, including all inherited members.
aboutToShowContextMenu(QPopupMenu *p) | KComboBox | [signal] |
activated(int index) | QComboBox | |
activated(const QString &string) | QComboBox | |
addToHistory(const QString &item) | KHistoryCombo | [slot] |
autoCompletion | KComboBox | |
autoCompletion() const | KComboBox | [inline] |
changeItem(const QString &t, int index) | QComboBox | |
changeItem(const QPixmap &im, int index) | QComboBox | |
changeItem(const QPixmap &im, const QString &t, int index) | QComboBox | |
changeURL(const KURL &url, int index) | KComboBox | |
changeURL(const QPixmap &pixmap, const KURL &url, int index) | KComboBox | |
clear() | QComboBox | |
cleared() | KHistoryCombo | [signal] |
clearEdit() | QComboBox | |
clearHistory() | KHistoryCombo | [slot] |
clearValidator() | QComboBox | |
completion(const QString &) | KComboBox | [signal] |
completionBox(bool create=true) | KComboBox | |
completionModeChanged(KGlobalSettings::Completion) | KComboBox | [signal] |
contains(const QString &text) const | KComboBox | |
contextMenuEnabled | KComboBox | |
count() const | QComboBox | |
create(WId=0, bool initializeWindow=true, bool destroyOldWindow=true) | KComboBox | [protected, virtual] |
currentItem() const | QComboBox | |
currentText() const | QComboBox | |
cursorPosition() const | KComboBox | [inline] |
duplicatesEnabled() const | QComboBox | |
editable() const | QComboBox | |
enum{NoInsertion, AtTop, AtCurrent, AtBottom, AfterCurrent, BeforeCurrent} | QComboBox | |
eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *) | KComboBox | [virtual] |
highlighted(int index) | QComboBox | |
highlighted(const QString &string) | QComboBox | |
historyItems | KHistoryCombo | |
historyItems() const | KHistoryCombo | |
insertionPolicy() const | QComboBox | |
insertItem(const QString &t, int index=-1) | QComboBox | |
insertItem(const QPixmap &pixmap, int index=-1) | QComboBox | |
insertItem(const QPixmap &pixmap, const QString &text, int index=-1) | QComboBox | |
insertItems(const QStringList &items) | KHistoryCombo | [protected] |
insertStringList(const QStringList &list, int index=-1) | QComboBox | |
insertStrList(const QStrList &list, int index=-1) | QComboBox | |
insertStrList(const QStrList *list, int index=-1) | QComboBox | |
insertStrList(const char **strings, int numStrings=-1, int index=-1) | QComboBox | |
insertURL(const KURL &url, int index=-1) | KComboBox | |
insertURL(const QPixmap &pixmap, const KURL &url, int index=-1) | KComboBox | |
isContextMenuEnabled() const | KComboBox | [inline] |
isURLDropsEnabled() const | KComboBox | |
itemSelected(QListBoxItem *) | KComboBox | [inline, protected, virtual, slot] |
KComboBox(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0) | KComboBox | |
KComboBox(bool rw, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0) | KComboBox | |
keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *) | KHistoryCombo | [protected, virtual] |
KHistoryCombo(QWidget *parent=0L, const char *name=0L) | KHistoryCombo | |
KHistoryCombo(bool useCompletion, QWidget *parent=0L, const char *name=0L) | KHistoryCombo | |
lineEdit() const | QComboBox | |
listBox() const | QComboBox | |
makeCompletion(const QString &) | KComboBox | [protected, virtual, slot] |
maxCount() const | QComboBox | |
pixmap(int index) const | QComboBox | |
pixmapProvider() const | KHistoryCombo | [inline] |
popup() | QComboBox | |
prop-whether auto-completion is enabled | QComboBox | |
prop-whether the combobox is automatically masked | QComboBox | |
prop-the number of items in the combobox | QComboBox | |
prop-the index of the current item in the combobox | QComboBox | |
prop-the text of the combobox's current item | QComboBox | |
prop-whether duplicates are allowed | QComboBox | |
prop-whether the combobox is editable | QComboBox | |
prop-the position of the items inserted by the user | QComboBox | |
prop-the maximum number of items allowed in the combobox | QComboBox | |
prop-the maximum on-screen size of the combobox | QComboBox | |
QComboBox(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0) | QComboBox | |
QComboBox(bool rw, QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0) | QComboBox | |
QComboBox() | QComboBox | |
removeFromHistory(const QString &item) | KHistoryCombo | |
removeItem(int index) | QComboBox | |
reset() | KHistoryCombo | [inline] |
returnPressed() | KComboBox | [signal] |
returnPressed(const QString &) | KComboBox | [signal] |
rotateText(KCompletionBase::KeyBindingType type) | KComboBox | [slot] |
setAutoCompletion(bool autocomplete) | KComboBox | [virtual] |
setCompletedItems(const QStringList &items) | KComboBox | [slot] |
setCompletedText(const QString &) | KComboBox | [virtual, slot] |
setCompletedText(const QString &, bool) | KComboBox | [protected, virtual] |
setContextMenuEnabled(bool showMenu) | KComboBox | [virtual] |
setCurrentItem(const QString &item, bool insert=false, int index=-1) | KComboBox | [slot] |
setCurrentItem(int index) | KComboBox | [inline, slot] |
setCurrentText(const QString &) | QComboBox | |
setDuplicatesEnabled(bool enable) | QComboBox | |
setEditable(bool) | QComboBox | |
setEditText(const QString &newText) | QComboBox | |
setEditURL(const KURL &url) | KComboBox | |
setFont(const QFont &font) | QComboBox | |
setHistoryItems(QStringList items) | KHistoryCombo | [inline] |
setHistoryItems(QStringList items, bool setCompletionList) | KHistoryCombo | |
setInsertionPolicy(Policy policy) | QComboBox | |
setLineEdit(QLineEdit *) | KComboBox | [virtual] |
setListBox(QListBox *newListBox) | QComboBox | |
setMaxCount(int) | QComboBox | |
setPalette(const QPalette &palette) | QComboBox | |
setPixmapProvider(KPixmapProvider *prov) | KHistoryCombo | |
setSizeLimit(int) | QComboBox | |
setTrapReturnKey(bool trap) | KComboBox | |
setURLDropsEnabled(bool enable) | KComboBox | |
setValidator(const QValidator *v) | QComboBox | |
sizeLimit() const | QComboBox | |
substringCompletion(const QString &) | KComboBox | [signal] |
text(int index) const | QComboBox | |
textChanged(const QString &string) | QComboBox | |
textRotation(KCompletionBase::KeyBindingType) | KComboBox | [signal] |
trapReturnKey | KComboBox | |
trapReturnKey() const | KComboBox | |
urlDropsEnabled | KComboBox | |
useCompletion() const | KHistoryCombo | [inline, protected] |
validator() const | QComboBox | |
virtual_hook(int id, void *data) | KHistoryCombo | [protected, virtual] |
wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *ev) | KHistoryCombo | [protected, virtual] |
~KComboBox() | KComboBox | [virtual] |
~KHistoryCombo() | KHistoryCombo | |