226 focus()->setAltRefracted(KSUtils::clamp(focus()->altRefracted().Degrees() - dAlt.Degrees(), -90.0, 90.0));
304 double x_min = points[1].pos().x() < points[0].pos().x() ? points[1].pos().x() : points[0].pos().x();
305 double y_min = points[1].pos().y() < points[0].pos().y() ? points[1].pos().y() : points[0].pos().y();
349 QMouseEvent *event = new QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, pinchCenter, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton,
416 QMouseEvent *event = new QMouseEvent(QEvent::MouseButtonPress, point, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton,
This class loads QML files and connects SkyMapLite and KStarsData Unlike KStars class it is not a mai...
Definition kstarslite.h:47
void slotTrack()
start tracking clickedPoint or stop tracking if we are already tracking some object
Definition kstarslite.cpp:185
virtual SkyPoint fromScreen(const QPointF &p, KStarsData *data, bool onlyAltAz=false) const
Determine RA, Dec coordinates of the pixel at (dx, dy), which are the screen pixel coordinate offsets...
Definition projector.cpp:460
SkyPoint * focus()
Retrieve the Focus point; the position on the sky at the center of the skymap.
Definition skymaplite.h:125
void setDestination(const SkyPoint &f)
sets the destination point of the sky map.
Definition skymaplite.cpp:278
void forceUpdate()
Recalculates the positions of objects in the sky, and then repaints the sky map.
Definition skymaplite.cpp:639
virtual void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
Process keystrokes:
Definition skymapliteevents.cpp:21
void setClickedObject(SkyObject *o)
Set the ClickedObject pointer to the argument.
Definition skymaplite.cpp:312
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
Center SkyMap at double-clicked location.
Definition skymapliteevents.cpp:138
SkyObject * clickedObject() const
Retrieve the object nearest to a mouse click event.
Definition skymaplite.h:234
virtual void touchEvent(QTouchEvent *e) override
this function handles zooming in and out using "pinch to zoom" gesture
Definition skymapliteevents.cpp:268
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
set mouseButtonDown==false, slewing==false
Definition skymapliteevents.cpp:100
bool getSlewing() const
Proxy method for SkyMapDrawAbstract::drawObjectLabels()
Definition skymaplite.h:422
void mousePointChanged(SkyPoint *)
Emitted when position under mouse changed.
void posClicked(QPointF pos)
Emitted when user clicks on SkyMapLite (analogous to positionClicked but sends QPoint)
void setDestinationAltAz(const dms &alt, const dms &az, bool altIsRefracted)
sets the destination point of the sky map, using its alt/az coordinates.
Definition skymaplite.cpp:290
void setClickedPoint(SkyPoint *f)
Set the ClickedPoint to the skypoint given as an argument.
Definition skymaplite.cpp:306
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e) override
This function does several different things depending on the state of the program:
Definition skymapliteevents.cpp:148
virtual void wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *e) override
Zoom in and out with the mouse wheel.
Definition skymapliteevents.cpp:254
void stopTracking()
Convenience function for shutting off tracking mode.
Definition skymapliteevents.cpp:516
bool getAutomaticMode() const
True if automatic mode is on (SkyMapLite is controlled by smartphones accelerometer magnetometer)
Definition skymaplite.h:438
void setSlewing(bool newSlewing)
sets whether SkyMapLite is being slewed
Definition skymaplite.cpp:942
Provides all necessary information about an object in the sky: its coordinates, name(s),...
Definition skyobject.h:50
void setAltRefracted(dms alt_apparent)
Sets the apparent altitude, checking whether refraction corrections are enabled.
Definition skypoint.cpp:1075
void EquatorialToHorizontal(const CachingDms *LST, const CachingDms *lat)
Determine the (Altitude, Azimuth) coordinates of the SkyPoint from its (RA, Dec) coordinates,...
Definition skypoint.cpp:77
void HorizontalToEquatorial(const dms *LST, const dms *lat)
Determine the (RA, Dec) coordinates of the SkyPoint from its (Altitude, Azimuth) coordinates,...
Definition skypoint.cpp:143
Type type() const const
Qt::KeyboardModifiers modifiers() const const
qsizetype length() const const
QPoint pos() const const
int x() const const
int y() const const
qreal x() const const
qreal y() const const
virtual bool event(QEvent *ev) override
void update()
Qt::MouseButton button() const const
const QList< QEventPoint > & touchPoints() const const
QEventPoint::States touchPointStates() const const
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:55:45 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:55:45 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.