Go to the documentation of this file.
35 itemCustomDecrypt = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "custom_decrypt" ), mCustomDecrypt );
41 itemCustomEncryptionOptions = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "custom_option" ), mCustomEncryptionOptions );
44 itemAllowCustomEncryptionOptions = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "allow_custom_option" ), mAllowCustomEncryptionOptions, false );
47 itemFileEncryptionKey = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "file key" ), mFileEncryptionKey );
50 itemEncryptFilesTo = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "encrypt_files_to" ), mEncryptFilesTo, false );
53 itemAsciiArmor = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Ascii_armor" ), mAsciiArmor, true );
56 itemAllowUntrustedKeys = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Allow_untrusted_keys" ), mAllowUntrustedKeys, false );
59 itemAllowUntrustedGroupMembers = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Allow_untrusted_group_members" ), mAllowUntrustedGroupMembers, false );
62 itemHideUserID = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Hide_user_ID" ), mHideUserID, false );
65 itemPgpCompatibility = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "PGP_compatibility" ), mPgpCompatibility, false );
68 itemPgpExtension = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Pgp_extension" ), mPgpExtension, false );
74 itemGpgConfigPath = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemPath( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "gpg_config_path" ), mGpgConfigPath );
77 itemGpgBinaryPath = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemPath( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "gpg_bin_path" ), mGpgBinaryPath, QLatin1String( "gpg" ) );
104 itemPhotoProperties = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "photo properties" ), mPhotoProperties, valuesPhotoProperties, EnumPhotoProperties::Disable );
107 itemFirstRun = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "First run" ), mFirstRun, true );
110 itemEditorGeometry = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemSize( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Geometry" ), mEditorGeometry );
113 itemShowTrust = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "show_trust" ), mShowTrust, true );
116 itemShowExpi = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "show_expi" ), mShowExpi, true );
119 itemShowSize = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "show_size" ), mShowSize, true );
122 itemShowCreat = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "show_creat" ), mShowCreat, true );
125 itemShowSecret = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "show_secret" ), mShowSecret, false );
128 itemShowLongKeyId = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "show_long_keyid" ), mShowLongKeyId, false );
157 itemTrustLevel = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "trust filter" ), mTrustLevel, valuesTrustLevel, EnumTrustLevel::Undefined );
163 itemUseMouseSelection = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "selection_clipboard" ), mUseMouseSelection, false );
166 itemAutoStart = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "AutoStart" ), mAutoStart, false );
169 itemRemoteFileWarn = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "remote_file_warn" ), mRemoteFileWarn, false );
183 itemLeftClick = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "left_click" ), mLeftClick, valuesLeftClick );
202 itemEncryptedDropEvent = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "encrypted_drop_event" ), mEncryptedDropEvent, valuesEncryptedDropEvent );
221 itemUnencryptedDropEvent = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "unencrypted_drop_event" ), mUnencryptedDropEvent, valuesUnencryptedDropEvent );
235 itemSignMenu = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "sign_menu" ), mSignMenu, valuesSignMenu, EnumSignMenu::Disabled );
254 itemDecryptMenu = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "decrypt_menu" ), mDecryptMenu, valuesDecryptMenu, EnumDecryptMenu::Disabled );
257 itemShowSystray = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "systray_icon" ), mShowSystray, true );
260 itemRecentFiles = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemUInt( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "recent_files" ), mRecentFiles, 10 );
266 itemShowTipOfDay = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "RunOnStart" ), mShowTipOfDay, true );
272 itemColorGood = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemColor( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "color_good" ), mColorGood, QColor( 144,255,0 ) );
275 itemColorRev = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemColor( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "color_revoked" ), mColorRev, QColor( 30,30,30 ) );
278 itemColorUnknown = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemColor( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "color_unknown" ), mColorUnknown, QColor( 255,255,255 ) );
281 itemColorBad = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemColor( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "color_bad" ), mColorBad, QColor( 172,0,0 ) );
284 itemColorUltimate = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemColor( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "color_ultimate" ), mColorUltimate, QColor( 68,0,255 ) );
287 itemColorMarginal = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemColor( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "color_marginal" ), mColorMarginal, QColor( 255,255,0 ) );
290 itemColorExpired = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemColor( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "color_expired" ), mColorExpired, QColor( 150,150,150 ) );
296 itemFont = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemFont( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "KEditFont" ), mFont, KGlobalSettings::fixedFont() );
323 itemEmailSorting = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "EmailSorting" ), mEmailSorting, valuesEmailSorting, EnumEmailSorting::Alphabetical );
337 itemKeyServers = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemStringList( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Server_List" ), mKeyServers, defaultKeyServers );
341 defaultInfoServers.append( QString::fromUtf8( "$$ID8$$.txt" ) );
342 defaultInfoServers.append( QString::fromUtf8( "$$ID8$$;$$FPR$$" ) );
345 itemInfoServers = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemStringList( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Info_Server_List" ), mInfoServers, defaultInfoServers );
351 itemUseProxy = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemBool( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "use_proxy" ), mUseProxy, false );
357 itemEmailTemplate = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemString( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Email_Template" ), mEmailTemplate, i18n(EMailTemplateText) );
376 itemMailUats = new KConfigSkeleton::ItemEnum( currentGroup(), QLatin1String( "Mail_Uats" ), mMailUats, valuesMailUats, EnumMailUats::All );
bool mAllowUntrustedGroupMembers
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:992
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:59
QString mCustomEncryptionOptions
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:986
void append(const T &value)
QString fromUtf8(const char *str, int size)
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:13
bool mAllowCustomEncryptionOptions
Definition: kgpgsettings.h:987
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2020 The KDE developers.
Generated on Mon Jun 22 2020 13:42:08 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2020 The KDE developers.
Generated on Mon Jun 22 2020 13:42:08 by doxygen 1.8.7 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.