kio Annotated List

Annotated List
KArA class for reading ar archives.
KArchivegeneric class for reading/writing archives.
KArchiveDirectoryA directory in an archive.
KArchiveEntryBase class for the archive-file's directory structure.
KArchiveFileA file in an archive.
KAutoMountThis class implements synchronous mounting of devices.
KAutoUnmountThis class implements synchronous unmounting of devices,.
KDEDesktopMimeTypeMimetype for a .desktop file Handles mount/umount icon, and user-defined properties.
KDEDesktopMimeType::Service Structure representing a service, in the list of services returned by builtinServices and userDefinedServices
KDataTool A generic tool that processes data.
KDataToolAction This class helps applications implement support for KDataTool.
KDataToolInfo This is a convenience class for KService.
KDirListerHelper class for the kiojob used to list and update a directory.
KDirLister::KDirListerPrivate::JobData List of dirs handled by this dirlister.
KDirListerCache Design of the cache: There is a single KDirListerCache for the whole process.
KDirNotify An abstract class that receives notifications of added and removed files in any directory, local or remote.
KDirNotify_stub * * DCOP Stub Definition created by dcopidl2cpp from kdirnotify.
KDirWatchClass for watching directory and file changes.
KEMailSettings This is just a small class to facilitate accessing e-mail settings in a sane way, and allowing any program to manage multiple e-mail profiles effortlessly
KExecMimeTypeMimeType for any executable, like /bin/ls.
KFileItem A KFileItem is a generic class to handle a file, local or remote.
KFileMetaInfoGroup This is one group of meta information items about a file (see KFileMetaInfo).
KFileMetaInfoItem This is one item of the meta information about a file (see KFileMetaInfo).
KFileMetaInfoProvider (internal)
KFileMimeTypeInfo This class provides information about the capabilities that a KFilePlugin for a given mimetype has.
KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo This is the class for one group of items of a KFileMimeTypeInfo.
KFileMimeTypeInfo::ItemInfo This is the class for one item of a KFileMimeTypeInfo.
KFilePlugin Baseclass for a meta info plugin.
KFileShare Common functionality for the file sharing (communication with the backend)
KFileSharePrivate (internal)
KFilterBase This is the base class for compression filters such as gzip and bzip2.
KFilterDev A class for reading and writing compressed data onto a device (e.
KFolderTypeMimetype for a folder (inode/directory) Handles locked folders, for instance.
KIOA namespace for KIO globals.
KIO::AuthInfoA two way messaging class for passing authentication information.
KIO::ChmodJob This job changes permissions on a list of files or directories, optionally in a recursive manner.
KIO::Connection This class provides a simple means for IPC between two applications via a pipe.
KIO::DavJob The transfer job pumps data into and/or out of a Slave.
KIO::FileCopyJob The FileCopyJob copies data from one place to another.
KIO::Job The base class for all jobs.
KIO::NetAccessProvides a synchronous interface to io jobs.
KIO::NetRCAn interface to kionetrc and the ftp .netrc files.
KIO::ParseContext (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeAND (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeBOOL (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeBRACKETS (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeBase (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeCALC (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeCMP (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeDOUBLE (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeEXIST (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeID (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeIN (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeMATCH (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeMAX2 (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeMIN2 (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeNOT (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeNUM (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeOR (internal)
KIO::ParseTreeSTRING (internal)
KIO::PasswordDialog A dialog for requesting a login and a password from the end user.
KIO::PreferencesMaxima (internal)
KIO::ProgressBaseBase class for IO progress dialogs.
KIO::RenameDlg A dialog for the options to rename two files
KIO::Scheduler The KIO::Scheduler manages io-slaves for the application.
KIO::SimpleJob A simple job (one url and one command).
KIO::SkipDlg (internal)
KIO::SlaveBase There are two classes that specifies the protocol between application (job) and kioslave.
KIO::SlaveConfig SlaveConfig
KIO::SlaveInterface There are two classes that specifies the protocol between application (job) and kioslave.
KIO::StatusbarProgressIO progress widget for embedding in a statusbar.
KIO::TCPSlaveBase There are two classes that specifies the protocol between application (job) and kioslave.
KIO::TransferJob The transfer job pumps data into and/or out of a Slave.
KImageIO Interface to the KDE Image IO plugin architecture.
KLimitedIODevice A readonly device that reads from an underlying device from a given point to another (e.
KMessageBoxWrapper (internal)
KMimeMagic (deprecated)
KMimeMagicResult (deprecated)
KMimeType Represent a mime type, like "text/plain".
KMimeTypeResolver This class implements the "delayed-mimetype-determination" feature, for konqueror's directory views (and KFileDialog's :)
KMimeTypeResolverBase (internal)
KMimeTypeResolverHelper (internal)
KOpenWithHandler (deprecated)
KPAC Proxy Auto Configuration.
KProcessRunner (internal)
KProtocolInfo Information about I/O (Internet, etc.
KProtocolManager Provides information about I/O (Internet, etc.
KRunOpens files with their associated applications in KDE.
KScanDialogA baseclass and accessor for Scanning Dialogs.
KScanDialogFactory A factory for creating a KScanDialog.
KService Represent a service, i.
KServiceFactory (internal)
KServiceGroup This class is typically used like this:
KServiceGroupFactory (internal)
KServiceOfferHolds the characteristics of a service offer.
KServiceType A service type is the generic notion for a mimetype, a type of service instead of a type of file.
KServiceTypeFactory (internal)
KServiceTypeProfile This class holds the offers for a service type (e.
KServiceTypeProfile::Service Represents the users assessment of a special service
KShellCompletionShell-like completion of file names.
KShred Erase a file in a way that makes recovery impossible -- well, no guarentee of that, but at least as difficult as reasonably possible.
KTarA class for reading/writing (optionnally compressed) tar archives.
KTraderProvides a way to query the KDE infrastructure for specific applications or components.
KURIFilterFilters a given URL into its proper format whenever possible.
KURIFilterDataA message object for exchanging filtering URI info.
KURIFilterPluginAbstract class for URI filter plugins.
KURLCompletionCompletion of a single URL.
KURLPixmapProviderResolves pixmaps for URLs.
KZipA class for reading/writing zip archives.
KZipFileEntry (internal)
ObserverObserver for KIO::Job progress information.
Observer_stub * * DCOP Stub Definition created by dcopidl2cpp from observer.
RenameDlgPlugin This is the base class for all plugins.
ThumbCreator This is the baseclass for "thumbnail-plugins" in KDE.
UIServer_stub * * DCOP Stub Definition created by dcopidl2cpp from uiserver.

Generated by: caleb on tcdevel on Tue Jan 28 12:54:15 2003, using kdoc $.