69 * Sets the StorageModel to be displayed in this view. The StorageModel may be 0 (so no content is displayed).
76 void setStorageModel(StorageModel *storageModel, PreSelectionMode preSelectionMode = PreSelectLastSelected);
196 [[nodiscard]] QList<MessageItem *> persistentSetCurrentMessageItemList(MessageItemSetReference ref);
255 bool selectNextMessageItem(MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, ExistingSelectionBehaviour existingSelectionBehaviour, bool centerItem, bool loop);
274 bool selectPreviousMessageItem(MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, ExistingSelectionBehaviour existingSelectionBehaviour, bool centerItem, bool loop);
411 * while a job step is running (as it takes a very long time and it's called for every item insertion...)
526 void changeMessageStatus(MessageItem *it, Akonadi::MessageStatus set, Akonadi::MessageStatus unset);
A set of aggregation options that can be applied to the MessageList::Model in a single shot.
Definition aggregation.h:29
A single item of the MessageList tree managed by MessageList::Model.
Definition item.h:36
This class manages the huge tree of displayable objects: GroupHeaderItems and MessageItems.
Definition model.h:54
A class which holds information about sorting, e.g.
Definition sortorder.h:23
The QAbstractItemModel based interface that you need to provide for your storage to work with Message...
Definition storagemodelbase.h:29
The Theme class defines the visual appearance of the MessageList.
Definition theme.h:48
void triggerDelayedApplyThemeColumns()
Starts a short-delay timer connected to applyThemeColumns().
Definition view.cpp:567
QList< MessageItem * > selectionAsMessageItemList(bool includeCollapsedChildren=true) const
Returns the currently selected MessageItems (bound to current StorageModel).
Definition view.cpp:887
void markMessageItemsAsAboutToBeRemoved(const QList< MessageItem * > &items, bool bMark)
If bMark is true this function marks the messages as "about to be removed" so they appear dimmer and ...
Definition view.cpp:1645
QString currentFilterSearchString() const
Returns the search term in the current quicksearch field.
Definition view.cpp:2522
void changeEvent(QEvent *e) override
Reimplemented in order to catch palette, font and style changes.
Definition view.cpp:2119
void setCurrentThreadExpanded(bool expand)
If expand is true then it expands the current thread, otherwise collapses it.
Definition view.cpp:1003
MessageItemSetReference createPersistentSet(const QList< MessageItem * > &items)
Creates a persistent set for the specified MessageItems and returns its reference.
Definition view.cpp:1630
Item * currentItem() const
Returns the current Item (that is bound to current StorageModel).
Definition view.cpp:838
MessageItem * currentMessageItem(bool selectIfNeeded=true) const
Returns the current MessageItem (that is bound to current StorageModel).
Definition view.cpp:849
bool selectionEmpty() const
Fast function that determines if the selection is empty.
Definition view.cpp:882
void slotShowDefaultColumns()
Handles the Show Default Columns action of the header context menu.
Definition view.cpp:790
bool selectPreviousMessageItem(MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, ExistingSelectionBehaviour existingSelectionBehaviour, bool centerItem, bool loop)
Selects the previous message item in the view.
Definition view.cpp:1463
void triggerDelayedSaveThemeColumnState()
Starts a short-delay timer connected to saveThemeColumnState().
Definition view.cpp:614
QList< MessageItem * > persistentSetCurrentMessageItemList(MessageItemSetReference ref)
Returns the list of MessageItems that are still existing in the set pointed by the specified referenc...
Definition view.cpp:1635
void setAggregation(const Aggregation *aggregation)
Sets the aggregation for this view.
Definition view.cpp:249
void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
Reimplemented in order to handle double clicks with sub-item precision.
Definition view.cpp:1929
void deletePersistentSet(MessageItemSetReference ref)
Deletes the persistent set pointed by the specified reference.
Definition view.cpp:1640
Item * firstMessageItem(MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter)
Finds the first message item in the view.
Definition view.cpp:1216
bool selectFirstMessageItem(MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, bool centerItem)
Selects the first message item in the view that matches messageTypeFilter.
Definition view.cpp:1566
QList< Akonadi::MessageStatus > currentFilterStatus() const
Returns the Akonadi::MessageStatus in the current quicksearch field.
Definition view.cpp:2512
QList< MessageItem * > currentThreadAsMessageItemList() const
Returns the MessageItems bound to the current StorageModel that are part of the current thread.
Definition view.cpp:930
void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
Reimplemented in order to handle DnD.
Definition view.cpp:2044
void setStorageModel(StorageModel *storageModel, PreSelectionMode preSelectionMode=PreSelectLastSelected)
Sets the StorageModel to be displayed in this view.
Definition view.cpp:276
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *e) override
Reimplemented in order to resize columns when header is not visible.
Definition view.cpp:623
bool isScrollingLocked() const
Returns true if the vertical scrollbar should keep to the top or bottom while inserting items.
Definition view.cpp:186
Item * messageItemBefore(Item *referenceItem, MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, bool loop)
Finds message item that comes "before" the reference item.
Definition view.cpp:1236
int sizeHintForColumn(int logicalColumnIndex) const override
Reimplemented in order to kill the QTreeView column auto-resizing.
Definition view.cpp:713
StorageModel * storageModel() const
Returns the currently displayed StorageModel.
Definition view.cpp:244
void slotExpandAllGroups()
Expands all the group headers (if present in the current Aggregation)
Definition view.cpp:2492
void ensureDisplayedWithParentsExpanded(Item *it)
Makes sure that the specified is currently viewable by the user.
Definition view.cpp:1792
void slotCollapseAllGroups()
Collapses all the group headers (if present in the current Aggregation)
Definition view.cpp:2487
void slotHeaderContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &pnt)
Handles context menu requests for the header.
Definition view.cpp:727
Item * lastMessageItem(MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter)
Finds the last message item in the view.
Definition view.cpp:1337
void saveThemeColumnState()
Saves the state of the columns (width and visibility) to the currently selected theme object.
Definition view.cpp:576
virtual void setRowHidden(int row, const QModelIndex &parent, bool hide)
Called to hide or show the specified row from the view.
Definition view.cpp:2532
void selectFocusedMessageItem(bool centerItem)
Selects the currently focused message item.
Definition view.cpp:1548
Item * nextMessageItem(MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, bool loop)
Finds the next message item with respect to the current item.
Definition view.cpp:1221
void modelFinishedLoading()
This is called by Model to signal that the initial loading stage of a newly attached StorageModel is ...
Definition view.cpp:1622
void slotAdjustColumnSizes()
Handles the Adjust Column Sizes action of the header context menu.
Definition view.cpp:780
bool selectNextMessageItem(MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, ExistingSelectionBehaviour existingSelectionBehaviour, bool centerItem, bool loop)
Selects the next message item in the view.
Definition view.cpp:1426
bool isDisplayedWithParentsExpanded(Item *it) const
Returns true if the specified item is currently displayed in the tree and has all the parents expande...
Definition view.cpp:1822
Item * messageItemAfter(Item *referenceItem, MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, bool loop)
Finds message item that comes "after" the reference item.
Definition view.cpp:1120
void setAllGroupsExpanded(bool expand)
If expand is true then it expands all the groups (only the toplevel group item: inner threads are NOT...
Definition view.cpp:1052
void slotSelectionChanged(const QItemSelection ¤t, const QItemSelection &)
Handles selection item management.
Definition view.cpp:1876
void dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *e) override
Reimplemented in order to handle message DnD.
Definition view.cpp:2109
void dropEvent(QDropEvent *e) override
Reimplemented in order to handle message DnD.
Definition view.cpp:2114
void setChildrenExpanded(const Item *parent, bool expand)
Expands or collapses the children of the specified item, recursively.
Definition view.cpp:951
void reload()
Triggers a reload of the view in order to re-display the current folder.
Definition view.cpp:271
bool focusPreviousMessageItem(MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, bool centerItem, bool loop)
Focuses the previous message item in the view without actually selecting it.
Definition view.cpp:1524
bool focusNextMessageItem(MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, bool centerItem, bool loop)
Focuses the next message item in the view without actually selecting it.
Definition view.cpp:1500
void focusQuickSearch(const QString &selectedText)
Sets the focus on the quick search line of the currently active tab.
Definition view.cpp:2507
void growOrShrinkExistingSelection(const QModelIndex &newSelectedIndex, bool movingUp)
This is used by the selection functions to grow/shrink the existing selection according to the newly ...
Definition view.cpp:1347
void setCurrentMessageItem(MessageItem *it, bool center=false)
Sets the current message item.
Definition view.cpp:867
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
Reimplemented in order to handle clicks with sub-item precision.
Definition view.cpp:2032
void ignoreUpdateGeometries(bool ignore)
Used to enable/disable the ignoring of updateGeometries() calls.
Definition view.cpp:181
void setAllThreadsExpanded(bool expand)
If expand is true then it expands all the threads, otherwise collapses them.
Definition view.cpp:1031
Item * previousMessageItem(MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, bool loop)
Finds the previous message item with respect to the current item.
Definition view.cpp:1342
void slotShowHideColumn(int columnIndex)
Handles the actions of the header context menu for showing/hiding a column.
Definition view.cpp:805
Item * deepestExpandedChild(Item *referenceItem) const
Returns the deepest child that is visible (i.e.
Definition view.cpp:1226
bool selectLastMessageItem(MessageTypeFilter messageTypeFilter, bool centerItem)
Selects the last message item in the view that matches messageTypeFilter.
Definition view.cpp:1594
void selectMessageItems(const QList< MessageItem * > &list)
Selects the specified MessageItems.
Definition view.cpp:1083
void slotHeaderSectionResized(int logicalIndex, int oldWidth, int newWidth)
Handles section resizes in order to save the column widths.
Definition view.cpp:702
void ignoreCurrentChanges(bool ignore)
This is called by the model to insulate us from certain QTreeView signals This is because they may be...
Definition view.cpp:170
void dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *e) override
Reimplemented in order to handle message DnD.
Definition view.cpp:2104
void slotDisplayTooltips(bool showTooltips)
Handles the Display Tooltips action of the header context menu.
Definition view.cpp:800
void changeMessageStatus(MessageItem *it, Akonadi::MessageStatus set, Akonadi::MessageStatus unset)
Performs a change in the specified MessageItem status.
Definition view.cpp:2005
bool isThreaded() const
Returns true if the current Aggregation is threaded, false otherwise (or if there is no current Aggre...
Definition view.cpp:1868
void updateGeometries() override
Reimplemented in order to disable update of the geometries while a job step is running (as it takes a...
Definition view.cpp:222
Provides a widget which has the messagelist and the most important helper widgets,...
Definition widgetbase.h:42
The implementation independent part of the MessageList library.
Definition aggregation.h:22
This enum is used in the view message selection functions (for instance View::selectNextMessage())
Definition messagelist/src/core/enums.h:47
Pre-selection is the action of automatically selecting a message just after the folder has finished l...
Definition messagelist/src/core/enums.h:28
This enum is used in the view message selection functions (for instance View::nextMessageItem()).
Definition messagelist/src/core/enums.h:39
QObject * parent() const const
QTreeView(QWidget *parent)
void expand(const QModelIndex &index)
void hide()
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:48:20 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:48:20 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.