QStringList supportedKeys ()
| supportedKeys |
Use this method to get a list of keys in the specified group that the plugin knows about. No variable keys. For a group that doesn't support variable keys, all keys that this group may have are returned. For a group that does support them, the non-variable ones are returned. See KFileMetaInfo about variable keys
Returns: the list of keys supported for this mimetype
const QString& name ()
| name |
Use this method to get the name of the group. This string doesn't depend on the user's locale settings
Returns: the group name
const QString& translatedName ()
| translatedName |
Use this method to get the string to display to the user as group name. This may be different to name() and it returns the name in the user's language
Returns: the translated group name
const ItemInfo * itemInfo ( const QString& key )
| itemInfo |
A group object can contains sevaral item objects (of which you can get the names with supportedKeys() . With this method, you can get one of those item objects. See ItemInfo
Returns: a pointer to the item info. Don't delete this object!
uint attributes ()
| attributes |
Get the attributes of this group (see Attributes)
Returns: the attributes
bool supportsVariableKeys ()
| supportsVariableKeys |
Returns: true if this group supports adding or removing arbitrary keys, false if not.
const ItemInfo* variableItemInfo ( )
| variableItemInfo |
If the group supports variable keys, you can query their item info with this method. The main reason for this is that you can get the type and attributes of variable keys.
Returns: a pointer to the item info. Don't delete this object!
Generated by: dfaure on faure on Tue Apr 16 08:49:48 2002, using kdoc 2.0a53. |