Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
CDockWidgetFactoryBase | Base class for plugins that want to add a dock widget to every window |
CPresetChooser | Wraps the KisPresetChooser widget |
▼CQObject [external] | |
CAngleSelector | A wrapper around KisAngleSelector, a widget with several options to select an angle |
CCanvas | Canvas wraps the canvas inside a view on an image/document |
CChannel | A Channel represents a single channel in a Node |
CDocument | Encapsulates a Krita Document/Image |
▼CDoubleParseSpinBox | A wrapper around KisDoubleParseSpinBox, which is a cleverer doubleSpinBox, able to parse arithmetic expressions |
CDoubleSliderSpinBox | This class is a wrapper around KisDoubleSliderSpinBox, a spinbox in which you can click and drag to set the value, with a slider like bar displayed inside |
CExtension | An Extension is the base for classes that extend Krita |
CGridConfig | Encapsulates a Krita Guides configuration |
CGuidesConfig | Encapsulates a Krita Guides configuration |
CInfoObject | InfoObject wrap a properties map |
▼CIntParseSpinBox | A wrapper around KisIntParseSpinBox, which is a cleverer SpinBox, able to parse arithmetic expressions |
CSliderSpinBox | This class is a wrapper around KisSliderSpinBox, a spinbox in which you can click and drag to set the value, with a slider like bar displayed inside |
CKrita | Krita is a singleton class that offers the root access to the Krita object hierarchy |
CManagedColor | Class to handle colors that are color managed |
▼CNode | Node represents a layer or mask in a Krita image's Node hierarchy |
CCloneLayer | The CloneLayer class A clone layer is a layer that takes a reference inside the image and shows the exact same pixeldata |
CColorizeMask | The ColorizeMask class A colorize mask is a mask type node that can be used to color in line art |
CFileLayer | The FileLayer class A file layer is a layer that can reference an external image and show said reference in the layer stack |
CFillLayer | The FillLayer class A fill layer is much like a filter layer in that it takes a name and filter |
CFilterLayer | The FilterLayer class A filter layer will, when compositing, take the composited image up to the point of the location of the filter layer in the stack, create a copy and apply a filter |
CFilterMask | The FilterMask class A filter mask, unlike a filter layer, will add a non-destructive filter to the composited image of the node it is attached to |
CGroupLayer | The GroupLayer class A group layer is a layer that can contain other layers |
CSelectionMask | The SelectionMask class A selection mask is a mask type node that can be used to store selections |
CTransformMask | The TransformMask class A transform mask is a mask type node that can be used to store transformations |
CTransparencyMask | The TransparencyMask class A transparency mask is a mask type node that can be used to show and hide parts of a layer |
CVectorLayer | The VectorLayer class A vector layer is a special layer that stores and shows vector shapes |
CNotifier | The Notifier can be used to be informed of state changes in the Krita application |
CPalette | The Palette class Palette is a resource object that stores organised color data |
CPreset | The Preset class Preset is a resource object that stores brush preset data |
▼CQWidget [external] | |
CPaletteView | Wrapper around a MVC method for handling palettes |
▼CQDockWidget [external] | |
CDockWidget | DockWidget is the base class for custom Dockers |
CScratchpad | The Scratchpad class A scratchpad is a type of blank canvas area that can be painted on with the normal painting devices |
CResource | A Resource represents a gradient, pattern, brush tip, brush preset, palette or workspace definition |
CSelection | Selection represents a selection on Krita |
▼CShape | The Shape class The shape class is a wrapper around Krita's vector objects |
CGroupShape | The GroupShape class A group shape is a vector object with child shapes |
CSwatch | Thin wrapper around the KisSwatch class |
CView | View represents one view on a document |
CWindow | Window represents one Krita mainwindow |
▼CQPaintDevice [external] | |
CQWidget [external] |
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 21 2025 11:57:42 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 21 2025 11:57:42 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.