File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345678]
▼ sources | |
▼ messagelib | |
▼ messagecomposer | |
► src | |
► attachment | |
attachmentcontrollerbase.cpp | |
attachmentcontrollerbase.h | |
attachmentmodel.cpp | |
attachmentmodel.h | |
editorwatcher.cpp | |
editorwatcher.h | |
► composer | |
autocryptkeyresolvercore.cpp | |
autocryptkeyresolvercore.h | |
composerattachmentinterface.cpp | |
composerattachmentinterface.h | |
composerlineedit.cpp | |
composerlineedit.h | |
composerviewbase.cpp | |
composerviewbase.h | |
composerviewinterface.cpp | |
composerviewinterface.h | |
keyresolver.cpp | |
keyresolver.h | |
signaturecontroller.cpp | |
signaturecontroller.h | |
► composer-ng | |
richtextcomposerng.cpp | |
richtextcomposerng.h | |
richtextcomposersignatures.cpp | |
richtextcomposersignatures.h | |
► contactpreference | |
contactpreference.cpp | |
contactpreference.h | |
savecontactpreferencejob.cpp | |
savecontactpreferencejob.h | |
► draftstatus | |
draftstatus.cpp | |
draftstatus.h | |
► followupreminder | |
followupreminder.cpp | |
followupreminder.h | |
followupremindercreatejob.cpp | |
followupremindercreatejob.h | |
followupreminderselectdatedialog.cpp | |
followupreminderselectdatedialog.h | |
► helper | |
messagefactoryforwardjob.cpp | |
messagefactoryforwardjob.h | |
messagefactoryng.cpp | |
messagefactoryng.h | |
messagefactoryreplyjob.cpp | |
messagefactoryreplyjob.h | |
messagehelper.cpp | |
messagehelper.h | |
► imagescaling | |
imagescaling.cpp | |
imagescaling.h | |
imagescalingselectformat.cpp | |
imagescalingselectformat.h | |
imagescalingutils.cpp | |
imagescalingutils.h | |
imagescalingwidget.cpp | |
imagescalingwidget.h | |
► job | |
abstractencryptjob.h | |
aliasesexpandjob.cpp | |
aliasesexpandjob.h | |
attachmentclipboardjob.cpp | |
attachmentclipboardjob.h | |
attachmentfrompublickeyjob.cpp | |
attachmentfrompublickeyjob.h | |
attachmentjob.cpp | |
attachmentjob.h | |
attachmentvcardfromaddressbookjob.cpp | |
attachmentvcardfromaddressbookjob.h | |
autocryptheadersjob.cpp | |
autocryptheadersjob.h | |
composerjob.cpp | |
composerjob.h | |
contentjobbase.cpp | |
contentjobbase.h | |
distributionlistexpandjob.cpp | |
distributionlistexpandjob.h | |
emailaddressresolvejob.cpp | |
emailaddressresolvejob.h | |
encryptjob.cpp | |
encryptjob.h | |
inserttextfilejob.cpp | |
inserttextfilejob.h | |
itipjob.cpp | |
itipjob.h | |
jobbase.cpp | |
jobbase.h | |
maintextjob.cpp | |
maintextjob.h | |
multipartjob.cpp | |
multipartjob.h | |
protectedheadersjob.cpp | |
protectedheadersjob.h | |
signencryptjob.cpp | |
signencryptjob.h | |
signjob.cpp | |
signjob.h | |
singlepartjob.cpp | |
singlepartjob.h | |
skeletonmessagejob.cpp | |
skeletonmessagejob.h | |
transparentjob.cpp | |
transparentjob.h | |
► mdn | |
mdnadvicedialog.cpp | |
mdnadvicedialog.h | |
mdnadvicehelper.cpp | |
mdnadvicehelper.h | |
mdnwarningwidgetjob.cpp | |
mdnwarningwidgetjob.h | |
► part | |
globalpart.cpp | |
globalpart.h | |
infopart.cpp | |
infopart.h | |
itippart.cpp | |
itippart.h | |
messagepart.cpp | |
messagepart.h | |
textpart.cpp | |
textpart.h | |
► plugineditor | |
pluginactiontype.cpp | |
pluginactiontype.h | |
plugincomposerinterface.cpp | |
plugincomposerinterface.h | |
plugineditor.cpp | |
plugineditor.h | |
plugineditorinterface.cpp | |
plugineditorinterface.h | |
plugineditormanager.cpp | |
plugineditormanager.h | |
► plugineditorbase | |
plugineditorbase.cpp | |
plugineditorbase.h | |
plugineditorconfigurebasewidget.cpp | |
plugineditorconfigurebasewidget.h | |
► plugineditorcheckbeforesend | |
plugineditorcheckbeforesend.cpp | |
plugineditorcheckbeforesend.h | |
plugineditorcheckbeforesendinterface.cpp | |
plugineditorcheckbeforesendinterface.h | |
plugineditorcheckbeforesendmanager.cpp | |
plugineditorcheckbeforesendmanager.h | |
plugineditorcheckbeforesendparams.cpp | |
plugineditorcheckbeforesendparams.h | |
► plugineditorconverttext | |
plugineditorconverterbeforeconvertingdata.cpp | |
plugineditorconverterbeforeconvertingdata.h | |
plugineditorconverterinitialdata.cpp | |
plugineditorconverterinitialdata.h | |
plugineditorconverttext.cpp | |
plugineditorconverttext.h | |
plugineditorconverttextinterface.cpp | |
plugineditorconverttextinterface.h | |
plugineditorconverttextmanager.cpp | |
plugineditorconverttextmanager.h | |
► plugineditorgrammar | |
plugineditorgrammarcustomtoolsviewinterface.cpp | |
plugineditorgrammarcustomtoolsviewinterface.h | |
plugineditorgrammarmanager.cpp | |
plugineditorgrammarmanager.h | |
► plugineditorinit | |
plugineditorinit.cpp | |
plugineditorinit.h | |
plugineditorinitinterface.cpp | |
plugineditorinitinterface.h | |
plugineditorinitmanager.cpp | |
plugineditorinitmanager.h | |
► recipient | |
distributionlistdialog.cpp | |
distributionlistdialog.h | |
kwindowpositioner.cpp | |
kwindowpositioner.h | |
recipient.cpp | |
recipient.h | |
recipientline.cpp | |
recipientline.h | |
recipientseditor.cpp | |
recipientseditor.h | |
recipientseditorsidewidget.cpp | |
recipientseditorsidewidget.h | |
recipientspicker.cpp | |
recipientspicker.h | |
► sender | |
akonadisender.cpp | |
akonadisender.h | |
messagesender.h | |
► sendlater | |
sendlatercreatejob.cpp | |
sendlatercreatejob.h | |
sendlaterdialog.cpp | |
sendlaterdialog.h | |
sendlaterinfo.cpp | |
sendlaterinfo.h | |
sendlaterjob.cpp | |
sendlaterjob.h | |
sendlaterremovejob.cpp | |
sendlaterremovejob.h | |
sendlatertimedatewidget.cpp | |
sendlaterutil.cpp | |
sendlaterutil.h | |
► settings | |
messagecomposersettings.cpp | |
messagecomposersettings.h | |
► snippet | |
convertsnippetvariablemenu.cpp | |
convertsnippetvariablemenu.h | |
convertsnippetvariablesjob.cpp | |
convertsnippetvariablesjob.h | |
convertsnippetvariablesutil.cpp | |
convertsnippetvariablesutil.h | |
► statusbarwidget | |
statusbarlabeltoggledstate.cpp | |
statusbarlabeltoggledstate.h | |
► utils | |
kleo_util.h | |
util.cpp | |
util.h | |
messagecomposer_private_export.h | |
▼ messagecore | |
► src | |
► attachment | |
attachmentcompressjob.cpp | |
attachmentcompressjob.h | |
attachmentfromfolderjob.cpp | |
attachmentfromfolderjob.h | |
attachmentfrommimecontentjob.cpp | |
attachmentfrommimecontentjob.h | |
attachmentfromurlbasejob.cpp | |
attachmentfromurlbasejob.h | |
attachmentfromurljob.cpp | |
attachmentfromurljob.h | |
attachmentfromurlutils.cpp | |
attachmentfromurlutils.h | |
attachmentloadjob.cpp | |
attachmentloadjob.h | |
attachmentpart.cpp | |
attachmentpart.h | |
attachmentpropertiesdialog.cpp | |
attachmentpropertiesdialog.h | |
attachmentupdatejob.cpp | |
attachmentupdatejob.h | |
► autocrypt | |
autocryptrecipient.cpp | |
autocryptrecipient.h | |
autocryptstorage.cpp | |
autocryptstorage.h | |
autocryptutils.cpp | |
autocryptutils.h | |
► misc | |
imagecollector.cpp | |
imagecollector.h | |
mailinglist.cpp | |
mailinglist.h | |
► settings | |
messagecoresettings.cpp | |
messagecoresettings.h | |
► utils | |
colorutil.cpp | |
colorutil.h | |
dateformatter.cpp | This file is part of the API for handling MIME data and defines the DateFormatter class |
dateformatter.h | This file is part of the API for handling MIME data and defines the DateFormatter class |
stringutil.cpp | |
stringutil.h | |
util.cpp | |
util.h | |
messagecore_private_export.h | |
▼ messagelist | |
► src | |
► core | |
► widgets | |
configurefiltersdialog.cpp | |
configurefiltersdialog.h | |
configurefilterswidget.cpp | |
configurefilterswidget.h | |
filternamedialog.cpp | |
filternamedialog.h | |
filternamewidget.cpp | |
filternamewidget.h | |
filtersavedmenu.cpp | |
filtersavedmenu.h | |
quicksearchline.cpp | |
quicksearchline.h | |
quicksearchwarning.cpp | |
quicksearchwarning.h | |
searchcollectionindexingwarning.cpp | |
searchcollectionindexingwarning.h | |
searchlinecommand.cpp | |
searchlinecommand.h | |
searchlinecommandbuttonswidget.cpp | |
searchlinecommandbuttonswidget.h | |
searchlinecommandflowlayout.cpp | |
searchlinecommandflowlayout.h | |
searchlinecommandwidget.cpp | |
searchlinecommandwidget.h | |
searchlinestatus.cpp | |
searchlinestatus.h | |
searchmessagebybuttons.cpp | |
searchmessagebybuttons.h | |
searchstatusbuttons.cpp | |
searchstatusbuttons.h | |
tablockedwarning.cpp | |
tablockedwarning.h | |
aggregation.cpp | |
aggregation.h | |
delegate.cpp | |
delegate.h | |
enums.h | |
filter.cpp | |
filter.h | |
filtersavedmanager.cpp | |
filtersavedmanager.h | |
groupheaderitem.cpp | |
groupheaderitem.h | |
item.cpp | |
item.h | |
manager.cpp | |
manager.h | |
md5hash.h | |
messageitem.cpp | |
messageitem.h | |
messageitemsetmanager.cpp | |
messageitemsetmanager.h | |
model.cpp | |
model.h | |
modelinvariantindex.cpp | |
modelinvariantindex.h | |
modelinvariantrowmapper.cpp | |
modelinvariantrowmapper.h | |
optionset.cpp | |
optionset.h | |
sortorder.cpp | |
sortorder.h | |
storagemodelbase.cpp | |
storagemodelbase.h | |
theme.cpp | |
theme.h | |
themedelegate.cpp | |
themedelegate.h | |
threadingcache.cpp | |
threadingcache.h | |
view.cpp | |
view.h | |
widgetbase.cpp | |
widgetbase.h | |
► utils | |
aggregationcombobox.cpp | |
aggregationcombobox.h | |
aggregationconfigbutton.cpp | |
aggregationconfigbutton.h | |
aggregationeditor.cpp | |
aggregationeditor.h | |
comboboxutils.cpp | |
comboboxutils.h | |
configureaggregationsdialog.cpp | |
configureaggregationsdialog.h | |
configurethemesdialog.cpp | |
configurethemesdialog.h | |
optionseteditor.cpp | |
optionseteditor.h | |
themecombobox.cpp | |
themecombobox.h | |
themeconfigbutton.cpp | |
themeconfigbutton.h | |
themeeditor.cpp | |
themeeditor.h | |
messagelist_private_export.h | |
messagelistutil.cpp | |
messagelistutil.h | |
pane.cpp | |
pane.h | |
storagemodel.cpp | |
storagemodel.h | |
widget.cpp | |
widget.h | |
▼ messageviewer | |
► src | |
► antispam | |
antispamconfig.cpp | |
antispamconfig.h | |
spamheaderanalyzer.cpp | |
spamheaderanalyzer.h | |
► dkim-verify | |
dkimauthenticationstatusinfo.cpp | |
dkimauthenticationstatusinfo.h | |
dkimauthenticationstatusinfoconverter.cpp | |
dkimauthenticationstatusinfoconverter.h | |
dkimauthenticationstatusinfoutil.cpp | |
dkimauthenticationstatusinfoutil.h | |
dkimcheckauthenticationstatusjob.cpp | |
dkimcheckauthenticationstatusjob.h | |
dkimcheckfulljob.cpp | |
dkimcheckfulljob.h | |
dkimcheckpolicy.cpp | |
dkimcheckpolicy.h | |
dkimcheckpolicyjob.cpp | |
dkimcheckpolicyjob.h | |
dkimchecksignaturejob.cpp | |
dkimchecksignaturejob.h | |
dkimdownloadkeyjob.cpp | |
dkimdownloadkeyjob.h | |
dkimgeneraterulejob.cpp | |
dkimgeneraterulejob.h | |
dkimheaderparser.cpp | |
dkimheaderparser.h | |
dkiminfo.cpp | |
dkiminfo.h | |
dkimkeyrecord.cpp | |
dkimkeyrecord.h | |
dkimmanager.cpp | |
dkimmanager.h | |
dkimmanagerauthenticationserver.cpp | |
dkimmanagerauthenticationserver.h | |
dkimmanagerkey.cpp | |
dkimmanagerkey.h | |
dkimmanagerkeydialog.cpp | |
dkimmanagerkeydialog.h | |
dkimmanagerkeymodel.cpp | |
dkimmanagerkeymodel.h | |
dkimmanagerkeyproxymodel.cpp | |
dkimmanagerkeyproxymodel.h | |
dkimmanagerkeytreeview.cpp | |
dkimmanagerkeytreeview.h | |
dkimmanagerkeywidget.cpp | |
dkimmanagerkeywidget.h | |
dkimmanagerrules.cpp | |
dkimmanagerrules.h | |
dkimmanagerulescombobox.cpp | |
dkimmanagerulescombobox.h | |
dkimmanagerulesdialog.cpp | |
dkimmanagerulesdialog.h | |
dkimmanageruleswidget.cpp | |
dkimmanageruleswidget.h | |
dkimresultattribute.cpp | |
dkimresultattribute.h | |
dkimrule.cpp | |
dkimrule.h | |
dkimruledialog.cpp | |
dkimruledialog.h | |
dkimrulewidget.cpp | |
dkimrulewidget.h | |
dkimstoreresultjob.cpp | |
dkimstoreresultjob.h | |
dkimutil.cpp | |
dkimutil.h | |
dkimviewermenu.cpp | |
dkimviewermenu.h | |
dkimwidgetinfo.cpp | |
dkimwidgetinfo.h | |
dmarcinfo.cpp | |
dmarcinfo.h | |
dmarcmanager.cpp | |
dmarcmanager.h | |
dmarcpolicyjob.cpp | |
dmarcpolicyjob.h | |
dmarcrecordjob.cpp | |
dmarcrecordjob.h | |
► findbar | |
findbarsourceview.cpp | |
findbarsourceview.h | |
► header | |
contactdisplaymessagememento.cpp | |
contactdisplaymessagememento.h | |
grantleeheaderformatter.cpp | |
grantleeheaderformatter.h | |
grantleeheaderstyle.cpp | |
grantleeheaderstyle.h | |
grantleeheaderteststyle.cpp | |
grantleeheaderteststyle.h | |
headerstrategy.cpp | |
headerstrategy.h | |
headerstyle.cpp | |
headerstyle.h | |
headerstyle_util.cpp | |
headerstyle_util.h | |
headerstyleinterface.cpp | |
headerstyleinterface.h | |
headerstylemenumanager.cpp | |
headerstylemenumanager.h | |
headerstyleplugin.cpp | |
headerstyleplugin.h | |
headerstylepluginmanager.cpp | |
headerstylepluginmanager.h | |
kxface.cpp | |
kxface.h | |
plainheaderstyle.cpp | |
plainheaderstyle.h | |
richheaderstrategy.cpp | |
richheaderstrategy.h | |
► htmlwriter | |
bufferedhtmlwriter.cpp | |
bufferedhtmlwriter.h | |
filehtmlwriter.cpp | |
filehtmlwriter.h | |
webengineembedpart.cpp | |
webengineembedpart.h | |
webengineparthtmlwriter.cpp | |
webengineparthtmlwriter.h | |
► interfaces | |
bodyparturlhandler.h | |
htmlwriter.cpp | |
htmlwriter.h | |
urlhandler.h | |
► job | |
modifymessagedisplayformatjob.cpp | |
modifymessagedisplayformatjob.h | |
► mdn | |
mdnwarningwidget.cpp | |
mdnwarningwidget.h | |
► messagepartthemes | |
► default | |
► plugins | |
attachmentmessagepartrenderer.cpp | |
attachmentmessagepartrenderer.h | |
messagepartrenderer.cpp | |
messagepartrenderer.h | |
quotehtml.cpp | |
quotehtml.h | |
textmessagepartrenderer.cpp | |
textmessagepartrenderer.h | |
converthtmltoplaintext.cpp | |
converthtmltoplaintext.h | |
defaultrenderer.cpp | |
defaultrenderer.h | |
htmlblock.cpp | |
htmlblock.h | |
messagepartrenderbase.cpp | |
messagepartrendererbase.h | |
messagepartrendererfactory.cpp | |
messagepartrendererfactory.h | |
messagepartrenderermanager.cpp | |
messagepartrenderermanager.h | |
messagepartrenderplugin.cpp | |
messagepartrenderplugin.h | |
► grantlee | |
ktexttemplateextension.cpp | |
ktexttemplateextension.h | |
► messageviewercheckbeforedeletingplugins | |
messageviewercheckbeforedeletinginterface.cpp | |
messageviewercheckbeforedeletinginterface.h | |
messageviewercheckbeforedeletingparameters.cpp | |
messageviewercheckbeforedeletingparameters.h | |
messageviewercheckbeforedeletingplugin.cpp | |
messageviewercheckbeforedeletingplugin.h | |
messageviewercheckbeforedeletingpluginmanager.cpp | |
messageviewercheckbeforedeletingpluginmanager.h | |
messageviewercheckbeforedeletingpluginwidget.cpp | |
messageviewercheckbeforedeletingpluginwidget.h | |
► messageviewerconfigureplugins | |
messageviewerconfiguresettingsplugin.cpp | |
messageviewerconfiguresettingsplugin.h | |
messageviewerconfiguresettingspluginmanager.cpp | |
messageviewerconfiguresettingspluginmanager.h | |
messageviewerconfiguresettingspluginwidget.cpp | |
messageviewerconfiguresettingspluginwidget.h | |
► messageviewerheaderplugins | |
► defaultgrantleeheaderstyleplugin | |
defaultgrantleeheaderstrategy.cpp | |
defaultgrantleeheaderstrategy.h | |
defaultgrantleeheaderstyleinterface.cpp | |
defaultgrantleeheaderstyleinterface.h | |
defaultgrantleeheaderstyleplugin.cpp | |
defaultgrantleeheaderstyleplugin.h | |
► openurlwith | |
openurlwithjob.cpp | |
openurlwithjob.h | |
openurlwithmanager.cpp | |
openurlwithmanager.h | |
openwithurlinfo.cpp | |
openwithurlinfo.h | |
► remote-content | |
remotecontentconfiguredialog.cpp | |
remotecontentconfiguredialog.h | |
remotecontentconfigurewidget.cpp | |
remotecontentconfigurewidget.h | |
remotecontentdialog.cpp | |
remotecontentdialog.h | |
remotecontentinfo.cpp | |
remotecontentinfo.h | |
remotecontentmanager.cpp | |
remotecontentmanager.h | |
remotecontentmenu.cpp | |
remotecontentmenu.h | |
remotecontentstatustypecombobox.cpp | |
remotecontentstatustypecombobox.h | |
remotecontentwidget.cpp | |
remotecontentwidget.h | |
► scamdetection | |
scamattribute.cpp | |
scamattribute.h | |
scamcheckshorturl.cpp | |
scamcheckshorturl.h | |
scamcheckshorturlmanager.cpp | |
scamcheckshorturlmanager.h | |
scamdetectiondetailsdialog.cpp | |
scamdetectiondetailsdialog.h | |
scamdetectioninfo.cpp | |
scamdetectioninfo.h | |
scamdetectionwarningwidget.cpp | |
scamdetectionwarningwidget.h | |
scamdetectionwebengine.cpp | |
scamdetectionwebengine.h | |
scamdetectionwhitelistsettingsmanager.cpp | |
scamdetectionwhitelistsettingsmanager.h | |
scamexpandurljob.cpp | |
scamexpandurljob.h | |
► settings | |
messageviewersettings.cpp | |
messageviewersettings.h | |
► utils | |
iconnamecache.cpp | |
iconnamecache.h | |
markmessagereadhandler.cpp | |
markmessagereadhandler.h | |
messageviewerutil.cpp | |
messageviewerutil.h | |
mimetype.cpp | |
mimetype.h | |
► viewer | |
► mimeparttree | |
mimeparttreeview.cpp | |
mimeparttreeview.h | |
mimetreemodel.cpp | |
mimetreemodel.h | |
► renderer | |
messageviewerrenderer.cpp | |
messageviewerrenderer.h | |
► webengine | |
► cidreferencesurlinterceptor | |
cidreferencesurlinterceptor.cpp | |
cidreferencesurlinterceptor.h | |
► cidschemehandler | |
cidschemehandler.cpp | |
cidschemehandler.h | |
► loadexternalreferencesurlinterceptor | |
loadexternalreferencesurlinterceptor.cpp | |
loadexternalreferencesurlinterceptor.h | |
mailwebenginepage.cpp | |
mailwebenginepage.h | |
mailwebengineview.cpp | |
mailwebengineview.h | |
attachmentstrategy.cpp | |
attachmentstrategy.h | |
csshelper.cpp | |
csshelper.h | |
csshelperbase.cpp | |
csshelperbase.h | |
messagedisplayformatattribute.cpp | |
messagedisplayformatattribute.h | |
messagewidgetarea.cpp | |
messagewidgetarea.h | |
objecttreeemptysource.cpp | |
objecttreeemptysource.h | |
objecttreeviewersource.cpp | |
objecttreeviewersource.h | |
printmessage.cpp | |
printmessage.h | |
stl_util.h | |
urlhandlermanager.cpp | |
urlhandlermanager.h | |
viewer.cpp | |
viewer.h | |
viewerpurposemenuwidget.cpp | |
viewerpurposemenuwidget.h | |
► viewerplugins | |
viewerplugin.cpp | |
viewerplugin.h | |
viewerplugininterface.cpp | |
viewerplugininterface.h | |
viewerpluginmanager.cpp | |
viewerpluginmanager.h | |
viewerplugintoolmanager.cpp | |
viewerplugintoolmanager.h | |
► widgets | |
attachmentdialog.cpp | |
attachmentdialog.h | |
configurewidget.cpp | |
configurewidget.h | |
htmlstatusbar.cpp | |
htmlstatusbar.h | |
invitationsettings.cpp | |
invitationsettings.h | |
mailsourceviewtextbrowserwidget.cpp | |
mailsourceviewtextbrowserwidget.h | |
mailsourcewebengineviewer.cpp | |
mailsourcewebengineviewer.h | |
opensavedfilefolderwidget.cpp | |
opensavedfilefolderwidget.h | |
printingsettings.cpp | |
printingsettings.h | |
shownextmessagewidget.cpp | |
shownextmessagewidget.h | |
messageviewer_private_export.h | |
▼ mimetreeparser | |
► src | |
► bodyformatter | |
applicationpgpencrypted.cpp | |
applicationpgpencrypted.h | |
applicationpkcs7mime.cpp | |
applicationpkcs7mime.h | |
encrypted.cpp | |
encrypted.h | |
mailman.cpp | |
mailman.h | |
multipartalternative.cpp | |
multipartalternative.h | |
multipartencrypted.cpp | |
multipartencrypted.h | |
multipartmixed.cpp | |
multipartmixed.h | |
multipartsigned.cpp | |
multipartsigned.h | |
texthtml.cpp | |
texthtml.h | |
textplain.cpp | |
textplain.h | |
utils.cpp | |
utils.h | |
► interfaces | |
bodypart.cpp | |
bodypart.h | |
bodypartformatter.cpp | |
bodypartformatter.h | |
objecttreesource.cpp | |
objecttreesource.h | |
► job | |
qgpgmejobexecutor.cpp | |
qgpgmejobexecutor.h | |
► memento | |
compositememento.cpp | |
compositememento.h | |
cryptobodypartmemento.cpp | |
cryptobodypartmemento.h | |
decryptverifybodypartmemento.cpp | |
decryptverifybodypartmemento.h | |
keycachememento.cpp | |
keycachememento.h | |
verifydetachedbodypartmemento.cpp | |
verifydetachedbodypartmemento.h | |
verifyopaquebodypartmemento.cpp | |
verifyopaquebodypartmemento.h | |
► temporaryfile | |
attachmenttemporaryfilesdirs.cpp | |
attachmenttemporaryfilesdirs.h | |
► utils | |
util.cpp | |
util.h | |
bodypartformatter.cpp | |
bodypartformatterfactory.cpp | |
bodypartformatterfactory.h | |
cryptohelper.cpp | |
cryptohelper.h | |
enums.h | |
messagepart.cpp | |
messagepart.h | |
nodehelper.cpp | |
nodehelper.h | |
objecttreeparser.cpp | |
objecttreeparser.h | |
partmetadata.h | |
partnodebodypart.cpp | |
partnodebodypart.h | |
simpleobjecttreesource.cpp | |
simpleobjecttreesource.h | |
▼ templateparser | |
► src | |
customtemplates.cpp | |
customtemplates.h | |
customtemplatesmenu.cpp | |
customtemplatesmenu.h | |
defaulttemplates.cpp | |
defaulttemplates.h | |
templateconvertcommandjob.cpp | |
templateconvertcommandjob.h | |
templateextracthtmlelementfrommail.cpp | |
templateextracthtmlelementfrommail.h | |
templateextracttextfrommail.cpp | |
templateextracttextfrommail.h | |
templateparser_private_export.h | |
templateparseremailaddressrequesterbase.cpp | |
templateparseremailaddressrequesterbase.h | |
templateparseremailaddressrequesterinterfacewidget.cpp | |
templateparseremailaddressrequesterinterfacewidget.h | |
templateparseremailaddressrequesterlineedit.cpp | |
templateparseremailaddressrequesterlineedit.h | |
templateparserextracthtmlinfo.cpp | |
templateparserextracthtmlinfo.h | |
templateparserextracthtmlinforesult.cpp | |
templateparserextracthtmlinforesult.h | |
templateparserjob.cpp | |
templateparserjob.h | |
templatescommandmenu.cpp | |
templatescommandmenu.h | |
templatesconfiguration.cpp | |
templatesconfiguration.h | |
templatesinsertcommandaction.cpp | |
templatesinsertcommandaction.h | |
templatesinsertcommandpushbutton.cpp | |
templatesinsertcommandpushbutton.h | |
templatestextedit.cpp | |
templatestextedit.h | |
templatestexteditor.cpp | |
templatestexteditor.h | |
templatesutil.cpp | |
templatesutil.h | |
templatewebenginepage.cpp | |
templatewebenginepage.h | |
▼ webengineviewer | |
► src | |
► checkphishingurl | |
backoffmodemanager.cpp | |
backoffmodemanager.h | |
checkphishingurlcache.cpp | |
checkphishingurlcache.h | |
checkphishingurljob.cpp | |
checkphishingurljob.h | |
checkphishingurlutil.cpp | |
checkphishingurlutil.h | |
createdatabasefilejob.cpp | |
createdatabasefilejob.h | |
createphishingurldatabasejob.cpp | |
createphishingurldatabasejob.h | |
downloadlocaldatabasethread.cpp | |
downloadlocaldatabasethread.h | |
hashcachemanager.cpp | |
hashcachemanager.h | |
localdatabasefile.cpp | |
localdatabasefile.h | |
localdatabasemanager.cpp | |
localdatabasemanager.h | |
riceencodingdecoder.cpp | |
riceencodingdecoder.h | |
searchfullhashjob.cpp | |
searchfullhashjob.h | |
updatedatabaseinfo.cpp | |
updatedatabaseinfo.h | |
urlhashing.cpp | |
urlhashing.h | |
► developertool | |
developertooldialog.cpp | |
developertooldialog.h | |
developertoolwidget.cpp | |
developertoolwidget.h | |
► findbar | |
findbarbase.cpp | |
findbarbase.h | |
findbarwebengineview.cpp | |
findbarwebengineview.h | |
► networkmanager | |
interceptormanager.cpp | |
interceptormanager.h | |
► urlinterceptor | |
► blockexternalresourcesurlinterceptor | |
blockexternalresourcesurlinterceptor.cpp | |
blockexternalresourcesurlinterceptor.h | |
► blocktrackingurlinterceptor | |
blocktrackingurlinterceptor.cpp | |
blocktrackingurlinterceptor.h | |
► loadexternalreferencesurlinterceptor | |
loadexternalreferencesurlinterceptor.cpp | |
loadexternalreferencesurlinterceptor.h | |
networkpluginurlinterceptor.cpp | |
networkpluginurlinterceptor.h | |
networkpluginurlinterceptorconfigurewidget.cpp | |
networkpluginurlinterceptorconfigurewidget.h | |
networkpluginurlinterceptorinterface.cpp | |
networkpluginurlinterceptorinterface.h | |
networkurlinterceptor.cpp | |
networkurlinterceptor.h | |
networkurlinterceptormanager.cpp | |
networkurlinterceptormanager.h | |
networkurlinterceptorpluginmanager.cpp | |
networkurlinterceptorpluginmanager.h | |
► webengineaccesskey | |
webengineaccesskey.cpp | |
webengineaccesskey.h | |
webengineaccesskeyanchor.cpp | |
webengineaccesskeyanchor.h | |
webengineaccesskeyutils.cpp | |
webengineaccesskeyutils.h | |
► widgets | |
► submittedformwidgets | |
submittedformwarningwidget.cpp | |
submittedformwarningwidget.h | |
► tracking | |
trackingdetailsdialog.cpp | |
trackingdetailsdialog.h | |
trackingwarningwidget.cpp | |
trackingwarningwidget.h | |
zoomactionmenu.cpp | |
zoomactionmenu.h | |
webengineexportpdfpagejob.cpp | |
webengineexportpdfpagejob.h | |
webenginemanagescript.cpp | |
webenginemanagescript.h | |
webenginenavigationrequestinterceptor.cpp | |
webenginenavigationrequestinterceptor.h | |
webenginepage.cpp | |
webenginepage.h | |
webenginescript.cpp | |
webenginescript.h | |
webengineview.cpp | |
webengineview.h | |
webengineviewer_private_export.h | |
webhittest.cpp | |
webhittest.h | |
webhittestresult.cpp | |
webhittestresult.h |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:48:22 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:48:22 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.