36LeveyJenningsDiagram::LeveyJenningsDiagram( QWidget* parent, LeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane* plane )
58 d->icons[ FluidicsPackChanged ] = QString::fromLatin1( ":/KDE/kchart/LeveyJennings/karo_blue.svg" );
60 d->icons[ NotOkDataPoint ] = QString::fromLatin1( ":/KDE/kchart/LeveyJennings/circle_blue_red.svg" );
304 d->calculatedStandardDeviation = sqrt( ( static_cast< qreal >( N ) * sumSquares - sum * sum ) / ( N * ( N - 1 ) ) );
407 const qreal xValue = ( dt.toSecsSinceEpoch() - minTime ) / static_cast< qreal >( 24 * 60 * 60 );
414 const qreal xValue = ( dt.toSecsSinceEpoch() - minTime ) / static_cast< qreal >( 24 * 60 * 60 );
464 const qreal xValue = ( time.toSecsSinceEpoch() - minTime ) / static_cast< qreal >( 24 * 60 * 60 );
525 if ( selectionModel()->rowIntersectsSelection( lotIndex.row(), lotIndex.parent() ) || current.sibling( current.row(), 0 ) == lotIndex )
586void LeveyJenningsDiagram::drawFluidicsPackChangedSymbol( PaintContext* ctx, const QPointF& pos )
603 const Measure m( 12.5, KChartEnums::MeasureCalculationModeAuto, KChartEnums::MeasureOrientationAuto );
606 const QFontMetrics fm( test.calculatedFont( coordinatePlane()->parent(), KChartEnums::MeasureOrientationAuto ) );
Base class common for all coordinate planes, CartesianCoordinatePlane, PolarCoordinatePlane,...
Definition KChartAbstractCoordinatePlane.h:31
virtual const QPointF translate(const QPointF &diagramPoint) const =0
Translate the given point in value space coordinates to a position in pixel space.
void setPen(const QModelIndex &index, const QPen &pen)
Set the pen to be used, for painting the datapoint at the given index.
Definition KChartAbstractDiagram.cpp:822
const QPair< QPointF, QPointF > dataBoundaries() const
Return the bottom left and top right data point, that the diagram will display (unless the grid adjus...
Definition KChartAbstractDiagram.cpp:101
QPen pen() const
Retrieve the pen to be used for painting datapoints globally.
Definition KChartAbstractDiagram.cpp:843
void dataChanged(const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight, const QVector< int > &roles=QVector< int >()) override
Definition KChartAbstractDiagram.cpp:233
void layoutChanged(KChart::AbstractDiagram *)
Diagrams are supposed to emit this signal, when the layout of one of their element changes.
AbstractCoordinatePlane * coordinatePlane() const
The coordinate plane associated with the diagram.
Definition KChartAbstractDiagram.cpp:96
static bool isBoundariesValid(const QRectF &r)
Checks whether both coordinates of r are valid according to isValueValid.
Definition KChartAbstractGrid.cpp:58
Levey Jennings coordinate plane This is actually nothing real more than a plain cartesian coordinate ...
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane.h:28
QPen scanLinePen() const
Returns the pen being used for drawing the scan line.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:164
void setScanLinePen(const QPen &pen)
Sets the pen used for drawing the scan line to pen.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:155
void setExpectedMeanValue(float meanValue)
Sets the expected mean value over all QC values to meanValue.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:192
void setLotChangedSymbolPosition(Qt::Alignment pos)
Sets the position of the lot change symbol to pos.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:90
void setFluidicsPackChanges(const QVector< QDateTime > &changes)
Sets the date/time of all fluidics pack changes to changes.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:132
void drawChanges(PaintContext *paintContext)
Draws the fluidics pack and sensor changed symbols.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:401
void setFluidicsPackChangedSymbolPosition(Qt::Alignment pos)
Sets the position of the fluidics pack changed symbol to pos.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:104
void setExpectedStandardDeviation(float sd)
Sets the expected standard deviaction over all QC values to sd.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:207
QVector< QDateTime > fluidicsPackChanges() const
Returns the list of all fluidics pack changes.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:141
float expectedStandardDeviation() const
Returns the expected standard deviation over all QC values.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:217
float calculatedStandardDeviation() const
Returns the calculated standard deviation over all QC values.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:227
QVector< QDateTime > sensorChanges() const
Returns the list of all sensor changes.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:187
float expectedMeanValue() const
Returns the expected mean values over all QC values.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:202
QString symbol(Symbol symbol) const
Returns the SVG file name usef for symbol.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:169
Qt::Alignment sensorChangedSymbolPosition() const
Returns the position of the sensor changed symbol.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:127
Qt::Alignment fluidicsPackChangedSymbolPosition() const
Returns the position of the fluidics pack changed symbol.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:113
float calculatedMeanValue() const
Returns the calculated mean values over all QC values.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:222
virtual void drawDataPointSymbol(PaintContext *paintContext, const QPointF &pos, bool ok)
Draws a data point symbol for the data point at pos.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:542
virtual void drawFluidicsPackChangedSymbol(PaintContext *paintContext, const QPointF &pos)
Draws a fluidics pack changed symbol for the data point at pos.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:586
LineDiagram * clone() const override
Creates an exact copy of this diagram.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:69
void setSymbol(Symbol symbol, const QString &filename)
Sets the symbol being used for symbol to a SVG file filename.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:174
void setSensorChangedSymbolPosition(Qt::Alignment pos)
Sets the position of the sensor changed symbol to pos.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:118
QPair< QDateTime, QDateTime > timeRange() const
Returns the timerange of the diagram's data.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:362
virtual QRectF iconRect() const
Returns the rectangle being used for drawing the icons.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:601
QSvgRenderer * iconRenderer(Symbol symbol)
Returns the SVG icon renderer for symbol.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:611
void setTimeRange(const QPair< QDateTime, QDateTime > &timeRange)
Sets the timeRange visible on the x axis.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:392
bool compare(const LeveyJenningsDiagram *other) const
Returns true if both diagrams have the same settings.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:75
Qt::Alignment lotChangedSymbolPosition() const
Returns the position of the lot change symbol.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:99
const QPair< QPointF, QPointF > calculateDataBoundaries() const override
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:341
void setSensorChanges(const QVector< QDateTime > &changes)
Sets the date/time of all sensor changes to changes.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:146
virtual void drawSensorChangedSymbol(PaintContext *paintContext, const QPointF &pos)
Draws a sensor changed symbol for the data point at pos.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:571
virtual void drawLotChangeSymbol(PaintContext *paintContext, const QPointF &pos)
Draws a lot changed symbol for the data point at pos.
Definition KChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp:555
Measure is used to specify relative and absolute sizes in KChart, e.g.
Definition KChartMeasure.h:38
void init(KXmlGuiWindow *window, KGameDifficulty *difficulty=nullptr)
virtual QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const const=0
virtual QModelIndex index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const const=0
virtual int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const const=0
QAbstractItemModel * model() const const
QModelIndex rootIndex() const const
virtual void rowsInserted(const QModelIndex &parent, int start, int end)
void setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SelectionMode mode)
QItemSelectionModel * selectionModel() const const
virtual void setModel(QAbstractItemModel *model)
QDate addDays(qint64 ndays) const const
QDate date() const const
QTime time() const const
qint64 toSecsSinceEpoch() const const
int height() const const
QModelIndex currentIndex() const const
qsizetype count() const const
int column() const const
QModelIndex parent() const const
int row() const const
QModelIndex sibling(int row, int column) const const
QMetaObject::Connection connect(const QObject *sender, PointerToMemberFunction signal, Functor functor)
bool disconnect(const QMetaObject::Connection &connection)
QObject * parent() const const
void drawLine(const QLine &line)
const QPen & pen() const const
void setClipping(bool enable)
void setPen(Qt::PenStyle style)
void setRenderHint(RenderHint hint, bool on)
void translate(const QPoint &offset)
void setDashPattern(const QList< qreal > &pattern)
QPoint toPoint() const const
QString fromLatin1(QByteArrayView str)
void render(QPainter *painter)
int hour() const const
bool isNull() const const
bool isValid() const const
bool toBool() const const
QDateTime toDateTime() const const
int toInt(bool *ok) const const
qreal toReal(bool *ok) const const
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:01:30 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Feb 28 2025 12:01:30 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.