This is the main interface to the KMainWindow. This will provide a consistant dcop interface to all KDE applications that use it.
KMainWindowInterface ( KMainWindow * mainWindow )
| KMainWindowInterface |
Construct a new interface object.
mainWindow | - The parent KMainWindow object that will provide us with the KAction objects. |
~KMainWindowInterface ()
| ~KMainWindowInterface |
Destructor Cleans up the dcop action proxy object.
QCStringList functionsDynamic ()
| functionsDynamic |
Reimplemented from DCOPObject.
bool processDynamic (const QCString &fun, const QByteArray &data, QCString& replyType, QByteArray &replyData)
| processDynamic |
Reimplemented from DCOPObject.
QCStringList actions ()
| actions |
Return a list of actions available to the application's window.
Returns: A QCStringList containing valid names actions.
bool activateAction ( QCString action)
| activateAction |
Activates the requested action.
action | The name of the action to activate. The names of valid can actions can be found by calling actions(). |
Returns: The success of the operation.
bool disableAction ( QCString action)
| disableAction |
Disables the requested action.
action | The name of the action to activate. The names of valid can actions can be found by calling actions(). |
Returns: The success of the operation.
bool enableAction ( QCString action)
| enableAction |
Enables the requested action.
action | The name of the action to activate. The names of valid can actions can be found by calling actions(). |
Returns: The success of the operation.
bool actionIsEnabled ( QCString action)
| actionIsEnabled |
Returns the status of the requested action.
action | The name of the action to activate. The names of valid can actions can be found by calling actions(). |
Returns: The state of the current Actions, TRUE - enabled, FALSE - disabled.
QCString actionToolTip ( QCString action)
| actionToolTip |
Returns the tool tip text of the requested action.
action | The name of the action to activate. The names of valid can actions can be found by calling actions(). |
Returns: A QCString containing the text of the actions tool tip.
DCOPRef action ( const QCString &name )
| action |
Returns a dcop reference to the selected KAction
action | The name of the action to activate, The names of valid actions can be found by calling @actions(). |
Returns: A DCOPRef for the kaction.
QMap<QCString,DCOPRef> actionMap ()
| actionMap |
Returns and action map
int getWinID ()
| getWinID |
Returns the ID of the current main window. This is useful for automated screen captures or other evil widget fun.
Returns: A integer value of the main window's ID.
void grabWindowToClipBoard ()
| grabWindowToClipBoard |
Copies a pixmap representation of the current main window to the clipboard.