►CAbstractRunner | |
CKGetRunner | |
CBitSet | Simple implementation of a BitSet |
►CBTDetailsWidgetFrm | |
CBTDetailsWidget | |
►CBTSettingsWidget | |
CBTSettingsWidget | |
►CCache | |
CBTCache | |
►CCacheFactory | |
CBTCacheFactory | |
►CChunkSelectorFactoryInterface | |
CBTChunkSelectorFactory | |
►CChunkSelectorInterface | |
CBTChunkSelector | |
CKGetMetalink::CommonData | Files, File and Metadata contain this Metadata not as member and only for compatibility |
CKGetApplet::Data | |
CKGetPieChart::Data | |
►CDataCheckerListener | |
Ckt::ScanDlg | |
►CDataEngine | |
CKGetEngine | |
CKGetMetalink::DateConstruct | |
►CDialog | |
CKGetPanelBar::Private | |
►CDlgWebinterface | |
CDlgWebinterface | |
CJob::Error | |
CKGetMetalink::File | |
CFileData | |
CFileDeleter | The FileDeleter is a wrapper around KIO ensuring that always just one job is started for deleting a file |
CFileItem | |
CKGetMetalink::Files | |
CKGetMetalink::HandleMetalink | This class can handle the loading and saving of metalinks on the filesystem |
Ckt::ChunkDownloadModel::Item | |
Ckt::PeerViewModel::Item | |
►CJob | |
CMostLocalUrlJob | Job for asynchronously getting the most local url, do not use directly, but use mostLocalUrlJob instead |
CScheduler::JobFailure | |
►CKAssistantDialog | |
CMetalinkCreator | |
►CKCModule | |
CBTSettingsWidget | |
CDlgChecksumSettingsWidget | |
CDlgContentFetchSettingWidget | |
CDlgMmsSettings | |
CDlgSettingsWidget | |
CDlgSettingsWidget | |
CDlgSettingsWidget | |
►CKConfigDialog | |
CPreferencesDialog | |
►CKConfigSkeleton | |
CBittorrentSettings | |
CChecksumSearchSettings | |
CContentFetchSetting | |
CMetalinkSettings | |
CMirrorSearchSettings | |
CMmsSettings | |
CMultiSegKioSettings | |
CSettings | |
►CKDialog | |
CChecksumSearchAddDlg | |
CDlgEngineEditing | |
CDlgScriptEditing | |
CExistingTransferDialog | Asks if existing transfers should be overwritten |
CFileSelectionDlg | |
►CKGetSaveSizeDialog | Subclass to make sure that the size of the dialog is automatically stored and restored |
CDragDlg | |
CFileDlg | |
CGroupSettingsDialog | |
CKGetLinkView | |
CMirrorSettings | |
CSignatureDlg | |
CTransferHistory | |
CTransferSettingsDialog | |
CVerificationDialog | |
Ckt::ScanDlg | |
CMirrorAddDlg | |
CNewTransferDialog | Dialog to allow add one or more transfers to kget |
CRenameFile | |
CVerificationAddDlg | |
►CKExtendableItemDelegate | |
►CBasicTransfersViewDelegate | The BasicTransfersViewDelegate handles the setting of the status of a group |
CTransfersGroupDelegate | |
CTransfersViewDelegate | |
CKGetAppletUtils | |
►CKJob | |
CKGetGlobalJob | |
CKGetKJobAdapter | Allows kget to register all transfers in kuiserver as kjobs |
►CKPluginSelector | |
CPluginSelector | |
►CKStatusNotifierItem | |
CTray | This class implements the main tray icon for kget |
►CKXmlGuiWindow | |
CMainWindow | The main window of KGet |
CKGetMetalink::Metalink | |
CKGetMetalink::Metalink_v3 | Metalink version 3.0 2nd ed Used only for loading and saving, uses itself Metalink internally |
►CKGetMetalink::Metaurl | |
CKGetMetalink::HttpLinkHeader | |
CMirrorItem | |
►CMonitorInterface | |
CBTTransfer | |
Ckt::Monitor | |
CNepomukConroller | Nepomuk, it can be used to set properties on resources or to delete them |
Ckt::TorrentFileTreeModel::Node | |
CPartialChecksums | |
CKGetMetalink::Pieces | |
►CPlugin | |
►CKGetPlugin | Base class for kget plugins |
►CTransferFactory | TransferFactory |
CBTTransferFactory | |
CChecksumSearchFactory | |
CContentFetchFactory | |
CMetalinkFactory | |
CMirrorSearchFactory | |
CMmsTransferFactory | |
CTransferKioFactory | |
CTransferMultiSegKioFactory | |
►CPopupApplet | |
►CKGetApplet | |
CKGetBarApplet | |
CKGetPanelBar | |
CKGetPieChart | |
►CQGraphicsItem [external] | |
►CQGraphicsObject [external] | |
►CQGraphicsWidget [external] | |
CKGetBarApplet::Private | |
CKGetPieChart::Item | |
CKGetPieChart::PieChart | |
CKGetPieChart::Private | |
CProxyWidget | |
►CQGraphicsProxyWidget [external] | |
CErrorWidget | |
►CQGraphicsLayoutItem [external] | |
CQGraphicsWidget [external] | |
►CQObject [external] | |
CBTCache | |
CBTCacheFactory | |
CBTChunkSelectorFactory | |
CChecksumSearch | |
CChecksumSearchController | ChecksumSearchController downloads the baseUrl of files one want to get checksums for e.g |
CDataSourceFactory | This class manages multiple DataSources and saves the received data to the file |
CDBusKGetWrapper | |
CDBusTransferWrapper | |
CDBusVerifierWrapper | |
CDirectoryHandler | Gets the name and the size of the files of a list of urls, also enters directories recursively if needed |
CDownload | |
CFileDeleter::Private | |
CGenericObserver | |
►CHandler | |
CTransferGroupHandler | |
►CTransferHandler | Class TransferHandler: |
CBTTransferHandler | |
CHttpServer | |
►CJob | |
►CTransfer | |
►CAbstractMetalink | |
CMetalinkHttp | |
CMetalinkXml | |
CBTTransfer | |
CContentFetch | |
CMetalink | |
CMmsTransfer | |
CTransferKio | |
CTransferMultiSegKio | |
►CJobQueue | |
CTransferGroup | Class TransferGroup: |
CKeyDownloader | Class to download Keys |
CKGetMetalink::MetalinkHttpParser | |
CKGetPlugin | Base class for kget plugins |
CKUiServerJobs | |
Cmirror | |
CNepomukHandler | |
CNewTransferDialogHandler | |
►CQAbstractItemDelegate [external] | |
►CQStyledItemDelegate [external] | |
CAutoPasteDelegate | |
CChecksumDelegate | |
CMirrorDelegate | |
CRangeTreeWidgetItemDelegate | |
CTransferHistoryItemDelegate | |
CVerificationDelegate | |
►CQAbstractItemModel [external] | |
CFileModel | This model represents the files that are being downloaded |
►Ckt::TorrentFileModel | |
►Ckt::TorrentFileListModel | Model for displaying file trees of a torrent |
Ckt::IWFileListModel | |
►Ckt::TorrentFileTreeModel | Model for displaying file trees of a torrent |
Ckt::IWFileTreeModel | |
►CQAbstractListModel [external] | |
CCountryModel | The following models are there to store the localized names and the codes of languages and countries Only codes supported by KDE are supported by these models |
CLanguageModel | The LanguageModel stores localized names as well as the codes of languages |
►CQAbstractProxyModel [external] | |
►CQSortFilterProxyModel [external] | |
CKGetSortFilterProxyModel | |
CMirrorProxyModel | |
CRangeSortFilterProxyModel | We need to override the qsortfilterproxymodel behavior to avoid include the range rows in the search filter the range rows are always showed |
►CQAbstractTableModel [external] | |
CAutoPasteModel | |
Ckt::ChunkDownloadModel | |
Ckt::PeerViewModel | |
Ckt::TrackerModel | |
Ckt::WebSeedsModel | |
CMirrorModel | |
CVerificationModel | |
►CQStandardItemModel [external] | |
CTransferTreeModel | |
CQGraphicsObject [external] | |
►CQItemSelectionModel [external] | |
CTransferTreeSelectionModel | |
►CQMimeData [external] | |
CItemMimeData | |
►CQThread [external] | |
CFileHandlerThread | Calculates the checksum and partial checksums for files and adds KGetMetalink::Resources and KGetMetalink::CommonData to the resulting KGetMetalink::File |
CLinkImporter | Import a list of urls from a file (local or remote) |
CMmsDownload | |
CMmsThread | |
CNepomukController | |
CScript | |
CSignatureThread | |
CVerificationThread | |
CXmlStore::DeleteThread | |
CXmlStore::LoadThread | |
CXmlStore::SaveThread | |
►CQWidget [external] | |
CBTAdvancedDetailsWidget | |
CBTDetailsWidget | |
CDlgWebinterface | |
CDropTarget | |
CFileWidget | |
CGeneralWidget | |
CGroupStatusEditor | |
CIntegrationPreferences | |
Ckt::ChunkDownloadView | View which shows a list of downloading chunks, of a torrent |
Ckt::TrackerView | |
Ckt::WebSeedsTab | Tab which displays the list of webseeds of a torrent, and allows you to add or remove them |
►CQAbstractButton [external] | |
►CQToolButton [external] | |
CGroupStatusButton | |
►CQFrame [external] | |
►CQAbstractScrollArea [external] | |
►CQAbstractItemView [external] | |
►CQTreeView [external] | |
Ckt::FileView | |
Ckt::PeerView | View which shows a list of peers, of a torrent |
CRangeTreeWidget | |
CTransfersGroupTree | |
CTransfersView | |
CSettingWidgetAdaptor | |
CTransferDetails | |
CTransferHistoryCategorizedView | |
CTransfersGroupWidget | |
CVerificationPreferences | |
CViewsContainer | |
►CRangeDelegate | Creates ranges dinamically, based on the item data |
CHostRangeDelegate | Creates a ragen based on the host of the transfer |
►CScheduler | Scheduler class: what handle all the jobs in kget |
CTransferGroupScheduler | TransferGroupScheduler class: what handle all the transfers in kget |
CScriptConfigAdaptor | |
CScriptDownloadEngine | |
CSegment | Class Segment |
CSignature | Class to verify signatures |
CTransferContainer | TransferContainer class handles the transfers |
►CTransferDataSource | This Class is an interface for inter-plugins data change |
CBTDataSource | |
CChecksumSearchTransferDataSource | |
CMirrorSearchTransferDataSource | |
CMultiSegKioDataSource | |
►CTransferHistoryCategorizedDelegate | |
CDateCategorizedDelegate | Categorizes the transfers in date ranges |
CHostCategorizedDelegate | Categorizes the transfer by source host |
CSizeCategorizedDelegate | Categorzes the transfers in size ranges |
CTransferHistoryItem | |
►CTransferHistoryStore | |
CNepomukStore | |
CSQLiteStore | |
CXmlStore | |
CUrlWidget | |
CVerifier | |
►CQPaintDevice [external] | |
CQWidget [external] | |
►CQStandardItem [external] | |
►CModelItem | |
CGroupModelItem | |
CTransferModelItem | |
CKGetMetalink::Resources | |
CSignaturePrivate | |
►CTransferData | |
CKGet | This is our KGet class |
►CTransferHistory | |
CTransferHistory | |
►CUi_ChunkDownloadView | |
Ckt::ChunkDownloadView | View which shows a list of downloading chunks, of a torrent |
►CUi_TrackerView | |
Ckt::TrackerView | |
►CUi_WebSeedsTab | |
Ckt::WebSeedsTab | Tab which displays the list of webseeds of a torrent, and allows you to add or remove them |
CKGetMetalink::Url | |
CUrlChecker | This class provides static methods to check if urls are valid, and if not provides enums to see what is not valid and provides translated error messages |
CKGetMetalink::UrlText | This class contains a url and the name, it can be used to e.g |
CKGetMetalink::Verification | |
CVerifierPrivate | |