Akonadi Mime

2 This file is part of Akonadi Mail.
4 Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010 Tobias Koenig <tokoe@kde.org>
6 SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
9#pragma once
11#include "akonadi-mime_export.h"
13#include <Akonadi/StandardActionManager>
15#include <QObject>
17#include <memory>
19class QAction;
22class QWidget;
24namespace Akonadi
26class Item;
27class StandardMailActionManagerPrivate;
30 * @short Manages emails specific actions for collection and item views.
31 *
32 * @author Andras Mantia <amantia@kde.org>
33 * @since 4.6
34 */
35class AKONADI_MIME_EXPORT StandardMailActionManager : public QObject
40 /**
41 * Describes the supported actions.
42 */
43 enum Type {
44 MarkMailAsRead = StandardActionManager::LastType + 1, ///< Marks a mail as read
45 MarkMailAsUnread, ///< Marks a mail as unread
46 MarkMailAsImportant, ///< Marks a mail as important
47 MarkMailAsActionItem, ///< Marks a mail as action item
48 MarkAllMailAsRead, ///< Marks all mails in a folder as read.
49 MarkAllMailAsReadRecursive, ///< Marks all mails in a folder and its subfolders as read.
50 MarkAllMailAsUnread, ///< Marks all mails in a folder as unread.
51 MarkAllMailAsImportant, ///< Marks all mails in a folder as important
52 MarkAllMailAsActionItem, ///< Marks all mails in a folder as action item
53 MoveToTrash, ///< Move all selected messages and folders to trash.
54 MoveAllToTrash, ///< Move all messages of the current folder to trash.
55 RemoveDuplicates, ///< Removes all duplicated messages.
56 EmptyAllTrash, ///< Empties trash folders on all accounts
57 EmptyTrash, ///< Empties the trash folder, if a trash folder was selected
58 LastType ///< Marks last action.
59 };
61 /**
62 * Creates a new standard mail action manager.
63 *
64 * @param actionCollection The action collection to operate on.
65 * @param parent The parent widget.
66 */
67 explicit StandardMailActionManager(KActionCollection *actionCollection, QWidget *parent = nullptr);
69 /**
70 * Destroys the standard mail action manager.
71 */
74 /**
75 * Sets the collection selection model based on which the collection
76 * related actions should operate. If none is set, all collection actions
77 * will be disabled.
78 *
79 * @param selectionModel selection model for collections
80 */
83 /**
84 * Sets the item selection model based on which the item related actions
85 * should operate. If none is set, all item actions will be disabled.
86 *
87 * @param selectionModel selection model for items
88 */
89 void setItemSelectionModel(QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel);
91 /**
92 * Creates the action of the given type and adds it to the action collection
93 * specified in the constructor if it does not exist yet. The action is
94 * connected to its default implementation provided by this class.
95 *
96 * @param type action type
97 */
100 /**
101 * Creates the action of the given type and adds it to the action collection
102 * specified in the constructor if it does not exist yet. The action is
103 * connected to its default implementation provided by this class.
104 * @param type action type
105 */
108 /**
109 * Convenience method to create all standard actions.
110 * @see createAction()
111 */
112 void createAllActions();
114 /**
115 * Returns the action of the given type, 0 if it has not been created (yet).
116 * @param type action type
117 */
118 [[nodiscard]] QAction *action(Type type) const;
120 /**
121 * Returns the action of the given type, 0 if it has not been created (yet).
122 * @param type action type
123 */
124 [[nodiscard]] QAction *action(StandardActionManager::Type type) const;
126 /**
127 * Sets the label of the action @p type to @p text, which is used during
128 * updating the action state and substituted according to the number of
129 * selected objects. This is mainly useful to customize the label of actions
130 * that can operate on multiple objects.
131 *
132 * Example:
133 * @code
134 * acctMgr->setActionText( Akonadi::StandardActionManager::CopyItems,
135 * ki18np( "Copy Item", "Copy %1 Items" ) );
136 * @endcode
137 *
138 * @param type action type
139 * @param text localized text for action
140 */
143 /**
144 * Sets whether the default implementation for the given action @p type
145 * shall be executed when the action is triggered.
146 *
147 * @param intercept If @c false, the default implementation will be executed,
148 * if @c true no action is taken.
149 */
150 void interceptAction(Type type, bool intercept = true);
152 /**
153 * Sets whether the default implementation for the given action @p type
154 * shall be executed when the action is triggered.
155 *
156 * @param type action type
157 * @param intercept If @c false, the default implementation will be executed,
158 * if @c true no action is taken.
159 */
160 void interceptAction(StandardActionManager::Type type, bool intercept = true);
162 /**
163 * Returns the list of collections that are currently selected.
164 * The list is empty if no collection is currently selected.
165 */
168 /**
169 * Returns the list of items that are currently selected.
170 * The list is empty if no item is currently selected.
171 */
172 [[nodiscard]] Akonadi::Item::List selectedItems() const;
174 /**
175 * Sets the favorite collections model based on which the collection
176 * relatedactions should operate. If none is set, the "Add to Favorite Folders" action
177 * will be disabled.
178 *
179 * @param favoritesModel model for a user's favorite mail collections
180 */
183 /**
184 * Sets the favorite collection selection model based on which the favorite
185 * collection related actions should operate. If none is set, all favorite modifications
186 * actions will be disabled.
187 *
188 * @param selection model for favorite collections
189 */
192 void setCollectionPropertiesPageNames(const QStringList &names);
194 [[nodiscard]] Akonadi::StandardActionManager *standardActionManager() const;
196 void markItemsAs(const QByteArray &typeStr, const Akonadi::Item::List &items, bool checkIntercept = true);
197 void markAllItemsAs(const QByteArray &typeStr, const Akonadi::Collection::List &collections, bool checkIntercept = true);
199 void setItems(const Item::List &selectedItems);
202 /**
203 * This signal is emitted whenever the action state has been updated.
204 * In case you have special needs for changing the state of some actions,
205 * connect to this signal and adjust the action state.
206 */
210 //@cond PRIVATE
211 friend class StandardMailActionManagerPrivate;
212 std::unique_ptr<StandardMailActionManagerPrivate> const d;
213 //@endcond
QList< Collection > List
QList< Item > List
Manages emails specific actions for collection and item views.
void setFavoriteCollectionsModel(FavoriteCollectionsModel *favoritesModel)
Sets the favorite collections model based on which the collection relatedactions should operate.
StandardMailActionManager(KActionCollection *actionCollection, QWidget *parent=nullptr)
Creates a new standard mail action manager.
~StandardMailActionManager() override
Destroys the standard mail action manager.
void setActionText(StandardActionManager::Type type, const KLocalizedString &text)
Sets the label of the action type to text, which is used during updating the action state and substit...
void setItemSelectionModel(QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel)
Sets the item selection model based on which the item related actions should operate.
QAction * createAction(Type type)
Creates the action of the given type and adds it to the action collection specified in the constructo...
void setFavoriteSelectionModel(QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel)
Sets the favorite collection selection model based on which the favorite collection related actions s...
void createAllActions()
Convenience method to create all standard actions.
Akonadi::Item::List selectedItems() const
Returns the list of items that are currently selected.
Describes the supported actions.
@ RemoveDuplicates
Removes all duplicated messages.
@ MoveToTrash
Move all selected messages and folders to trash.
@ EmptyTrash
Empties the trash folder, if a trash folder was selected.
@ MarkAllMailAsReadRecursive
Marks all mails in a folder and its subfolders as read.
@ MarkMailAsActionItem
Marks a mail as action item.
@ MarkAllMailAsActionItem
Marks all mails in a folder as action item.
@ EmptyAllTrash
Empties trash folders on all accounts.
@ MoveAllToTrash
Move all messages of the current folder to trash.
@ MarkAllMailAsImportant
Marks all mails in a folder as important.
@ MarkAllMailAsRead
Marks all mails in a folder as read.
@ MarkMailAsImportant
Marks a mail as important.
@ MarkAllMailAsUnread
Marks all mails in a folder as unread.
Akonadi::Collection::List selectedCollections() const
Returns the list of collections that are currently selected.
void interceptAction(Type type, bool intercept=true)
Sets whether the default implementation for the given action type shall be executed when the action i...
void actionStateUpdated()
This signal is emitted whenever the action state has been updated.
void setCollectionSelectionModel(QItemSelectionModel *selectionModel)
Sets the collection selection model based on which the collection related actions should operate.
QAction * action(Type type) const
Returns the action of the given type, 0 if it has not been created (yet).
QObject(QObject *parent)
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Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:56:40 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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