class NET

Base namespace class. More...

Definition#include <netwm_def.h>
Inherited byNETRootInfo, NETWinInfo
List of all Methods
Annotated List

Public Types

Detailed Description

Base namespace class.

The NET API is an implementation of the NET Window Manager Specification.

This class is the base class for the NETRootInfo and NETWinInfo classes, which are used to retrieve and modify the properties of windows. To keep the namespace relatively clean, all enums are defined here.

See also:

enum Role { Client, WindowManager }


Application role. This is used internally to determine how several action should be performed (if at all).

enum WindowType { Unknown = -1, Normal = 0, Desktop = 1, Dock = 2, Toolbar = 3, Menu = 4, Dialog = 5, Override = 6, TopMenu = 7, Tool = Toolbar }


Window type.

enum State { Modal = 1<<0, Sticky = 1<<1, MaxVert = 1<<2, MaxHoriz = 1<<3, Max = MaxVert | MaxHoriz, Shaded = 1<<4, SkipTaskbar = 1<<5, StaysOnTop = 1<<6, SkipPager = 1<<7 }


Window state.

enum Direction { TopLeft = 0, Top = 1, TopRight = 2, Right = 3, BottomRight = 4, Bottom = 5, BottomLeft = 6, Left = 7, Move = 8 }


Direction for WMMoveResize.

When a client wants the Window Manager to start a WMMoveResize, it should specify one of:

enum MappingState { Visible, Withdrawn, Iconic }


Client window mapping state. The class automatically watches the mapping state of the client windows, and uses the mapping state to determine how to set/change different properties.

enum Property { Supported = 1<<0, ClientList = 1<<1, ClientListStacking = 1<<2, NumberOfDesktops = 1<<3, DesktopGeometry = 1<<4, DesktopViewport = 1<<5, CurrentDesktop = 1<<6, DesktopNames = 1<<7, ActiveWindow = 1<<8, WorkArea = 1<<9, SupportingWMCheck = 1<<10, VirtualRoots = 1<<11, KDESystemTrayWindows = 1<<12, CloseWindow = 1<<13, WMMoveResize = 1<<14, WMName = 1<<15, WMVisibleName = 1<<16, WMDesktop = 1<<17, WMWindowType = 1<<18, WMState = 1<<19, WMStrut = 1<<20, WMIconGeometry = 1<<21, WMIcon = 1<<22, WMPid = 1<<23, WMHandledIcons = 1<<24, WMPing = 1<<25, WMKDESystemTrayWinFor = 1<<26, XAWMState = 1<<27, WMKDEFrameStrut = 1<<28, WMIconName = 1<<29, WMVisibleIconName = 1<<30, WMGeometry = 1<<31 }


Supported properties. Clients and Window Managers must define which properties/protocols it wants to support.

Root/Desktop window properties and protocols:

Client window properties and protocols:

ICCCM properties (provided for convenience):

Extended KDE protocols and properties (NOT STANDARD):

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