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QtGui.QInputContext Class Referenceabstract

The QInputContext class abstracts the input method dependent data and composing state. More...

Inheritance diagram for QtGui.QInputContext:
Collaboration diagram for QtGui.QInputContext:

Public Types

enum  StandardFormat { PreeditFormat = 0, SelectionFormat = 1 }

Public Member Functions

 QInputContext (QObject parent=null)
override void CreateProxy ()
< QAction
Actions ()
virtual bool OnFilterEvent (QEvent @event)
virtual QFont Font ()
abstract string IdentifierName ()
abstract bool IsComposing ()
abstract string Language ()
virtual void MouseHandler (int x, QMouseEvent @event)
abstract void Reset ()
new void OnSendEvent (QInputMethodEvent @event)
new QTextFormat standardFormat (QInputContext.StandardFormat s)
virtual void Update ()
virtual void WidgetDestroyed (QWidget w)
new void Dispose ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from QtCore.QObject
 QObject (QObject parent=null)
new bool BlockSignals (bool b)
< QObject
Children ()
new bool Connect (QObject sender, string signal, string member, Qt.ConnectionType type=Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection)
new void DeleteLater ()
new bool Disconnect (QObject receiver, string member=null)
new bool Disconnect (string signal=null, QObject receiver=null, string member=null)
new void DumpObjectInfo ()
new void DumpObjectTree ()
< QByteArray
DynamicPropertyNames ()
virtual bool OnEvent (QEvent arg1)
virtual bool EventFilter (QObject arg1, QEvent arg2)
new bool Inherits (string classname)
new void InstallEventFilter (QObject arg1)
new bool IsWidgetType ()
new void KillTimer (int id)
new object Property (string name)
new void RemoveEventFilter (QObject arg1)
new bool SetProperty (string name, object value)
new void SetUserData (uint id, QObjectUserData data)
new bool SignalsBlocked ()
new int StartTimer (int interval)
new QObjectUserData UserData (uint id)
new void Dispose ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from QtCore.Qt
delegate QTextStream FuncQTextStreamQTextStream (QTextStream qTextStream)
delegate string FuncStringQByteArray (QByteArray qByteArray)
delegate QByteArray FuncQByteArrayString (string @string)
delegate void ActionQtMsgTypeString (QtMsgType qtMsgType, string @string)
delegate QObject FuncQObject ()

Static Public Member Functions

static string Tr (string s, string c=null)
static string Tr (string s, string c, int n)
static string TrUtf8 (string s, string c=null)
static string TrUtf8 (string s, string c, int n)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QtCore.QObject
static bool Connect (QObject sender, QMetaMethod signal, QObject receiver, QMetaMethod method, Qt.ConnectionType type=Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection)
static bool Connect (QObject sender, string signal, QObject receiver, string member, Qt.ConnectionType arg5=Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection)
static bool Disconnect (QObject sender, QMetaMethod signal, QObject receiver, QMetaMethod member)
static bool Disconnect (QObject sender, string signal, QObject receiver, string member)
static uint RegisterUserData ()
static string Tr (string s, string c=null)
static string Tr (string s, string c, int n)
static string TrUtf8 (string s, string c=null)
static string TrUtf8 (string s, string c, int n)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QtCore.Qt
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream s, object p)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QSizeF arg2)
static QTextStream Write (QTextStream s, Qt.FuncQTextStreamQTextStream f)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QPoint arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QLineF arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QPointF arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QChar arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QByteArray arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QEasingCurve arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QRectF arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QDateTime arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QUrl arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QTime arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QLocale arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QBitArray arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QUuid arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QLine arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QDate arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream @out, QRegExp regExp)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QRect arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QSize arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream s, QVariant.Type p)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, string arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream @out, System.Collections.Generic.List< string > list)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QChar arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QLocale arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QRect arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QEasingCurve arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QDate arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QUrl arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QUuid arg2)
static QTextStream Read (QTextStream s, Qt.FuncQTextStreamQTextStream f)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QLineF arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QRectF arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QPointF arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QLine arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QBitArray arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QSize arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QDateTime arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QTime arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QPoint arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream @in, QRegExp regExp)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream s, object p)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QByteArray arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QSizeF arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, string arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream s, QVariant.Type p)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream @in, System.Collections.Generic.List< string > list)
static double qAcos (double v)
static void qAddPostRoutine (System.Action arg1)
static string qAppName ()
static double qAsin (double v)
static double qAtan (double v)
static double qAtan2 (double x, double y)
static void qBadAlloc ()
static int qCeil (double v)
static ushort qChecksum (string s, uint len)
static QByteArray qCompress (QByteArray data)
static QByteArray qCompress (QByteArray data, int compressionLevel=-1)
static QByteArray qCompress (Pointer< byte > data, int nbytes)
static QByteArray qCompress (Pointer< byte > data, int nbytes, int compressionLevel=-1)
static double qCos (double v)
static double qExp (double v)
static double qFabs (double v)
static double qFastCos (double x)
static double qFastSin (double x)
static string qFlagLocation (string method)
static int qFloor (double v)
static bool qFuzzyCompare (double p1, double p2)
static bool qFuzzyCompare (float p1, float p2)
static bool qFuzzyIsNull (double d)
static bool qFuzzyIsNull (float f)
static uint qHash (QBitArray key)
static uint qHash (QChar key)
static uint qHash (QStringRef key)
static uint qHash (QUrl url)
static uint qHash (QPersistentModelIndex index)
static uint qHash (QByteArray key)
static uint qHash (QModelIndex index)
static uint qHash (uint key)
static uint qHash (sbyte key)
static uint qHash (byte key)
static uint qHash (short key)
static uint qHash (NativeLong key)
static uint qHash (ushort key)
static uint qHash (long key)
static uint qHash (ulong key)
static uint qHash (int key)
static uint qHash (string key)
static uint qHash (NativeULong key)
static double qInf ()
static Qt.ActionQtMsgTypeString qInstallMsgHandler (Qt.ActionQtMsgTypeString arg1)
static int qIntCast (float f)
static int qIntCast (double f)
static bool qIsFinite (double d)
static bool qIsFinite (float f)
static bool qIsInf (float f)
static bool qIsInf (double d)
static bool qIsNaN (float f)
static bool qIsNaN (double d)
static bool qIsNull (float f)
static bool qIsNull (double d)
static double qLn (double v)
static double qPow (double x, double y)
static double qQNaN ()
static void qRegisterStaticPluginInstanceFunction (Qt.FuncQObject function)
static void qRemovePostRoutine (System.Action arg1)
static int qRound (double d)
static long qRound64 (double d)
static double qSNaN ()
static bool qSharedBuild ()
static double qSin (double v)
static double qSqrt (double v)
static bool qStringComparisonHelper (QStringRef s1, string s2)
static double qTan (double v)
static QByteArray qUncompress (QByteArray data)
static QByteArray qUncompress (Pointer< byte > data, int nbytes)
static string qVersion ()
static void Qbswap_helper (Pointer< byte > src, Pointer< byte > dest, int size)
static QByteArray Qgetenv (string varName)
static bool Qputenv (string varName, QByteArray value)
static int Qrand ()
static void Qsrand (uint seed)
static int Qstrcmp (QByteArray str1, QByteArray str2)
static int Qstrcmp (QByteArray str1, string str2)
static int Qstrcmp (string str1, QByteArray str2)
static int Qstrcmp (string str1, string str2)
static Pointer< sbyte > Qstrcpy (Pointer< sbyte > dst, string src)
static Pointer< sbyte > Qstrdup (string arg1)
static int Qstricmp (string arg1, string arg2)
static uint Qstrlen (string str)
static int Qstrncmp (string str1, string str2, uint len)
static Pointer< sbyte > Qstrncpy (Pointer< sbyte > dst, string src, uint len)
static int Qstrnicmp (string arg1, string arg2, uint len)
static uint Qstrnlen (string str, uint maxlen)
static string QtTrId (string id, int n=-1)

Protected Member Functions

 QInputContext (System.Type dummy)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QtCore.QObject
 QObject (System.Type dummy)
virtual void OnChildEvent (QChildEvent arg1)
virtual void ConnectNotify (string signal)
virtual void OnCustomEvent (QEvent arg1)
new void OnDestroyed (QObject arg1=null)
virtual void DisconnectNotify (string signal)
new int Receivers (string signal)
new QObject Sender ()
new int SenderSignalIndex ()
virtual void OnTimerEvent (QTimerEvent arg1)


virtual EventHandler
< QEventArgs< QEvent > > 
virtual EventHandler
< QEventArgs
< QInputMethodEvent > > 
virtual QWidget FocusWidget [get, set]
static new QMetaObject StaticMetaObject [get]
new IQInputContextSignals Emit [get]
- Properties inherited from QtCore.QObject
virtual EventHandler
< QEventArgs< QChildEvent > > 
virtual EventHandler
< QEventArgs< QEvent > > 
virtual EventHandler
< QEventArgs< QEvent > > 
virtual EventHandler
< QEventArgs< QTimerEvent > > 
Slot< QObjectDestroyedQObject
Slot Destroyed
new QObject Parent [get, set]
virtual System.IntPtr SmokeObject [get, set]
new string ObjectName [get, set]
static new QMetaObject StaticMetaObject [get]
static new QMetaObject StaticQtMetaObject [get]
new IQObjectSignals Emit [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from QtCore.QObject
object Q_EMIT = null
SmokeInvocation interceptor
readonly List< QEventHandler > eventFilters = new List<QEventHandler>()

Detailed Description

The QInputContext class abstracts the input method dependent data and composing state.

An input method is responsible for inputting complex text that cannot be inputted via simple keymap. It converts a sequence of input events (typically key events) into a text string through the input method specific converting process. The class of the processes are widely ranging from simple finite state machine to complex text translator that pools a whole paragraph of a text with text editing capability to perform grammar and semantic analysis.

To abstract such different input method specific intermediate information, Qt offers the QInputContext as base class. The concept is well known as 'input context' in the input method domain. An input context is created for a text widget in response to a demand. It is ensured that an input context is prepared for an input method before input to a text widget.

Multiple input contexts that belong to a single input method may concurrently coexist. Suppose multi-window text editor. Each text widget of window A and B holds different QInputContext instance which contains different state information such as partially composed text.

Groups of Functions


Receiving information x11FilterEvent(), filterEvent(), mouseHandler()

Sending back composed text sendEvent()

State change notification setFocusWidget(), reset()

Context information identifierName(), language(), font(), isComposing()

Licensing Information

Copyright (C) 2003-2004 immodule for Qt Project. All rights reserved.

This file is written to contribute to Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) under their own license. You may use this file under your Qt license. Following description is copied from their original file headers. Contact immod.nosp@m.ule-.nosp@m.qt@fr.nosp@m.eede.nosp@m.sktop.nosp@m..org if any conditions of this licensing are not clear to you.

See also QInputContextPlugin, QInputContextFactory, and QApplication::setInputContext().

Member Enumeration Documentation

See also standardFormat().


The preedit text.


The selection text.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QtGui.QInputContext.QInputContext ( System.Type  dummy)
QtGui.QInputContext.QInputContext ( QObject  parent = null)

Constructs an input context with the given parent.

Member Function Documentation

virtual System.Collections.Generic.List<QAction> QtGui.QInputContext.Actions ( )

This is a preliminary interface for Qt 4.

override void QtGui.QInputContext.CreateProxy ( )

Reimplemented from QtCore.QObject.

new void QtGui.QInputContext.Dispose ( )
virtual QFont QtGui.QInputContext.Font ( )

Returns the font of the current input widget

abstract string QtGui.QInputContext.IdentifierName ( )
pure virtual

This function must be implemented in any subclasses to return the identifier name of the input method.

Return value is the name to identify and specify input methods for the input method switching mechanism and so on. The name has to be consistent with QInputContextPlugin::keys(). The name has to consist of ASCII characters only.

There are two different names with different responsibility in the input method domain. This function returns one of them. Another name is called 'display name' that stands for the name for endusers appeared in a menu and so on.

See also QInputContextPlugin::keys() and QInputContextPlugin::displayName().

abstract bool QtGui.QInputContext.IsComposing ( )
pure virtual

This function indicates whether InputMethodStart event had been sent to the current focus widget. It is ensured that an input context can send InputMethodCompose or InputMethodEnd event safely if this function returned true.

The state is automatically being tracked through sendEvent().

See also sendEvent().

abstract string QtGui.QInputContext.Language ( )
pure virtual

This function must be implemented in any subclasses to return a language code (e.g. "zh_CN", "zh_TW", "zh_HK", "ja", "ko", ...) of the input context. If the input context can handle multiple languages, return the currently used one. The name has to be consistent with QInputContextPlugin::language().

This information will be used by language tagging feature in QInputMethodEvent. It is required to distinguish unified han characters correctly. It enables proper font and character code handling. Suppose CJK-awared multilingual web browser (that automatically modifies fonts in CJK-mixed text) and XML editor (that automatically inserts lang attr).

virtual void QtGui.QInputContext.MouseHandler ( int  x,
QMouseEvent event 

This function can be reimplemented in a subclass to handle mouse press, release, double-click, and move events within the preedit text. You can use the function to implement mouse-oriented user interface such as text selection or popup menu for candidate selection.

The x parameter is the offset within the string that was sent with the InputMethodCompose event. The alteration boundary of x is ensured as character boundary of preedit string accurately.

The event parameter is the event that was sent to the editor widget. The event type is QEvent::MouseButtonPress, QEvent::MouseButtonRelease, QEvent::MouseButtonDblClick or QEvent::MouseMove. The event's button and state indicate the kind of operation that was performed.

virtual bool QtGui.QInputContext.OnFilterEvent ( QEvent event)

This function can be reimplemented in a subclass to filter input events.

Return true if the event has been consumed. Otherwise, the unfiltered event will be forwarded to widgets as ordinary way. Although the input events have accept() and ignore() methods, leave it untouched.

event is currently restricted to events of these types:









But some input method related events such as QWheelEvent or QTabletEvent may be added in future.

The filtering opportunity is always given to the input context as soon as possible. It has to be taken place before any other key event consumers such as eventfilters and accelerators because some input methods require quite various key combination and sequences. It often conflicts with accelerators and so on, so we must give the input context the filtering opportunity first to ensure all input methods work properly regardless of application design.

Ordinary input methods require discrete key events to work properly, so Qt's key compression is always disabled for any input contexts.

See also QKeyEvent and x11FilterEvent().

new void QtGui.QInputContext.OnSendEvent ( QInputMethodEvent event)

Sends an input method event specified by event to the current focus widget. Implementations of QInputContext should call this method to send the generated input method events and not QApplication::sendEvent(), as the events might have to get dispatched to a different application on some platforms.

Some complex input methods route the handling to several child contexts (e.g. to enable language switching). To account for this, QInputContext will check if the parent object is a QInputContext. If yes, it will call the parents sendEvent() implementation instead of sending the event directly.

See also QInputMethodEvent.

abstract void QtGui.QInputContext.Reset ( )
pure virtual

This function can be reimplemented in a subclass to reset the state of the input method.

This function is called by several widgets to reset input state. For example, a text widget call this function before inserting a text to make widget ready to accept a text.

Default implementation is sufficient for simple input method. You can override this function to reset external input method engines in complex input method. In the case, call QInputContext::reset() to ensure proper termination of inputting.

In a reimplementation of reset(), you must not send any QInputMethodEvent containing preedit text. You can only commit string and attributes; otherwise, you risk breaking input state consistency.

new QTextFormat QtGui.QInputContext.standardFormat ( QInputContext.StandardFormat  s)

Returns a QTextFormat object that specifies the format for component s.

static string QtGui.QInputContext.Tr ( string  s,
string  c = null 
static string QtGui.QInputContext.Tr ( string  s,
string  c,
int  n 
static string QtGui.QInputContext.TrUtf8 ( string  s,
string  c = null 
static string QtGui.QInputContext.TrUtf8 ( string  s,
string  c,
int  n 
virtual void QtGui.QInputContext.Update ( )

This virtual function is called when a state in the focus widget has changed. QInputContext can then use QWidget::inputMethodQuery() to query the new state of the widget.

virtual void QtGui.QInputContext.WidgetDestroyed ( QWidget  w)

This virtual function is called when the specified widget is destroyed. The widget is a widget on which this input context is installed.

Property Documentation

new IQInputContextSignals QtGui.QInputContext.Emit
virtual EventHandler<QEventArgs<QEvent> > QtGui.QInputContext.FilterEvent

This function can be reimplemented in a subclass to filter input events.

Return true if the event has been consumed. Otherwise, the unfiltered event will be forwarded to widgets as ordinary way. Although the input events have accept() and ignore() methods, leave it untouched.

event is currently restricted to events of these types:









But some input method related events such as QWheelEvent or QTabletEvent may be added in future.

The filtering opportunity is always given to the input context as soon as possible. It has to be taken place before any other key event consumers such as eventfilters and accelerators because some input methods require quite various key combination and sequences. It often conflicts with accelerators and so on, so we must give the input context the filtering opportunity first to ensure all input methods work properly regardless of application design.

Ordinary input methods require discrete key events to work properly, so Qt's key compression is always disabled for any input contexts.

See also QKeyEvent and x11FilterEvent().

virtual QWidget QtGui.QInputContext.FocusWidget

Returns the widget that has an input focus for this input context.

The return value may differ from holderWidget() if the input context is shared between several text widgets.

Warning: To ensure platform independence and support flexible configuration of widgets, ordinary input methods should not call this function directly.

Sets the widget that has an input focus for this input context.

Warning: Ordinary input methods must not call this function directly.

virtual EventHandler<QEventArgs<QInputMethodEvent> > QtGui.QInputContext.SendEvent

Sends an input method event specified by event to the current focus widget. Implementations of QInputContext should call this method to send the generated input method events and not QApplication::sendEvent(), as the events might have to get dispatched to a different application on some platforms.

Some complex input methods route the handling to several child contexts (e.g. to enable language switching). To account for this, QInputContext will check if the parent object is a QInputContext. If yes, it will call the parents sendEvent() implementation instead of sending the event directly.

See also QInputMethodEvent.

new QMetaObject QtGui.QInputContext.StaticMetaObject