
2 * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020 Deif Lou <>
3 *
4 * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
5 */
9#include "KisAngleSelector.h"
11#include "kritalibkis_export.h"
12#include "libkis.h"
15 * @brief A wrapper around KisAngleSelector, a widget with several options to
16 * select an angle. The widget itself is accessed with the widget() function.
17 *
18 * This widget is a combination of a @ref KisAngleGauge and a spin box,
19 * along with some flipping options
20 */
21class KRITALIBKIS_EXPORT AngleSelector : public QObject
24 Q_DISABLE_COPY(AngleSelector)
27 explicit AngleSelector();
28 ~AngleSelector() override;
30public Q_SLOTS:
32 /**
33 * @brief Get the internal KisAngleSelector as a QWidget, so it may be
34 * added to a UI
35 *
36 * @return the internal KisAngleSelector as a QWidget
37 */
38 QWidget* widget() const;
40 /**
41 * @brief Sets the current angle
42 * @param newAngle the new angle
43 * @see angle() const
44 */
45 void setAngle(qreal newAngle);
46 /**
47 * @brief Sets the current angle to the reset angle
48 * @see resetAngle() const
49 * @see setResetAngle(qreal) const
50 */
51 void reset();
53 /**
54 * @brief Gets the current angle
55 * @return The current angle
56 * @see setAngle(qreal)
57 */
58 qreal angle() const;
59 /**
60 * @brief Gets the angle to which multiples the selected angle will snap
61 *
62 * The default snap angle is 15 degrees so the selected angle will snap
63 * to its multiples (0, 15, 30, 45, etc.)
64 * @return The angle to which multiples the selected angle will snap
65 * @see setSnapAngle(qreal)
66 */
67 qreal snapAngle() const;
68 /**
69 * @brief Gets the angle that is used to reset the current angle
70 *
71 * This angle is used when the user double clicks on the widget
72 * @return The angle that is used to reset the current angle
73 * @see setResetAngle(qreal)
74 */
75 qreal resetAngle() const;
76 /**
77 * @brief Gets the number of decimals (precision) used by the angle
78 *
79 * If you want to simulate integer angles, set it to 0. The default is 2.
80 * @return The number of decimals being used
81 * @see setDecimals(int)
82 */
83 int decimals() const;
84 /**
85 * @brief Gets the maximum value for the angle
86 *
87 * The default is 360
88 * @return The maximum value for the angle
89 * @see setMaximum(qreal)
90 * @see setRange(qreal, qreal)
91 */
92 qreal maximum() const;
93 /**
94 * @brief Gets the minimum value for the angle
95 *
96 * The default is 0
97 * @return The minimum value for the angle
98 * @see setMinimum(qreal)
99 * @see setRange(qreal, qreal)
100 */
101 qreal minimum() const;
102 /**
103 * @brief Gets the prefix shown in the spin box
104 * @return The prefix shown in the spin box
105 * @see setPrefix(const QString&)
106 */
107 QString prefix() const;
108 /**
109 * @brief Gets if the angle should wrap pass the minimum or maximum angles
110 * @return True if the angle should wrap pass the minimum or maximum angles,
111 * false otherwise
112 * @see setWrapping(bool)
113 */
114 bool wrapping() const;
115 /**
116 * @brief Gets the mode in which the flip options should be shown
117 *
118 * The default is Buttons
119 * @return The mode in which the flip options should be shown.
120 * @see setFlipOptionsMode(QString)
121 */
122 QString flipOptionsMode() const;
123 /**
124 * @brief Gets the common height of the widgets inside this angle selector
125 * @return The height of the internal widgets (angle gauge, spin box, etc.).
126 * Returns 0 if each widget has its default height.
127 * @see setWidgetsHeight(int)
128 */
129 int widgetsHeight() const;
130 /**
131 * @brief Gets the direction in which the angle increases in the angle gauge
132 * @return The direction in which the angle increases
133 * @see setIncreasingDirection(QString)
134 */
136 /**
137 * @brief Gets if the spin box is flat (no border or background)
138 * @return True if the spin box is flat, false otherwise
139 * @see useFlatSpinBox(bool)
140 */
141 bool isUsingFlatSpinBox() const;
143 /**
144 * @brief Sets the angle to which multiples the selected angle will snap
145 * @param newSnapAngle the new angle to which multiples the selected angle will snap
146 * @see snapAngle() const
147 */
148 void setSnapAngle(qreal newSnapAngle);
149 /**
150 * @brief Sets the angle that is used to reset the current angle
151 * @param newResetAngle the new angle that is used to reset the current angle
152 * @see resetAngle() const
153 */
154 void setResetAngle(qreal newResetAngle);
155 /**
156 * @brief Sets the number of decimals (precision) used by the angle
157 * @param newNumberOfDecimals the new number of decimals used by the angle
158 * @see decimals() const
159 */
160 void setDecimals(int newNumberOfDecimals);
161 /**
162 * @brief Sets the maximum value for the angle
163 * @param newMaximum the new maximum value for the angle
164 * @see maximum() const
165 * @see setRange(qreal, qreal)
166 */
167 void setMaximum(qreal newMaximum);
168 /**
169 * @brief Sets the minimum value for the angle
170 * @param newMinimum the new minimum value for the angle
171 * @see minimum() const
172 * @see setRange(qreal, qreal)
173 */
174 void setMinimum(qreal newMinimum);
175 /**
176 * @brief Sets the minimum and maximum values for the angle
177 * @param newMinimum the new minimum value for the angle
178 * @param newMaximum the new maximum value for the angle
179 * @see minimum() const
180 * @see maximum() const
181 * @see setMinimum(qreal)
182 * @see setMaximum(qreal)
183 */
184 void setRange(qreal newMinimum, qreal newMaximum);
185 /**
186 * @brief Sets the prefix shown in the spin box
187 * @param newPrefix the new prefix for the spin box
188 * @see prefix() const
189 */
190 void setPrefix(const QString &newPrefix);
191 /**
192 * @brief Sets if the angle should wrap pass the minimum or maximum angles
193 * @param newWrapping true if the angle should wrap pass the minimum or
194 * maximum angles, false otherwise
195 * @see wrapping() const
196 */
197 void setWrapping(bool newWrapping);
198 /**
199 * @brief Sets the mode in which the flip options should be shown
200 * @param newMode the new mode in which the flip options should be shown
201 * Valid arguments:
202 * <ul>
203 * <li>NoFlipOptions - There are no flip options available</li>
204 * <li>MenuButton - The flip options are shown as a menu accessible via a options button</li>
205 * <li>Buttons - The flip options are shown as individual buttons</li>
206 * <li>ContextMenu - The flip options are shown only as a context menu when right-clicking the gauge widget</li>
207 * <ul>
208 *
209 * @see flipOptionsMode() const
210 */
211 void setFlipOptionsMode(QString newMode);
212 /**
213 * @brief Sets the common height of the widgets inside this angle selector.
214 * Use 0 to reset widgets to default height.
215 * @param newHeight the new height of the internal widgets (angle gauge, spin box, etc.)
216 * @see widgetsHeight() const
217 */
218 void setWidgetsHeight(int newHeight);
219 /**
220 * @brief Sets the increasing direction in the angle gauge
221 * @param newIncreasingDirection The new increasing direction
222 * Valid arguments: CounterClockwise or Clockwise.
223 * @see increasingDirection() const
224 */
225 void setIncreasingDirection(QString newIncreasingDirection);
226 /**
227 * @brief Sets if the spin box should be flat
228 * @param newUseFlatSpinBox True if the spin box should be flat,
229 * false otherwise
230 * @see isUsingFlatSpinBox() const
231 */
232 void useFlatSpinBox(bool newUseFlatSpinBox);
234 /**
235 * @brief Gets the closest coterminal angle to the provided angle
236 * that is in the range provided
237 *
238 * A coterminal angle to the provided angle is one that differs
239 * in size by an integer multiple of a turn (360 degrees)
240 * @param angle The reference angle for which the function will try to
241 * find a coterminal angle
242 * @param minimum The range's lower bound
243 * @param maximum The range's upper bound
244 * @param[out] ok This parameter will be set to true if a coterminal
245 * angle exists in the provided range, or to false otherwise
246 * @return The closest coterminal angle in the provided range if one exists,
247 * or the closest value in the range (the minimum or maximum) otherwise.
248 * If the reference angle is already in the range then it is returned
249 */
250 static qreal closestCoterminalAngleInRange(qreal angle, qreal minimum, qreal maximum, bool *ok = nullptr);
251 /**
252 * @brief Gets the closest coterminal angle to the provided angle
253 * that is in the range established
254 *
255 * A coterminal angle to the provided angle is one that differs
256 * in size by an integer multiple of a turn (360 degrees)
257 * @param angle The reference angle for which the function will try to
258 * find a coterminal angle
259 * @param[out] ok This parameter will be set to true if a coterminal
260 * angle exists in the specified range, or to false otherwise
261 * @return The closest coterminal angle in the specified range if one exists,
262 * or the closest value in the range (the minimum or maximum) otherwise.
263 * If the reference angle is already in the range then it is returned
264 */
265 qreal closestCoterminalAngleInRange(qreal angle, bool *ok = nullptr) const;
266 /**
267 * @brief Flips an angle horizontally, vertically, or both
268 *
269 * This function will always try to get the closest angle to the
270 * provided one that satisfies the flipping requirements
271 * @param angle The angle to be flipped
272 * @param orientations Flags indicating in which directions the angle should
273 * be flipped
274 * @return The flipped angle
275 */
276 static qreal flipAngle(qreal angle, Qt::Orientations orientations);
277 /**
278 * @brief Flips an angle horizontally, vertically, or both
279 *
280 * This function will always try to get the closest angle to the
281 * provided one that satisfies the flipping requirements
282 * @param angle The angle to be flipped
283 * @param minimum The lower bound of the valid range
284 * @param maximum The upper bound of the valid range
285 * @param orientations Flags indicating in which directions the angle should
286 * be flipped
287 * @param[out] ok This parameter will be set to true if the flipped
288 * angle is in the provided range, or to false otherwise
289 * @return The flipped angle if it lies in the provided range or the
290 * closest value in the range (the minimum or maximum) otherwise
291 */
292 static qreal flipAngle(qreal angle, qreal minimum, qreal maximum, Qt::Orientations orientations, bool *ok = nullptr);
293 /**
294 * @brief Flips the angle horizontally, vertically, or both
295 *
296 * This function will always try to set the closest angle to the
297 * stablished one that satisfies the flipping requirements
298 * @param orientations Flags indicating in which directions the angle should
299 * be flipped
300 */
301 void flip(Qt::Orientations orientations);
304 void angleChanged(qreal angle);
307 struct Private;
308 Private *const d;
qreal angle() const
Gets the current angle.
qreal minimum() const
Gets the minimum value for the angle.
qreal maximum() const
Gets the maximum value for the angle.
int widgetsHeight() const
Gets the common height of the widgets inside this angle selector.
void setMinimum(qreal newMinimum)
Sets the minimum value for the angle.
QString increasingDirection() const
Gets the direction in which the angle increases in the angle gauge.
QString prefix() const
Gets the prefix shown in the spin box.
void reset()
Sets the current angle to the reset angle.
void setRange(qreal newMinimum, qreal newMaximum)
Sets the minimum and maximum values for the angle.
static qreal flipAngle(qreal angle, Qt::Orientations orientations)
Flips an angle horizontally, vertically, or both.
void setPrefix(const QString &newPrefix)
Sets the prefix shown in the spin box.
void useFlatSpinBox(bool newUseFlatSpinBox)
Sets if the spin box should be flat.
void setIncreasingDirection(QString newIncreasingDirection)
Sets the increasing direction in the angle gauge.
QString flipOptionsMode() const
Gets the mode in which the flip options should be shown.
qreal snapAngle() const
Gets the angle to which multiples the selected angle will snap.
void setFlipOptionsMode(QString newMode)
Sets the mode in which the flip options should be shown.
void flip(Qt::Orientations orientations)
Flips the angle horizontally, vertically, or both.
void setResetAngle(qreal newResetAngle)
Sets the angle that is used to reset the current angle.
bool wrapping() const
Gets if the angle should wrap pass the minimum or maximum angles.
void setSnapAngle(qreal newSnapAngle)
Sets the angle to which multiples the selected angle will snap.
void setMaximum(qreal newMaximum)
Sets the maximum value for the angle.
QWidget * widget() const
Get the internal KisAngleSelector as a QWidget, so it may be added to a UI.
bool isUsingFlatSpinBox() const
Gets if the spin box is flat (no border or background)
qreal resetAngle() const
Gets the angle that is used to reset the current angle.
int decimals() const
Gets the number of decimals (precision) used by the angle.
void setWidgetsHeight(int newHeight)
Sets the common height of the widgets inside this angle selector.
static qreal closestCoterminalAngleInRange(qreal angle, qreal minimum, qreal maximum, bool *ok=nullptr)
Gets the closest coterminal angle to the provided angle that is in the range provided.
void setDecimals(int newNumberOfDecimals)
Sets the number of decimals (precision) used by the angle.
void setAngle(qreal newAngle)
Sets the current angle.
void setWrapping(bool newWrapping)
Sets if the angle should wrap pass the minimum or maximum angles.
QObject(QObject *parent)
typedef Orientations
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