static bool | IsAvailable () |
static void | Play (string filename) |
static string | Tr (string s, string c=null) |
static string | Tr (string s, string c, int n) |
static string | TrUtf8 (string s, string c=null) |
static string | TrUtf8 (string s, string c, int n) |
static bool | Connect (QObject sender, QMetaMethod signal, QObject receiver, QMetaMethod method, Qt.ConnectionType type=Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) |
static bool | Connect (QObject sender, string signal, QObject receiver, string member, Qt.ConnectionType arg5=Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection) |
static bool | Disconnect (QObject sender, QMetaMethod signal, QObject receiver, QMetaMethod member) |
static bool | Disconnect (QObject sender, string signal, QObject receiver, string member) |
static uint | RegisterUserData () |
static string | Tr (string s, string c=null) |
static string | Tr (string s, string c, int n) |
static string | TrUtf8 (string s, string c=null) |
static string | TrUtf8 (string s, string c, int n) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream s, object p) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QSizeF arg2) |
static QTextStream | Write (QTextStream s, Qt.FuncQTextStreamQTextStream f) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QPoint arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QLineF arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QPointF arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QChar arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QByteArray arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QEasingCurve arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QRectF arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QDateTime arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QUrl arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QTime arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QLocale arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QBitArray arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QUuid arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QLine arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QDate arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream @out, QRegExp regExp) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QRect arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, QSize arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream s, QVariant.Type p) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream arg1, string arg2) |
static QDataStream | Write (QDataStream @out, System.Collections.Generic.List< string > list) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QChar arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QLocale arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QRect arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QEasingCurve arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QDate arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QUrl arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QUuid arg2) |
static QTextStream | Read (QTextStream s, Qt.FuncQTextStreamQTextStream f) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QLineF arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QRectF arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QPointF arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QLine arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QBitArray arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QSize arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QDateTime arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QTime arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QPoint arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream @in, QRegExp regExp) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream s, object p) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QByteArray arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, QSizeF arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream arg1, string arg2) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream s, QVariant.Type p) |
static QDataStream | Read (QDataStream @in, System.Collections.Generic.List< string > list) |
static double | qAcos (double v) |
static void | qAddPostRoutine (System.Action arg1) |
static string | qAppName () |
static double | qAsin (double v) |
static double | qAtan (double v) |
static double | qAtan2 (double x, double y) |
static void | qBadAlloc () |
static int | qCeil (double v) |
static ushort | qChecksum (string s, uint len) |
static QByteArray | qCompress (QByteArray data) |
static QByteArray | qCompress (QByteArray data, int compressionLevel=-1) |
static QByteArray | qCompress (Pointer< byte > data, int nbytes) |
static QByteArray | qCompress (Pointer< byte > data, int nbytes, int compressionLevel=-1) |
static double | qCos (double v) |
static double | qExp (double v) |
static double | qFabs (double v) |
static double | qFastCos (double x) |
static double | qFastSin (double x) |
static string | qFlagLocation (string method) |
static int | qFloor (double v) |
static bool | qFuzzyCompare (double p1, double p2) |
static bool | qFuzzyCompare (float p1, float p2) |
static bool | qFuzzyIsNull (double d) |
static bool | qFuzzyIsNull (float f) |
static uint | qHash (QBitArray key) |
static uint | qHash (QChar key) |
static uint | qHash (QStringRef key) |
static uint | qHash (QUrl url) |
static uint | qHash (QPersistentModelIndex index) |
static uint | qHash (QByteArray key) |
static uint | qHash (QModelIndex index) |
static uint | qHash (uint key) |
static uint | qHash (sbyte key) |
static uint | qHash (byte key) |
static uint | qHash (short key) |
static uint | qHash (NativeLong key) |
static uint | qHash (ushort key) |
static uint | qHash (long key) |
static uint | qHash (ulong key) |
static uint | qHash (int key) |
static uint | qHash (string key) |
static uint | qHash (NativeULong key) |
static double | qInf () |
static Qt.ActionQtMsgTypeString | qInstallMsgHandler (Qt.ActionQtMsgTypeString arg1) |
static int | qIntCast (float f) |
static int | qIntCast (double f) |
static bool | qIsFinite (double d) |
static bool | qIsFinite (float f) |
static bool | qIsInf (float f) |
static bool | qIsInf (double d) |
static bool | qIsNaN (float f) |
static bool | qIsNaN (double d) |
static bool | qIsNull (float f) |
static bool | qIsNull (double d) |
static double | qLn (double v) |
static double | qPow (double x, double y) |
static double | qQNaN () |
static void | qRegisterStaticPluginInstanceFunction (Qt.FuncQObject function) |
static void | qRemovePostRoutine (System.Action arg1) |
static int | qRound (double d) |
static long | qRound64 (double d) |
static double | qSNaN () |
static bool | qSharedBuild () |
static double | qSin (double v) |
static double | qSqrt (double v) |
static bool | qStringComparisonHelper (QStringRef s1, string s2) |
static double | qTan (double v) |
static QByteArray | qUncompress (QByteArray data) |
static QByteArray | qUncompress (Pointer< byte > data, int nbytes) |
static string | qVersion () |
static void | Qbswap_helper (Pointer< byte > src, Pointer< byte > dest, int size) |
static QByteArray | Qgetenv (string varName) |
static bool | Qputenv (string varName, QByteArray value) |
static int | Qrand () |
static void | Qsrand (uint seed) |
static int | Qstrcmp (QByteArray str1, QByteArray str2) |
static int | Qstrcmp (QByteArray str1, string str2) |
static int | Qstrcmp (string str1, QByteArray str2) |
static int | Qstrcmp (string str1, string str2) |
static Pointer< sbyte > | Qstrcpy (Pointer< sbyte > dst, string src) |
static Pointer< sbyte > | Qstrdup (string arg1) |
static int | Qstricmp (string arg1, string arg2) |
static uint | Qstrlen (string str) |
static int | Qstrncmp (string str1, string str2, uint len) |
static Pointer< sbyte > | Qstrncpy (Pointer< sbyte > dst, string src, uint len) |
static int | Qstrnicmp (string arg1, string arg2, uint len) |
static uint | Qstrnlen (string str, uint maxlen) |
static string | QtTrId (string id, int n=-1) |
enum | AlignmentFlag {
AlignAbsolute = 16,
AlignBottom = 64,
AlignCenter = 132,
AlignHCenter = 4,
AlignHorizontal_Mask = 31,
AlignJustify = 8,
AlignLeading = 1,
AlignLeft = 1,
AlignRight = 2,
AlignTop = 32,
AlignTrailing = 2,
AlignVCenter = 128,
AlignVertical_Mask = 224
} |
| More...
enum | AnchorAttribute { AnchorHref = 1,
AnchorName = 0
} |
| More...
enum | AnchorPoint {
AnchorBottom = 5,
AnchorHorizontalCenter = 1,
AnchorLeft = 0,
AnchorRight = 2,
AnchorTop = 3,
AnchorVerticalCenter = 4
} |
| More...
enum | ApplicationAttribute {
AA_AttributeCount = 12,
AA_CaptureMultimediaKeys = 11,
AA_DontCreateNativeWidgetSiblings = 4,
AA_DontShowIconsInMenus = 2,
AA_DontUseNativeMenuBar = 6,
AA_ImmediateWidgetCreation = 0,
AA_MSWindowsUseDirect3DByDefault = 1,
AA_MacDontSwapCtrlAndMeta = 7,
AA_MacPluginApplication = 5,
AA_NativeWindows = 3,
AA_S60DisablePartialScreenInputMode = 9,
AA_S60DontConstructApplicationPanes = 8,
AA_X11InitThreads = 10
} |
| More...
enum | ArrowType {
DownArrow = 2,
LeftArrow = 3,
NoArrow = 0,
RightArrow = 4,
UpArrow = 1
} |
enum | AspectRatioMode { IgnoreAspectRatio = 0,
KeepAspectRatio = 1,
KeepAspectRatioByExpanding = 2
} |
| More...
enum | Axis { XAxis = 0,
YAxis = 1,
ZAxis = 2
} |
| More...
enum | BGMode { OpaqueMode = 1,
TransparentMode = 0
} |
| More...
enum | BrushStyle {
BDiagPattern = 12,
ConicalGradientPattern = 17,
CrossPattern = 11,
Dense1Pattern = 2,
Dense2Pattern = 3,
Dense3Pattern = 4,
Dense4Pattern = 5,
Dense5Pattern = 6,
Dense6Pattern = 7,
Dense7Pattern = 8,
DiagCrossPattern = 14,
FDiagPattern = 13,
HorPattern = 9,
LinearGradientPattern = 15,
NoBrush = 0,
RadialGradientPattern = 16,
SolidPattern = 1,
TexturePattern = 24,
VerPattern = 10
} |
| More...
enum | CaseSensitivity { CaseInsensitive = 0,
CaseSensitive = 1
} |
enum | CheckState { Checked = 2,
PartiallyChecked = 1,
Unchecked = 0
} |
| More...
enum | ClipOperation { IntersectClip = 2,
NoClip = 0,
ReplaceClip = 1,
UniteClip = 3
} |
enum | ConnectionType {
AutoCompatConnection = 3,
AutoConnection = 0,
BlockingQueuedConnection = 4,
DirectConnection = 1,
QueuedConnection = 2,
UniqueConnection = 128
} |
| More...
enum | ContextMenuPolicy {
ActionsContextMenu = 2,
CustomContextMenu = 3,
DefaultContextMenu = 1,
NoContextMenu = 0,
PreventContextMenu = 4
} |
| More...
enum | CoordinateSystem { DeviceCoordinates = 0,
LogicalCoordinates = 1
} |
| More...
enum | Corner { BottomLeftCorner = 2,
BottomRightCorner = 3,
TopLeftCorner = 0,
TopRightCorner = 1
} |
| More...
enum | CursorMoveStyle { LogicalMoveStyle = 0,
VisualMoveStyle = 1
} |
| More...
enum | CursorShape {
ArrowCursor = 0,
BitmapCursor = 24,
BlankCursor = 10,
BusyCursor = 16,
ClosedHandCursor = 18,
CrossCursor = 2,
CustomCursor = 25,
DragCopyCursor = 19,
DragLinkCursor = 21,
DragMoveCursor = 20,
ForbiddenCursor = 14,
IBeamCursor = 4,
LastCursor = 21,
OpenHandCursor = 17,
PointingHandCursor = 13,
SizeAllCursor = 9,
SizeBDiagCursor = 7,
SizeFDiagCursor = 8,
SizeHorCursor = 6,
SizeVerCursor = 5,
SplitHCursor = 12,
SplitVCursor = 11,
UpArrowCursor = 1,
WaitCursor = 3,
WhatsThisCursor = 15
} |
| More...
enum | DateFormat {
DefaultLocaleLongDate = 7,
DefaultLocaleShortDate = 6,
ISODate = 1,
LocalDate = 2,
LocaleDate = 3,
SystemLocaleDate = 2,
SystemLocaleLongDate = 5,
SystemLocaleShortDate = 4,
TextDate = 0
} |
| More...
enum | DayOfWeek {
Friday = 5,
Monday = 1,
Saturday = 6,
Sunday = 7,
Thursday = 4,
Tuesday = 2,
Wednesday = 3
} |
enum | DockWidgetArea {
AllDockWidgetAreas = 15,
BottomDockWidgetArea = 8,
DockWidgetArea_Mask = 15,
LeftDockWidgetArea = 1,
NoDockWidgetArea = 0,
RightDockWidgetArea = 2,
TopDockWidgetArea = 4
} |
enum | DockWidgetAreaSizes { NDockWidgetAreas = 4
} |
enum | DropAction {
ActionMask = 255,
CopyAction = 1,
IgnoreAction = 0,
LinkAction = 4,
MoveAction = 2,
TargetMoveAction = 32770
} |
enum | EventPriority { HighEventPriority = 1,
LowEventPriority = -1,
NormalEventPriority = 0
} |
| More...
enum | FillRule { OddEvenFill = 0,
WindingFill = 1
} |
| More...
enum | FocusPolicy {
ClickFocus = 2,
NoFocus = 0,
StrongFocus = 11,
TabFocus = 1,
WheelFocus = 15
} |
| More...
enum | FocusReason {
ActiveWindowFocusReason = 3,
BacktabFocusReason = 2,
MenuBarFocusReason = 6,
MouseFocusReason = 0,
NoFocusReason = 8,
OtherFocusReason = 7,
PopupFocusReason = 4,
ShortcutFocusReason = 5,
TabFocusReason = 1
} |
| More...
enum | GestureFlag { DontStartGestureOnChildren = 1,
IgnoredGesturesPropagateToParent = 4,
ReceivePartialGestures = 2
} |
| More...
enum | GestureState {
GestureCanceled = 4,
GestureFinished = 3,
GestureStarted = 1,
GestureUpdated = 2,
NoGesture = 0
} |
| More...
enum | GestureType {
CustomGesture = 256,
LastGestureType = -1,
PanGesture = 3,
PinchGesture = 4,
SwipeGesture = 5,
TapAndHoldGesture = 2,
TapGesture = 1
} |
| More...
enum | GlobalColor {
black = 2,
blue = 9,
color0 = 0,
color1 = 1,
cyan = 10,
darkBlue = 15,
darkCyan = 16,
darkGray = 4,
darkGreen = 14,
darkMagenta = 17,
darkRed = 13,
darkYellow = 18,
gray = 5,
green = 8,
lightGray = 6,
magenta = 11,
red = 7,
transparent = 19,
white = 3,
yellow = 12
} |
| More...
enum | ImageConversionFlag {
AlphaDither_Mask = 12,
AutoColor = 0,
AutoDither = 0,
AvoidDither = 128,
ColorMode_Mask = 3,
ColorOnly = 3,
DiffuseAlphaDither = 8,
DiffuseDither = 0,
DitherMode_Mask = 192,
Dither_Mask = 48,
MonoOnly = 2,
NoAlpha = 12,
NoFormatConversion = 512,
NoOpaqueDetection = 256,
OrderedAlphaDither = 4,
OrderedDither = 16,
PreferDither = 64,
ThresholdAlphaDither = 0,
ThresholdDither = 32
} |
| More...
enum | Initialization { Uninitialized = 0
} |
enum | InputMethodHint {
ImhDialableCharactersOnly = 1048576,
ImhDigitsOnly = 65536,
ImhEmailCharactersOnly = 2097152,
ImhExclusiveInputMask = -65536,
ImhFormattedNumbersOnly = 131072,
ImhHiddenText = 1,
ImhLowercaseOnly = 524288,
ImhNoAutoUppercase = 2,
ImhNoPredictiveText = 32,
ImhNone = 0,
ImhPreferLowercase = 16,
ImhPreferNumbers = 4,
ImhPreferUppercase = 8,
ImhUppercaseOnly = 262144,
ImhUrlCharactersOnly = 4194304
} |
| More...
enum | InputMethodQuery {
ImAnchorPosition = 6,
ImCurrentSelection = 4,
ImCursorPosition = 2,
ImFont = 1,
ImMaximumTextLength = 5,
ImMicroFocus = 0,
ImSurroundingText = 3
} |
enum | ItemDataRole {
AccessibleDescriptionRole = 12,
AccessibleTextRole = 11,
BackgroundColorRole = 8,
BackgroundRole = 8,
CheckStateRole = 10,
DecorationPropertyRole = 28,
DecorationRole = 1,
DisplayPropertyRole = 27,
DisplayRole = 0,
EditRole = 2,
FontRole = 6,
ForegroundRole = 9,
InitialSortOrderRole = 14,
SizeHintRole = 13,
StatusTipPropertyRole = 30,
StatusTipRole = 4,
TextAlignmentRole = 7,
TextColorRole = 9,
ToolTipPropertyRole = 29,
ToolTipRole = 3,
UserRole = 32,
WhatsThisPropertyRole = 31,
WhatsThisRole = 5
} |
| More...
enum | ItemFlag {
ItemIsDragEnabled = 4,
ItemIsDropEnabled = 8,
ItemIsEditable = 2,
ItemIsEnabled = 32,
ItemIsSelectable = 1,
ItemIsTristate = 64,
ItemIsUserCheckable = 16,
NoItemFlags = 0
} |
| More...
enum | ItemSelectionMode { ContainsItemBoundingRect = 2,
ContainsItemShape = 0,
IntersectsItemBoundingRect = 3,
IntersectsItemShape = 1
} |
| More...
enum | Key {
Key_0 = 48,
Key_1 = 49,
Key_2 = 50,
Key_3 = 51,
Key_4 = 52,
Key_5 = 53,
Key_6 = 54,
Key_7 = 55,
Key_8 = 56,
Key_9 = 57,
Key_A = 65,
Key_AE = 198,
Key_Aacute = 193,
Key_Acircumflex = 194,
Key_AddFavorite = 16777408,
Key_Adiaeresis = 196,
Key_Agrave = 192,
Key_Alt = 16777251,
Key_AltGr = 16781571,
Key_Ampersand = 38,
Key_Any = 32,
Key_Apostrophe = 39,
Key_ApplicationLeft = 16777415,
Key_ApplicationRight = 16777416,
Key_Aring = 197,
Key_AsciiCircum = 94,
Key_AsciiTilde = 126,
Key_Asterisk = 42,
Key_At = 64,
Key_Atilde = 195,
Key_AudioCycleTrack = 16777478,
Key_AudioForward = 16777474,
Key_AudioRandomPlay = 16777476,
Key_AudioRepeat = 16777475,
Key_AudioRewind = 16777413,
Key_Away = 16777464,
Key_B = 66,
Key_Back = 16777313,
Key_BackForward = 16777414,
Key_Backslash = 92,
Key_Backspace = 16777219,
Key_Backtab = 16777218,
Key_Bar = 124,
Key_BassBoost = 16777331,
Key_BassDown = 16777333,
Key_BassUp = 16777332,
Key_Battery = 16777470,
Key_Bluetooth = 16777471,
Key_Book = 16777417,
Key_BraceLeft = 123,
Key_BraceRight = 125,
Key_BracketLeft = 91,
Key_BracketRight = 93,
Key_BrightnessAdjust = 16777410,
Key_C = 67,
Key_CD = 16777418,
Key_Calculator = 16777419,
Key_Calendar = 16777444,
Key_Call = 17825796,
Key_Camera = 17825824,
Key_CameraFocus = 17825825,
Key_Cancel = 16908289,
Key_CapsLock = 16777252,
Key_Ccedilla = 199,
Key_Clear = 16777227,
Key_ClearGrab = 16777421,
Key_Close = 16777422,
Key_Codeinput = 16781623,
Key_Colon = 58,
Key_Comma = 44,
Key_Community = 16777412,
Key_Context1 = 17825792,
Key_Context2 = 17825793,
Key_Context3 = 17825794,
Key_Context4 = 17825795,
Key_ContrastAdjust = 16777485,
Key_Control = 16777249,
Key_Copy = 16777423,
Key_Cut = 16777424,
Key_D = 68,
Key_DOS = 16777426,
Key_Dead_Abovedot = 16781910,
Key_Dead_Abovering = 16781912,
Key_Dead_Acute = 16781905,
Key_Dead_Belowdot = 16781920,
Key_Dead_Breve = 16781909,
Key_Dead_Caron = 16781914,
Key_Dead_Cedilla = 16781915,
Key_Dead_Circumflex = 16781906,
Key_Dead_Diaeresis = 16781911,
Key_Dead_Doubleacute = 16781913,
Key_Dead_Grave = 16781904,
Key_Dead_Hook = 16781921,
Key_Dead_Horn = 16781922,
Key_Dead_Iota = 16781917,
Key_Dead_Macron = 16781908,
Key_Dead_Ogonek = 16781916,
Key_Dead_Semivoiced_Sound = 16781919,
Key_Dead_Tilde = 16781907,
Key_Dead_Voiced_Sound = 16781918,
Key_Delete = 16777223,
Key_Direction_L = 16777305,
Key_Direction_R = 16777312,
Key_Display = 16777425,
Key_Documents = 16777427,
Key_Dollar = 36,
Key_Down = 16777237,
Key_E = 69,
Key_ETH = 208,
Key_Eacute = 201,
Key_Ecircumflex = 202,
Key_Ediaeresis = 203,
Key_Egrave = 200,
Key_Eisu_Shift = 16781615,
Key_Eisu_toggle = 16781616,
Key_Eject = 16777401,
Key_End = 16777233,
Key_Enter = 16777221,
Key_Equal = 61,
Key_Escape = 16777216,
Key_Excel = 16777428,
Key_Exclam = 33,
Key_Execute = 16908291,
Key_Explorer = 16777429,
Key_F = 70,
Key_F1 = 16777264,
Key_F10 = 16777273,
Key_F11 = 16777274,
Key_F12 = 16777275,
Key_F13 = 16777276,
Key_F14 = 16777277,
Key_F15 = 16777278,
Key_F16 = 16777279,
Key_F17 = 16777280,
Key_F18 = 16777281,
Key_F19 = 16777282,
Key_F2 = 16777265,
Key_F20 = 16777283,
Key_F21 = 16777284,
Key_F22 = 16777285,
Key_F23 = 16777286,
Key_F24 = 16777287,
Key_F25 = 16777288,
Key_F26 = 16777289,
Key_F27 = 16777290,
Key_F28 = 16777291,
Key_F29 = 16777292,
Key_F3 = 16777266,
Key_F30 = 16777293,
Key_F31 = 16777294,
Key_F32 = 16777295,
Key_F33 = 16777296,
Key_F34 = 16777297,
Key_F35 = 16777298,
Key_F4 = 16777267,
Key_F5 = 16777268,
Key_F6 = 16777269,
Key_F7 = 16777270,
Key_F8 = 16777271,
Key_F9 = 16777272,
Key_Favorites = 16777361,
Key_Finance = 16777411,
Key_Flip = 17825798,
Key_Forward = 16777314,
Key_G = 71,
Key_Game = 16777430,
Key_Go = 16777431,
Key_Greater = 62,
Key_H = 72,
Key_Hangul = 16781617,
Key_Hangul_Banja = 16781625,
Key_Hangul_End = 16781619,
Key_Hangul_Hanja = 16781620,
Key_Hangul_Jamo = 16781621,
Key_Hangul_Jeonja = 16781624,
Key_Hangul_PostHanja = 16781627,
Key_Hangul_PreHanja = 16781626,
Key_Hangul_Romaja = 16781622,
Key_Hangul_Special = 16781631,
Key_Hangul_Start = 16781618,
Key_Hangup = 17825797,
Key_Hankaku = 16781609,
Key_Help = 16777304,
Key_Henkan = 16781603,
Key_Hibernate = 16777480,
Key_Hiragana = 16781605,
Key_Hiragana_Katakana = 16781607,
Key_History = 16777407,
Key_Home = 16777232,
Key_HomePage = 16777360,
Key_HotLinks = 16777409,
Key_Hyper_L = 16777302,
Key_Hyper_R = 16777303,
Key_I = 73,
Key_Iacute = 205,
Key_Icircumflex = 206,
Key_Idiaeresis = 207,
Key_Igrave = 204,
Key_Insert = 16777222,
Key_J = 74,
Key_K = 75,
Key_Kana_Lock = 16781613,
Key_Kana_Shift = 16781614,
Key_Kanji = 16781601,
Key_Katakana = 16781606,
Key_KeyboardBrightnessDown = 16777398,
Key_KeyboardBrightnessUp = 16777397,
Key_KeyboardLightOnOff = 16777396,
Key_L = 76,
Key_LastNumberRedial = 17825801,
Key_Launch0 = 16777378,
Key_Launch1 = 16777379,
Key_Launch2 = 16777380,
Key_Launch3 = 16777381,
Key_Launch4 = 16777382,
Key_Launch5 = 16777383,
Key_Launch6 = 16777384,
Key_Launch7 = 16777385,
Key_Launch8 = 16777386,
Key_Launch9 = 16777387,
Key_LaunchA = 16777388,
Key_LaunchB = 16777389,
Key_LaunchC = 16777390,
Key_LaunchD = 16777391,
Key_LaunchE = 16777392,
Key_LaunchF = 16777393,
Key_LaunchG = 16777486,
Key_LaunchH = 16777487,
Key_LaunchMail = 16777376,
Key_LaunchMedia = 16777377,
Key_Left = 16777234,
Key_Less = 60,
Key_LightBulb = 16777405,
Key_LogOff = 16777433,
Key_M = 77,
Key_MailForward = 16777467,
Key_Market = 16777434,
Key_Massyo = 16781612,
Key_MediaLast = 16842751,
Key_MediaNext = 16777347,
Key_MediaPause = 16777349,
Key_MediaPlay = 16777344,
Key_MediaPrevious = 16777346,
Key_MediaRecord = 16777348,
Key_MediaStop = 16777345,
Key_MediaTogglePlayPause = 16777350,
Key_Meeting = 16777435,
Key_Memo = 16777404,
Key_Menu = 16777301,
Key_MenuKB = 16777436,
Key_MenuPB = 16777437,
Key_Messenger = 16777465,
Key_Meta = 16777250,
Key_Minus = 45,
Key_Mode_switch = 16781694,
Key_MonBrightnessDown = 16777395,
Key_MonBrightnessUp = 16777394,
Key_Muhenkan = 16781602,
Key_Multi_key = 16781600,
Key_MultipleCandidate = 16781629,
Key_Music = 16777469,
Key_MySites = 16777438,
Key_N = 78,
Key_News = 16777439,
Key_No = 16842754,
Key_Ntilde = 209,
Key_NumLock = 16777253,
Key_NumberSign = 35,
Key_O = 79,
Key_Oacute = 211,
Key_Ocircumflex = 212,
Key_Odiaeresis = 214,
Key_OfficeHome = 16777440,
Key_Ograve = 210,
Key_Ooblique = 216,
Key_OpenUrl = 16777364,
Key_Option = 16777441,
Key_Otilde = 213,
Key_P = 80,
Key_PageDown = 16777239,
Key_PageUp = 16777238,
Key_ParenLeft = 40,
Key_ParenRight = 41,
Key_Paste = 16777442,
Key_Pause = 16777224,
Key_Percent = 37,
Key_Period = 46,
Key_Phone = 16777443,
Key_Pictures = 16777468,
Key_Play = 16908293,
Key_Plus = 43,
Key_PowerDown = 16777483,
Key_PowerOff = 16777399,
Key_PreviousCandidate = 16781630,
Key_Print = 16777225,
Key_Printer = 16908290,
Key_Q = 81,
Key_Question = 63,
Key_QuoteDbl = 34,
Key_QuoteLeft = 96,
Key_R = 82,
Key_Refresh = 16777316,
Key_Reload = 16777446,
Key_Reply = 16777445,
Key_Return = 16777220,
Key_Right = 16777236,
Key_Romaji = 16781604,
Key_RotateWindows = 16777447,
Key_RotationKB = 16777449,
Key_RotationPB = 16777448,
Key_S = 83,
Key_Save = 16777450,
Key_ScreenSaver = 16777402,
Key_ScrollLock = 16777254,
Key_Search = 16777362,
Key_Select = 16842752,
Key_Semicolon = 59,
Key_Send = 16777451,
Key_Shift = 16777248,
Key_Shop = 16777406,
Key_SingleCandidate = 16781628,
Key_Slash = 47,
Key_Sleep = 16908292,
Key_Space = 32,
Key_Spell = 16777452,
Key_SplitScreen = 16777453,
Key_Standby = 16777363,
Key_Stop = 16777315,
Key_Subtitle = 16777477,
Key_Super_L = 16777299,
Key_Super_R = 16777300,
Key_Support = 16777454,
Key_Suspend = 16777484,
Key_SysReq = 16777226,
Key_T = 84,
Key_THORN = 222,
Key_Tab = 16777217,
Key_TaskPane = 16777455,
Key_Terminal = 16777456,
Key_Time = 16777479,
Key_ToDoList = 16777420,
Key_ToggleCallHangup = 17825799,
Key_Tools = 16777457,
Key_TopMenu = 16777482,
Key_Touroku = 16781611,
Key_Travel = 16777458,
Key_TrebleDown = 16777335,
Key_TrebleUp = 16777334,
Key_U = 85,
Key_UWB = 16777473,
Key_Uacute = 218,
Key_Ucircumflex = 219,
Key_Udiaeresis = 220,
Key_Ugrave = 217,
Key_Underscore = 95,
Key_Up = 16777235,
Key_V = 86,
Key_Video = 16777459,
Key_View = 16777481,
Key_VoiceDial = 17825800,
Key_VolumeDown = 16777328,
Key_VolumeMute = 16777329,
Key_VolumeUp = 16777330,
Key_W = 87,
Key_WLAN = 16777472,
Key_WWW = 16777403,
Key_WakeUp = 16777400,
Key_WebCam = 16777466,
Key_Word = 16777460,
Key_X = 88,
Key_Xfer = 16777461,
Key_Y = 89,
Key_Yacute = 221,
Key_Yes = 16842753,
Key_Z = 90,
Key_Zenkaku = 16781608,
Key_Zenkaku_Hankaku = 16781610,
Key_Zoom = 16908294,
Key_ZoomIn = 16777462,
Key_ZoomOut = 16777463,
Key_acute = 180,
Key_brokenbar = 166,
Key_cedilla = 184,
Key_cent = 162,
Key_copyright = 169,
Key_currency = 164,
Key_degree = 176,
Key_diaeresis = 168,
Key_division = 247,
Key_exclamdown = 161,
Key_guillemotleft = 171,
Key_guillemotright = 187,
Key_hyphen = 173,
Key_iTouch = 16777432,
Key_macron = 175,
Key_masculine = 186,
Key_mu = 181,
Key_multiply = 215,
Key_nobreakspace = 160,
Key_notsign = 172,
Key_onehalf = 189,
Key_onequarter = 188,
Key_onesuperior = 185,
Key_ordfeminine = 170,
Key_paragraph = 182,
Key_periodcentered = 183,
Key_plusminus = 177,
Key_questiondown = 191,
Key_registered = 174,
Key_section = 167,
Key_ssharp = 223,
Key_sterling = 163,
Key_threequarters = 190,
Key_threesuperior = 179,
Key_twosuperior = 178,
Key_unknown = 33554431,
Key_ydiaeresis = 255,
Key_yen = 165
} |
| More...
enum | KeyboardModifier {
AltModifier = 134217728,
ControlModifier = 67108864,
GroupSwitchModifier = 1073741824,
KeyboardModifierMask = -33554432,
KeypadModifier = 536870912,
MetaModifier = 268435456,
NoModifier = 0,
ShiftModifier = 33554432
} |
| More...
enum | LayoutDirection { LayoutDirectionAuto = 2,
LeftToRight = 0,
RightToLeft = 1
} |
| More...
enum | MaskMode { MaskInColor = 0,
MaskOutColor = 1
} |
| More...
enum | MatchFlag {
MatchCaseSensitive = 16,
MatchContains = 1,
MatchEndsWith = 3,
MatchExactly = 0,
MatchFixedString = 8,
MatchRecursive = 64,
MatchRegExp = 4,
MatchStartsWith = 2,
MatchWildcard = 5,
MatchWrap = 32
} |
| More...
enum | Modifier {
ALT = 134217728,
CTRL = 67108864,
META = 268435456,
MODIFIER_MASK = -33554432,
SHIFT = 33554432,
} |
| More...
enum | MouseButton {
LeftButton = 1,
MidButton = 4,
MiddleButton = 4,
MouseButtonMask = 255,
NoButton = 0,
RightButton = 2,
XButton1 = 8,
XButton2 = 16
} |
| More...
enum | NavigationMode {
NavigationModeCursorAuto = 3,
NavigationModeCursorForceVisible = 4,
NavigationModeKeypadDirectional = 2,
NavigationModeKeypadTabOrder = 1,
NavigationModeNone = 0
} |
| More...
enum | Orientation { Horizontal = 1,
Vertical = 2
} |
| More...
enum | PenCapStyle { FlatCap = 0,
MPenCapStyle = 48,
RoundCap = 32,
SquareCap = 16
} |
| More...
enum | PenJoinStyle {
BevelJoin = 64,
MPenJoinStyle = 448,
MiterJoin = 0,
RoundJoin = 128,
SvgMiterJoin = 256
} |
| More...
enum | PenStyle {
CustomDashLine = 6,
DashDotDotLine = 5,
DashDotLine = 4,
DashLine = 2,
DotLine = 3,
MPenStyle = 15,
NoPen = 0,
SolidLine = 1
} |
| More...
enum | ScrollBarPolicy { ScrollBarAlwaysOff = 1,
ScrollBarAlwaysOn = 2,
ScrollBarAsNeeded = 0
} |
| More...
enum | ShortcutContext { ApplicationShortcut = 2,
WidgetShortcut = 0,
WidgetWithChildrenShortcut = 3,
WindowShortcut = 1
} |
| More...
enum | SizeHint {
MaximumSize = 2,
MinimumDescent = 3,
MinimumSize = 0,
NSizeHints = 4,
PreferredSize = 1
} |
| More...
enum | SizeMode { AbsoluteSize = 0,
RelativeSize = 1
} |
| More...
enum | SortOrder { AscendingOrder = 0,
DescendingOrder = 1
} |
| More...
enum | TextElideMode { ElideLeft = 0,
ElideMiddle = 2,
ElideNone = 3,
ElideRight = 1
} |
| More...
enum | TextFlag {
TextBypassShaping = 1048576,
TextDontClip = 512,
TextDontPrint = 16384,
TextExpandTabs = 1024,
TextForceLeftToRight = 131072,
TextForceRightToLeft = 262144,
TextHideMnemonic = 32768,
TextIncludeTrailingSpaces = 134217728,
TextJustificationForced = 65536,
TextLongestVariant = 524288,
TextShowMnemonic = 2048,
TextSingleLine = 256,
TextWordWrap = 4096,
TextWrapAnywhere = 8192
} |
| More...
enum | TextFormat { AutoText = 2,
LogText = 3,
PlainText = 0,
RichText = 1
} |
| More...
enum | TextInteractionFlag {
LinksAccessibleByKeyboard = 8,
LinksAccessibleByMouse = 4,
NoTextInteraction = 0,
TextBrowserInteraction = 13,
TextEditable = 16,
TextEditorInteraction = 19,
TextSelectableByKeyboard = 2,
TextSelectableByMouse = 1
} |
| More...
enum | TileRule { RepeatTile = 1,
RoundTile = 2,
StretchTile = 0
} |
| More...
enum | TimeSpec { LocalTime = 0,
OffsetFromUTC = 2,
UTC = 1
} |
enum | ToolBarArea {
AllToolBarAreas = 15,
BottomToolBarArea = 8,
LeftToolBarArea = 1,
NoToolBarArea = 0,
RightToolBarArea = 2,
ToolBarArea_Mask = 15,
TopToolBarArea = 4
} |
enum | ToolBarAreaSizes { NToolBarAreas = 4
} |
enum | ToolButtonStyle {
ToolButtonFollowStyle = 4,
ToolButtonIconOnly = 0,
ToolButtonTextBesideIcon = 2,
ToolButtonTextOnly = 1,
ToolButtonTextUnderIcon = 3
} |
| More...
enum | TouchPointState {
TouchPointMoved = 2,
TouchPointPressed = 1,
TouchPointPrimary = 16,
TouchPointReleased = 8,
TouchPointStateMask = 15,
TouchPointStationary = 4
} |
| More...
enum | TransformationMode { FastTransformation = 0,
SmoothTransformation = 1
} |
| More...
enum | UIEffect {
UI_AnimateCombo = 3,
UI_AnimateMenu = 1,
UI_AnimateToolBox = 6,
UI_AnimateTooltip = 4,
UI_FadeMenu = 2,
UI_FadeTooltip = 5,
UI_General = 0
} |
| More...
enum | WidgetAttribute {
WA_AcceptDrops = 78,
WA_AcceptTouchEvents = 121,
WA_AlwaysShowToolTips = 84,
WA_AttributeCount = 135,
WA_AutoOrientation = 130,
WA_CanHostQMdiSubWindowTitleBar = 95,
WA_ContentsPropagated = 3,
WA_CustomWhatsThis = 47,
WA_DeleteOnClose = 55,
WA_Disabled = 0,
WA_DontCreateNativeAncestors = 101,
WA_DontShowOnScreen = 103,
WA_DropSiteRegistered = 79,
WA_ForceAcceptDrops = 79,
WA_ForceDisabled = 32,
WA_ForceUpdatesDisabled = 59,
WA_GrabbedShortcut = 50,
WA_GroupLeader = 72,
WA_Hover = 74,
WA_InputMethodEnabled = 14,
WA_InputMethodTransparent = 75,
WA_InvalidSize = 45,
WA_KeyCompression = 33,
WA_KeyboardFocusChange = 77,
WA_LaidOut = 7,
WA_LayoutOnEntireRect = 48,
WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect = 92,
WA_LockLandscapeOrientation = 129,
WA_LockPortraitOrientation = 128,
WA_MSWindowsUseDirect3D = 94,
WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow = 96,
WA_MacBrushedMetal = 46,
WA_MacFrameworkScaled = 117,
WA_MacMetalStyle = 46,
WA_MacMiniSize = 91,
WA_MacNoClickThrough = 12,
WA_MacNoShadow = 134,
WA_MacNormalSize = 89,
WA_MacOpaqueSizeGrip = 85,
WA_MacShowFocusRect = 88,
WA_MacSmallSize = 90,
WA_MacVariableSize = 102,
WA_Mapped = 11,
WA_MergeSoftkeys = 124,
WA_MergeSoftkeysRecursively = 125,
WA_MouseNoMask = 71,
WA_MouseTracking = 2,
WA_Moved = 43,
WA_NativeWindow = 100,
WA_NoBackground = 4,
WA_NoChildEventsForParent = 58,
WA_NoChildEventsFromChildren = 39,
WA_NoMousePropagation = 73,
WA_NoMouseReplay = 54,
WA_NoSystemBackground = 9,
WA_NoX11EventCompression = 81,
WA_OpaquePaintEvent = 4,
WA_OutsideWSRange = 49,
WA_PaintOnScreen = 8,
WA_PaintOutsidePaintEvent = 13,
WA_PaintUnclipped = 52,
WA_PendingMoveEvent = 34,
WA_PendingResizeEvent = 35,
WA_PendingUpdate = 44,
WA_QuitOnClose = 76,
WA_Resized = 42,
WA_RightToLeft = 56,
WA_SetCursor = 38,
WA_SetFont = 37,
WA_SetLayoutDirection = 57,
WA_SetLocale = 87,
WA_SetPalette = 36,
WA_SetStyle = 86,
WA_SetWindowIcon = 53,
WA_SetWindowModality = 118,
WA_ShowModal = 70,
WA_ShowWithoutActivating = 98,
WA_StaticContents = 5,
WA_StyleSheet = 97,
WA_StyledBackground = 93,
WA_SymbianNoSystemRotation = 133,
WA_TintedBackground = 82,
WA_TouchPadAcceptSingleTouchEvents = 123,
WA_TranslucentBackground = 120,
WA_TransparentForMouseEvents = 51,
WA_UnderMouse = 1,
WA_UpdatesDisabled = 10,
WA_WState_AcceptedTouchBeginEvent = 122,
WA_WState_CompressKeys = 61,
WA_WState_ConfigPending = 64,
WA_WState_Created = 60,
WA_WState_DND = 67,
WA_WState_ExplicitShowHide = 69,
WA_WState_Hidden = 16,
WA_WState_InPaintEvent = 62,
WA_WState_OwnSizePolicy = 68,
WA_WState_Polished = 66,
WA_WState_Reparented = 63,
WA_WState_Visible = 15,
WA_WState_WindowOpacitySet = 119,
WA_WindowModified = 41,
WA_WindowPropagation = 80,
WA_X11BypassTransientForHint = 99,
WA_X11DoNotAcceptFocus = 132,
WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeCombo = 115,
WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDND = 116,
WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDesktop = 104,
WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDialog = 110,
WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDock = 105,
WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDropDownMenu = 111,
WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeMenu = 107,
WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeNotification = 114,
WA_X11NetWmWindowTypePopupMenu = 112,
WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeSplash = 109,
WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeToolBar = 106,
WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeToolTip = 113,
WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeUtility = 108,
WA_X11OpenGLOverlay = 83
} |
| More...
enum | WindowFrameSection {
BottomLeftSection = 8,
BottomRightSection = 6,
BottomSection = 7,
LeftSection = 1,
NoSection = 0,
RightSection = 5,
TitleBarArea = 9,
TopLeftSection = 2,
TopRightSection = 4,
TopSection = 3
} |
| More...
enum | WindowModality { ApplicationModal = 2,
NonModal = 0,
WindowModal = 1
} |
| More...
enum | WindowState {
WindowActive = 8,
WindowFullScreen = 4,
WindowMaximized = 2,
WindowMinimized = 1,
WindowNoState = 0
} |
| More...
enum | WindowType {
BypassGraphicsProxyWidget = 536870912,
CustomizeWindowHint = 33554432,
Desktop = 17,
Dialog = 3,
Drawer = 7,
FramelessWindowHint = 2048,
MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint = 256,
MSWindowsOwnDC = 512,
MacWindowToolBarButtonHint = 268435456,
Popup = 9,
Sheet = 5,
SplashScreen = 15,
SubWindow = 18,
Tool = 11,
ToolTip = 13,
Widget = 0,
Window = 1,
WindowCancelButtonHint = 1048576,
WindowCloseButtonHint = 134217728,
WindowContextHelpButtonHint = 65536,
WindowMaximizeButtonHint = 32768,
WindowMinMaxButtonsHint = 49152,
WindowMinimizeButtonHint = 16384,
WindowOkButtonHint = 524288,
WindowShadeButtonHint = 131072,
WindowSoftkeysRespondHint = -2147483648,
WindowSoftkeysVisibleHint = 1073741824,
WindowStaysOnBottomHint = 67108864,
WindowStaysOnTopHint = 262144,
WindowSystemMenuHint = 8192,
WindowTitleHint = 4096,
WindowType_Mask = 255,
X11BypassWindowManagerHint = 1024
} |
| More...
object | Q_EMIT = null |
SmokeInvocation | interceptor |
readonly List< QEventHandler > | eventFilters = new List<QEventHandler>() |
The QSound class provides access to the platform audio facilities.
Qt provides the most commonly required audio operation in GUI applications: asynchronously playing a sound file. This is most easily accomplished using the static play() function:
Alternatively, create a QSound object from the sound file first and then call the play() slot:
QSound bells("mysounds/bells.wav");
Once created a QSound object can be queried for its fileName() and total number of loops() (i.e. the number of times the sound will play). The number of repetitions can be altered using the setLoops() function. While playing the sound, the loopsRemaining() function returns the remaining number of repetitions. Use the isFinished() function to determine whether the sound has finished playing.
Sounds played using a QSound object may use more memory than the static play() function, but it may also play more immediately (depending on the underlying platform audio facilities). Use the static isAvailable() function to determine whether sound facilities exist on the platform. Which facilities that are actually used varies:
PlatformAudio Facility
Microsoft Windows The underlying multimedia system is used; only WAVE format sound files are supported.
X11 The Network Audio System is used if available, otherwise all operations work silently. NAS supports WAVE and AU files.
Mac OS X NSSound is used. All formats that NSSound supports, including QuickTime formats, are supported by Qt for Mac OS X.
Qt for Embedded Linux A built-in mixing sound server is used, accessing /dev/dsp directly. Only the WAVE format is supported.
Symbian CMdaAudioPlayerUtility is used. All formats that Symbian OS or devices support are supported also by Qt.
Note that QSound does not support resources. This might be fixed in a future Qt version.