kdecore Annotated List

Annotated List
CodeMod (internal)
KAboutDataHolds information needed by the "About" box and other classes.
KAboutPerson This structure is used to store information about a person or developer.
KAboutTranslator This structure is used to store information about a translator.
KAccelConfigurable shortcut support for widgets.
KAccelActionAn accelerator action. (internal)
KAccelActionsA collection of accelerator actions. (internal)
KAccelBaseConfigurable key binding support. (internal)
KAccelPrivate (internal)
KAccelShortcutList KShortcutList implementation to access KAccel and KGlobalAccel lists.
KAddressInfo Contains information about an internet address.
KAppDCOPInterfaceDCOP interface to KApplication.
KApplicationControls and provides information to all KDE applications.
KAsyncIOAsynchronous I/O support.
KAudioPlayer This class provides one-shot-and-forget audio playing.
KBufferedIOBuffered I/O.
KCatalogue This class abstracts a gettext message catalogue.
KCharsets Charset font and encoder/decoder handling.
KCheckAccelerators (internal)
KClipboardSynchronizerAllowing to automatically synchronize the X11 Clipboard and Selection buffers.
KCmdLineArgsA class for command-line argument handling.
KCmdLineOptionsStructure that holds command line options.
KCodecsA collection of commonly used encoding and decoding algorithms.
KCompTreeNode A helper class for KCompletion. (internal)
KCompTreeNodeList (internal)
KCompletionA generic class for completing QStrings.
KCompletionBaseAn abstract class for adding text completion support to widgets.
KCompletionMatchesList for keeping matches returned from KCompletion.
KCompletionMatchesWrapper (internal)
KConfigKDE Configuration Management class.
KConfigBackEndKDE Configuration file loading/saving abstract base class.
KConfigBaseKDE Configuration Management abstract base class.
KConfigGroupSaverHelper class for easier use of KConfig/KSimpleConfig groups.
KConfigINIBackEnd Class for KDE INI-style configuration file loading/saving.
KCrash This class handles segmentation-faults.
KDCOPPropertyProxy The KDCOPPropertyProxy class provides an easy way to publish Qt properties of a QObject through DCOP.
KDE Namespace for general KDE functions.
KDesktopFileKDE Desktop File Management class.
KEntry map/dict/list node entry. (internal)
KEntryKey key structure holding both the actual key and the the group to which it belongs. (internal)
KExtendedSocketan extended socket.
KExtendedSocketLookupinternal lookup class used by KExtendedSocket. (internal)
KGenericFactory This template provides a generic implementation of a KLibFactory , for use with shared library components.
KGlobal Access to the KDE global objects.
KGlobalAccelConfigurable global shortcut support.
KGlobalAccelPrivate (internal)
KGlobalSettings Access the KDE global configuration.
KGlobalSettings::KMouseSettings Describes the mouse settings.
KIPC This class implements a very simple IPC mechanism for KDE.
KIcon One icon as found by KIconTheme.
KIconEffect Applies effects to icons.
KIconLoader Iconloader for KDE.
KIconTheme Class to use/access icon themes in KDE.
KInetSocketAddressan Internet socket address.
KInstance This file defines portable defines for large file support.
KKeyNative Representation of a key in the format native of the windowing system (eg.
KKeySequence A KKeySequence object holds a sequence of up to 4 keys.
KKeyServer A collection of functions for the conversion of key presses and their modifiers from the window system (X11) specific format to the generic format and vice-versa.
KKeyServer::Key Represents a key press.
KKeyServer::Sym Represents a key symbol.
KKeyServer::Variations TODO: please document this class
KLibFactory If you develop a library that is to be loaded dynamically at runtime, then you should return a pointer to your factory.
KLibLoader The KLibLoader allows you to load libraries dynamically at runtime.
KLibraryRepresents a dynamically loaded library.
KLocaleclass for supporting locale settings and national language.
KMD5An adapted C++ implementation of RSA Data Securities MD5 algorithm.
KMimeSourceFactory An extension to QMimeSourceFactory that uses KIconLoader to find images.
KMultipleDrag This class makes it easy for applications to provide a drag object (for drag-n-drop or for clipboard) that has several representations of the same data, under different formats.
KNotifyClient This namespace provides a method for issuing events to a KNotifyServer call KNotifyClient::event("eventname"); to issue it.
KNotifyClient::InstanceEnables KNotifyClient to use a different KInstance.
KPalette Class for handling Palettes.
KPixmapProvideran abstract interface for looking up icons.
KProcIOA slightly simpler interface to KProcess.
KProcess Child process invocation, monitoring and control.
KProcessControllerUsed internally by KProcess. (internal)
KRFCDate The KRFCDate class contains functions related to the parsing of dates.
KRandomSequence A class to create a pseudo-random sequence
KRegExp Regular expression (regexp) matching with back-references.
KRegExpPrivate Used internally by KRegExp. (internal)
KRootProp Access KDE desktop resources stored on the root window.
KSaveFile The KSaveFile class has been made to write out changes to an existing file atomically.
KServerSocketMonitors a port for incoming TCP/IP connections. (deprecated)
KSessionManagedHighlevel access to session management.
KShared Reference counting for shared objects.
KSharedPtr Can be used to control the lifetime of an object that has derived KShared.
KShellProcessA class derived from KProcess to start child processes through a shell.
KShortcutListBase class for accessing accelerator lists.
KShortcutMenu (internal)
KSimpleConfigKDE Configuration Management class with deletion ability.
KSocketA TCP/IP client socket.
KSocketAddressa socket address.
KSocksAccess to a SOCKS Proxy.
KSortableItem KSortableItem is a QPair that provides several operators for sorting.
KSortableValueList KSortableValueList is a special QValueList for KSortableItem.
KStandardDirsSite-independent access to standard KDE directories.
KStartupInfo Class for manipulating the application startup notification.
KStartupInfoData Class representing data about an application startup notification.
KStartupInfoId Class representing an identification of application startup notification.
KStaticDeleter Little helper class to clean up static objects that are held as pointer.
KStaticDeleterBase Static deleters are used to manage static resources.
KStdAccel Convenient methods for access to the common accelerator keys in the key configuration.
KStdAccel::ShortcutList KShortcutList implementation that accesses KStdAccel actions.
KStringHandlerClass for manipulating words and sentences in strings.
KSycoca (internal)
KSycocaDict (internal)
KSycocaEntry Base class for all Sycoca entries. (internal)
KSycocaFactory (internal)
KSycocaFactoryList This, instead of a typedef, allows to declare "class . (internal)
KTempFile The KTempFile class creates and opens a unique file for temporary use.
KTypeList The building block of typelists of any length.
KTypeListLength A class template for determining the length of a typelist.
KURL Represents and parses a URL.
KURL::List KURL::List is a QValueList that contains KURLs with a few convenience methods.
KURLDrag This class is to be used instead of QUriDrag when using KURL.
KUniqueApplication Maintains only a single instance of a running application at a time.
KUnixSocketAddressa Unix socket address.
KVMAllocator KVMAllocator is a virtual memory allocator.
KWinClass for interaction with the window manager.
KWin::Info Information about a window.
KWinModuleBase class for KDE Window Manager modules.
KXMessages Sending string messages to other applications using the X Client Messages.
KZoneAllocator Memory allocator for large groups of small objects.
NET Base namespace class.
NETIcon Simple icon class for NET classes.
NETPoint Simple point class for NET classes.
NETRect Simple rectangle class for NET classes.
NETRootInfo Common API for root window properties/protocols.
NETRootInfoPrivate Private data for the NETRootInfo class. (internal)
NETSize Simple size class for NET classes.
NETStrut Simple strut class for NET classes.
NETWinInfo Common API for application window properties/protocols.
NETWinInfoPrivate Private data for the NETWinInfo class. (internal)
RArray Resizable array class. (internal)
kdbgstream kdbgstream is a text stream that allows you to print debug messages.
kde_addrinfo (internal)
kde_in6_addr An IPv6 address. (internal)
kde_sockaddr_in6 An IPv6 socket address This is taken from RFC 2553. (internal)
kndbgstream kndbgstream is a dummy variant of kdbgstream.

Generated by: caleb on tcdevel on Tue Jan 28 12:54:04 2003, using kdoc $.