Charset font and encoder/decoder handling.
This is needed, because Qt's font matching algorithm gives the font family a higher priority than the charset. For many applications this is not acceptable, since it can totally obscure the output, in languages which use non iso-8859-1 charsets.
KCharsets ()
| KCharsets |
Protected constructor. If you need the kcharsets object, use KGlobal::charsets() instead.
~KCharsets ()
| ~KCharsets |
QTextCodec * codecForName (const QString &name)
| codecForName |
Provided for compatibility.
name | the name of the codec |
Returns: the QTextCodec. If the desired codec could not be found, it returns a default (Latin-1) codec
QTextCodec * codecForName (const QString &n, bool &ok)
| codecForName |
Tries to find a QTextCodec to convert the given encoding from and to
Unicode. If no codec could be found the latin1 codec will be returned an
will be set to false.
Returns: the QTextCodec. If the desired codec could not be found, it returns a default (Latin-1) codec
QChar fromEntity (const QString &str)
| fromEntity |
Converts an entity to a character. The string must contain only the entity without the trailing ';'.
str | the entity |
Returns: QChar::null if the entity could not be decoded.
QChar fromEntity (const QString &str, int &len)
| fromEntity |
Overloaded member function. Tries to find an entity in the QString str.
str | the string containing entified |
len | is a return value, that gives the length of the decoded entity. |
Returns: a decoded entity if one could be found, QChar::null otherwise
QString toEntity (const QChar &ch)
| toEntity |
Converts a QChar to an entity. The returned string does already contain the leading '&' and the trailing ';'.
ch | the char to convert |
Returns: the entity
QString resolveEntities ( const QString &text )
| resolveEntities |
Scans the given string for entities (like &) and resolves them using fromEntity.
text | the string containing the entities |
Returns: the clean string
QStringList availableEncodingNames ()
| availableEncodingNames |
Lists all available encodings as names.
Returns: the list of all encodings
QStringList descriptiveEncodingNames ()
| descriptiveEncodingNames |
Lists the available encoding names together with a more descriptive language.
Returns: the list of descriptive encoding names
QStringList languages ()
| languages |
Lists all languages.
Returns: a list of all languages
QStringList encodingsForLanguage ( const QString &language )
| encodingsForLanguage |
Lists all available encodings for language name 'language'.
language | to language to search for |
Returns: the list of encodings for the language
QString languageForEncoding ( const QString &encoding )
| languageForEncoding |
Returns the language the encoding is used for.
encoding | the encoding for the language |
Returns: the language of the encoding
QString encodingForName ( const QString &descriptiveName )
| encodingForName |
Returns the encoding for a string obtained with descriptiveEncodingNames().
the | descriptive name for the encoding |
Returns: the name of the encoding