12#include "indi/indicommon.h"
13#include "../guideinterface.h"
15#include "calibration.h"
16#include "calibrationprocess.h"
18#include "ekos_guide_debug.h"
41 bool Connect()
46 bool Disconnect()
50 bool isConnected()
55 bool calibrate()
56 bool guide()
57 bool abort()
58 bool suspend()
59 bool resume()
61 bool dither(
double pixels)
62 bool ditherXY(
double x,
double y);
64 bool clearCalibration()
65 bool restoreCalibration();
67 bool reacquire()
69 bool setFrameParams(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t h, uint16_t binX, uint16_t binY)
70 bool setGuiderParams(
double ccdPixelSizeX,
double ccdPixelSizeY,
double mountAperture,
71 double mountFocalLength)
74 void setStarPosition(QVector3D &starCenter)
77 void setSquareAlgorithm(
int index);
80 bool getReticleParameters(
double *x,
double *y);
83 void setGuideBoxSize(uint32_t value)
89 void setGuideView(
const QSharedPointer<GuideView> &guideView);
91 void setImageData(
const QSharedPointer<FITSData> &data);
95 bool isGuiding(
96 void setInterface(
98 void setSubFramed(
bool enable)
100 m_isSubFramed = enable;
105 const Calibration &getCalibration()
108 bool selectAutoStar();
109 bool selectAutoStarSEPMultistar();
110 bool SEPMultiStarEnabled();
113 bool processManualDithering();
115 void updateGPGParameters();
116 void resetGPG()
117 void resetDarkGuiding();
118 void setExposureTime();
119 void setDarkGuideTimerInterval();
120 void setTimer(std::unique_ptr<QTimer> &timer, Seconds seconds);
123 void setDECSwap(
bool enable);
127 void trackingStarSelected(
int x,
int y);
128 void setDitherSettled();
132 void newMultiPulse(GuideDirection ra_dir,
int ra_msecs, GuideDirection dec_dir,
int dec_msecs,
133 CaptureAfterPulses followWithCapture);
134 void newSinglePulse(GuideDirection dir,
int msecs, CaptureAfterPulses followWithCapture);
136 void DESwapChanged(
bool enable);
139 bool processGuiding();
140 void startDarkGuiding();
142 bool onePulseDither(
double pixels);
147 void fillGuideInfo(GuideLog::GuideInfo *info);
149 std::unique_ptr<cgmath> pmath;
150 QSharedPointer<GuideView> m_GuideFrame;
151 QSharedPointer<FITSData> m_ImageData;
152 bool m_isStarted {
false };
153 bool m_isSubFramed {
false };
154 bool m_isFirstFrame {
false };
155 int m_starLostCounter { 0 };
158 uint32_t guideBoxSize { 32 };
160 GuiderUtils::Vector m_DitherTargetPosition;
161 uint8_t m_DitherRetries {0};
163 QElapsedTimer reacquireTimer;
164 int m_highRMSCounter {0};
166 GuiderUtils::Matrix ROT_Z;
167 Ekos::GuideState rememberState { GUIDE_IDLE };
170 QQueue<GuiderUtils::Vector> m_ProgressiveDither;
173 std::unique_ptr<QTimer> m_darkGuideTimer;
174 std::unique_ptr<QTimer> m_captureTimer;
175 std::pair<Seconds, Seconds> calculateGPGTimeStep();
176 bool isInferencePeriodFinished();
180 static const uint8_t MAX_RMS_THRESHOLD = 10;
182 static const uint8_t MAX_LOST_STAR_THRESHOLD = 5;
186 static const uint16_t MAX_IMMEDIATE_CAPTURE = 250;
188 static const uint16_t PROPAGATION_DELAY = 100;
191 static const uint8_t MAX_DITHER_TRAVEL = 15;
195 QVector3D m_DitherOrigin;
199 void iterateCalibration();
200 std::unique_ptr<CalibrationProcess> calibrationProcess;
201 double calibrationStartX = 0;
202 double calibrationStartY = 0;
205 bool isPoorGuiding(
const cproc_out_params *out);
206 void emitAxisPulse(
const cproc_out_params *out);
Interface skeleton for implementation of different guiding applications and/or routines.
The main change relative to fitsview is to add the capability of displaying the 'neighbor guide stars...
Ekos is an advanced Astrophotography tool for Linux.