
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CPhonon::Experimental::AbstractAudioDataOutputThis class gives you the audio data
 CPhonon::AbstractVideoOutputCommon base class for all video outputs
 CPhonon::Experimental::AbstractVideoDataOutputThis class gives you the video data
 CPhonon::Experimental::VideoDataOutput2This class gives you the video data
 CPhonon::Experimental::VideoDataOutputThis class gives you nothing
 CPhonon::VideoWidgetWidget to display video
 CPhonon::AddonInterfaceInterface for Menu, Chapter, Angle and Title/Track control
 CAudioOutputInterfaceInterface for AudioOutput objects
 CPhonon::BackendInterfaceMain Backend class interface
 CPhonon::EffectInterfaceInterface for Effect objects
 CPhonon::EffectParameterThis class describes one parameter of an effect
 CPhonon::GlobalDescriptionContainer< D >
 CPhonon::MediaObjectInterfaceBackend interface for media sources
 CPhonon::MediaSourceNote that all constructors of this class are implicit, so that you can simply write
 CPhonon::ObjectDescription< T >Provides a tuple of enduser visible name and description
 CPhonon::ObjectDescriptionModelDataData class for models for ObjectDescription objects
 CPhonon::PacketClass to access memory preallocated by PacketPool
 CPhonon::PacketPoolClass to preallocate memory
 CPhonon::PathConnection object providing convenient effect insertion
 CQObject [external]
 CPhonon::AbstractAudioOutputCommon base class for all audio outputs
 CPhonon::AudioDataOutputThis class gives you the audio data (for visualizations)
 CPhonon::AudioOutputClass for audio output to the soundcard
 CPhonon::Experimental::AudioDataOutputThis class gives you the audio data (for visualizations)
 CPhonon::AbstractMediaStreamBase class for custom media data streams
 CPhonon::AbstractMediaStream2Base class for custom media data streams
 CPhonon::BackendCapabilities::NotifierNotifications about backend capabilities
 CPhonon::EffectEffects that can be inserted into a Path
 CPhonon::VolumeFaderEffectAudio effect to gradually fade the audio volume
 CPhonon::Experimental::AvCaptureMedia data from a soundcard, soundserver, camera or any other hardware device supported by the backend
 CPhonon::Experimental::VideoDataOutputThis class gives you nothing
 CPhonon::Experimental::VideoDataOutput2This class gives you the video data
 CPhonon::Experimental::VisualizationA class to create visual effects from an audio signal
 CPhonon::MediaControllerControls optional features of a media file/device like title, chapter, angle
 CPhonon::MediaObjectInterface for media playback of a given URL
 CPhonon::MediaObjectInterface for media playback of a given URL
 CQAbstractItemModel [external]
 CQAbstractListModel [external]
 CPhonon::ObjectDescriptionModel< static_cast< Phonon::ObjectDescriptionType >(VisualizationType)>
 CPhonon::ObjectDescriptionModel< AudioOutputDeviceType >
 CPhonon::ObjectDescriptionModel< AudioCaptureDeviceType >
 CPhonon::ObjectDescriptionModel< VideoCaptureDeviceType >
 CPhonon::ObjectDescriptionModel< EffectType >
 CPhonon::ObjectDescriptionModel< AudioChannelType >
 CPhonon::ObjectDescriptionModel< SubtitleType >
 CPhonon::ObjectDescriptionModel< type >The ObjectDescriptionModel class provides a model from a list of ObjectDescription objects
 CQWidget [external]
 CPhonon::EffectWidgetWidget to control the parameters of an Effect
 CPhonon::SeekSliderWidget providing a slider for seeking in MediaObject objects
 CPhonon::VideoPlayerPlayback class for simple tasks
 CPhonon::VideoWidgetWidget to display video
 CPhonon::VolumeSliderWidget providing a slider to control the volume of an AudioOutput
 CQPaintDevice [external]
 CQWidget [external]
 CQSharedData [external]
 CPhonon::ObjectDescriptionDataData class for objects describing devices or features of the backend
 CQUrl [external]
 CPhonon::MrlMedia Resource Locator - A QUrl particularly for MediaSources
 CPhonon::StreamInterfaceBackend interface to handle media streams (AbstractMediaStream)
 CPhonon::Experimental::VideoFrameA single video frame
 CPhonon::Experimental::VideoFrame2A single video frame
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Generated on Fri Mar 21 2025 11:53:33 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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