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QtCore.QMimeData Class Reference

The QMimeData class provides a container for data that records information about its MIME type. More...

Inheritance diagram for QtCore.QMimeData:
Collaboration diagram for QtCore.QMimeData:

Public Member Functions

 QMimeData ()
override void CreateProxy ()
new void Clear ()
new QByteArray Data (string mimetype)
< string > 
Formats ()
new bool HasColor ()
virtual bool HasFormat (string mimetype)
new bool HasHtml ()
new bool HasImage ()
new bool HasText ()
new bool HasUrls ()
new void RemoveFormat (string mimetype)
new void SetData (string mimetype, QByteArray data)
new void Dispose ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from QtCore.QObject
 QObject (QObject parent=null)
new bool BlockSignals (bool b)
< QObject
Children ()
new bool Connect (QObject sender, string signal, string member, Qt.ConnectionType type=Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection)
new void DeleteLater ()
new bool Disconnect (QObject receiver, string member=null)
new bool Disconnect (string signal=null, QObject receiver=null, string member=null)
new void DumpObjectInfo ()
new void DumpObjectTree ()
< QByteArray
DynamicPropertyNames ()
virtual bool OnEvent (QEvent arg1)
virtual bool EventFilter (QObject arg1, QEvent arg2)
new bool Inherits (string classname)
new void InstallEventFilter (QObject arg1)
new bool IsWidgetType ()
new void KillTimer (int id)
new object Property (string name)
new void RemoveEventFilter (QObject arg1)
new bool SetProperty (string name, object value)
new void SetUserData (uint id, QObjectUserData data)
new bool SignalsBlocked ()
new int StartTimer (int interval)
new QObjectUserData UserData (uint id)
new void Dispose ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from QtCore.Qt
delegate QTextStream FuncQTextStreamQTextStream (QTextStream qTextStream)
delegate string FuncStringQByteArray (QByteArray qByteArray)
delegate QByteArray FuncQByteArrayString (string @string)
delegate void ActionQtMsgTypeString (QtMsgType qtMsgType, string @string)
delegate QObject FuncQObject ()

Static Public Member Functions

static string Tr (string s, string c=null)
static string Tr (string s, string c, int n)
static string TrUtf8 (string s, string c=null)
static string TrUtf8 (string s, string c, int n)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QtCore.QObject
static bool Connect (QObject sender, QMetaMethod signal, QObject receiver, QMetaMethod method, Qt.ConnectionType type=Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection)
static bool Connect (QObject sender, string signal, QObject receiver, string member, Qt.ConnectionType arg5=Qt.ConnectionType.AutoConnection)
static bool Disconnect (QObject sender, QMetaMethod signal, QObject receiver, QMetaMethod member)
static bool Disconnect (QObject sender, string signal, QObject receiver, string member)
static uint RegisterUserData ()
static string Tr (string s, string c=null)
static string Tr (string s, string c, int n)
static string TrUtf8 (string s, string c=null)
static string TrUtf8 (string s, string c, int n)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from QtCore.Qt
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream s, object p)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QSizeF arg2)
static QTextStream Write (QTextStream s, Qt.FuncQTextStreamQTextStream f)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QPoint arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QLineF arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QPointF arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QChar arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QByteArray arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QEasingCurve arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QRectF arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QDateTime arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QUrl arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QTime arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QLocale arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QBitArray arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QUuid arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QLine arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QDate arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream @out, QRegExp regExp)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QRect arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, QSize arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream s, QVariant.Type p)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream arg1, string arg2)
static QDataStream Write (QDataStream @out, System.Collections.Generic.List< string > list)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QChar arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QLocale arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QRect arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QEasingCurve arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QDate arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QUrl arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QUuid arg2)
static QTextStream Read (QTextStream s, Qt.FuncQTextStreamQTextStream f)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QLineF arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QRectF arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QPointF arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QLine arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QBitArray arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QSize arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QDateTime arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QTime arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QPoint arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream @in, QRegExp regExp)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream s, object p)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QByteArray arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, QSizeF arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream arg1, string arg2)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream s, QVariant.Type p)
static QDataStream Read (QDataStream @in, System.Collections.Generic.List< string > list)
static double qAcos (double v)
static void qAddPostRoutine (System.Action arg1)
static string qAppName ()
static double qAsin (double v)
static double qAtan (double v)
static double qAtan2 (double x, double y)
static void qBadAlloc ()
static int qCeil (double v)
static ushort qChecksum (string s, uint len)
static QByteArray qCompress (QByteArray data)
static QByteArray qCompress (QByteArray data, int compressionLevel=-1)
static QByteArray qCompress (Pointer< byte > data, int nbytes)
static QByteArray qCompress (Pointer< byte > data, int nbytes, int compressionLevel=-1)
static double qCos (double v)
static double qExp (double v)
static double qFabs (double v)
static double qFastCos (double x)
static double qFastSin (double x)
static string qFlagLocation (string method)
static int qFloor (double v)
static bool qFuzzyCompare (double p1, double p2)
static bool qFuzzyCompare (float p1, float p2)
static bool qFuzzyIsNull (double d)
static bool qFuzzyIsNull (float f)
static uint qHash (QBitArray key)
static uint qHash (QChar key)
static uint qHash (QStringRef key)
static uint qHash (QUrl url)
static uint qHash (QPersistentModelIndex index)
static uint qHash (QByteArray key)
static uint qHash (QModelIndex index)
static uint qHash (uint key)
static uint qHash (sbyte key)
static uint qHash (byte key)
static uint qHash (short key)
static uint qHash (NativeLong key)
static uint qHash (ushort key)
static uint qHash (long key)
static uint qHash (ulong key)
static uint qHash (int key)
static uint qHash (string key)
static uint qHash (NativeULong key)
static double qInf ()
static Qt.ActionQtMsgTypeString qInstallMsgHandler (Qt.ActionQtMsgTypeString arg1)
static int qIntCast (float f)
static int qIntCast (double f)
static bool qIsFinite (double d)
static bool qIsFinite (float f)
static bool qIsInf (float f)
static bool qIsInf (double d)
static bool qIsNaN (float f)
static bool qIsNaN (double d)
static bool qIsNull (float f)
static bool qIsNull (double d)
static double qLn (double v)
static double qPow (double x, double y)
static double qQNaN ()
static void qRegisterStaticPluginInstanceFunction (Qt.FuncQObject function)
static void qRemovePostRoutine (System.Action arg1)
static int qRound (double d)
static long qRound64 (double d)
static double qSNaN ()
static bool qSharedBuild ()
static double qSin (double v)
static double qSqrt (double v)
static bool qStringComparisonHelper (QStringRef s1, string s2)
static double qTan (double v)
static QByteArray qUncompress (QByteArray data)
static QByteArray qUncompress (Pointer< byte > data, int nbytes)
static string qVersion ()
static void Qbswap_helper (Pointer< byte > src, Pointer< byte > dest, int size)
static QByteArray Qgetenv (string varName)
static bool Qputenv (string varName, QByteArray value)
static int Qrand ()
static void Qsrand (uint seed)
static int Qstrcmp (QByteArray str1, QByteArray str2)
static int Qstrcmp (QByteArray str1, string str2)
static int Qstrcmp (string str1, QByteArray str2)
static int Qstrcmp (string str1, string str2)
static Pointer< sbyte > Qstrcpy (Pointer< sbyte > dst, string src)
static Pointer< sbyte > Qstrdup (string arg1)
static int Qstricmp (string arg1, string arg2)
static uint Qstrlen (string str)
static int Qstrncmp (string str1, string str2, uint len)
static Pointer< sbyte > Qstrncpy (Pointer< sbyte > dst, string src, uint len)
static int Qstrnicmp (string arg1, string arg2, uint len)
static uint Qstrnlen (string str, uint maxlen)
static string QtTrId (string id, int n=-1)

Protected Member Functions

 QMimeData (System.Type dummy)
virtual object RetrieveData (string mimetype, QVariant.Type preferredType)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from QtCore.QObject
 QObject (System.Type dummy)
virtual void OnChildEvent (QChildEvent arg1)
virtual void ConnectNotify (string signal)
virtual void OnCustomEvent (QEvent arg1)
new void OnDestroyed (QObject arg1=null)
virtual void DisconnectNotify (string signal)
new int Receivers (string signal)
new QObject Sender ()
new int SenderSignalIndex ()
virtual void OnTimerEvent (QTimerEvent arg1)


new object ColorData [get, set]
new string Html [get, set]
new object ImageData [get, set]
new string Text [get, set]
< QUrl
Urls [get, set]
static new QMetaObject StaticMetaObject [get]
new IQMimeDataSignals Emit [get]
- Properties inherited from QtCore.QObject
virtual EventHandler
< QEventArgs< QChildEvent > > 
virtual EventHandler
< QEventArgs< QEvent > > 
virtual EventHandler
< QEventArgs< QEvent > > 
virtual EventHandler
< QEventArgs< QTimerEvent > > 
Slot< QObjectDestroyedQObject
Slot Destroyed
new QObject Parent [get, set]
virtual System.IntPtr SmokeObject [get, set]
new string ObjectName [get, set]
static new QMetaObject StaticMetaObject [get]
static new QMetaObject StaticQtMetaObject [get]
new IQObjectSignals Emit [get]

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from QtCore.Qt
enum  AlignmentFlag {
  AlignAbsolute = 16, AlignBottom = 64, AlignCenter = 132, AlignHCenter = 4,
  AlignHorizontal_Mask = 31, AlignJustify = 8, AlignLeading = 1, AlignLeft = 1,
  AlignRight = 2, AlignTop = 32, AlignTrailing = 2, AlignVCenter = 128,
  AlignVertical_Mask = 224
enum  AnchorAttribute { AnchorHref = 1, AnchorName = 0 }
enum  AnchorPoint {
  AnchorBottom = 5, AnchorHorizontalCenter = 1, AnchorLeft = 0, AnchorRight = 2,
  AnchorTop = 3, AnchorVerticalCenter = 4
enum  ApplicationAttribute {
  AA_AttributeCount = 12, AA_CaptureMultimediaKeys = 11, AA_DontCreateNativeWidgetSiblings = 4, AA_DontShowIconsInMenus = 2,
  AA_DontUseNativeMenuBar = 6, AA_ImmediateWidgetCreation = 0, AA_MSWindowsUseDirect3DByDefault = 1, AA_MacDontSwapCtrlAndMeta = 7,
  AA_MacPluginApplication = 5, AA_NativeWindows = 3, AA_S60DisablePartialScreenInputMode = 9, AA_S60DontConstructApplicationPanes = 8,
  AA_X11InitThreads = 10
enum  ArrowType {
  DownArrow = 2, LeftArrow = 3, NoArrow = 0, RightArrow = 4,
  UpArrow = 1
enum  AspectRatioMode { IgnoreAspectRatio = 0, KeepAspectRatio = 1, KeepAspectRatioByExpanding = 2 }
enum  Axis { XAxis = 0, YAxis = 1, ZAxis = 2 }
enum  BGMode { OpaqueMode = 1, TransparentMode = 0 }
enum  BrushStyle {
  BDiagPattern = 12, ConicalGradientPattern = 17, CrossPattern = 11, Dense1Pattern = 2,
  Dense2Pattern = 3, Dense3Pattern = 4, Dense4Pattern = 5, Dense5Pattern = 6,
  Dense6Pattern = 7, Dense7Pattern = 8, DiagCrossPattern = 14, FDiagPattern = 13,
  HorPattern = 9, LinearGradientPattern = 15, NoBrush = 0, RadialGradientPattern = 16,
  SolidPattern = 1, TexturePattern = 24, VerPattern = 10
enum  CaseSensitivity { CaseInsensitive = 0, CaseSensitive = 1 }
enum  CheckState { Checked = 2, PartiallyChecked = 1, Unchecked = 0 }
enum  ClipOperation { IntersectClip = 2, NoClip = 0, ReplaceClip = 1, UniteClip = 3 }
enum  ConnectionType {
  AutoCompatConnection = 3, AutoConnection = 0, BlockingQueuedConnection = 4, DirectConnection = 1,
  QueuedConnection = 2, UniqueConnection = 128
enum  ContextMenuPolicy {
  ActionsContextMenu = 2, CustomContextMenu = 3, DefaultContextMenu = 1, NoContextMenu = 0,
  PreventContextMenu = 4
enum  CoordinateSystem { DeviceCoordinates = 0, LogicalCoordinates = 1 }
enum  Corner { BottomLeftCorner = 2, BottomRightCorner = 3, TopLeftCorner = 0, TopRightCorner = 1 }
enum  CursorMoveStyle { LogicalMoveStyle = 0, VisualMoveStyle = 1 }
enum  CursorShape {
  ArrowCursor = 0, BitmapCursor = 24, BlankCursor = 10, BusyCursor = 16,
  ClosedHandCursor = 18, CrossCursor = 2, CustomCursor = 25, DragCopyCursor = 19,
  DragLinkCursor = 21, DragMoveCursor = 20, ForbiddenCursor = 14, IBeamCursor = 4,
  LastCursor = 21, OpenHandCursor = 17, PointingHandCursor = 13, SizeAllCursor = 9,
  SizeBDiagCursor = 7, SizeFDiagCursor = 8, SizeHorCursor = 6, SizeVerCursor = 5,
  SplitHCursor = 12, SplitVCursor = 11, UpArrowCursor = 1, WaitCursor = 3,
  WhatsThisCursor = 15
enum  DateFormat {
  DefaultLocaleLongDate = 7, DefaultLocaleShortDate = 6, ISODate = 1, LocalDate = 2,
  LocaleDate = 3, SystemLocaleDate = 2, SystemLocaleLongDate = 5, SystemLocaleShortDate = 4,
  TextDate = 0
enum  DayOfWeek {
  Friday = 5, Monday = 1, Saturday = 6, Sunday = 7,
  Thursday = 4, Tuesday = 2, Wednesday = 3
enum  DockWidgetArea {
  AllDockWidgetAreas = 15, BottomDockWidgetArea = 8, DockWidgetArea_Mask = 15, LeftDockWidgetArea = 1,
  NoDockWidgetArea = 0, RightDockWidgetArea = 2, TopDockWidgetArea = 4
enum  DockWidgetAreaSizes { NDockWidgetAreas = 4 }
enum  DropAction {
  ActionMask = 255, CopyAction = 1, IgnoreAction = 0, LinkAction = 4,
  MoveAction = 2, TargetMoveAction = 32770
enum  EventPriority { HighEventPriority = 1, LowEventPriority = -1, NormalEventPriority = 0 }
enum  FillRule { OddEvenFill = 0, WindingFill = 1 }
enum  FocusPolicy {
  ClickFocus = 2, NoFocus = 0, StrongFocus = 11, TabFocus = 1,
  WheelFocus = 15
enum  FocusReason {
  ActiveWindowFocusReason = 3, BacktabFocusReason = 2, MenuBarFocusReason = 6, MouseFocusReason = 0,
  NoFocusReason = 8, OtherFocusReason = 7, PopupFocusReason = 4, ShortcutFocusReason = 5,
  TabFocusReason = 1
enum  GestureFlag { DontStartGestureOnChildren = 1, IgnoredGesturesPropagateToParent = 4, ReceivePartialGestures = 2 }
enum  GestureState {
  GestureCanceled = 4, GestureFinished = 3, GestureStarted = 1, GestureUpdated = 2,
  NoGesture = 0
enum  GestureType {
  CustomGesture = 256, LastGestureType = -1, PanGesture = 3, PinchGesture = 4,
  SwipeGesture = 5, TapAndHoldGesture = 2, TapGesture = 1
enum  GlobalColor {
  black = 2, blue = 9, color0 = 0, color1 = 1,
  cyan = 10, darkBlue = 15, darkCyan = 16, darkGray = 4,
  darkGreen = 14, darkMagenta = 17, darkRed = 13, darkYellow = 18,
  gray = 5, green = 8, lightGray = 6, magenta = 11,
  red = 7, transparent = 19, white = 3, yellow = 12
enum  ImageConversionFlag {
  AlphaDither_Mask = 12, AutoColor = 0, AutoDither = 0, AvoidDither = 128,
  ColorMode_Mask = 3, ColorOnly = 3, DiffuseAlphaDither = 8, DiffuseDither = 0,
  DitherMode_Mask = 192, Dither_Mask = 48, MonoOnly = 2, NoAlpha = 12,
  NoFormatConversion = 512, NoOpaqueDetection = 256, OrderedAlphaDither = 4, OrderedDither = 16,
  PreferDither = 64, ThresholdAlphaDither = 0, ThresholdDither = 32
enum  Initialization { Uninitialized = 0 }
enum  InputMethodHint {
  ImhDialableCharactersOnly = 1048576, ImhDigitsOnly = 65536, ImhEmailCharactersOnly = 2097152, ImhExclusiveInputMask = -65536,
  ImhFormattedNumbersOnly = 131072, ImhHiddenText = 1, ImhLowercaseOnly = 524288, ImhNoAutoUppercase = 2,
  ImhNoPredictiveText = 32, ImhNone = 0, ImhPreferLowercase = 16, ImhPreferNumbers = 4,
  ImhPreferUppercase = 8, ImhUppercaseOnly = 262144, ImhUrlCharactersOnly = 4194304
enum  InputMethodQuery {
  ImAnchorPosition = 6, ImCurrentSelection = 4, ImCursorPosition = 2, ImFont = 1,
  ImMaximumTextLength = 5, ImMicroFocus = 0, ImSurroundingText = 3
enum  ItemDataRole {
  AccessibleDescriptionRole = 12, AccessibleTextRole = 11, BackgroundColorRole = 8, BackgroundRole = 8,
  CheckStateRole = 10, DecorationPropertyRole = 28, DecorationRole = 1, DisplayPropertyRole = 27,
  DisplayRole = 0, EditRole = 2, FontRole = 6, ForegroundRole = 9,
  InitialSortOrderRole = 14, SizeHintRole = 13, StatusTipPropertyRole = 30, StatusTipRole = 4,
  TextAlignmentRole = 7, TextColorRole = 9, ToolTipPropertyRole = 29, ToolTipRole = 3,
  UserRole = 32, WhatsThisPropertyRole = 31, WhatsThisRole = 5
enum  ItemFlag {
  ItemIsDragEnabled = 4, ItemIsDropEnabled = 8, ItemIsEditable = 2, ItemIsEnabled = 32,
  ItemIsSelectable = 1, ItemIsTristate = 64, ItemIsUserCheckable = 16, NoItemFlags = 0
enum  ItemSelectionMode { ContainsItemBoundingRect = 2, ContainsItemShape = 0, IntersectsItemBoundingRect = 3, IntersectsItemShape = 1 }
enum  Key {
  Key_0 = 48, Key_1 = 49, Key_2 = 50, Key_3 = 51,
  Key_4 = 52, Key_5 = 53, Key_6 = 54, Key_7 = 55,
  Key_8 = 56, Key_9 = 57, Key_A = 65, Key_AE = 198,
  Key_Aacute = 193, Key_Acircumflex = 194, Key_AddFavorite = 16777408, Key_Adiaeresis = 196,
  Key_Agrave = 192, Key_Alt = 16777251, Key_AltGr = 16781571, Key_Ampersand = 38,
  Key_Any = 32, Key_Apostrophe = 39, Key_ApplicationLeft = 16777415, Key_ApplicationRight = 16777416,
  Key_Aring = 197, Key_AsciiCircum = 94, Key_AsciiTilde = 126, Key_Asterisk = 42,
  Key_At = 64, Key_Atilde = 195, Key_AudioCycleTrack = 16777478, Key_AudioForward = 16777474,
  Key_AudioRandomPlay = 16777476, Key_AudioRepeat = 16777475, Key_AudioRewind = 16777413, Key_Away = 16777464,
  Key_B = 66, Key_Back = 16777313, Key_BackForward = 16777414, Key_Backslash = 92,
  Key_Backspace = 16777219, Key_Backtab = 16777218, Key_Bar = 124, Key_BassBoost = 16777331,
  Key_BassDown = 16777333, Key_BassUp = 16777332, Key_Battery = 16777470, Key_Bluetooth = 16777471,
  Key_Book = 16777417, Key_BraceLeft = 123, Key_BraceRight = 125, Key_BracketLeft = 91,
  Key_BracketRight = 93, Key_BrightnessAdjust = 16777410, Key_C = 67, Key_CD = 16777418,
  Key_Calculator = 16777419, Key_Calendar = 16777444, Key_Call = 17825796, Key_Camera = 17825824,
  Key_CameraFocus = 17825825, Key_Cancel = 16908289, Key_CapsLock = 16777252, Key_Ccedilla = 199,
  Key_Clear = 16777227, Key_ClearGrab = 16777421, Key_Close = 16777422, Key_Codeinput = 16781623,
  Key_Colon = 58, Key_Comma = 44, Key_Community = 16777412, Key_Context1 = 17825792,
  Key_Context2 = 17825793, Key_Context3 = 17825794, Key_Context4 = 17825795, Key_ContrastAdjust = 16777485,
  Key_Control = 16777249, Key_Copy = 16777423, Key_Cut = 16777424, Key_D = 68,
  Key_DOS = 16777426, Key_Dead_Abovedot = 16781910, Key_Dead_Abovering = 16781912, Key_Dead_Acute = 16781905,
  Key_Dead_Belowdot = 16781920, Key_Dead_Breve = 16781909, Key_Dead_Caron = 16781914, Key_Dead_Cedilla = 16781915,
  Key_Dead_Circumflex = 16781906, Key_Dead_Diaeresis = 16781911, Key_Dead_Doubleacute = 16781913, Key_Dead_Grave = 16781904,
  Key_Dead_Hook = 16781921, Key_Dead_Horn = 16781922, Key_Dead_Iota = 16781917, Key_Dead_Macron = 16781908,
  Key_Dead_Ogonek = 16781916, Key_Dead_Semivoiced_Sound = 16781919, Key_Dead_Tilde = 16781907, Key_Dead_Voiced_Sound = 16781918,
  Key_Delete = 16777223, Key_Direction_L = 16777305, Key_Direction_R = 16777312, Key_Display = 16777425,
  Key_Documents = 16777427, Key_Dollar = 36, Key_Down = 16777237, Key_E = 69,
  Key_ETH = 208, Key_Eacute = 201, Key_Ecircumflex = 202, Key_Ediaeresis = 203,
  Key_Egrave = 200, Key_Eisu_Shift = 16781615, Key_Eisu_toggle = 16781616, Key_Eject = 16777401,
  Key_End = 16777233, Key_Enter = 16777221, Key_Equal = 61, Key_Escape = 16777216,
  Key_Excel = 16777428, Key_Exclam = 33, Key_Execute = 16908291, Key_Explorer = 16777429,
  Key_F = 70, Key_F1 = 16777264, Key_F10 = 16777273, Key_F11 = 16777274,
  Key_F12 = 16777275, Key_F13 = 16777276, Key_F14 = 16777277, Key_F15 = 16777278,
  Key_F16 = 16777279, Key_F17 = 16777280, Key_F18 = 16777281, Key_F19 = 16777282,
  Key_F2 = 16777265, Key_F20 = 16777283, Key_F21 = 16777284, Key_F22 = 16777285,
  Key_F23 = 16777286, Key_F24 = 16777287, Key_F25 = 16777288, Key_F26 = 16777289,
  Key_F27 = 16777290, Key_F28 = 16777291, Key_F29 = 16777292, Key_F3 = 16777266,
  Key_F30 = 16777293, Key_F31 = 16777294, Key_F32 = 16777295, Key_F33 = 16777296,
  Key_F34 = 16777297, Key_F35 = 16777298, Key_F4 = 16777267, Key_F5 = 16777268,
  Key_F6 = 16777269, Key_F7 = 16777270, Key_F8 = 16777271, Key_F9 = 16777272,
  Key_Favorites = 16777361, Key_Finance = 16777411, Key_Flip = 17825798, Key_Forward = 16777314,
  Key_G = 71, Key_Game = 16777430, Key_Go = 16777431, Key_Greater = 62,
  Key_H = 72, Key_Hangul = 16781617, Key_Hangul_Banja = 16781625, Key_Hangul_End = 16781619,
  Key_Hangul_Hanja = 16781620, Key_Hangul_Jamo = 16781621, Key_Hangul_Jeonja = 16781624, Key_Hangul_PostHanja = 16781627,
  Key_Hangul_PreHanja = 16781626, Key_Hangul_Romaja = 16781622, Key_Hangul_Special = 16781631, Key_Hangul_Start = 16781618,
  Key_Hangup = 17825797, Key_Hankaku = 16781609, Key_Help = 16777304, Key_Henkan = 16781603,
  Key_Hibernate = 16777480, Key_Hiragana = 16781605, Key_Hiragana_Katakana = 16781607, Key_History = 16777407,
  Key_Home = 16777232, Key_HomePage = 16777360, Key_HotLinks = 16777409, Key_Hyper_L = 16777302,
  Key_Hyper_R = 16777303, Key_I = 73, Key_Iacute = 205, Key_Icircumflex = 206,
  Key_Idiaeresis = 207, Key_Igrave = 204, Key_Insert = 16777222, Key_J = 74,
  Key_K = 75, Key_Kana_Lock = 16781613, Key_Kana_Shift = 16781614, Key_Kanji = 16781601,
  Key_Katakana = 16781606, Key_KeyboardBrightnessDown = 16777398, Key_KeyboardBrightnessUp = 16777397, Key_KeyboardLightOnOff = 16777396,
  Key_L = 76, Key_LastNumberRedial = 17825801, Key_Launch0 = 16777378, Key_Launch1 = 16777379,
  Key_Launch2 = 16777380, Key_Launch3 = 16777381, Key_Launch4 = 16777382, Key_Launch5 = 16777383,
  Key_Launch6 = 16777384, Key_Launch7 = 16777385, Key_Launch8 = 16777386, Key_Launch9 = 16777387,
  Key_LaunchA = 16777388, Key_LaunchB = 16777389, Key_LaunchC = 16777390, Key_LaunchD = 16777391,
  Key_LaunchE = 16777392, Key_LaunchF = 16777393, Key_LaunchG = 16777486, Key_LaunchH = 16777487,
  Key_LaunchMail = 16777376, Key_LaunchMedia = 16777377, Key_Left = 16777234, Key_Less = 60,
  Key_LightBulb = 16777405, Key_LogOff = 16777433, Key_M = 77, Key_MailForward = 16777467,
  Key_Market = 16777434, Key_Massyo = 16781612, Key_MediaLast = 16842751, Key_MediaNext = 16777347,
  Key_MediaPause = 16777349, Key_MediaPlay = 16777344, Key_MediaPrevious = 16777346, Key_MediaRecord = 16777348,
  Key_MediaStop = 16777345, Key_MediaTogglePlayPause = 16777350, Key_Meeting = 16777435, Key_Memo = 16777404,
  Key_Menu = 16777301, Key_MenuKB = 16777436, Key_MenuPB = 16777437, Key_Messenger = 16777465,
  Key_Meta = 16777250, Key_Minus = 45, Key_Mode_switch = 16781694, Key_MonBrightnessDown = 16777395,
  Key_MonBrightnessUp = 16777394, Key_Muhenkan = 16781602, Key_Multi_key = 16781600, Key_MultipleCandidate = 16781629,
  Key_Music = 16777469, Key_MySites = 16777438, Key_N = 78, Key_News = 16777439,
  Key_No = 16842754, Key_Ntilde = 209, Key_NumLock = 16777253, Key_NumberSign = 35,
  Key_O = 79, Key_Oacute = 211, Key_Ocircumflex = 212, Key_Odiaeresis = 214,
  Key_OfficeHome = 16777440, Key_Ograve = 210, Key_Ooblique = 216, Key_OpenUrl = 16777364,
  Key_Option = 16777441, Key_Otilde = 213, Key_P = 80, Key_PageDown = 16777239,
  Key_PageUp = 16777238, Key_ParenLeft = 40, Key_ParenRight = 41, Key_Paste = 16777442,
  Key_Pause = 16777224, Key_Percent = 37, Key_Period = 46, Key_Phone = 16777443,
  Key_Pictures = 16777468, Key_Play = 16908293, Key_Plus = 43, Key_PowerDown = 16777483,
  Key_PowerOff = 16777399, Key_PreviousCandidate = 16781630, Key_Print = 16777225, Key_Printer = 16908290,
  Key_Q = 81, Key_Question = 63, Key_QuoteDbl = 34, Key_QuoteLeft = 96,
  Key_R = 82, Key_Refresh = 16777316, Key_Reload = 16777446, Key_Reply = 16777445,
  Key_Return = 16777220, Key_Right = 16777236, Key_Romaji = 16781604, Key_RotateWindows = 16777447,
  Key_RotationKB = 16777449, Key_RotationPB = 16777448, Key_S = 83, Key_Save = 16777450,
  Key_ScreenSaver = 16777402, Key_ScrollLock = 16777254, Key_Search = 16777362, Key_Select = 16842752,
  Key_Semicolon = 59, Key_Send = 16777451, Key_Shift = 16777248, Key_Shop = 16777406,
  Key_SingleCandidate = 16781628, Key_Slash = 47, Key_Sleep = 16908292, Key_Space = 32,
  Key_Spell = 16777452, Key_SplitScreen = 16777453, Key_Standby = 16777363, Key_Stop = 16777315,
  Key_Subtitle = 16777477, Key_Super_L = 16777299, Key_Super_R = 16777300, Key_Support = 16777454,
  Key_Suspend = 16777484, Key_SysReq = 16777226, Key_T = 84, Key_THORN = 222,
  Key_Tab = 16777217, Key_TaskPane = 16777455, Key_Terminal = 16777456, Key_Time = 16777479,
  Key_ToDoList = 16777420, Key_ToggleCallHangup = 17825799, Key_Tools = 16777457, Key_TopMenu = 16777482,
  Key_Touroku = 16781611, Key_Travel = 16777458, Key_TrebleDown = 16777335, Key_TrebleUp = 16777334,
  Key_U = 85, Key_UWB = 16777473, Key_Uacute = 218, Key_Ucircumflex = 219,
  Key_Udiaeresis = 220, Key_Ugrave = 217, Key_Underscore = 95, Key_Up = 16777235,
  Key_V = 86, Key_Video = 16777459, Key_View = 16777481, Key_VoiceDial = 17825800,
  Key_VolumeDown = 16777328, Key_VolumeMute = 16777329, Key_VolumeUp = 16777330, Key_W = 87,
  Key_WLAN = 16777472, Key_WWW = 16777403, Key_WakeUp = 16777400, Key_WebCam = 16777466,
  Key_Word = 16777460, Key_X = 88, Key_Xfer = 16777461, Key_Y = 89,
  Key_Yacute = 221, Key_Yes = 16842753, Key_Z = 90, Key_Zenkaku = 16781608,
  Key_Zenkaku_Hankaku = 16781610, Key_Zoom = 16908294, Key_ZoomIn = 16777462, Key_ZoomOut = 16777463,
  Key_acute = 180, Key_brokenbar = 166, Key_cedilla = 184, Key_cent = 162,
  Key_copyright = 169, Key_currency = 164, Key_degree = 176, Key_diaeresis = 168,
  Key_division = 247, Key_exclamdown = 161, Key_guillemotleft = 171, Key_guillemotright = 187,
  Key_hyphen = 173, Key_iTouch = 16777432, Key_macron = 175, Key_masculine = 186,
  Key_mu = 181, Key_multiply = 215, Key_nobreakspace = 160, Key_notsign = 172,
  Key_onehalf = 189, Key_onequarter = 188, Key_onesuperior = 185, Key_ordfeminine = 170,
  Key_paragraph = 182, Key_periodcentered = 183, Key_plusminus = 177, Key_questiondown = 191,
  Key_registered = 174, Key_section = 167, Key_ssharp = 223, Key_sterling = 163,
  Key_threequarters = 190, Key_threesuperior = 179, Key_twosuperior = 178, Key_unknown = 33554431,
  Key_ydiaeresis = 255, Key_yen = 165
enum  KeyboardModifier {
  AltModifier = 134217728, ControlModifier = 67108864, GroupSwitchModifier = 1073741824, KeyboardModifierMask = -33554432,
  KeypadModifier = 536870912, MetaModifier = 268435456, NoModifier = 0, ShiftModifier = 33554432
enum  LayoutDirection { LayoutDirectionAuto = 2, LeftToRight = 0, RightToLeft = 1 }
enum  MaskMode { MaskInColor = 0, MaskOutColor = 1 }
enum  MatchFlag {
  MatchCaseSensitive = 16, MatchContains = 1, MatchEndsWith = 3, MatchExactly = 0,
  MatchFixedString = 8, MatchRecursive = 64, MatchRegExp = 4, MatchStartsWith = 2,
  MatchWildcard = 5, MatchWrap = 32
enum  Modifier {
  ALT = 134217728, CTRL = 67108864, META = 268435456, MODIFIER_MASK = -33554432,
  SHIFT = 33554432, UNICODE_ACCEL = 0
enum  MouseButton {
  LeftButton = 1, MidButton = 4, MiddleButton = 4, MouseButtonMask = 255,
  NoButton = 0, RightButton = 2, XButton1 = 8, XButton2 = 16
enum  NavigationMode {
  NavigationModeCursorAuto = 3, NavigationModeCursorForceVisible = 4, NavigationModeKeypadDirectional = 2, NavigationModeKeypadTabOrder = 1,
  NavigationModeNone = 0
enum  Orientation { Horizontal = 1, Vertical = 2 }
enum  PenCapStyle { FlatCap = 0, MPenCapStyle = 48, RoundCap = 32, SquareCap = 16 }
enum  PenJoinStyle {
  BevelJoin = 64, MPenJoinStyle = 448, MiterJoin = 0, RoundJoin = 128,
  SvgMiterJoin = 256
enum  PenStyle {
  CustomDashLine = 6, DashDotDotLine = 5, DashDotLine = 4, DashLine = 2,
  DotLine = 3, MPenStyle = 15, NoPen = 0, SolidLine = 1
enum  ScrollBarPolicy { ScrollBarAlwaysOff = 1, ScrollBarAlwaysOn = 2, ScrollBarAsNeeded = 0 }
enum  ShortcutContext { ApplicationShortcut = 2, WidgetShortcut = 0, WidgetWithChildrenShortcut = 3, WindowShortcut = 1 }
enum  SizeHint {
  MaximumSize = 2, MinimumDescent = 3, MinimumSize = 0, NSizeHints = 4,
  PreferredSize = 1
enum  SizeMode { AbsoluteSize = 0, RelativeSize = 1 }
enum  SortOrder { AscendingOrder = 0, DescendingOrder = 1 }
enum  TextElideMode { ElideLeft = 0, ElideMiddle = 2, ElideNone = 3, ElideRight = 1 }
enum  TextFlag {
  TextBypassShaping = 1048576, TextDontClip = 512, TextDontPrint = 16384, TextExpandTabs = 1024,
  TextForceLeftToRight = 131072, TextForceRightToLeft = 262144, TextHideMnemonic = 32768, TextIncludeTrailingSpaces = 134217728,
  TextJustificationForced = 65536, TextLongestVariant = 524288, TextShowMnemonic = 2048, TextSingleLine = 256,
  TextWordWrap = 4096, TextWrapAnywhere = 8192
enum  TextFormat { AutoText = 2, LogText = 3, PlainText = 0, RichText = 1 }
enum  TextInteractionFlag {
  LinksAccessibleByKeyboard = 8, LinksAccessibleByMouse = 4, NoTextInteraction = 0, TextBrowserInteraction = 13,
  TextEditable = 16, TextEditorInteraction = 19, TextSelectableByKeyboard = 2, TextSelectableByMouse = 1
enum  TileRule { RepeatTile = 1, RoundTile = 2, StretchTile = 0 }
enum  TimeSpec { LocalTime = 0, OffsetFromUTC = 2, UTC = 1 }
enum  ToolBarArea {
  AllToolBarAreas = 15, BottomToolBarArea = 8, LeftToolBarArea = 1, NoToolBarArea = 0,
  RightToolBarArea = 2, ToolBarArea_Mask = 15, TopToolBarArea = 4
enum  ToolBarAreaSizes { NToolBarAreas = 4 }
enum  ToolButtonStyle {
  ToolButtonFollowStyle = 4, ToolButtonIconOnly = 0, ToolButtonTextBesideIcon = 2, ToolButtonTextOnly = 1,
  ToolButtonTextUnderIcon = 3
enum  TouchPointState {
  TouchPointMoved = 2, TouchPointPressed = 1, TouchPointPrimary = 16, TouchPointReleased = 8,
  TouchPointStateMask = 15, TouchPointStationary = 4
enum  TransformationMode { FastTransformation = 0, SmoothTransformation = 1 }
enum  UIEffect {
  UI_AnimateCombo = 3, UI_AnimateMenu = 1, UI_AnimateToolBox = 6, UI_AnimateTooltip = 4,
  UI_FadeMenu = 2, UI_FadeTooltip = 5, UI_General = 0
enum  WidgetAttribute {
  WA_AcceptDrops = 78, WA_AcceptTouchEvents = 121, WA_AlwaysShowToolTips = 84, WA_AttributeCount = 135,
  WA_AutoOrientation = 130, WA_CanHostQMdiSubWindowTitleBar = 95, WA_ContentsPropagated = 3, WA_CustomWhatsThis = 47,
  WA_DeleteOnClose = 55, WA_Disabled = 0, WA_DontCreateNativeAncestors = 101, WA_DontShowOnScreen = 103,
  WA_DropSiteRegistered = 79, WA_ForceAcceptDrops = 79, WA_ForceDisabled = 32, WA_ForceUpdatesDisabled = 59,
  WA_GrabbedShortcut = 50, WA_GroupLeader = 72, WA_Hover = 74, WA_InputMethodEnabled = 14,
  WA_InputMethodTransparent = 75, WA_InvalidSize = 45, WA_KeyCompression = 33, WA_KeyboardFocusChange = 77,
  WA_LaidOut = 7, WA_LayoutOnEntireRect = 48, WA_LayoutUsesWidgetRect = 92, WA_LockLandscapeOrientation = 129,
  WA_LockPortraitOrientation = 128, WA_MSWindowsUseDirect3D = 94, WA_MacAlwaysShowToolWindow = 96, WA_MacBrushedMetal = 46,
  WA_MacFrameworkScaled = 117, WA_MacMetalStyle = 46, WA_MacMiniSize = 91, WA_MacNoClickThrough = 12,
  WA_MacNoShadow = 134, WA_MacNormalSize = 89, WA_MacOpaqueSizeGrip = 85, WA_MacShowFocusRect = 88,
  WA_MacSmallSize = 90, WA_MacVariableSize = 102, WA_Mapped = 11, WA_MergeSoftkeys = 124,
  WA_MergeSoftkeysRecursively = 125, WA_MouseNoMask = 71, WA_MouseTracking = 2, WA_Moved = 43,
  WA_NativeWindow = 100, WA_NoBackground = 4, WA_NoChildEventsForParent = 58, WA_NoChildEventsFromChildren = 39,
  WA_NoMousePropagation = 73, WA_NoMouseReplay = 54, WA_NoSystemBackground = 9, WA_NoX11EventCompression = 81,
  WA_OpaquePaintEvent = 4, WA_OutsideWSRange = 49, WA_PaintOnScreen = 8, WA_PaintOutsidePaintEvent = 13,
  WA_PaintUnclipped = 52, WA_PendingMoveEvent = 34, WA_PendingResizeEvent = 35, WA_PendingUpdate = 44,
  WA_QuitOnClose = 76, WA_Resized = 42, WA_RightToLeft = 56, WA_SetCursor = 38,
  WA_SetFont = 37, WA_SetLayoutDirection = 57, WA_SetLocale = 87, WA_SetPalette = 36,
  WA_SetStyle = 86, WA_SetWindowIcon = 53, WA_SetWindowModality = 118, WA_ShowModal = 70,
  WA_ShowWithoutActivating = 98, WA_StaticContents = 5, WA_StyleSheet = 97, WA_StyledBackground = 93,
  WA_SymbianNoSystemRotation = 133, WA_TintedBackground = 82, WA_TouchPadAcceptSingleTouchEvents = 123, WA_TranslucentBackground = 120,
  WA_TransparentForMouseEvents = 51, WA_UnderMouse = 1, WA_UpdatesDisabled = 10, WA_WState_AcceptedTouchBeginEvent = 122,
  WA_WState_CompressKeys = 61, WA_WState_ConfigPending = 64, WA_WState_Created = 60, WA_WState_DND = 67,
  WA_WState_ExplicitShowHide = 69, WA_WState_Hidden = 16, WA_WState_InPaintEvent = 62, WA_WState_OwnSizePolicy = 68,
  WA_WState_Polished = 66, WA_WState_Reparented = 63, WA_WState_Visible = 15, WA_WState_WindowOpacitySet = 119,
  WA_WindowModified = 41, WA_WindowPropagation = 80, WA_X11BypassTransientForHint = 99, WA_X11DoNotAcceptFocus = 132,
  WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeCombo = 115, WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDND = 116, WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDesktop = 104, WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDialog = 110,
  WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDock = 105, WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeDropDownMenu = 111, WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeMenu = 107, WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeNotification = 114,
  WA_X11NetWmWindowTypePopupMenu = 112, WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeSplash = 109, WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeToolBar = 106, WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeToolTip = 113,
  WA_X11NetWmWindowTypeUtility = 108, WA_X11OpenGLOverlay = 83
enum  WindowFrameSection {
  BottomLeftSection = 8, BottomRightSection = 6, BottomSection = 7, LeftSection = 1,
  NoSection = 0, RightSection = 5, TitleBarArea = 9, TopLeftSection = 2,
  TopRightSection = 4, TopSection = 3
enum  WindowModality { ApplicationModal = 2, NonModal = 0, WindowModal = 1 }
enum  WindowState {
  WindowActive = 8, WindowFullScreen = 4, WindowMaximized = 2, WindowMinimized = 1,
  WindowNoState = 0
enum  WindowType {
  BypassGraphicsProxyWidget = 536870912, CustomizeWindowHint = 33554432, Desktop = 17, Dialog = 3,
  Drawer = 7, FramelessWindowHint = 2048, MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint = 256, MSWindowsOwnDC = 512,
  MacWindowToolBarButtonHint = 268435456, Popup = 9, Sheet = 5, SplashScreen = 15,
  SubWindow = 18, Tool = 11, ToolTip = 13, Widget = 0,
  Window = 1, WindowCancelButtonHint = 1048576, WindowCloseButtonHint = 134217728, WindowContextHelpButtonHint = 65536,
  WindowMaximizeButtonHint = 32768, WindowMinMaxButtonsHint = 49152, WindowMinimizeButtonHint = 16384, WindowOkButtonHint = 524288,
  WindowShadeButtonHint = 131072, WindowSoftkeysRespondHint = -2147483648, WindowSoftkeysVisibleHint = 1073741824, WindowStaysOnBottomHint = 67108864,
  WindowStaysOnTopHint = 262144, WindowSystemMenuHint = 8192, WindowTitleHint = 4096, WindowType_Mask = 255,
  X11BypassWindowManagerHint = 1024
- Protected Attributes inherited from QtCore.QObject
object Q_EMIT = null
SmokeInvocation interceptor
readonly List< QEventHandler > eventFilters = new List<QEventHandler>()

Detailed Description

The QMimeData class provides a container for data that records information about its MIME type.

QMimeData is used to describe information that can be stored in the clipboard, and transferred via the drag and drop mechanism. QMimeData objects associate the data that they hold with the corresponding MIME types to ensure that information can be safely transferred between applications, and copied around within the same application.

QMimeData objects are usually created using new and supplied to QDrag or QClipboard objects. This is to enable Qt to manage the memory that they use.

A single QMimeData object can store the same data using several different formats at the same time. The formats() function returns a list of the available formats in order of preference. The data() function returns the raw data associated with a MIME type, and setData() allows you to set the data for a MIME type.

For the most common MIME types, QMimeData provides convenience functions to access the data:

TesterGetterSetterMIME Types

hasText() text() setText() text/plain

hasHtml() html() setHtml() text/html

hasUrls() urls() setUrls() text/uri-list

hasImage() imageData() setImageData() image/ *

hasColor() colorData() setColorData() application/x-color

For example, if your write a widget that accepts URL drags, you would end up writing code like this:

void MyWidget::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *event)


if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls())



void MyWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event)


if (event->mimeData()->hasUrls()) {

foreach (QUrl url, event->mimeData()->urls()) {





There are three approaches for storing custom data in a QMimeData object:

Custom data can be stored directly in a QMimeData object as a QByteArray using setData(). For example: QByteArray csvData = ...;

QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData;

mimeData->setData("text/csv", csvData);

We can subclass QMimeData and reimplement hasFormat(), formats(), and retrieveData().

If the drag and drop operation occurs within a single application, we can subclass QMimeData and add extra data in it, and use a qobject_cast() in the receiver's drop event handler. For example: void MyWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent *event)


const MyMimeData *myData =

qobject_cast<const MyMimeData *>(event->mimeData());

if (myData) {

// access myData's data directly (not through QMimeData's API)



Platform-Specific MIME Types

On Windows, formats() will also return custom formats available in the MIME data, using the x-qt-windows-mime subtype to indicate that they represent data in non-standard formats. The formats will take the following form:

application/x-qt-windows-mime;value="<custom type>"

The following are examples of custom MIME types:



The value declaration of each format describes the way in which the data is encoded.

On Windows, the MIME format does not always map directly to the clipboard formats. Qt provides QWindowsMime to map clipboard formats to open-standard MIME formats. Similarly, the QMacPasteboardMime maps MIME to Mac flavors.

See also QClipboard, QDragEnterEvent, QDragMoveEvent, QDropEvent, QDrag, QWindowsMime, QMacPasteboardMime, and Drag and Drop.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QtCore.QMimeData.QMimeData ( System.Type  dummy)
QtCore.QMimeData.QMimeData ( )

Constructs a new MIME data object with no data in it.

Member Function Documentation

new void QtCore.QMimeData.Clear ( )

Removes all the MIME type and data entries in the object.

override void QtCore.QMimeData.CreateProxy ( )

Reimplemented from QtCore.QObject.

new QByteArray QtCore.QMimeData.Data ( string  mimetype)

Returns the data stored in the object in the format described by the MIME type specified by mimeType.

See also setData().

new void QtCore.QMimeData.Dispose ( )
virtual System.Collections.Generic.List<string> QtCore.QMimeData.Formats ( )

Returns a list of formats supported by the object. This is a list of MIME types for which the object can return suitable data. The formats in the list are in a priority order.

For the most common types of data, you can call the higher-level functions hasText(), hasHtml(), hasUrls(), hasImage(), and hasColor() instead.

See also hasFormat(), setData(), and data().

new bool QtCore.QMimeData.HasColor ( )

Returns true if the object can return a color (MIME type application/x-color); otherwise returns false.

See also setColorData(), colorData(), and hasFormat().

virtual bool QtCore.QMimeData.HasFormat ( string  mimetype)

Returns true if the object can return data for the MIME type specified by mimeType; otherwise returns false.

For the most common types of data, you can call the higher-level functions hasText(), hasHtml(), hasUrls(), hasImage(), and hasColor() instead.

See also formats(), setData(), and data().

new bool QtCore.QMimeData.HasHtml ( )

Returns true if the object can return HTML (MIME type text/html); otherwise returns false.

See also setHtml(), html(), and hasFormat().

new bool QtCore.QMimeData.HasImage ( )

Returns true if the object can return an image; otherwise returns false.

See also setImageData(), imageData(), and hasFormat().

new bool QtCore.QMimeData.HasText ( )

Returns true if the object can return plain text (MIME type text/plain); otherwise returns false.

See also setText(), text(), hasHtml(), and hasFormat().

new bool QtCore.QMimeData.HasUrls ( )

Returns true if the object can return a list of urls; otherwise returns false.

URLs correspond to the MIME type text/uri-list.

See also setUrls(), urls(), and hasFormat().

new void QtCore.QMimeData.RemoveFormat ( string  mimetype)

Removes the data entry for mimeType in the object.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.4.

virtual object QtCore.QMimeData.RetrieveData ( string  mimetype,
QVariant.Type  preferredType 

Returns a variant with the given type containing data for the MIME type specified by mimeType. If the object does not support the MIME type or variant type given, a null variant is returned instead.

This function is called by the general data() getter and by the convenience getters (text(), html(), urls(), imageData(), and colorData()). You can reimplement it if you want to store your data using a custom data structure (instead of a QByteArray, which is what setData() provides). You would then also need to reimplement hasFormat() and formats().

See also data().

new void QtCore.QMimeData.SetData ( string  mimetype,
QByteArray  data 

Sets the data associated with the MIME type given by mimeType to the specified data.

For the most common types of data, you can call the higher-level functions setText(), setHtml(), setUrls(), setImageData(), and setColorData() instead.

Note that if you want to use a custom data type in an item view drag and drop operation, you must register it as a Qt meta type, using the Q_DECLARE_METATYPE() macro, and implement stream operators for it. The stream operators must then be registered with the qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators() function.

See also data(), hasFormat(), QMetaType, and qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators().

static string QtCore.QMimeData.Tr ( string  s,
string  c = null 
static string QtCore.QMimeData.Tr ( string  s,
string  c,
int  n 
static string QtCore.QMimeData.TrUtf8 ( string  s,
string  c = null 
static string QtCore.QMimeData.TrUtf8 ( string  s,
string  c,
int  n 

Property Documentation

new object QtCore.QMimeData.ColorData

Returns a color if the data stored in the object represents a color (MIME type application/x-color); otherwise returns a null variant.

A QVariant is used because QMimeData belongs to the QtCore library, whereas QColor belongs to QtGui. To convert the QVariant to a QColor, simply use qvariant_cast(). For example:

if (event->mimeData()->hasColor()) {

QColor color = qvariant_cast<QColor>(event->mimeData()->colorData());



Sets the color data in the object to the given color.

Colors correspond to the MIME type application/x-color.

new IQMimeDataSignals QtCore.QMimeData.Emit
new string QtCore.QMimeData.Html

Returns a string if the data stored in the object is HTML (MIME type text/html); otherwise returns an empty string.

Sets html as the HTML (MIME type text/html) used to represent the data.

new object QtCore.QMimeData.ImageData

Returns a QVariant storing a QImage if the object can return an image; otherwise returns a null variant.

A QVariant is used because QMimeData belongs to the QtCore library, whereas QImage belongs to QtGui. To convert the QVariant to a QImage, simply use qvariant_cast(). For example:

if (event->mimeData()->hasImage()) {

QImage image = qvariant_cast<QImage>(event->mimeData()->imageData());



Sets the data in the object to the given image.

A QVariant is used because QMimeData belongs to the QtCore library, whereas QImage belongs to QtGui. The conversion from QImage to QVariant is implicit. For example:


new QMetaObject QtCore.QMimeData.StaticMetaObject
new string QtCore.QMimeData.Text

Returns a plain text (MIME type text/plain) representation of the data.

Sets text as the plain text (MIME type text/plain) used to represent the data.

new System.Collections.Generic.List<QUrl> QtCore.QMimeData.Urls

Returns a list of URLs contained within the MIME data object.

URLs correspond to the MIME type text/uri-list.

Sets the URLs stored in the MIME data object to those specified by urls.

URLs correspond to the MIME type text/uri-list.