| ~KeyListJob () |
virtual GpgME::KeyListResult | exec (const QStringList &patterns, bool secretOnly, std::vector< GpgME::Key > &keys)=0 |
virtual GpgME::Error | start (const QStringList &patterns, bool secretOnly=false)=0 |
| ~Job () |
virtual QString | auditLogAsHtml () const |
virtual GpgME::Error | auditLogError () const |
bool | isAuditLogSupported () const |
virtual void | showErrorDialog (QWidget *parent=0, const QString &caption=QString()) const |
| QObject (QObject *parent) |
| QObject (QObject *parent, const char *name) |
virtual | ~QObject () |
bool | blockSignals (bool block) |
QObject * | child (const char *objName, const char *inheritsClass, bool recursiveSearch) const |
const QObjectList & | children () const |
const char * | className () const |
bool | connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) const |
void | deleteLater () |
void | destroyed (QObject *obj) |
bool | disconnect (const QObject *receiver, const char *method) |
bool | disconnect (const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) |
void | dumpObjectInfo () |
void | dumpObjectTree () |
QList< QByteArray > | dynamicPropertyNames () const |
virtual bool | event (QEvent *e) |
virtual bool | eventFilter (QObject *watched, QEvent *event) |
T | findChild (const QString &name) const |
QList< T > | findChildren (const QRegExp ®Exp) const |
QList< T > | findChildren (const QString &name) const |
bool | inherits (const char *className) const |
void | insertChild (QObject *object) |
void | installEventFilter (QObject *filterObj) |
bool | isA (const char *className) const |
bool | isWidgetType () const |
void | killTimer (int id) |
virtual const QMetaObject * | metaObject () const |
void | moveToThread (QThread *targetThread) |
const char * | name () const |
const char * | name (const char *defaultName) const |
QString | objectName () const |
QObject * | parent () const |
QVariant | property (const char *name) const |
void | removeChild (QObject *object) |
void | removeEventFilter (QObject *obj) |
void | setName (const char *name) |
void | setObjectName (const QString &name) |
void | setParent (QObject *parent) |
bool | setProperty (const char *name, const QVariant &value) |
bool | signalsBlocked () const |
int | startTimer (int interval) |
QThread * | thread () const |
virtual void | slotCancel ()=0 |
bool | connect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method, Qt::ConnectionType type) |
bool | connect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method, Qt::ConnectionType type) |
bool | disconnect (const QObject *sender, const char *signal, const QObject *receiver, const char *method) |
bool | disconnect (const QObject *sender, const QMetaMethod &signal, const QObject *receiver, const QMetaMethod &method) |
QString | tr (const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n) |
QString | trUtf8 (const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n) |
QByteArray | normalizeSignalSlot (const char *signalSlot) |
| objectName |
An abstract base class for asynchronous key listers.
To use a KeyListJob, first obtain an instance from the CryptoBackend implementation, connect the nextKey(), progress() and result() signals to suitable slots and then start the key listing with a call to start(). This call might fail, in which case the KeylistJob instance will have schedules it's own destruction with a call to QObject::deleteLater().
During keylisting, you will receive new key objects through the nextKey() signal as they arrive. After result() is emitted, the KeyListJob will schedule it's own destruction by calling QObject::deleteLater().
Definition at line 66 of file keylistjob.h.
virtual GpgME::Error Kleo::KeyListJob::start |
( |
const QStringList & |
patterns, |
bool |
secretOnly = false |
) |
| |
pure virtual |
Starts the keylist operation.
pattern is a list of patterns used to restrict the list of keys returned. Empty patterns are ignored. If pattern is empty or contains only empty strings, all keys are returned (however, the backend is free to truncate the result and should do so; when this happens, it will be reported by the reult object).
If secretOnly is true, only keys for which the secret key is also available are returned. Use this if you need to select a key for signing.
Implemented in Kleo::HierarchicalKeyListJob, and Kleo::QGpgMEKeyListJob.