This class is used to store information about a program. It can store such values as version number, program name, home page, email address for bug reporting, multiple authors and contributors (using KAboutPerson), license and copyright information.
Currently, the values set here are shown by the "About" box (see KAboutDialog), used by the bug report dialog (see KBugReport), and by the help shown on command line (see KCmdLineArgs).
enum LicenseKey { License_Custom = -2, License_File = -1, License_Unknown = 0, License_GPL = 1, License_GPL_V2 = 1, License_LGPL = 2, License_LGPL_V2 = 2, License_BSD = 3, License_Artistic = 4, License_QPL = 5, License_QPL_V1_0 = 5 } | LicenseKey |
Descibes the license of the software.
KAboutData ( const char *appName,
const char *programName,
const char *version,
const char *shortDescription = 0,
int licenseType = License_Unknown,
const char *copyrightStatement = 0,
const char *text = 0,
const char *homePageAddress = 0,
const char *bugsEmailAddress = "submit@bugs.kde.org"
| KAboutData |
appName | The program name used internally. Example: "kedit" |
programName | A displayable program name string. This string should be marked for translation. Example: I18N_NOOP("KEdit") |
version | The program version string. |
shortDescription | A short description of what the program does. This string should be marked for translation. Example: I18N_NOOP("A simple text editor.") |
licenseType | The license identifier. Use setLicenseText if you use a license not predefined here. |
copyrightStatement | A copyright statement, that can look like this: "(c) 1999-2000, Name". The string specified here is not modified in any manner. The author information from addAuthor is not used. |
text | Some free form text, that can contain any kind of information. The text can contain newlines. This string should be marked for translation. |
homePageAddress | The program homepage string. Start the address with "http://". "http://some.domain" is is correct, "some.domain" is not. |
bugsEmailAddress | The bug report email address string. This defaults to the kde.org bug system. |
~KAboutData ()
| ~KAboutData |
void addAuthor ( const char *name,
const char *task=0,
const char *emailAddress=0,
const char *webAddress=0 )
| addAuthor |
Defines an author. You can call this function as many times you need. Each entry is appended to a list. The person in the first entry is assumed to be the leader of the project.
name | The developer's name in UTF-8 encoding. |
task | What the person is responsible for. This text can contain newlines. It should be marked for translation like this: I18N_NOOP("Task description..."). Can be 0. |
emailAddress | An Email address where the person can be reached. Can be 0. |
webAddress | The person's homepage or a relevant link. Start the address with "http://". "http://some.domain" is is correct, "some.domain" is not. Can be 0. |
void addCredit ( const char *name,
const char *task=0,
const char *emailAddress=0,
const char *webAddress=0 )
| addCredit |
Defines a person that deserves credit. You can call this function as many times you need. Each entry is appended to a list.
name | The person's name in UTF-8 encoding. |
task | What the person has done to deserve the honor. The text can contain newlines. It should be marked for translation like this: I18N_NOOP("Task description...") Can be 0. |
emailAddress | An Email address when the person can be reached. Can be 0. |
webAddress | The person's homepage or a relevant link. Start the address with "http://". "http://some.domain" is is correct, "some.domain" is not. Can be 0. |
void setTranslator (const char* name, const char* emailAddress)
| setTranslator |
Sets the name of the translator of the gui. Since this depends on the language, just use a dummy text marked for translation.
For example:
setTranslator(I18N_NOOP("_: NAME OF TRANSLATORS\nYour names") ,I18N_NOOP("_: EMAIL OF TRANSLATORS\nYour emails")); |
The translator can then translate this dummy text with his name or with a list of names separated with ",". If there is no translation or the application is used with the default language, this function call is ignored.
Note: If you are using the default KDE automake environment, there is no need to use this function, because the two default strings above are added to the applications po file automatically.
name | the name of the translator |
emailAddress | the email address of the translator |
See also: KAboutTranslator
void setLicenseText ( const char *license )
| setLicenseText |
Defines a licence text.
The text will be translated if it got marked for translations with the I18N_NOOP() macro.
setLicenseText( I18N_NOOP("This is my license")); |
NOTE: No copy of the text is made.
license | The license text in utf8 encoding. |
void setLicenseTextFile ( const QString &file )
| setLicenseTextFile |
Defines a licence text.
file | File containing the license text. |
const char * appName ()
| appName |
Returns the application's internal name.
Returns: the internal program name.
QString programName ()
| programName |
Returns the translated program name.
Returns: the program name (translated).
QString version ()
| version |
Returns the program's version.
Returns: the version string.
QString shortDescription ()
| shortDescription |
Returns a short, translated description.
Returns: the short description (translated). Can be QString::null if not set.
QString homepage ()
| homepage |
Returns the application homepage.
Returns: the application homepage URL. Can be QString::null if not set.
QString bugAddress ()
| bugAddress |
Returns the email address for bugs.
Returns: the email address where to report bugs.
const QValueList<KAboutPerson> authors ()
| authors |
Returns a list of authors.
Returns: author information (list of persons).
const QValueList<KAboutPerson> credits ()
| credits |
Returns a list of persons who contributed.
Returns: credit information (list of persons).
const QValueList<KAboutTranslator> translators ()
| translators |
Returns a list of translators.
Returns: translators information (list of persons)
QString aboutTranslationTeam ()
| aboutTranslationTeam |
Returns a message about the translation team.
Returns: a message about the translation team
QString otherText ()
| otherText |
Returns a translated, free form text.
Returns: the free form text (translated). Can be QString::null if not set.
QString license ()
| license |
Returns the license. If the licenseType argument of the constructor has been used, any text defined by setLicenseText is ignored, and the standard text for the chosen license will be returned.
Returns: The license text.
QString copyrightStatement ()
| copyrightStatement |
Returns the copyright statement.
Returns: the copyright statement. Can be QString::null if not set.