Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
CSyndication::RDF::ContentVocab | Singleton holding RDF class and property constants of the RSS 1.0 content module |
CSyndication::RDF::DublinCoreVocab | Singleton holding RDF class and property constants of the Dublin Core vocabulary |
CSyndication::RDF::Model | An RDF model, a set of RDF statements |
CSyndication::RDF::ModelMaker | An RDF parser, used to parse an RDF model from RDF/XML |
▼CSyndication::RDF::Node | RDF node, abstract baseclass for all RDF node types, like resources and literals |
CSyndication::RDF::Literal | Node type representing simple string values |
▼CSyndication::RDF::Resource | Resources are the entities in the RDF graph |
CSyndication::RDF::Property | Property is node type that represents properties of things, like "name" is a property of a person, or "color" is a property of e.g |
CSyndication::RDF::Sequence | Sequence container, a sequence contains an ordered list of RDF nodes |
CSyndication::RDF::NodeVisitor | Visitor interface, following the Visitor design pattern |
CSyndication::RDF::Parser | Parser implementation for RDF-based RSS 0.9 and RSS 1.0 feeds |
CSyndication::RDF::RDFVocab | Singleton holding RDF vocabulary, expressed as RDF |
▼CSyndication::RDF::ResourceWrapper | A wrapper for RDF resources |
CSyndication::RDF::Document | Document implementation for RDF, representing an RSS 1.0 feed |
CSyndication::RDF::DublinCore | A resource wrapper providing convenient access to Dublin Core metadata |
CSyndication::RDF::Image | An image to be associated with an HTML rendering of the channel |
CSyndication::RDF::Item | An RSS 1.0 item |
CSyndication::RDF::SyndicationInfo | Wrapper to access syndication information for a feed |
CSyndication::RDF::TextInput | "The textinput element affords a method for submitting form data to an arbitrary URL - usually located at the parent website |
CSyndication::RDF::RSS09Vocab | Singleton holding RDF class and property constants of the RSS 0.9 vocabulary |
CSyndication::RDF::RSSVocab | Singleton holding RDF class and property constants of the RSS 1.0 vocabulary |
CSyndication::RDF::Statement | An RDF statement, consisting of a triple (subject, predicate, object) |
CSyndication::RDF::SyndicationVocab | Singleton providing Property constants for the Syndication module |
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Documentation copyright © 1996-2020 The KDE developers.
Generated on Mon Jun 22 2020 13:37:38 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2020 The KDE developers.
Generated on Mon Jun 22 2020 13:37:38 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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