class KPasswordDialog

A password input dialog. More...

Definition#include <kpassdlg.h>
InheritsKDialogBase [public ]
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Types

Public Methods

Public Static Methods

Protected Methods

Protected Slots

Detailed Description

This dialog asks the user to enter a password. The functions you're probably interested in are the static methods, getPassword() and getNewPassword().

Usage example

 QCString password;
 int result = KPasswordDialog::getPassword(password, i18n("Password"));
 if (result == KPasswordDialog::Accepted)

Security notes

Keeping passwords in memory can be a potential security hole. You should handle this situation with care.

enum Types { Password, /** }


The user is asked to enter a password.

 KPasswordDialog (Types type, bool enableKeep, int extraBttn, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0)


Constructs a password dialog.

type: if NewPassword is given here, the dialog contains two input fields, so that the user must confirm his password and possible typos are detected immediately.
enableKeep: if true, a check box is shown in the dialog which allows the user to keep his password input for later.
extraBttn: allows to show additional buttons, KDialogBase.

 KPasswordDialog (int type, QString prompt, bool enableKeep=false, int extraBttn=0)


possibility to specify a parent. May be removed in KDE 4.0

 ~KPasswordDialog ()



Destructs the password dialog.

void  setPrompt (QString prompt)


Sets the password prompt.

QString  prompt ()



Returns the password prompt.

void  addLine (QString key, QString value)


Adds a line of information to the dialog.

const char * password ()



Returns the password entered. The memory is freed in the destructor, so you should make a copy.

bool  keep ()



Returns true if the user wants to keep the password.

int  getPassword (QCString &password, QString prompt, int *keep=0L)



Pops up the dialog, asks the user for a password, and returns it.

passwordThe password is returned in this reference parameter.
promptA prompt for the password. This can be a few lines of information. The text is word broken to fit nicely in the dialog.
keepEnable/disable a checkbox controlling password keeping. If you pass a null pointer, or a pointer to the value 0, the checkbox is not shown. If you pass a pointer to a nonzero value, the checkbox is shown and the result is stored in *keep.

Returns: Result code: Accepted or Rejected.

int  getNewPassword (QCString &password, QString prompt)



Pops up the dialog, asks the user for a password and returns it. The user has to enter the password twice to make sure it was entered correctly.

passwordThe password is returned in this reference parameter.
promptA prompt for the password. This can be a few lines of information. The text is word broken to fit nicely in the dialog.

Returns: Result code: Accepted or Rejected.

void  disableCoreDumps ()



Static helper funtion that disables core dumps.

void  slotOk ()


[protected slots slot]

Reimplemented from KDialogBase.

void  slotCancel ()


[protected slots slot]

Reimplemented from KDialogBase.

void  slotKeep (bool)


[protected slots slot]

bool  checkPassword (const char *)


[protected virtual]

Virtual function that can be overridden to provide password checking in derived classes. It should return true if the password is valid, false otherwise.

void  virtual_hook ( int id, void* data )


[protected virtual]

Reimplemented from KDialogBase.