This dialog asks the user to enter a password. The functions you're probably interested in are the static methods, getPassword() and getNewPassword().
QCString password; int result = KPasswordDialog::getPassword(password, i18n("Password")); if (result == KPasswordDialog::Accepted) use(password); |
Keeping passwords in memory can be a potential security hole. You should handle this situation with care.
enum Types { Password, /** } | Types |
The user is asked to enter a password.
KPasswordDialog (Types type, bool enableKeep, int extraBttn,
QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0)
| KPasswordDialog |
Constructs a password dialog.
type | : if NewPassword is given here, the dialog contains two input fields, so that the user must confirm his password and possible typos are detected immediately. |
enableKeep | : if true, a check box is shown in the dialog which allows the user to keep his password input for later. |
extraBttn | : allows to show additional buttons, KDialogBase. |
KPasswordDialog (int type, QString prompt, bool enableKeep=false,
int extraBttn=0)
| KPasswordDialog |
possibility to specify a parent. May be removed in KDE 4.0
~KPasswordDialog ()
| ~KPasswordDialog |
Destructs the password dialog.
void setPrompt (QString prompt)
| setPrompt |
Sets the password prompt.
QString prompt ()
| prompt |
Returns the password prompt.
void addLine (QString key, QString value)
| addLine |
Adds a line of information to the dialog.
const char * password ()
| password |
Returns the password entered. The memory is freed in the destructor, so you should make a copy.
bool keep ()
| keep |
Returns true if the user wants to keep the password.
int getPassword (QCString &password, QString prompt, int *keep=0L)
| getPassword |
Pops up the dialog, asks the user for a password, and returns it.
password | The password is returned in this reference parameter. |
prompt | A prompt for the password. This can be a few lines of information. The text is word broken to fit nicely in the dialog. |
keep | Enable/disable a checkbox controlling password keeping. If you pass a null pointer, or a pointer to the value 0, the checkbox is not shown. If you pass a pointer to a nonzero value, the checkbox is shown and the result is stored in *keep. |
Returns: Result code: Accepted or Rejected.
int getNewPassword (QCString &password, QString prompt)
| getNewPassword |
Pops up the dialog, asks the user for a password and returns it. The user has to enter the password twice to make sure it was entered correctly.
password | The password is returned in this reference parameter. |
prompt | A prompt for the password. This can be a few lines of information. The text is word broken to fit nicely in the dialog. |
Returns: Result code: Accepted or Rejected.
void disableCoreDumps ()
| disableCoreDumps |
Static helper funtion that disables core dumps.
void slotOk ()
| slotOk |
[protected slots slot]
Reimplemented from KDialogBase.
void slotCancel ()
| slotCancel |
[protected slots slot]
Reimplemented from KDialogBase.
void slotKeep (bool)
| slotKeep |
[protected slots slot]
bool checkPassword (const char *)
| checkPassword |
[protected virtual]
Virtual function that can be overridden to provide password
checking in derived classes. It should return true
if the
password is valid, false
void virtual_hook ( int id, void* data )
| virtual_hook |
[protected virtual]
Reimplemented from KDialogBase.