Source: kprocio.h

Annotated List
/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
   Copyright (C) 1997 David Sweet 

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef KPROCIO_H_
#define KPROCIO_H_


class KProcIOPrivate;
class QTextCodec;

 * KProcIO
 * This class provides a slightly simpler interface to the communication
 *  functions provided by KProcess.  The simplifications are:
 *    @li The buffer for a write is copied to an internal KProcIO
 *        buffer and maintained/freed appropriately.  There is no need
 *        to be concerned with wroteStdin() signals _at_all_.
 *    @li readln() reads a line of data and buffers any leftovers.
 *    @li Conversion from/to unicode.
 * Basically, KProcIO gives you buffered I/O similar to fgets()/fputs().
 * Aside from these, and the fact that start() takes different
 * parameters, use this class just like @ref KProcess.
 * @version $Id: kprocio_h.html 203394 2003-01-28 18:16:22Z ctennis $
 * @author David Sweet
 * @short A slightly simpler interface to KProcess

class KProcIO : public KProcess
  KProcIO ( QTextCodec *codec = 0 );
   *  Starts the process. It will fail in the following cases:
   *  @li The process is already running.
   *  @li The command line argument list is empty.
   *  @li The starting of the process failed (could not fork).
   *  @li The executable was not found.
   *  @param runmode For a detailed description of the
   *  various run modes, have a look at the
   *  general description of the @ref KProcess class.
   *  @param includeStderr If true, data from both stdout and stderr is 
   *  listened to. If false, only stdout is listened to.
   *  @return true on success, false on error. 
  bool start (RunMode  runmode = NotifyOnExit, bool includeStderr = false);

   * Writes text to stdin of the process.
   * @param line Text to write.
   * @param appendnewline if true, a newline '\n' is appended.
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool writeStdin(const QString &line, bool appendnewline=TRUE);

   * Writes text to stdin of the process.
   * @param line Text to write.
   * @param appendnewline if true, a newline '\n' is appended.
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool writeStdin(const QCString &line, bool appendnewline);

   * Writes data to stdin of the process.
   * @param data Data to write.
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
  bool writeStdin(const QByteArray &data);

  //I like fputs better -- it's the same as writeStdin
   * This function just calls @ref writeStdin().
   * @param line Text to write.
   * @param AppendNewLine if true, a newline '\n' is appended.
   * @return true if successful, false otherwise
   * @deprecated
  bool fputs (const QString &line, bool AppendNewLine=TRUE)
    { return writeStdin(line, AppendNewLine); }

   * closes stdin after all data has been send.
  void closeWhenDone();

   * Reads a line of text (up to and including '\n').
   * Use readln() in response to a readReady() signal.
   * You may use it multiple times if more than one line of data is
   *  available.
   * Be sure to use ackRead() when you have finished processing the
   *  readReady() signal.  This informs KProcIO that you are ready for
   *  another readReady() signal.
   * readln() never blocks.
   * autoAck==TRUE makes these functions call ackRead() for you.
   * @param line is used to store the line that was read.
   * @param autoAck when true, ackRead() is called for you.
   * @param partial when provided the line is returned 
   * even if it does not contain a '\n'. *partial will be set to
   * false if the line contains a '\n' and false otherwise.
   * @return the number of characters read, or -1 if no data is available.
  int readln (QString &line, bool autoAck=true, bool *partial=0);

   * This function calls @ref readln().
   * @param line is used to store the line that was read.
   * @param autoAck when true, ackRead() is called for you.
   * @param partial when provided the line is returned 
   * even if it does not contain a '\n'. *partial will be set to
   * false if the line contains a '\n' and false otherwise.
   * @return the number of characters read, or -1 if no data is available.
   * @deprecated
  int fgets (QString &line, bool autoAck=false)
    { return readln (line, autoAck); }

   * Reset the class.  Doesn't kill the process.
  void resetAll ();

   * Call this after you have finished processing a readReady()
   * signal.  This call need not be made in the slot that was signalled
   * by readReady().  You won't receive any more readReady() signals
   * until you acknowledge with ackRead().  This prevents your slot
   * from being reentered while you are still processing the current
   * data.  If this doesn't matter, then call ackRead() right away in
   * your readReady()-processing slot.
  void ackRead ();

   *  Turns @ref readReady() signals on and off.
   *   You can turn this off at will and not worry about losing any data.
   *   (as long as you turn it back on at some point...)
   * @param enable true to turn the signals on, false to turn them off
  void enableReadSignals (bool enable);

   * Emitted when the process is ready for reading.
   * @param pio the process that emitted the signal
   * @see enableReadSignals()
  void readReady(KProcIO *pio);

  QPtrList outbuffer;
  QCString recvbuffer;
  QTextCodec *codec;
  int rbi;
  bool needreadsignal, readsignalon, writeready;

  void controlledEmission ();

protected slots:
  void received (KProcess *proc, char *buffer, int buflen);
  void sent (KProcess *);

  virtual void virtual_hook( int id, void* data );
  KProcIOPrivate *d;


Generated by: caleb on tcdevel on Tue Jan 28 12:54:04 2003, using kdoc $.