A dialog box for sending bug reports. All the information needed by the dialog box (program name, version, bug-report address, etc.) comes from the KAboutData class. Make sure you create an instance of KAboutData and pass it to KCmdLineArgs.
KBugReport ( QWidget * parent = 0L, bool modal=true, const KAboutData *aboutData = 0L )
| KBugReport |
Creates a bug-report dialog. Note that you shouldn't have to do this manually, since KHelpMenu takes care of the menu item for "Report Bug..." and of creating a KBugReport dialog.
~KBugReport ()
| ~KBugReport |
void slotConfigureEmail ()
| slotConfigureEmail |
[protected slots virtual slot]
"Configure email" has been clicked - this calls kcmshell System/email
void slotSetFrom ()
| slotSetFrom |
[protected slots virtual slot]
Sets the "From" field from the e-mail configuration Called at creation time, but also after "Configure email" is closed.
void slotUrlClicked (const QString &)
| slotUrlClicked |
[protected slots virtual slot]
The URL-Label "http://bugs.kde.org/" was clicked.
void slotOk ( void )
| slotOk |
[protected slots virtual slot]
OK has been clicked
Reimplemented from KDialogBase.
void slotCancel ()
| slotCancel |
[protected slots virtual slot]
Cancel has been clicked
Reimplemented from KDialogBase.
void appChanged (int)
| appChanged |
[protected slots slot]
void updateURL ()
| updateURL |
[protected slots slot]
QString text ()
| text |
[protected const]
bool sendBugReport ()
| sendBugReport |
KProcess * m_process | m_process |
const KAboutData * m_aboutData | m_aboutData |
QMultiLineEdit * m_lineedit | m_lineedit |
QLineEdit * m_subject | m_subject |
QLabel * m_from | m_from |
QLabel * m_version | m_version |
QString m_strVersion | m_strVersion |
QHButtonGroup * m_bgSeverity | m_bgSeverity |
QPushButton * m_configureEmail | m_configureEmail |
void virtual_hook ( int id, void* data )
| virtual_hook |
[protected virtual]
Reimplemented from KDialogBase.