Makes style coding more convenient.
To do: and allows to style KDE specific widgets.
KStyle strives to ease style development by implementing various QStyle
methods. These implementations are based on
In the following modules, information about related members is collected:
- OptionGroup
- WidgetGroup
Enumerations |
MarginOffsets | { MainMargin, Top, Bot, Left, Right, MarginInc } |
WidgetType | { WT_Generic, WT_PushButton, WT_Splitter, WT_CheckBox, WT_RadioButton, WT_DockWidget, WT_ProgressBar, WT_MenuBar, WT_MenuBarItem, WT_Menu, WT_MenuItem, WT_ScrollBar, WT_TabBar, WT_TabWidget, WT_Slider, WT_Tree, WT_SpinBox, WT_ComboBox, WT_Header, WT_LineEdit, WT_GroupBox, WT_StatusBar, WT_ToolBar, WT_ToolButton, WT_ToolBoxTab, WT_Window, WT_Limit } |
Methods |
| __init__ (self) |
QRect | centerRect (self, QRect in, int w, int h) |
QRect | centerRect (self, QRect in, QSize size) |
| drawComplexControl (self, ComplexControl cc, QStyleOptionComplex opt, QPainter p, QWidget w) |
| drawControl (self, ControlElement elem, QStyleOption opt, QPainter p, QWidget w) |
| drawInsideRect (self, QPainter p, QRect r) |
| drawItemPixmap (self, QPainter painter, QRect rect, int alignment, QPixmap pixmap) |
| drawItemText (self, QPainter painter, QRect rect, int flags, QPalette pal, bool enabled, QString text, QPalette.ColorRole textRole=QPalette.NoRole) |
| drawPrimitive (self, PrimitiveElement elem, QStyleOption opt, QPainter p, QWidget w) |
bool | eventFilter (self, QObject a0, QEvent a1) |
QPixmap | generatedIconPixmap (self, QIcon.Mode iconMode, QPixmap pixmap, QStyleOption opt) |
SubControl | hitTestComplexControl (self, ComplexControl cc, QStyleOptionComplex opt, QPoint pt, QWidget w) |
QRect | itemPixmapRect (self, QRect r, int flags, QPixmap pixmap) |
QRect | itemTextRect (self, QFontMetrics fm, QRect r, int flags, bool enabled, QString text) |
int | layoutSpacingImplementation (self, QSizePolicy.ControlType control1, QSizePolicy.ControlType control2, Qt::Orientation orientation, QStyleOption option, QWidget widget) |
QStyle.ControlElement | newControlElement (self, QString element) |
QStyle.StyleHint | newStyleHint (self, QString element) |
QStyle.SubElement | newSubElement (self, QString element) |
int | pixelMetric (self, PixelMetric metric, QStyleOption opt=0, QWidget w=0) |
| polish (self, QWidget a0) |
| polish (self, QApplication a0) |
| polish (self, QPalette a0) |
| setWidgetLayoutProp (self, KStyle.WidgetType widget, int metric, int value) |
QSize | sizeFromContents (self, ContentsType type, QStyleOption opt, QSize contentsSize, QWidget w) |
QIcon | standardIconImplementation (self, StandardPixmap standardIcon, QStyleOption option=0, QWidget widget=0) |
QPalette | standardPalette (self) |
QPixmap | standardPixmap (self, StandardPixmap standardPixmap, QStyleOption opt, QWidget widget=0) |
int | styleHint (self, StyleHint hint, QStyleOption opt, QWidget w, QStyleHintReturn returnData) |
QRect | subControlRect (self, ComplexControl control, QStyleOptionComplex opt, SubControl subControl, QWidget w) |
QRect | subElementRect (self, SubElement subRect, QStyleOption opt, QWidget w) |
| unpolish (self, QWidget a0) |
| unpolish (self, QApplication a0) |
int | widgetLayoutProp (self, KStyle.WidgetType widgetType, int metric, QStyleOption opt=0, QWidget w=0) |
Static Methods |
QStyle.ControlElement | customControlElement (QString element, QWidget widget) |
QStyle.StyleHint | customStyleHint (QString element, QWidget widget) |
QStyle.SubElement | customSubElement (QString element, QWidget widget) |
QString | defaultStyle () |
Runtime element extension, allows inheriting styles to add support custom elements
merges supporting inherit chains
Supposed to be called e.g. in your constructor.
NOTICE: in order to have this work, your style must provide
an "X-KDE-CustomElements" classinfo, i.e.
class MyStyle : public KStyle
Q_CLASSINFO ("X-KDE-CustomElements", "true")
- Parameters:
| element | The style element, represented as string.
Suggested naming convention: appname.(2-char-element-type)_element
where the 2-char-element-type is of {SH, CE, SE}
widgets in kdelibs don't have to pass the appname
examples: "CE_CapacityBar", "amarok.CE_Analyzer"
Important notes:
1) If your string lacks the matching "SH_", "CE_" or "SE_" token the element
request will be ignored (return is 0)
2) To keep UI coherency, don't support any nonsense in your style, but convince app developers
to use standard elements - if available
Runtime element extension
This is just convenience and does /not/ require the using widgets style to inherit KStyle
(i.e. calling this while using cleanlooks won't segfault or so but just return 0)
Returns a unique id for an element string (e.g. "CE_CapacityBar")
For simplicity, only StyleHints, ControlElements and their SubElements are supported
If you don't need extended SubElement functionality, just drop it
- Parameters:
| element | The style element, represented as string.
Naming convention: "appname.(2-char-element-type)_element"
where the 2-char-element-type is of {SH, CE, SE}
(widgets in kdelibs don't have to pass the appname)
examples: "CE_CapacityBar", "amarok.CE_Analyzer"
| widget | Your widget ("this") passing this is mandatory, passing NULL will just return 0
- Returns:
- a unique id for the element string or 0, if the element is not supported by the
widgets current style
Important notes:
1) If your string lacks the matching "SH_", "CE_" or "SE_" token the element
request will be ignored (return is 0)
2) Try to avoid custom elements and use default ones (if possible) to get better style support
and keep UI coherency
3) If you cache this value (good idea, this requires a map lookup) don't (!) forget to catch
style changes in QWidget.changeEvent()