Source: kzip.h

Annotated List
/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
   Copyright (C) 2002 Holger Schroeder 

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
   Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef __kzip_h
#define __kzip_h



class KZipFileEntry;
 * @short A class for reading/writing zip archives.
 * @author Holger Schroeder 
 *   This class implements a kioslave to acces ZIP files from KDE.
 *   you can use it in IO_ReadOnly or in IO_WriteOnly mode, and it 
 *   behaves just as expected (i hope ;-) ).
 *   It can also be used in IO_ReadWrite mode, in this case one can
 *   append files to an existing zip archive. when you append new files, which
 *   are not yet in the zip, it works as expected, they are appended at the end.
 *   when you append a file, which is already in the file, the reference to the
 *   old file is dropped and the new one is added to the zip. but the
 *   old data from the file itself is not deleted, it is still in the
 *   zipfile. so when you want to have a small and garbagefree zipfile,
 *   just read the contents of the appended zipfile and write it to a new one
 *   in IO_WriteOnly mode. exspecially take care of this, when you donīt want
 *   to leak information of how intermediate versions of files in the zip
 *   were looking.
 *   for more information on the zip fileformat go to 
 * .
 * @since 3.1
class KZip : public KArchive
     * Creates an instance that operates on the given filename.
     * using the compression filter associated to given mimetype.
     * @param filename is a local path (e.g. "/home/holger/")
    KZip( const QString& filename );

     * Creates an instance that operates on the given device.
     * The device can be compressed (KFilterDev) or not (QFile, etc.).
     * WARNING: don't assume that giving a QFile here will decompress the file,
     * in case it's compressed!
    KZip( QIODevice * dev );

     * If the zip file is still opened, then it will be
     * closed automatically by the destructor.
    virtual ~KZip();

     * The name of the zip file, as passed to the constructor
     * Null if you used the QIODevice constructor.
    QString fileName() { return m_filename; }

    enum Compression { NoCompression = 0, DeflateCompression = 1 };
     * Call this before writeFile or prepareWriting, to define whether the next
     * files to be written should be compressed or not.
    void setCompression( Compression c );
    Compression compression() const;

     * If an archive is opened for writing then you can add a new file
     * using this function.
     * This method takes the whole data at once.
     * @param name can include subdirs e.g. path/to/the/file
    virtual bool writeFile( const QString& name, const QString& user, const QString& group, uint size, const char* data );

     * Alternative method: call prepareWriting, writeData in small chunks, doneWriting
     * @param size unused
    virtual bool prepareWriting( const QString& name, const QString& user, const QString& group, uint size );
    bool writeData( const char* data, uint size );
    virtual bool doneWriting( uint size );

     * Opens the archive for reading.
     * Parses the directory listing of the archive
     * and creates the KArchiveDirectory/KArchiveFile entries.
    virtual bool openArchive( int mode );
    virtual bool closeArchive();

     * @internal Not needed for zip
    virtual bool writeDir( const QString&, const QString&, const QString& ) { return true; }

    virtual void virtual_hook( int id, void* data );
    QString m_filename;
    class KZipPrivate;
    KZipPrivate * d;

 * @internal
class KZipFileEntry : public KArchiveFile
    /*KZipFileEntry() : st(-1)
    KZipFileEntry( KZip* zip, const QString& name, int access, int date,
                   const QString& user, const QString& group, const QString& symlink,
                   const QString& path, Q_LONG start, Q_LONG uncompressedSize,
                   int encoding, Q_LONG compressedSize) :
        KArchiveFile( zip, name, access, date, user, group, symlink,
                      start, uncompressedSize ),
        m_path( path )
    int encoding() const { return m_encoding; }
    Q_LONG compressedSize() const { return m_compressedSize; }

    // Only used when writing
    void setCompressedSize(Q_LONG compressedSize) { m_compressedSize = compressedSize; }

    // Header start: only used when writing
    void setHeaderStart(Q_LONG headerstart) { m_headerStart = headerstart; }
    Q_LONG headerStart() const {return m_headerStart; }

    // CRC: only used when writing
    unsigned long crc32() const { return m_crc; }
    void setCRC32(unsigned long crc32) { m_crc=crc32; }

    // Name with complete path - KArchiveFile::name() is the filename only (no path)
    QString path() const { return m_path; }

     * @return the content of this file.
     * Call data() with care (only once per file), this data isn't cached.
    virtual QByteArray data() const;

     * This method returns a QIODevice to read the file contents.
     * This is obviously for reading only.
     * Note that the ownership of the device is being transferred to the caller,
     * who will have to delete it.
     * The returned device auto-opens (in readonly mode), no need to open it.
    QIODevice* device() const; // WARNING, not virtual!

    unsigned long m_crc;
    Q_LONG m_compressedSize;
    Q_LONG m_headerStart;
    int m_encoding;
    QString m_path;


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