KGlobalAccel allows you to have global accelerators that are independent of the focused window. Unlike KAccel it does not matter which window is currently active.
See also: KAccel, KAccelShortcutList, KKeyChooser, KKeyDialog
KGlobalAccel ( QObject* pParent, const char* psName = 0 )
| KGlobalAccel |
Creates a new KGlobalAccel object with the given pParent and psName.
pParent | the parent of the QObject |
psName | the name of the QObject |
~KGlobalAccel ()
| ~KGlobalAccel |
bool isEnabled ()
| isEnabled |
Checks whether the accelerators are enabled.
Returns: true if the KGlobalAccel is enabled
void setEnabled ( bool bEnabled )
| setEnabled |
Checks whether the accelerators are enabled.
Returns: true if the KGlobalAccel is enabled
KAccelAction* insert ( const QString& sAction, const QString& sLabel, const QString& sWhatsThis,
const KShortcut& cutDef3, const KShortcut& cutDef4,
const QObject* pObjSlot, const char* psMethodSlot,
bool bConfigurable = true, bool bEnabled = true )
| insert |
Create an accelerator action.
insert( "Do Something", i18n("Do Something"), i18n("This action allows you to do something really great with this program to " "the currently open document."), ALT+CTRL+Key_Q, KKey::QtWIN+CTRL+Key_Q, this, SLOT(slotDoSomething()) ); |
sAction | The internal name of the action. |
sLabel | An i18n'ized short description of the action displayed when using KKeyChooser to reconfigure the shortcuts. |
sWhatsThis | An extended description of the action. |
cutDef3 | The default 3 modifier scheme shortcut. |
cutDef4 | The default 4 modifier scheme shortcut. |
pObjSlot | Pointer to the slot object. |
psMethodSlot | Pointer to the slot method. |
bConfigurable | Allow the user to change this shortcut if set to 'true'. |
bEnabled | The action will be activated by the shortcut if set to 'true'. |
bool remove ( const QString& sAction )
| remove |
Removes the accelerator action identified by the name. Remember to also call updateConnections().
sAction | the name of the action to remove |
KAccelAction* insert ( const QString& sName, const QString& sLabel )
| insert |
Use this to insert a label into the action list. This will be displayed when the user configures shortcuts.
sName | of the of the action to insert |
sLabel | a user-readable (i18n!) name for the action |
Returns: the KAccelAction of the action
bool updateConnections ()
| updateConnections |
Updates the connections of the accelerations after changing them.
Returns: true if successful, false otherwise
const KShortcut& shortcut ( const QString& sAction )
| shortcut |
Set the shortcut to be associated with the action named by sAction
sAction | the name of the action |
Returns: the shortcut. If the action does not exist a null shortcut will be returned.
bool setShortcut ( const QString& sAction, const KShortcut &shortcut )
| setShortcut |
Set the shortcut to be associated with the action named by sAction
sAction | the name of the action |
shortcut | the shortcut for the action |
Returns: true if successful, false otherwise
bool setSlot ( const QString& sAction, const QObject* pObjSlot, const char* psMethodSlot )
| setSlot |
Set the slot to be called when the shortcut of the action named
by sAction
is pressed.
sAction | the name of the action |
pObjSlot | the receiver of the signal |
psMethodSlot | the slot to receive the signal |
Returns: true if successful, false otherwise
bool setEnabled ( const QString& sAction, bool bEnabled )
| setEnabled |
Enable or disable the action named by sAction
sAction | the name of the action |
bEnabled | true to enable, false to disable |
Returns: true if successful, false otherwise
const QString& configGroup ()
| configGroup |
Returns the configuration group that is used to save the accelerators.
Returns: the configuration group
See also: KConfig
void setConfigGroup ( const QString &cg )
| setConfigGroup |
Sets the configuration group that is used to save the accelerators.
cg | the configuration group |
See also: KConfig
bool readSettings ( KConfigBase* pConfig = 0 )
| readSettings |
Read all shortcuts from pConfig
, or (if pConfig
is zero) from the application's configuration file
pConfig | the configuration file to read from, or 0 for the application configuration file |
Returns: true if successful, false otherwise
bool writeSettings ( KConfigBase* pConfig = 0 )
| writeSettings |
Write the current shortcuts to pConfig
or (if pConfig
is zero) to the application's
configuration file.
pConfig | the configuration file to read from, or 0 for the application configuration file |
Returns: true if successful, false otherwise
bool writeSettings ( KConfigBase* pConfig, bool bGlobal )
| writeSettings |
Write the current shortcuts to pConfig
or (if pConfig
is zero) to the application's
configuration file. Alternatively, if bGlobal is true, then write
to kdeglobals.
pConfig | the configuration file to read from, or 0 for the application configuration file |
bGlobal | if true write the configuration to the kde global settings |
Returns: true if successful, false otherwise
bool useFourModifierKeys ()
| useFourModifierKeys |
void virtual_hook ( int id, void* data )
| virtual_hook |
[protected virtual]
Generated by: caleb on tcdevel on Tue Jan 28 12:54:04 2003, using kdoc $. |