWindowsCount |
Returns the number of windows in the kdeSystemTrayWindows array.
NETSize desktopGeometry (int desktop)
| desktopGeometry |
Returns the desktop geometry size.
The desktop argument is ignored. Early drafts of the NET WM Specification were unclear about the semantics of this property.
NETPoint desktopViewport (int desktop)
| desktopViewport |
Returns the viewport of the specified desktop.
NETRect workArea (int desktop)
| workArea |
Returns the workArea for the specified desktop.
const char * desktopName (int desktop)
| desktopName |
Returns the name for the specified desktop.
const Window * virtualRoots ( )
| virtualRoots |
Returns an array of Window id's, which contain the virtual root windows.
int virtualRootsCount ()
| virtualRootsCount |
Returns the number of window in the virtualRoots array.
int numberOfDesktops ()
| numberOfDesktops |
Returns the number of desktops.
int currentDesktop ()
| currentDesktop |
Returns the current desktop.
Window activeWindow ()
| activeWindow |
Returns the active (focused) window.
void activate ()
| activate |
Window Managers must call this after creating the NETRootInfo object, and before using any other method in the class. This method sets initial data on the root window and does other post-construction duties.
Clients must also call this after creating the object to do an initial data read/update.
void setClientList (Window *windows, unsigned int count)
| setClientList |
Sets the list of managed windows on the Root/Desktop window.
Taken arguments:
void setClientListStacking (Window *windows, unsigned int count)
| setClientListStacking |
Sets the list of managed windows in stacking order on the Root/Desktop window.
Taken arguments:
void setKDESystemTrayWindows (Window *windows, unsigned int count)
| setKDESystemTrayWindows |
Sets the list of KDE system tray windows on the root window.
Taken arguments:
void setCurrentDesktop (int desktop)
| setCurrentDesktop |
Sets the current desktop to the specified desktop.
void setDesktopGeometry (int desktop, const NETSize &geometry)
| setDesktopGeometry |
Sets the desktop geometry to the specified geometry.
The desktop argument is ignored. Early drafts of the NET WM Specification were unclear about the semantics of this property.
void setDesktopViewport (int desktop, const NETPoint &viewport)
| setDesktopViewport |
Sets the viewport for the current desktop to the specified point.
The desktop argument is ignored. Early drafts of the NET WM Specification were unclear about the semantics of this property.
void setNumberOfDesktops (int numberOfDesktops)
| setNumberOfDesktops |
Sets the number of desktops the the specified number.
void setDesktopName (int desktop, const char *desktopName)
| setDesktopName |
Sets the name of the specified desktop.
void setActiveWindow (Window window)
| setActiveWindow |
Sets the active (focused) window the specified window.
void setWorkArea (int desktop, const NETRect &workArea)
| setWorkArea |
Sets the workarea for the specified desktop
void setVirtualRoots (Window *windows, unsigned int count)
| setVirtualRoots |
Sets the list of virtual root windows on the root window.
Taken arguments:
const NETRootInfo & operator= (const NETRootInfo &rootinfo)
| operator= |
Assignment operator. Ensures that the shared data reference counts are correct.
void closeWindowRequest (Window window)
| closeWindowRequest |
Clients (such as pagers/taskbars) that wish to close a window should call this function. This will send a request to the Window Manager, which usually can usually decide how to react to such requests.
void moveResizeRequest (Window window, int x_root, int y_root,
Direction direction)
| moveResizeRequest |
Clients (such as pagers/taskbars) that wish to start a WMMoveResize (where the window manager controls the resize/movement) should call this function. This will send a request to the Window Manager.
Taken arguments:
unsigned long event (XEvent *event)
| event |
This function takes the passed XEvent and returns an OR'ed list of NETRootInfo properties that have changed. The new information will be read immediately by the class.
void addClient (Window)
| addClient |
[protected virtual]
A Client should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when a window has been added.
void removeClient (Window)
| removeClient |
[protected virtual]
A Client should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when a window has been removed.
void addSystemTrayWin (Window)
| addSystemTrayWin |
[protected virtual]
A Client should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when a system tray window has been added. This is a KDE 2.0 extension.
void removeSystemTrayWin (Window)
| removeSystemTrayWin |
[protected virtual]
A Client should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when a system tray window has been removed. This is a KDE 2.0 extension.
void changeNumberOfDesktops (int)
| changeNumberOfDesktops |
[protected virtual]
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when a Client made a request to change the number of desktops.
void changeDesktopGeometry (int, const NETSize &)
| changeDesktopGeometry |
[protected virtual]
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when a Client made a request to change the specified desktop geometry.
void changeDesktopViewport (int, const NETPoint &)
| changeDesktopViewport |
[protected virtual]
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when a Client made a request to change the specified desktop viewport.
void changeCurrentDesktop (int)
| changeCurrentDesktop |
[protected virtual]
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when a Client made a request to change the current desktop.
void changeActiveWindow (Window)
| changeActiveWindow |
[protected virtual]
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when a Client made a request to change the active (focused) window.
void closeWindow (Window)
| closeWindow |
[protected virtual]
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when a Client made a request to close a window.
void moveResize (Window, int, int, unsigned long)
| moveResize |
[protected virtual]
A Window Manager should subclass NETRootInfo and reimplement this function when it wants to know when a Client made a request to start a move/resize.
Taken arguments:
void virtual_hook ( int id, void* data )
| virtual_hook |
[protected virtual]