Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel Member List
This is the complete list of members for Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel, including all inherited members.
AbstractByteArrayModel(QObject *parent=0) | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | explicitprotected |
byte(Address offset) const | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | inlinevirtual |
compare(const AbstractByteArrayModel &other, const AddressRange &otherRange, Address offset=0) | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | |
compare(const AbstractByteArrayModel &other, Address otherOffset, Size otherLength, Address offset=0) | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | inline |
compare(const AbstractByteArrayModel &other) | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | inline |
contentsChanged(const Okteta::ArrayChangeMetricsList &changeList) | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | signal |
copyTo(Byte *dest, const AddressRange ©Range) const | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | virtual |
copyTo(Byte *dest, Address offset, Size copyLength) const | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | inline |
fill(Byte fillByte, Address offset=0, Size fillLength=-1) | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | virtual |
Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel::fill(Byte fillChar, const AddressRange &fillRange) | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | inline |
FixedSizeByteArrayModel(Byte *data, int size, Byte fillUpChar= '\0', QObject *parent=0) | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | |
FixedSizeByteArrayModel(int size, Byte fillUpChar= '\0', QObject *parent=0) | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | explicit |
indexOf(const Byte *pattern, int patternLength, Address fromOffset=0, Address toOffset=-1) const | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | virtual |
indexOf(const QByteArray &pattern, Address fromOffset=0, Address toOffset=-1) const | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | inline |
indexOfCaseInsensitive(const CharCodec *charCodec, const QByteArray &pattern, Address fromOffset=0, Address toOffset=-1) const | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | |
insert(Address offset, const Byte *insertData, int insertLength) | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | virtual |
Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel::insert(Address offset, const QByteArray &insertData) | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | inline |
isModified() const | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | inlinevirtual |
isReadOnly() const | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | inlinevirtual |
lastIndexOf(const Byte *pattern, int patternLength, Address fromOffset=-1, Address toOffset=0) const | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | virtual |
lastIndexOf(const QByteArray &pattern, Address fromOffset=-1, Address toOffset=0) const | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | inline |
lastIndexOfCaseInsensitive(const CharCodec *charCodec, const QByteArray &pattern, Address fromOffset=-1, Address toOffset=0) const | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | |
mAutoDelete | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | protected |
mData | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | protected |
mFillUpByte | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | protected |
mModified | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | protected |
modifiedChanged(bool isModified) | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | signal |
mReadOnly | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | protected |
mSize | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | protected |
rawData() const | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | inline |
readOnlyChanged(bool isReadOnly) | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | signal |
remove(const AddressRange &removeRange) | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | virtual |
Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel::remove(Address offset, Size removeLength) | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | inline |
replace(const AddressRange &removeRange, const Byte *insertData, int insertLength) | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | virtual |
Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel::replace(const AddressRange &removeRange, const QByteArray &insertData) | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | inline |
Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel::replace(Address offset, Size removeLength, const Byte *insertData, Size insertLength) | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | inline |
reset(unsigned int pos, unsigned int length) | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | protected |
searchedBytes(Okteta::Size bytes) const | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | signal |
setByte(Address offset, Byte byte) | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | virtual |
setModified(bool modified=true) | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | inlinevirtual |
setReadOnly(bool readOnly=true) | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | inlinevirtual |
size() const | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | inlinevirtual |
swap(Address firstStart, const AddressRange &secondRange) | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | virtual |
~AbstractByteArrayModel() | Okteta::AbstractByteArrayModel | virtual |
~FixedSizeByteArrayModel() | Okteta::FixedSizeByteArrayModel | virtual |
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 23:04:13 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2014 The KDE developers.
Generated on Tue Oct 14 2014 23:04:13 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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