▼ sources | |
▼ kstars | |
▼ kstars | |
► auxiliary | |
binfilehelper.cpp | |
binfilehelper.h | |
cachingdms.cpp | |
cachingdms.h | |
colorscheme.cpp | |
colorscheme.h | |
ctk3slider.cpp | |
ctk3slider.h | |
ctkrangeslider.cpp | |
ctkrangeslider.h | |
dms.cpp | |
dms.h | |
downloadhelper.cpp | |
downloadhelper.h | |
filedownloader.cpp | |
filedownloader.h | |
fov.cpp | |
fov.h | |
geolocation.cpp | |
geolocation.h | |
gslhelpers.cpp | |
gslhelpers.h | |
imageexporter.cpp | |
imageexporter.h | |
imagemask.cpp | |
imagemask.h | |
imageviewer.cpp | |
imageviewer.h | |
ksdssdownloader.cpp | |
ksdssdownloader.h | |
ksdssimage.cpp | |
ksdssimage.h | |
ksfilereader.cpp | |
ksfilereader.h | |
ksmessagebox.cpp | |
ksmessagebox.h | |
ksnotification.cpp | |
ksnotification.h | |
kspaths.cpp | |
kspaths.h | |
ksuserdb.cpp | |
ksuserdb.h | |
ksutils.cpp | |
ksutils.h | |
kswizard.cpp | |
kswizard.h | |
nonlineardoublespinbox.cpp | |
nonlineardoublespinbox.h | |
profileinfo.cpp | |
profileinfo.h | |
qcustomplot.cpp | |
qcustomplot.h | |
QProgressIndicator.cpp | |
QProgressIndicator.h | |
QRoundProgressBar.cpp | |
QRoundProgressBar.h | |
rapidcsv.h | |
rectangleoverlap.cpp | |
rectangleoverlap.h | |
robuststatistics.cpp | |
robuststatistics.h | |
schememanager.cpp | |
schememanager.h | |
skymapview.cpp | |
skymapview.h | |
skyobjectlistmodel.cpp | |
skyobjectlistmodel.h | |
thememanager.cpp | |
thememanager.h | |
thumbnaileditor.cpp | |
thumbnaileditor.h | |
thumbnailpicker.cpp | |
thumbnailpicker.h | |
trixelcache.h | |
xplanetimageviewer.cpp | |
xplanetimageviewer.h | |
► catalogsdb | |
catalogsdb.cpp | |
catalogsdb.h | |
sqlstatements.cpp | |
► data | |
► qml | |
► mount | |
mountbox.qml | |
timer.qml | |
► whatisinteresting | |
CategoryTitle.qml | |
DetailsItem.qml | |
ScrollBar.qml | |
wiview.qml | |
► tools | |
► HTMesh-0.01 | |
ppport.h | |
angconversion.h | |
binfile.h | |
nomadbinfile2mysql.cpp | |
nomadbinfile2mysql.h | |
nomadbinfile2sqlite.cpp | |
nomadbinfile2sqlite.h | |
► dialogs | |
addcatalogobject.cpp | |
addcatalogobject.h | |
addcatdialog.h | |
addlinkdialog.cpp | |
addlinkdialog.h | |
catalogcoloreditor.cpp | |
catalogcoloreditor.h | |
catalogcsvimport.cpp | |
catalogcsvimport.h | |
catalogdetails.cpp | |
catalogdetails.h | |
catalogeditform.cpp | |
catalogeditform.h | |
catalogobjectlistmodel.cpp | |
catalogobjectlistmodel.h | |
catalogsdbui.cpp | |
catalogsdbui.h | |
detaildialog.cpp | |
detaildialog.h | |
exportimagedialog.cpp | |
exportimagedialog.h | |
finddialog.cpp | |
finddialog.h | |
focusdialog.cpp | |
focusdialog.h | |
fovdialog.cpp | |
fovdialog.h | |
locationdialog.cpp | |
locationdialog.h | |
timedialog.cpp | |
timedialog.h | |
viewsdialog.cpp | |
viewsdialog.h | |
► ekos | |
► align | |
align.cpp | |
align.h | |
alignview.cpp | |
alignview.h | |
astapastrometryparser.cpp | |
astapastrometryparser.h | |
astrometryparser.cpp | |
astrometryparser.h | |
manualrotator.cpp | |
manualrotator.h | |
mountmodel.cpp | |
mountmodel.h | |
opsalign.cpp | |
opsalign.h | |
opsastap.cpp | |
opsastap.h | |
opsastrometry.cpp | |
opsastrometry.h | |
opsastrometryindexfiles.cpp | |
opsastrometryindexfiles.h | |
opsprograms.cpp | |
opsprograms.h | |
polaralign.cpp | |
polaralign.h | |
polaralignmentassistant.cpp | |
polaralignmentassistant.h | |
polaralignwidget.cpp | |
polaralignwidget.h | |
poleaxis.cpp | |
poleaxis.h | |
remoteastrometryparser.cpp | |
remoteastrometryparser.h | |
rotations.cpp | |
rotations.h | |
► analyze | |
analyze.cpp | |
analyze.h | |
yaxistool.cpp | |
yaxistool.h | |
► auxiliary | |
buildfilteroffsets.cpp | |
buildfilteroffsets.h | |
darklibrary.cpp | |
darklibrary.h | |
darkprocessor.cpp | |
darkprocessor.h | |
darkview.cpp | |
darkview.h | |
defectmap.cpp | |
defectmap.h | |
filterdelegate.cpp | |
filterdelegate.h | |
filtermanager.cpp | |
filtermanager.h | |
ledstatuswidget.cpp | |
ledstatuswidget.h | |
modulelogger.h | |
opslogs.cpp | |
opslogs.h | |
opticaltrainmanager.cpp | |
opticaltrainmanager.h | |
opticaltrainsettings.cpp | |
opticaltrainsettings.h | |
portselector.cpp | |
portselector.h | |
profilesettings.cpp | |
profilesettings.h | |
rotatorutils.cpp | |
rotatorutils.h | |
serialportassistant.cpp | |
serialportassistant.h | |
solverutils.cpp | |
solverutils.h | |
stellarsolverprofile.cpp | |
stellarsolverprofile.h | |
stellarsolverprofileeditor.cpp | |
stellarsolverprofileeditor.h | |
tabledelegate.cpp | |
tabledelegate.h | |
► capture | |
► exposurecalculator | |
calculatedgainsubexposuretime.cpp | |
calculatedgainsubexposuretime.h | |
cameradatafileutilitydialog.cpp | |
cameradatafileutilitydialog.h | |
cameraexposureenvelope.cpp | |
cameraexposureenvelope.h | |
cameragainreadmode.cpp | |
cameragainreadmode.h | |
cameragainreadnoise.cpp | |
cameragainreadnoise.h | |
exposurecalculatordialog.cpp | |
exposurecalculatordialog.h | |
fileutilitycameradata.cpp | |
fileutilitycameradata.h | |
fileutilitycameradatadialog.cpp | |
fileutilitycameradatadialog.h | |
genericfilterdata.h | |
imagingcameradata.cpp | |
imagingcameradata.h | |
optimalexposuredetail.cpp | |
optimalexposuredetail.h | |
optimalexposurestack.cpp | |
optimalexposurestack.h | |
optimalsubexposurecalculator.cpp | |
optimalsubexposurecalculator.h | |
camera.cpp | |
camera.h | |
cameraprocess.cpp | |
cameraprocess.h | |
camerastate.cpp | |
camerastate.h | |
capture.cpp | |
capture.h | |
capturecountswidget.cpp | |
capturecountswidget.h | |
capturedeviceadaptor.cpp | |
capturedeviceadaptor.h | |
capturemodulestate.cpp | |
capturemodulestate.h | |
capturepreviewwidget.cpp | |
capturepreviewwidget.h | |
captureprocessoverlay.cpp | |
captureprocessoverlay.h | |
capturetypes.h | |
customproperties.cpp | |
customproperties.h | |
dslrinfodialog.cpp | |
dslrinfodialog.h | |
opsdslrsettings.cpp | |
opsdslrsettings.h | |
opsmiscsettings.cpp | |
opsmiscsettings.h | |
placeholderpath.cpp | |
placeholderpath.h | |
refocusstate.cpp | |
refocusstate.h | |
rotatorsettings.cpp | |
rotatorsettings.h | |
scriptsmanager.cpp | |
scriptsmanager.h | |
sequenceeditor.cpp | |
sequenceeditor.h | |
sequencejob.cpp | |
sequencejob.h | |
sequencejobstate.cpp | |
sequencejobstate.h | |
sequencequeue.cpp | |
sequencequeue.h | |
► ekoslive | |
cloud.cpp | |
cloud.h | |
commands.h | |
ekosliveclient.cpp | |
ekosliveclient.h | |
media.cpp | |
media.h | |
message.cpp | |
message.h | |
node.cpp | |
node.h | |
nodemanager.cpp | |
nodemanager.h | |
► focus | |
aberrationinspector.cpp | |
aberrationinspector.h | |
aberrationinspectorplot.cpp | |
aberrationinspectorplot.h | |
aberrationinspectorutils.h | |
abinstablewidget.cpp | |
abinstablewidget.h | |
adaptivefocus.cpp | |
adaptivefocus.h | |
curvefit.cpp | |
curvefit.h | |
exposurewidget.cpp | |
exposurewidget.h | |
focus.cpp | |
focus.h | |
focusadvisor.cpp | |
focusadvisor.h | |
focusalgorithms.cpp | |
focusalgorithms.h | |
focusblurriness.cpp | |
focusblurriness.h | |
focusfourierpower.cpp | |
focusfourierpower.h | |
focusfwhm.cpp | |
focusfwhm.h | |
focushfrvplot.cpp | |
focushfrvplot.h | |
focusmodule.cpp | |
focusmodule.h | |
focusprofileplot.cpp | |
focusprofileplot.h | |
focusstars.cpp | |
focusstars.h | |
focusutils.h | |
opsfocusbase.cpp | |
opsfocusbase.h | |
opsfocusmechanics.cpp | |
opsfocusmechanics.h | |
opsfocusprocess.cpp | |
opsfocusprocess.h | |
opsfocussettings.cpp | |
opsfocussettings.h | |
polynomialfit.cpp | |
polynomialfit.h | |
sensorgraphic.cpp | |
sensorgraphic.h | |
► guide | |
► externalguide | |
linguider.cpp | |
linguider.h | |
phd2.cpp | |
phd2.h | |
► internalguide | |
► MPI_IS_gaussian_process | |
► src | |
covariance_functions.cpp | The file holds the covariance functions that can be used with the GP class |
covariance_functions.h | The file holds the covariance functions that can be used with the GP class |
gaussian_process.cpp | The GP class implements the Gaussian Process functionality |
gaussian_process.h | The GP class implements the Gaussian Process functionality |
gaussian_process_guider.cpp | |
gaussian_process_guider.h | |
math_tools.cpp | Provides mathematical tools needed for the Gaussian process toolbox |
math_tools.h | Provides mathematical tools needed for the Gaussian process toolbox |
► tools | |
math_tools.cpp | Provides mathematical tools needed for the Gaussian process toolbox |
math_tools.h | Provides mathematical tools needed for the Gaussian process toolbox |
calibration.cpp | |
calibration.h | |
calibrationprocess.cpp | |
calibrationprocess.h | |
gmath.cpp | |
gmath.h | |
gpg.cpp | |
gpg.h | |
guidealgorithms.cpp | |
guidealgorithms.h | |
guidelog.cpp | |
guidelog.h | |
guidestars.cpp | |
guidestars.h | |
imageautoguiding.cpp | |
imageautoguiding.h | |
internalguider.cpp | |
internalguider.h | |
matr.cpp | |
matr.h | |
starcorrespondence.cpp | |
starcorrespondence.h | |
vect.cpp | |
vect.h | |
guide.cpp | |
guide.h | |
guidedriftgraph.cpp | |
guidedriftgraph.h | |
guidegraph.h | |
guideinterface.cpp | |
guideinterface.h | |
guidestatewidget.cpp | |
guidestatewidget.h | |
guidetargetplot.cpp | |
guidetargetplot.h | |
guideview.cpp | |
guideview.h | |
manualpulse.cpp | |
manualpulse.h | |
opscalibration.cpp | |
opscalibration.h | |
opsdither.cpp | |
opsdither.h | |
opsgpg.cpp | |
opsgpg.h | |
opsguide.cpp | |
opsguide.h | |
► manager | |
focusprogresswidget.cpp | |
focusprogresswidget.h | |
guidemanager.cpp | |
guidemanager.h | |
meridianflipstate.cpp | |
meridianflipstate.h | |
► mount | |
meridianflipstatuswidget.cpp | |
meridianflipstatuswidget.h | |
mount.cpp | |
mount.h | |
mountcontrolpanel.cpp | |
mountcontrolpanel.h | |
mountmotionwidget.cpp | |
mountmotionwidget.h | |
mountpositionwidget.cpp | |
mountpositionwidget.h | |
mounttargetwidget.cpp | |
mounttargetwidget.h | |
► observatory | |
observatory.cpp | |
observatory.h | |
observatorydomemodel.cpp | |
observatorydomemodel.h | |
observatorymodel.cpp | |
observatorymodel.h | |
observatoryweathermodel.cpp | |
observatoryweathermodel.h | |
► scheduler | |
framingassistant.cpp | |
framingassistant.h | |
framingassistantui.cpp | |
framingassistantui.h | |
greedyscheduler.cpp | |
greedyscheduler.h | |
mosaicplanner.cpp | |
mosaicplanner.h | |
mosaicrenderer.cpp | |
mosaicrenderer.h | |
mosaictilesmanager.cpp | |
mosaictilesmanager.h | |
mosaictilesmodel.cpp | |
mosaictilesmodel.h | |
opsalignmentsettings.cpp | |
opsalignmentsettings.h | |
opsjobssettings.cpp | |
opsjobssettings.h | |
opsoffsetsettings.cpp | |
opsoffsetsettings.h | |
opsscriptssettings.cpp | |
opsscriptssettings.h | |
scheduler.cpp | |
scheduler.h | |
scheduleraltitudegraph.cpp | |
scheduleraltitudegraph.h | |
schedulerjob.cpp | |
schedulerjob.h | |
schedulermodulestate.cpp | |
schedulermodulestate.h | |
schedulerprocess.cpp | |
schedulerprocess.h | |
schedulertypes.cpp | |
schedulertypes.h | |
schedulerutils.cpp | |
schedulerutils.h | |
ekos.cpp | |
ekos.h | |
extensions.cpp | |
extensions.h | |
indihub.h | |
manager.cpp | |
manager.h | |
opsekos.cpp | |
opsekos.h | |
profileeditor.cpp | |
profileeditor.h | |
profilescript.cpp | |
profilescript.h | |
profilescriptdialog.cpp | |
profilescriptdialog.h | |
profilewizard.cpp | |
profilewizard.h | |
qMDNS.cpp | |
qMDNS.h | |
► fitsviewer | |
► hough | |
houghline.cpp | |
houghline.h | |
bayer.h | |
fitsbahtinovdetector.cpp | |
fitsbahtinovdetector.h | |
fitscentroiddetector.cpp | |
fitscentroiddetector.h | |
fitscommon.h | |
fitsdata.cpp | |
fitsdata.h | |
fitsdebayer.cpp | |
fitsdebayer.h | |
fitsgradientdetector.cpp | |
fitsgradientdetector.h | |
fitshistogram.cpp | |
fitshistogram.h | |
fitshistogramcommand.cpp | |
fitshistogramcommand.h | |
fitshistogrameditor.cpp | |
fitshistogrameditor.h | |
fitshistogramview.cpp | |
fitshistogramview.h | |
fitslabel.cpp | |
fitslabel.h | |
fitsoverlay.cpp | |
fitsoverlay.h | |
fitssepdetector.cpp | |
fitssepdetector.h | |
fitsskyobject.cpp | |
fitsskyobject.h | |
fitsstardetector.cpp | |
fitsstardetector.h | |
fitsstretchui.cpp | |
fitsstretchui.h | |
fitstab.cpp | |
fitstab.h | |
fitsthresholddetector.cpp | |
fitsthresholddetector.h | |
fitsview.cpp | |
fitsview.h | |
fitsviewer.cpp | |
fitsviewer.h | |
fpack.h | |
opsfits.cpp | |
opsfits.h | |
skybackground.h | |
starprofileviewer.cpp | |
starprofileviewer.h | |
stretch.cpp | |
stretch.h | |
structuredefinitions.h | |
summaryfitsview.cpp | |
summaryfitsview.h | |
► hips | |
healpix.cpp | |
healpix.h | |
hips.h | |
hipsfinder.cpp | |
hipsfinder.h | |
hipsmanager.cpp | |
hipsmanager.h | |
hipsrenderer.cpp | |
hipsrenderer.h | |
opships.cpp | |
opships.h | |
pixcache.cpp | |
pixcache.h | |
scanrender.cpp | |
scanrender.h | |
urlfiledownload.cpp | |
urlfiledownload.h | |
► htmesh | |
HTMesh.cpp | |
HTMesh.h | |
HtmRange.cpp | |
HtmRange.h | |
HtmRangeIterator.cpp | |
HtmRangeIterator.h | |
MeshBuffer.cpp | |
MeshBuffer.h | |
MeshIterator.cpp | |
MeshIterator.h | |
RangeConvex.cpp | |
RangeConvex.h | |
SkipList.cpp | |
SkipList.h | |
SkipListElement.cpp | |
SkipListElement.h | Interface for skip list elements See William Pugh's paper: Skip Lists: A Probabilistic Alternative to Balanced Trees |
SpatialConstraint.cpp | |
SpatialConstraint.h | |
SpatialEdge.cpp | |
SpatialEdge.h | |
SpatialException.cpp | |
SpatialException.h | |
SpatialGeneral.h | |
SpatialIndex.cpp | |
SpatialIndex.h | |
SpatialSign.h | |
SpatialVector.cpp | |
SpatialVector.h | |
test-htmesh.cpp | |
typedef.h | |
► indi | |
blobmanager.cpp | |
blobmanager.h | |
clientmanager.cpp | |
clientmanager.h | |
clientmanagerlite.cpp | |
clientmanagerlite.h | |
collimationoverlayoptions.cpp | |
collimationoverlayoptions.h | |
collimationoverlaytypes.h | |
customdrivers.cpp | |
customdrivers.h | |
deviceinfo.cpp | |
deviceinfo.h | |
devicemanager.cpp | |
devicemanager.h | |
driverinfo.cpp | |
driverinfo.h | |
drivermanager.cpp | |
drivermanager.h | |
elementinfo.h | |
guimanager.cpp | |
guimanager.h | |
indiadaptiveoptics.cpp | |
indiadaptiveoptics.h | |
indiauxiliary.cpp | |
indiauxiliary.h | |
indicamera.cpp | |
indicamera.h | |
indicamerachip.cpp | |
indicamerachip.h | |
indicommon.h | |
indiconcretedevice.cpp | |
indiconcretedevice.h | |
indicorrelator.cpp | |
indicorrelator.h | |
indidbus.cpp | |
indidbus.h | |
indidetector.cpp | |
indidetector.h | |
indidevice.cpp | |
indidevice.h | |
indidome.cpp | |
indidome.h | |
indidriver.cpp | |
indidriver.h | |
indidustcap.cpp | |
indidustcap.h | |
indielement.cpp | |
indielement.h | |
indifilterwheel.cpp | |
indifilterwheel.h | |
indifocuser.cpp | |
indifocuser.h | |
indigps.cpp | |
indigps.h | |
indigroup.cpp | |
indigroup.h | |
indiguider.cpp | |
indiguider.h | |
indilightbox.cpp | |
indilightbox.h | |
indilistener.cpp | |
indilistener.h | |
indimount.cpp | |
indimount.h | |
indiproperty.cpp | |
indiproperty.h | |
indirotator.cpp | |
indirotator.h | |
indispectrograph.cpp | |
indispectrograph.h | |
indistd.cpp | |
indistd.h | |
inditelescopelite.cpp | |
inditelescopelite.h | |
indiweather.cpp | |
indiweather.h | |
indiwebmanager.cpp | |
indiwebmanager.h | |
opsindi.cpp | |
opsindi.h | |
servermanager.cpp | |
servermanager.h | |
streamwg.cpp | |
streamwg.h | |
telescopewizardprocess.cpp | |
telescopewizardprocess.h | |
videowg.cpp | |
videowg.h | |
wsmedia.cpp | |
wsmedia.h | |
► kstarslite | |
► dialogs | |
detaildialoglite.cpp | |
detaildialoglite.h | |
finddialoglite.cpp | |
finddialoglite.h | |
locationdialoglite.cpp | |
locationdialoglite.h | |
► qml | |
► constants | |
Constants.qml | |
► dialogs | |
► helpers | |
DetailsAddLink.qml | |
DetailsItem.qml | |
LocationEdit.qml | |
LocationLoading.qml | |
► menus | |
DetailsLinkMenu.qml | |
LocationsGeoMenu.qml | |
AboutDialog.qml | |
DetailsDialog.qml | |
FindDialog.qml | |
LocationDialog.qml | |
► indi | |
► modules | |
KSButtonsSwitchRow.qml | |
KSButtonSwitch.qml | |
KSCheckBox.qml | |
KSComboBox.qml | |
KSINDIText.qml | |
KSINDITextField.qml | |
KSLed.qml | |
Led.qml | |
MotionControl.qml | |
Property.qml | |
DevicePanel.qml | |
ImagePreview.qml | |
INDIControlPanel.qml | |
► modules | |
► helpers | |
BottomMenuButton.qml | |
KSMenuItem.qml | |
PassiveNotification.qml | |
TelescopeControl.qml | |
TimeSpinBox.qml | |
TopMenuButton.qml | |
Units.qml | |
► menus | |
ContextMenu.qml | |
► popups | |
ColorSchemePopup.qml | |
FOVPopup.qml | |
ProjectionsPopup.qml | |
► tutorial | |
TutorialExitPopup.qml | |
TutorialPane.qml | |
TutorialPopup.qml | |
TutorialStep1.qml | |
TutorialStep2.qml | |
TutorialStep3.qml | |
TutorialStep4.qml | |
TutorialStep5.qml | |
BottomMenu.qml | |
KSButton.qml | |
KSLabel.qml | |
KSListView.qml | |
KSPage.qml | |
KSTab.qml | |
KSTabBarArrow.qml | |
KSTabButton.qml | |
KSText.qml | |
KSTextField.qml | |
SkyMapLiteWrapper.qml | |
Splash.qml | |
TimePage.qml | |
TopMenu.qml | |
main.qml | |
► skyitems | |
► lines | |
eclipticitem.cpp | |
eclipticitem.h | |
equatoritem.cpp | |
equatoritem.h | |
linesitem.cpp | |
linesitem.h | |
milkywayitem.cpp | |
milkywayitem.h | |
► skynodes | |
► material | |
dashedshader.cpp | |
dashedshader.h | |
► nodes | |
ellipsenode.cpp | |
ellipsenode.h | |
linenode.cpp | |
linenode.h | |
pointnode.cpp | |
pointnode.h | |
polynode.cpp | |
polynode.h | |
rectnode.cpp | |
rectnode.h | |
constellationartnode.cpp | |
constellationartnode.h | |
crosshairnode.cpp | |
crosshairnode.h | |
deepskynode.cpp | |
deepskynode.h | |
dsosymbolnode.cpp | |
dsosymbolnode.h | |
fovsymbolnode.cpp | |
fovsymbolnode.h | |
guidelabelnode.cpp | |
guidelabelnode.h | |
horizonnode.cpp | |
horizonnode.h | |
labelnode.cpp | |
labelnode.h | |
planetmoonsnode.cpp | |
planetmoonsnode.h | |
planetnode.cpp | |
planetnode.h | |
pointsourcenode.cpp | |
pointsourcenode.h | |
satellitenode.cpp | |
satellitenode.h | |
skynode.cpp | |
skynode.h | |
skypolygonnode.cpp | |
skypolygonnode.h | |
supernovanode.cpp | |
supernovanode.h | |
trixelnode.cpp | |
trixelnode.h | |
asteroidsitem.cpp | |
asteroidsitem.h | |
cometsitem.cpp | |
cometsitem.h | |
constellationartitem.cpp | |
constellationartitem.h | |
constellationnamesitem.cpp | |
constellationnamesitem.h | |
deepskyitem.cpp | |
deepskyitem.h | |
deepstaritem.cpp | |
deepstaritem.h | |
fovitem.cpp | |
fovitem.h | |
horizonitem.cpp | |
horizonitem.h | |
labelsitem.cpp | |
labelsitem.h | |
planetsitem.cpp | |
planetsitem.h | |
rootnode.cpp | |
rootnode.h | |
satellitesitem.cpp | |
satellitesitem.h | |
skyitem.cpp | |
skyitem.h | |
skyopacitynode.cpp | |
skyopacitynode.h | |
staritem.cpp | |
staritem.h | |
supernovaeitem.cpp | |
supernovaeitem.h | |
telescopesymbolsitem.cpp | |
telescopesymbolsitem.h | |
typedeflite.h | |
deviceorientation.cpp | |
deviceorientation.h | |
imageprovider.cpp | |
imageprovider.h | |
skyobjectlite.cpp | |
skyobjectlite.h | |
skypointlite.cpp | |
skypointlite.h | |
► libtess | |
► src | |
dict-list.h | |
dict.h | |
geom.h | |
glu.h | |
gluos.h | |
memalloc.h | |
mesh.h | |
normal.h | |
priorityq-heap.h | |
priorityq-sort.h | |
priorityq.h | |
render.h | |
sweep.h | |
tess.h | |
tessellate.h | |
tessmono.h | |
dict-list.h | |
dict.h | |
geom.h | |
glu.h | |
gluos.h | |
memalloc.h | |
mesh.h | |
normal.h | |
priorityq-heap.h | |
priorityq-sort.h | |
priorityq.h | |
render.h | |
sweep.h | |
tess.h | |
tessellate.h | |
tessmono.h | |
► oal | |
dslrlens.cpp | |
dslrlens.h | |
equipmentwriter.cpp | |
equipmentwriter.h | |
execute.cpp | |
execute.h | |
eyepiece.cpp | |
eyepiece.h | |
filter.cpp | |
filter.h | |
lens.cpp | |
lens.h | |
log.cpp | |
log.h | |
oal.h | |
observation.cpp | |
observation.h | |
observer.cpp | |
observer.h | |
observeradd.cpp | |
observeradd.h | |
scope.cpp | |
scope.h | |
session.cpp | |
session.h | |
site.cpp | |
site.h | |
► options | |
opsadvanced.cpp | |
opsadvanced.h | |
opscatalog.cpp | |
opscatalog.h | |
opscolors.cpp | |
opscolors.h | |
opsdeveloper.cpp | |
opsdeveloper.h | |
opsguides.cpp | |
opsguides.h | |
opsimageoverlay.cpp | |
opsimageoverlay.h | |
opssatellites.cpp | |
opssatellites.h | |
opssolarsystem.cpp | |
opssolarsystem.h | |
opssupernovae.cpp | |
opssupernovae.h | |
opsterrain.cpp | |
opsterrain.h | |
► polyfills | |
qstring_hash.h | |
► printing | |
detailstable.cpp | |
detailstable.h | |
finderchart.cpp | |
finderchart.h | |
foveditordialog.cpp | |
foveditordialog.h | |
fovsnapshot.cpp | |
fovsnapshot.h | |
kstarsdocument.cpp | |
kstarsdocument.h | |
legend.cpp | |
legend.h | |
loggingform.cpp | |
loggingform.h | |
printingwizard.cpp | |
printingwizard.h | |
pwizchartconfig.cpp | |
pwizchartconfig.h | |
pwizchartcontents.cpp | |
pwizchartcontents.h | |
pwizfovbrowse.cpp | |
pwizfovbrowse.h | |
pwizfovconfig.cpp | |
pwizfovconfig.h | |
pwizfovmanual.cpp | |
pwizfovmanual.h | |
pwizfovsh.cpp | |
pwizfovsh.h | |
pwizfovtypeselection.cpp | |
pwizfovtypeselection.h | |
pwizobjectselection.cpp | |
pwizobjectselection.h | |
pwizprint.cpp | |
pwizprint.h | |
shfovexporter.cpp | |
shfovexporter.h | |
simplefovexporter.cpp | |
simplefovexporter.h | |
► projections | |
azimuthalequidistantprojector.cpp | |
azimuthalequidistantprojector.h | |
equirectangularprojector.cpp | |
equirectangularprojector.h | |
gnomonicprojector.cpp | |
gnomonicprojector.h | |
lambertprojector.cpp | |
lambertprojector.h | |
orthographicprojector.cpp | |
orthographicprojector.h | |
projector.cpp | |
projector.h | |
stereographicprojector.cpp | |
stereographicprojector.h | |
► python | |
► src | |
pykstars.cpp | |
sqlstatements.cpp | |
► skycomponents | |
artificialhorizoncomponent.cpp | |
artificialhorizoncomponent.h | |
asteroidscomponent.cpp | |
asteroidscomponent.h | |
binarylistcomponent.h | |
catalogscomponent.cpp | |
catalogscomponent.h | |
cometscomponent.cpp | |
cometscomponent.h | |
constellationartcomponent.cpp | |
constellationartcomponent.h | |
constellationboundarylines.cpp | |
constellationboundarylines.h | |
constellationlines.cpp | |
constellationlines.h | |
constellationnamescomponent.cpp | |
constellationnamescomponent.h | |
coordinategrid.cpp | |
coordinategrid.h | |
culturelist.cpp | |
culturelist.h | |
deepstarcomponent.cpp | |
deepstarcomponent.h | |
earthshadowcomponent.cpp | |
earthshadowcomponent.h | |
ecliptic.cpp | |
ecliptic.h | |
equator.cpp | |
equator.h | |
equatorialcoordinategrid.cpp | |
equatorialcoordinategrid.h | |
flagcomponent.cpp | |
flagcomponent.h | |
highpmstarlist.cpp | |
highpmstarlist.h | |
hipscomponent.cpp | |
hipscomponent.h | |
horizoncomponent.cpp | |
horizoncomponent.h | |
horizontalcoordinategrid.cpp | |
horizontalcoordinategrid.h | |
imageoverlaycomponent.cpp | |
imageoverlaycomponent.h | |
linelist.h | |
linelistindex.cpp | |
linelistindex.h | |
linelistlabel.cpp | |
linelistlabel.h | |
listcomponent.cpp | |
listcomponent.h | |
localmeridiancomponent.cpp | |
localmeridiancomponent.h | |
milkyway.cpp | |
milkyway.h | |
mosaiccomponent.cpp | |
mosaiccomponent.h | |
noprecessindex.cpp | |
noprecessindex.h | |
notifyupdatesui.cpp | |
notifyupdatesui.h | |
planetmoonscomponent.cpp | |
planetmoonscomponent.h | |
pointlistcomponent.cpp | |
pointlistcomponent.h | |
polylist.h | |
satellitescomponent.cpp | |
satellitescomponent.h | |
skiphashlist.h | |
skycomponent.cpp | |
skycomponent.h | |
skycomposite.cpp | |
skycomposite.h | |
skylabel.h | |
skylabeler.cpp | |
skylabeler.h | |
skymapcomposite.cpp | |
skymapcomposite.h | |
skymesh.cpp | |
skymesh.h | |
solarsystemcomposite.cpp | |
solarsystemcomposite.h | |
solarsystemlistcomponent.cpp | |
solarsystemlistcomponent.h | |
solarsystemsinglecomponent.cpp | |
solarsystemsinglecomponent.h | |
starblock.cpp | |
starblock.h | |
starblockfactory.cpp | |
starblockfactory.h | |
starblocklist.cpp | |
starblocklist.h | |
starcomponent.cpp | |
starcomponent.h | |
supernovaecomponent.cpp | |
supernovaecomponent.h | |
targetlistcomponent.cpp | |
targetlistcomponent.h | |
terraincomponent.cpp | |
terraincomponent.h | |
typedef.h | |
► skyobjects | |
catalogobject.cpp | |
catalogobject.h | |
constellationsart.cpp | |
constellationsart.h | |
deepstardata.h | |
jupitermoons.cpp | |
jupitermoons.h | |
ksasteroid.cpp | |
ksasteroid.h | |
kscomet.cpp | |
kscomet.h | |
ksearthshadow.cpp | |
ksearthshadow.h | |
ksmoon.cpp | |
ksmoon.h | |
ksplanet.cpp | |
ksplanet.h | |
ksplanetbase.cpp | |
ksplanetbase.h | |
kspluto.cpp | |
kspluto.h | |
kssun.cpp | |
kssun.h | |
mosaictiles.cpp | |
mosaictiles.h | |
planetmoons.cpp | |
planetmoons.h | |
satellite.cpp | |
satellite.h | |
satellitegroup.cpp | |
satellitegroup.h | |
skyline.cpp | |
skyline.h | |
skyobject.cpp | |
skyobject.h | |
skyobjectuserdata.h | |
skypoint.cpp | |
skypoint.h | |
stardata.h | |
starobject.cpp | |
starobject.h | |
supernova.cpp | |
supernova.h | |
trailobject.cpp | |
trailobject.h | |
► terrain | |
terrainrenderer.cpp | |
terrainrenderer.h | |
► time | |
kstarsdatetime.cpp | |
kstarsdatetime.h | |
simclock.cpp | |
simclock.h | |
timezonerule.cpp | |
timezonerule.h | |
► tools | |
► eclipsetool | |
lunareclipsehandler.cpp | |
lunareclipsehandler.h | |
► whatsinteresting | |
modelmanager.cpp | |
modelmanager.h | |
obsconditions.cpp | |
obsconditions.h | |
skyobjdescription.cpp | |
skyobjdescription.h | |
skyobjitem.cpp | |
skyobjitem.h | |
skyobjlistmodel.cpp | |
skyobjlistmodel.h | |
wiequipsettings.cpp | |
wiequipsettings.h | |
wilpsettings.cpp | |
wilpsettings.h | |
wiview.cpp | |
wiview.h | |
altvstime.cpp | |
altvstime.h | |
approachsolver.cpp | |
approachsolver.h | |
astrocalc.cpp | |
astrocalc.h | |
avtplotwidget.cpp | |
avtplotwidget.h | |
calendarwidget.cpp | |
calendarwidget.h | |
conjunctions.cpp | |
conjunctions.h | |
eclipsehandler.cpp | |
eclipsehandler.h | |
eclipsetool.cpp | |
eclipsetool.h | |
eqplotwidget.cpp | |
eqplotwidget.h | |
eyepiecefield.cpp | |
eyepiecefield.h | |
flagmanager.cpp | |
flagmanager.h | |
greatcircle.cpp | |
greatcircle.h | |
horizonmanager.cpp | |
horizonmanager.h | |
imagingplanner.cpp | |
imagingplanner.h | |
imagingplanneroptions.cpp | |
imagingplanneroptions.h | |
import_skycomp.cpp | |
import_skycomp.h | |
jmoontool.cpp | |
jmoontool.h | |
ksconjunct.cpp | |
ksconjunct.h | |
modcalcaltaz.cpp | |
modcalcaltaz.h | |
modcalcangdist.cpp | |
modcalcangdist.h | |
modcalcapcoord.cpp | |
modcalcapcoord.h | |
modcalcdaylength.cpp | |
modcalcdaylength.h | |
modcalceclipticcoords.cpp | |
modcalceclipticcoords.h | |
modcalcgalcoord.cpp | |
modcalcgalcoord.h | |
modcalcgeodcoord.cpp | |
modcalcgeodcoord.h | |
modcalcjd.cpp | |
modcalcjd.h | |
modcalcplanets.cpp | |
modcalcplanets.h | |
modcalcsidtime.cpp | |
modcalcsidtime.h | |
modcalcsimple.cpp | |
modcalcsimple.h | |
modcalcvizequinox.cpp | |
modcalcvizequinox.h | |
modcalcvlsr.cpp | |
modcalcvlsr.h | |
moonphasetool.cpp | |
moonphasetool.h | |
nameresolver.cpp | |
nameresolver.h | |
observinglist.cpp | |
observinglist.h | |
obslistpopupmenu.cpp | |
obslistpopupmenu.h | |
obslistwizard.cpp | |
obslistwizard.h | |
planetviewer.cpp | |
planetviewer.h | |
polarishourangle.cpp | |
polarishourangle.h | |
pvplotwidget.cpp | |
pvplotwidget.h | |
scriptargwidgets.cpp | |
scriptargwidgets.h | |
scriptbuilder.cpp | |
scriptbuilder.h | |
scriptfunction.cpp | |
scriptfunction.h | |
sessionsortfilterproxymodel.cpp | |
sessionsortfilterproxymodel.h | |
skycalendar.cpp | |
skycalendar.h | |
starhopper.cpp | |
starhopper.h | |
starhopperdialog.cpp | |
starhopperdialog.h | |
wutdialog.cpp | |
wutdialog.h | |
► widgets | |
clicklabel.cpp | |
clicklabel.h | |
dmsbox.cpp | |
dmsbox.h | |
draglistbox.cpp | |
draglistbox.h | |
fovwidget.cpp | |
fovwidget.h | |
genericcalendarwidget.cpp | |
genericcalendarwidget.h | |
infoboxwidget.cpp | |
infoboxwidget.h | |
kshelplabel.cpp | |
kshelplabel.h | |
logedit.cpp | |
logedit.h | |
magnitudespinbox.cpp | |
magnitudespinbox.h | |
mapcanvas.cpp | |
mapcanvas.h | |
moonphasecalendarwidget.cpp | |
moonphasecalendarwidget.h | |
thumbimage.cpp | |
thumbimage.h | |
timespinbox.cpp | |
timespinbox.h | |
timestepbox.cpp | |
timestepbox.h | |
timeunitbox.cpp | |
timeunitbox.h | |
unitspinboxwidget.cpp | |
unitspinboxwidget.h | |
► xplanet | |
opsxplanet.cpp | |
opsxplanet.h | |
byteorder.h | |
csv.h | |
ksalmanac.cpp | |
ksalmanac.h | |
ksnumbers.cpp | |
ksnumbers.h | |
kspopupmenu.cpp | |
kspopupmenu.h | |
kstars.cpp | |
kstars.h | |
kstarsactions.cpp | |
kstarsdata.cpp | |
kstarsdata.h | |
kstarsdbus.cpp | |
kstarsinit.cpp | |
kstarslite.cpp | |
kstarslite.h | |
kstarsliteinit.cpp | |
kstarssplash.cpp | |
kstarssplash.h | |
libindi_strings.cpp | |
main.cpp | |
nan.h | |
qtendl.h | |
qtkeepemptyparts.h | |
qtskipemptyparts.h | |
skyglpainter.cpp | |
skyglpainter.h | |
skymap.cpp | |
skymap.h | |
skymapdrawabstract.cpp | |
skymapdrawabstract.h | |
skymapevents.cpp | |
skymapgldraw.cpp | |
skymapgldraw.h | |
skymaplite.cpp | |
skymaplite.h | |
skymapliteevents.cpp | |
skymapqdraw.cpp | |
skymapqdraw.h | |
skypainter.cpp | |
skypainter.h | |
skyqpainter.cpp | |
skyqpainter.h | |
texturemanager.cpp | |
texturemanager.h | |