Phonon::Mrl Member List
This is the complete list of members for Phonon::Mrl, including all inherited members.
AceProcessingOption enum name | QUrl | |
AceProcessingOptions | QUrl | |
AceTransitionalProcessing | QUrl | |
adjusted(FormattingOptions options) const const | QUrl | |
AssumeLocalFile | QUrl | |
authority(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const | QUrl | |
clear() | QUrl | |
ComponentFormattingOption enum name | QUrl | |
ComponentFormattingOptions | QUrl | |
DecodedMode | QUrl | |
DecodeReserved | QUrl | |
DefaultResolution | QUrl | |
EncodeDelimiters | QUrl | |
EncodeReserved | QUrl | |
EncodeSpaces | QUrl | |
EncodeUnicode | QUrl | |
errorString() const const | QUrl | |
fileName(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const | QUrl | |
FormattingOptions | QUrl | |
fragment(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const | QUrl | |
fromAce(const QByteArray &domain, AceProcessingOptions options) | QUrl | static |
fromCFURL(CFURLRef url) | QUrl | static |
fromEncoded(const QByteArray &input, ParsingMode parsingMode) | QUrl | static |
fromLocalFile(const QString &localFile) | QUrl | static |
fromNSURL(const NSURL *url) | QUrl | static |
fromPercentEncoding(const QByteArray &input) | QUrl | static |
fromStringList(const QStringList &urls, ParsingMode mode) | QUrl | static |
fromUserInput(const QString &userInput, const QString &workingDirectory, UserInputResolutionOptions options) | QUrl | static |
FullyDecoded | QUrl | |
FullyEncoded | QUrl | |
hasFragment() const const | QUrl | |
hasQuery() const const | QUrl | |
host(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const | QUrl | |
idnWhitelist() | QUrl | static |
IgnoreIDNWhitelist | QUrl | |
isEmpty() const const | QUrl | |
isLocalFile() const const | QUrl | |
isParentOf(const QUrl &childUrl) const const | QUrl | |
isRelative() const const | QUrl | |
isValid() const const | QUrl | |
matches(const QUrl &url, FormattingOptions options) const const | QUrl | |
Mrl() (defined in Phonon::Mrl) | Phonon::Mrl | |
Mrl(const Mrl ©) (defined in Phonon::Mrl) | Phonon::Mrl | |
Mrl(const QUrl &url) (defined in Phonon::Mrl) | Phonon::Mrl | |
Mrl(const QString &url) (defined in Phonon::Mrl) | Phonon::Mrl | |
None | QUrl | |
NormalizePathSegments | QUrl | |
operator!=(const QUrl &url) const const | QUrl | |
operator<<(QDataStream &out, const QUrl &url) | QUrl | |
operator=(const Mrl ©) (defined in Phonon::Mrl) | Phonon::Mrl | |
operator=(const QString &url) (defined in Phonon::Mrl) | Phonon::Mrl | |
QUrl::operator=(QUrl &&other) | QUrl | |
QUrl::operator=(const QUrl &url) | QUrl | |
operator==(const QUrl &url) const const | QUrl | |
operator>>(QDataStream &in, QUrl &url) | QUrl | |
ParsingMode enum name | QUrl | |
password(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const | QUrl | |
path(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const | QUrl | |
port(int defaultPort) const const | QUrl | |
PreferLocalFile | QUrl | |
PrettyDecoded | QUrl | |
query(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const | QUrl | |
QUrl() | QUrl | |
QUrl(QUrl &&other) | QUrl | |
QUrl(const QString &url, ParsingMode parsingMode) | QUrl | |
QUrl(const QUrl &other) | QUrl | |
RemoveAuthority | QUrl | |
RemoveFilename | QUrl | |
RemoveFragment | QUrl | |
RemovePassword | QUrl | |
RemovePath | QUrl | |
RemovePort | QUrl | |
RemoveQuery | QUrl | |
RemoveScheme | QUrl | |
RemoveUserInfo | QUrl | |
resolved(const QUrl &relative) const const | QUrl | |
scheme() const const | QUrl | |
setAuthority(const QString &authority, ParsingMode mode) | QUrl | |
setFragment(const QString &fragment, ParsingMode mode) | QUrl | |
setHost(const QString &host, ParsingMode mode) | QUrl | |
setIdnWhitelist(const QStringList &list) | QUrl | static |
setPassword(const QString &password, ParsingMode mode) | QUrl | |
setPath(const QString &path, ParsingMode mode) | QUrl | |
setPort(int port) | QUrl | |
setQuery(const QString &query, ParsingMode mode) | QUrl | |
setQuery(const QUrlQuery &query) | QUrl | |
setScheme(const QString &scheme) | QUrl | |
setUrl(const QString &url, ParsingMode parsingMode) | QUrl | |
setUserInfo(const QString &userInfo, ParsingMode mode) | QUrl | |
setUserName(const QString &userName, ParsingMode mode) | QUrl | |
StrictMode | QUrl | |
StripTrailingSlash | QUrl | |
swap(QUrl &other) | QUrl | |
toAce(const QString &domain, AceProcessingOptions options) | QUrl | static |
toCFURL() const const | QUrl | |
toDisplayString(FormattingOptions options) const const | QUrl | |
toEncoded(FormattingOptions options=None) const | Phonon::Mrl | |
TolerantMode | QUrl | |
toLocalFile() const const | QUrl | |
toNSURL() const const | QUrl | |
toPercentEncoding(const QString &input, const QByteArray &exclude, const QByteArray &include) | QUrl | static |
toString(FormattingOptions options) const const | QUrl | |
toStringList(const QList< QUrl > &urls, FormattingOptions options) | QUrl | static |
url(FormattingOptions options) const const | QUrl | |
UrlFormattingOption enum name | QUrl | |
userInfo(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const | QUrl | |
UserInputResolutionOption enum name | QUrl | |
UserInputResolutionOptions | QUrl | |
userName(ComponentFormattingOptions options) const const | QUrl | |
~QUrl() | QUrl |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:51:35 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 11:51:35 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.