73 color = qobject_cast< const LeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane* >( d->diagram()->coordinatePlane() )->gridAttributes().gridPen( type ).color();
109 LeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane* plane = dynamic_cast<LeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane*>(context->coordinatePlane());
126 const LeveyJenningsDiagram* const diag = dynamic_cast< const LeveyJenningsDiagram* >( d->diagram() );
129 LeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane* plane = dynamic_cast<LeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane*>(context->coordinatePlane());
131 const qreal meanValue = type() == LeveyJenningsGridAttributes::Expected ? diag->expectedMeanValue()
133 const qreal standardDeviation = type() == LeveyJenningsGridAttributes::Expected ? diag->expectedStandardDeviation()
150 Q_ASSERT_X( values.count() <= labels().count(), "LeveyJenningsAxis::paintAsOrdinate", "Need to have at least 5 labels" );
163 painter->setPen ( PrintingParameters::scalePen( labelTA.pen() ) ); // perhaps we want to add a setter method later?
172 labelItem.setGeometry( QRectF( QPointF( xPos, labelPos.y() - size.height() / 2.0 ), size ).toRect() );
193 const LeveyJenningsDiagram* const diag = dynamic_cast< const LeveyJenningsDiagram* >( d->diagram() );
194 LeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane* plane = dynamic_cast<LeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane*>(context->coordinatePlane());
228 labelItem.setGeometry( QRectF( QPointF( geometry().left() - origSize.width() / 2.0, yPos ), size ).toRect() );
246 labelItem2.setGeometry( QRectF( QPointF( geometry().right() - size.width() + origSize.width() / 2.0, yPos ), size ).toRect() );
virtual const QString customizedLabel(const QString &label) const
Reimplement this method if you want to adjust axis labels before they are printed.
Definition KChartAbstractAxis.cpp:147
void setLabels(const QStringList &list)
Use this to specify your own set of strings, to be used as axis labels.
Definition KChartAbstractAxis.cpp:199
QStringList labels() const
Returns a list of strings, that are used as axis labels, as set via setLabels.
Definition KChartAbstractAxis.cpp:208
void setTextAttributes(const TextAttributes &a)
Use this to specify the text attributes to be used for axis labels.
Definition KChartAbstractAxis.cpp:173
TextAttributes textAttributes() const
Returns the text attributes to be used for axis labels.
Definition KChartAbstractAxis.cpp:182
virtual void takeAxis(CartesianAxis *axis)
Removes the axis from the diagram, without deleting it.
Definition KChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.cpp:80
AbstractDiagram defines the interface for diagram classes.
Definition KChartAbstractDiagram.h:37
CartesianAxis(AbstractCartesianDiagram *diagram=nullptr)
C'tor of the class for cartesian axes.
Definition KChartCartesianAxis.cpp:374
const QPointF translate(const QPointF &diagramPoint) const override
Translate the given point in value space coordinates to a position in pixel space.
Definition KChartCartesianCoordinatePlane.cpp:442
LeveyJenningsGridAttributes::GridType type() const
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsAxis.cpp:58
void setType(LeveyJenningsGridAttributes::GridType type)
Sets the type of the axis to type.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsAxis.cpp:63
bool compare(const LeveyJenningsAxis *other) const
Returns true if both axes have the same settings.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsAxis.cpp:92
LeveyJenningsAxis(LeveyJenningsDiagram *diagram=nullptr)
C'tor of the class for levey jennings axes.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsAxis.cpp:28
Levey Jennings coordinate plane This is actually nothing real more than a plain cartesian coordinate ...
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane.h:28
LeveyDiagram defines a Levey Jennings chart.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.h:31
float expectedStandardDeviation() const
Returns the expected standard deviation over all QC values.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:217
float calculatedStandardDeviation() const
Returns the calculated standard deviation over all QC values.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:227
float expectedMeanValue() const
Returns the expected mean values over all QC values.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:202
float calculatedMeanValue() const
Returns the calculated mean values over all QC values.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:222
QPair< QDateTime, QDateTime > timeRange() const
Returns the timerange of the diagram's data.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:362
void setPen(const QPen &pen)
Set the pen to use for rendering the text.
Definition KChartTextAttributes.cpp:242
const_reference at(qsizetype i) const const
qsizetype count() const const
QObject(QObject *parent)
T qobject_cast(QObject *object)
QString tr(const char *sourceText, const char *disambiguation, int n)
void setClipping(bool enable)
void setPen(Qt::PenStyle style)
void setRenderHint(RenderHint hint, bool on)
void setColor(const QColor &color)
qreal y() const const
int bottom() const const
int left() const const
int right() const const
int top() const const
QRect toRect() const const
int height() const const
int width() const const
QString fromLatin1(QByteArrayView str)
QTextStream & left(QTextStream &stream)
QTextStream & right(QTextStream &stream)
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:51:36 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:51:36 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.