
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345678]
 CArtificialHorizonRepresents custom area from the horizon upwards which represent blocked views from the vantage point of the user
 CBinaryListComponent< T, Component >Functionality for loading the component data from Binary
 CBinaryListComponent< KSAsteroid, AsteroidsComponent >
 CBinFileHelperThis class provides utility functions to handle binary data files in the format prescribed by KStars
 CISD::CameraChipCameraChip class controls a particular chip in camera
 CCaptureProcessOverlay::CaptureHistoryNavigator through the capture history
 CCatalogsDB::CatalogA simple struct to hold information about catalogs
 CCatalogsDB::CatalogStatisticsHolds statistical information about the objects in a catalog
 CColorSchemeThis class stores all of the adjustable colors in KStars, in a QMap object keyed by the names of the colors
 CConstellationBoundaryCollection of lines comprising the borders between constellations
 CConstellationNameThe ConstellationName struct
 Crapidcsv::Converter< T >Class providing conversion to/from numerical datatypes and strings
 Crapidcsv::ConverterParamsDatastructure holding parameters controlling how invalid numbers (including empty strings) should be handled
 Ccovariance_functions::CovFuncBase class definition for covariance functions
 CCrossHairNodeRepresents crosshair of telescope in SkyMapLite
 CCultureListA list of all cultures FIXME: Why not use a QStringList?
 CSkyObjectUserdata::DataStores Users' Logs, Pictures and Websites regarding an object in the sky
 CCatalogsDB::DatabaseErrorDatabase related error, thrown when database access fails or an action does not succeed
 CdataElementA structure describing a data field in the binary file
 CCatalogsDB::DBManagerManages the catalog database and provides an interface to provide an interface to query and modify the database
 Cdc1394color_codings_tA struct containing a list of color codings
 Cdc1394video_modes_tA struct containing a list of video modes
 CDeepStarDataA 16-byte structure that holds star data for really faint stars
 CDetailsTableRepresents details tables that can be inserted to finder charts and logging forms
 CDetalDialogLiteBackend for Object details dialog in QML A backend of details dialog declared in QML
 CDeviceInfoDeviceInfo is simple class to hold DriverInfo and INDI::BaseDevice associated with a particular device
 CdmsAn angle, stored as degrees, but expressible in many ways
 Crapidcsv::DocumentClass representing a CSV document
 COAL::DSLRLensInformation on DSLR lens used in astrophotography
 CEclipticPositionThe ecliptic position of a planet (Longitude, Latitude, and distance from Sun)
 CTrixelCache< content >::elementA container to hold cache elements
 CEyepieceInformation on user eye pieces
 CEyepieceFieldRenders the view through the eyepiece of various telescope types
 CFilterFilter class handles control of INDI Filter devices
 COAL::FilterInformation of user filters
 CEkos::FocusAlgorithmInterfaceInterface intender for autofocus algorithms
 CFOVManagerA simple class handling FOVs
 CFovSnapshotClass that represents single field of view snapshot
 CGaussianProcessGuiderThis class provides a guiding algorithm for the right ascension axis that learns and predicts the periodic gear error with a Gaussian process
 CGeoLocationContains all relevant information for specifying a location on Earth: City Name, State/Province name, Country Name, Longitude, Latitude, Elevation, Time Zone, and Daylight Savings Time rule
 CGreatCircleA class to compute points along a great circle from one az/alt to another
 CGuideGuide is a special class that handles ST4 commands
 CGaussianProcessGuider::guide_parametersHolds all data that is needed for the GP guiding
 CHighPMStarListHolds a list of stars with high proper motion along with the trixel each star is currently located in
 CHTMeshHTMesh was originally intended to be a simple interface to the HTM library for the KStars project that would hide some of the complexity
 CKSAlmanacA class that implements methods to find sun rise, sun set, twilight begin / end times, moon rise and moon set times
 CKSDssImageProvides a class to hold a DSS Image along with its metadata
 CKSNumbersThere are several time-dependent values used in position calculations, that are not specific to an object
 CKSPathsWrapper for QStandardPaths with Android assets support The purpose of this class is to search for resources on some platforms with paths that are not provided by QStandardPaths (e.g
 CKStarsDocumentBase class for KStars documents
 CKSUserDBSingle class to delegate all User database I/O
 CKSUtilsKStars utility functions
 CKXMLGUIBuilder [external]
 CKXMLGUIClient [external]
 CLabelListIndexAn abstract parent class to be inherited by Ecliptic and Equator
 Crapidcsv::LabelParamsDatastructure holding parameters controlling which row and column should be treated as labels
 COAL::LensInformation of lens utilized in the observation
 CLineListA simple data container used by LineListIndex
 Crapidcsv::LineReaderParamsDatastructure holding parameters controlling how special line formats should be treated
 CSkyObjectUserdata::LinkDataStores the tite and URL of a webpage
 CLogImplementation of Open Astronomy Log (OAL) XML specifications to record observation logs
 CKSUtils::LoggingInterface into Qt's logging system
 CLunarEclipseDetailsThe LunarEclipseDetails struct
 CManagerPrimary class to handle all Ekos modules
 CMeshBufferThe sole purpose of a MeshBuffer is to hold storage space for the results of an HTM inetersection and then allow multiple MeshIterator's to walk through the result set
 CMeshIteratorMeshIterator is a very lightweight class used to iterate over the result set of an HTMesh intersection
 CKSDssImage::MetadataStructure to hold some DSS image metadata
 CMlkyWayDraw filled areas as Milky Way and Magellanic clouds
 Crapidcsv::no_converterException thrown when attempting to access Document data in a datatype which is not supported by the Converter class
 CNOMADStarDataWriterWrites NOMAD star data
 CObsConditionsThis class deals with the observing conditions of the night sky
 COAL::ObservationInformation on observation session details
 COAL::ObserverFIXME: why not just use a QHash?
 CKSPlanet::OrbitDataThis class contains doubles A,B,C which represent a single term in a planet's positional expansion sums (each sum-term is A*COS(B+C*T))
 CKSPlanet::OrbitDataCollOrbitDataColl contains three groups of six QVectors
 CKSPlanet::OrbitDataManagerOrbitDataManager places the OrbitDataColl objects for all planets in a QDict indexed by the planets' names
 CPlanetMoonsImplements the moons of a planet
 CPoleAxisPoleAxis class handles determining the mount Ha axis position given three positions taken with the same mount declination
 CProjectorPrimary class that serves as an interface to handle projections
 CQCPAbstractPaintBufferThe abstract base class for paint buffers, which define the rendering backend
 CQCPAxisTickerThe base class tick generator used by QCPAxis to create tick positions and tick labels
 CQCPBarsDataHolds the data of one single data point (one bar) for QCPBars
 CQCPColorGradientDefines a color gradient for use with e.g. QCPColorMap
 CQCPColorMapDataHolds the two-dimensional data of a QCPColorMap plottable
 CQCPCurveDataHolds the data of one single data point for QCPCurve
 CQCPDataContainer< DataType >The generic data container for one-dimensional plottables
 CQCPDataRangeDescribes a data range given by begin and end index
 CQCPDataSelectionDescribes a data set by holding multiple QCPDataRange instances
 CQCPErrorBarsDataHolds the data of one single error bar for QCPErrorBars
 CQCPFinancialDataHolds the data of one single data point for QCPFinancial
 CQCPGraphDataHolds the data of one single data point for QCPGraph
 CQCPItemAnchorAn anchor of an item to which positions can be attached to
 CQCPLineEndingHandles the different ending decorations for line-like items
 CQCPPlottableInterface1DDefines an abstract interface for one-dimensional plottables
 CQCPRangeRepresents the range an axis is encompassing
 CQCPScatterStyleRepresents the visual appearance of scatter points
 CQCPSelectionDecoratorControls how a plottable's data selection is drawn
 CQCPStatisticalBoxDataHolds the data of one single data point for QCPStatisticalBox
 CQCPVector2DRepresents two doubles as a mathematical 2D vector
 CQDateTime [external]
 CQIODeviceBase [external]
 CQLineF [external]
 CQList< Satellite * > [external]
 CQObject [external]
 CQPaintDevice [external]
 CQPainter [external]
 CQQmlParserStatus [external]
 CQSGNode [external]
 CRangeConvexA spatial convex is composed of spatial constraints
 CFITSData::RecordObject to hold FITS Header records
 CRectangleOverlapThis class checks if two rectangles overlap
 CSchedulerStateHolds all attributes defining the scheduler's state
 CSchemeManagerA set of methods used to work with colors
 COAL::ScopeInformation on telescope used in observation
 CScriptFunctionJason Harris
 CScrollBarThis qml code implements a vertical scrollbar which shall be displayed in listview of sky-objects
 Crapidcsv::SeparatorParamsDatastructure holding parameters controlling how the CSV data fields are separated
 CSequenceJobSequence Job is a container for the details required to capture a series of images
 COAL::SessionInformation on session details
 CShFovExporterHelper class used as a wrapper for StarHopper when capturing FOV snapshots
 CSimpleFovExporterSimpleFovExporter class is used for FOV representation exporting
 COAL::SiteInformation on site of observation
 CSkipListExtends LineList by adding the skip hash to allow the same the data in a LineList to be drawn as a filled and an outlined polygon
 CSkyComponentSkyComponent represents an object on the sky map
 CSkyLabelerThe purpose of this class is to prevent labels from overlapping
 CSkyLineA series of connected line segments in the sky, composed of SkyPoints at its vertices
 CSkyMapDrawAbstractThis class defines the methods that both rendering engines (GLPainter and QPainter) must implement
 CSkyMapViewCarries parameters of a sky map view
 CSkyMapViewManagerManages a list of sky map views
 CSkyObjItemRepresents an item in the list of interesting sky-objects
 CSkyPainterDraws things on the sky, without regard to backend
 CSkyPointThe sky coordinates of a point in the sky
 CSpatialConstraintThe Constraint is really a cone on the sky-sphere
 CSpatialExceptionHTM SpatialIndex Exception base class This is the base class for all Science Archive exceptions
 CSpatialIndexSpatialIndex is a quad tree of spherical triangles
 CSpatialVectorSpatialVector is a 3D vector usually living on the surface of the sphere
 CStarBlockHolds a block of stars and various peripheral variables to mark its place in data structures
 CStarBlockFactoryA factory that creates StarBlocks and recycles them in an LRU Cache
 CStarBlockListMaintains a list of StarBlocks that contain the stars lying in a single trixel
 CStarDataA 32-byte Structure that holds star data
 CStarHopperHelps planning star hopping
 CTimeZoneRuleThis class provides the information needed to determine whether Daylight Savings Time (DST; a.k.a
 CTrixelCache< content >A simple integer indexed elastically cached wrapper around std::vector to hold container types content which are cheap to construct empty and provide a default constructor, as well as [], size and swap members (think std::vector and std::list)
 CViewParamsThis is just a container that holds information needed to do projections
 CYAxisInfoUsed to keep track of the various Y-axes and connect them to the QLineEdits
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