Here is a list of all namespace members with links to the namespace documentation for each member:
- CalendarResourceManager : KCal
- DateList : KCal
- DateTimeList : KCal
- EventSortEndDate : KCal
- EventSortField : KCal
- EventSortStartDate : KCal
- EventSortSummary : KCal
- EventSortUnsorted : KCal
- JournalSortDate : KCal
- JournalSortField : KCal
- JournalSortSummary : KCal
- JournalSortUnsorted : KCal
- operator!=() : KCal
- operator==() : KCal
- PeriodList : KCal
- SortDirection : KCal
- SortDirectionAscending : KCal
- SortDirectionDescending : KCal
- TimeList : KCal
- TodoSortDueDate : KCal
- TodoSortField : KCal
- TodoSortPercentComplete : KCal
- TodoSortPriority : KCal
- TodoSortStartDate : KCal
- TodoSortSummary : KCal
- TodoSortUnsorted : KCal