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GeoLocation Class Reference

#include <geolocation.h>

Public Member Functions

 GeoLocation (const dms &lng, const dms &lat, const QString &name="Nowhere", const QString &province="Nowhere", const QString &country="Nowhere", double TZ=0, TimeZoneRule *TZrule=nullptr, double elevation=-10, bool readOnly=false, int iEllips=4)
 GeoLocation (double x, double y, double z, const QString &name="Nowhere", const QString &province="Nowhere", const QString &country="Nowhere", double TZ=0, TimeZoneRule *TZrule=nullptr, double elevation=-10, bool readOnly=false, int iEllips=4)
void cartToGeod ()
void changeEllipsoid (int i)
QString country () const
double distanceTo (const dms &longitude, const dms &latitude)
double elevation () const
int ellipsoid () const
QString fullName () const
void geodToCart ()
dms GSTtoLST (const dms &gst) const
bool isReadOnly () const
const CachingDmslat () const
double LMST (double jd)
const CachingDmslng () const
dms LSTtoGST (const dms &lst) const
KStarsDateTime LTtoUT (const KStarsDateTime &lt) const
QString name () const
QString province () const
void setCountry (const QString &n)
void setElevation (double hg)
void setEllipsoid (int i)
void setLat (const dms &l)
void setLong (const dms &l)
void setName (const QString &n)
void setProvince (const QString &n)
void setReadOnly (bool value)
void setTZ0 (double value)
void setTZRule (TimeZoneRule *value)
void setXPos (double x)
void setYPos (double y)
void setZPos (double z)
void TopocentricVelocity (double vtopo[], const dms &gt)
QString translatedCountry () const
QString translatedName () const
QString translatedProvince () const
double TZ () const
double TZ0 () const
TimeZoneRuletzrule ()
KStarsDateTime UTtoLT (const KStarsDateTime &ut) const
double xPos () const
double yPos () const
double zPos () const

Detailed Description

Contains all relevant information for specifying a location on Earth: City Name, State/Province name, Country Name, Longitude, Latitude, Elevation, Time Zone, and Daylight Savings Time rule.

Relevant data about an observing location on Earth.

Jason Harris

Definition at line 27 of file geolocation.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GeoLocation() [1/2]

GeoLocation::GeoLocation ( const dms & lng,
const dms & lat,
const QString & name = "Nowhere",
const QString & province = "Nowhere",
const QString & country = "Nowhere",
double TZ = 0,
TimeZoneRule * TZrule = nullptr,
double elevation = -10,
bool readOnly = false,
int iEllips = 4 )

Constructor using dms objects to specify longitude and latitude.

lngthe longitude
latthe latitude
namethe name of the city/town/location
provincethe name of the province/US state
countrythe name of the country
TZthe base time zone offset from Greenwich, UK
TZrulepointer to the daylight savings time rule
elevationthe elevation above sea level (in meters)
readOnlywhether the location is read only or updatable.
iEllipstype of geodetic ellipsoid model

Definition at line 12 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ GeoLocation() [2/2]

GeoLocation::GeoLocation ( double x,
double y,
double z,
const QString & name = "Nowhere",
const QString & province = "Nowhere",
const QString & country = "Nowhere",
double TZ = 0,
TimeZoneRule * TZrule = nullptr,
double elevation = -10,
bool readOnly = false,
int iEllips = 4 )

Constructor using doubles to specify X, Y and Z referred to the center of the Earth.

xthe x-position, in m
ythe y-position, in m
zthe z-position, in m
namethe name of the city/town/location
provincethe name of the province/US state
countrythe name of the country
TZthe base time zone offset from Greenwich, UK
TZrulepointer to the daylight savings time rule
elevationthe elevation above sea level (in meters)
readOnlywhether the location is read only or updatable.
iEllipstype of geodetic ellipsoid model

Definition at line 28 of file geolocation.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ cartToGeod()

void GeoLocation::cartToGeod ( )

Converts from cartesian coordinates in meters to longitude, latitude and height on a standard geoid for the Earth.

The geoid is characterized by two parameters: the semimajor axis and the flattening.

The astronomical zenith is defined as the perpendicular to the real geoid. The geodetic zenith is the perpendicular to the standard geoid. Both zeniths differ due to local gravitational anomalies.

Algorithm is from "GPS Satellite Surveying", A. Leick, page 184.

Definition at line 102 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ changeEllipsoid()

void GeoLocation::changeEllipsoid ( int i)

Update Latitude, Longitude and Height according to new ellipsoid.

These are computed from XYZ which do NOT change on changing the ellipsoid.

iindex to identify the ellipsoid

Definition at line 70 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ country()

QString GeoLocation::country ( ) const
untranslated Country name

Definition at line 124 of file geolocation.h.

◆ distanceTo()

double GeoLocation::distanceTo ( const dms & longitude,
const dms & latitude )

distanceTo Return the distance in km from this location to the given longitude and latitude

longitudeTarget site longitude
latitudeTarget site latitude
distance in kilometers between this site and the target site.

Definition at line 213 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ elevation()

double GeoLocation::elevation ( ) const
elevation above seal level (meters)

Definition at line 76 of file geolocation.h.

◆ ellipsoid()

int GeoLocation::ellipsoid ( ) const
index identifying the geodetic ellipsoid model

Definition at line 100 of file geolocation.h.

◆ fullName()

QString GeoLocation::fullName ( ) const
comma-separated city, province, country names (each localized)

Definition at line 46 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ geodToCart()

void GeoLocation::geodToCart ( )

Converts from longitude, latitude and height on a standard geoid of the Earth to cartesian coordinates in meters.

The geoid is characterized by two parameters: the semimajor axis and the flattening.

The astronomical zenith is defined as the perpendicular to the real geoid. The geodetic zenith is the perpendicular to the standard geoid. Both zeniths differ due to local gravitational anomalies.

Algorithm is from "GPS Satellite Surveying", A. Leick, page 184.

Definition at line 132 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ GSTtoLST()

dms GeoLocation::GSTtoLST ( const dms & gst) const

Definition at line 296 of file geolocation.h.

◆ isReadOnly()

bool GeoLocation::isReadOnly ( ) const

Definition at line 183 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ lat()

const CachingDms * GeoLocation::lat ( ) const
pointer to the latitude dms object

Definition at line 70 of file geolocation.h.

◆ LMST()

double GeoLocation::LMST ( double jd)
Local Mean Sidereal Time.
jdJulian date

Definition at line 166 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ lng()

const CachingDms * GeoLocation::lng ( ) const
pointer to the longitude dms object

Definition at line 64 of file geolocation.h.

◆ LSTtoGST()

dms GeoLocation::LSTtoGST ( const dms & lst) const

Definition at line 300 of file geolocation.h.

◆ LTtoUT()

KStarsDateTime GeoLocation::LTtoUT ( const KStarsDateTime & lt) const

Definition at line 203 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ name()

QString GeoLocation::name ( ) const
untranslated City name

Definition at line 106 of file geolocation.h.

◆ province()

QString GeoLocation::province ( ) const
untranslated Province name

Definition at line 115 of file geolocation.h.

◆ setCountry()

void GeoLocation::setCountry ( const QString & n)

Set Country name according to argument.

nnew country name

Definition at line 245 of file geolocation.h.

◆ setElevation()

void GeoLocation::setElevation ( double hg)

Set elevation above sea level.

hgthe new elevation (meters)

Definition at line 189 of file geolocation.h.

◆ setEllipsoid()

void GeoLocation::setEllipsoid ( int i)

The geoid is an elliposid which fits the shape of the Earth.

It is characterized by two parameters: the semimajor axis and the flattening.

iis the index which allows to identify the parameters for the chosen elliposid. 1="IAU76", 2="GRS80", 3="MERIT83", 4="WGS84", 5="IERS89".

Definition at line 60 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ setLat()

void GeoLocation::setLat ( const dms & l)

Set latitude according to dms argument.

lthe new latitude

Definition at line 180 of file geolocation.h.

◆ setLong()

void GeoLocation::setLong ( const dms & l)

Set longitude according to dms argument.

lthe new longitude

Definition at line 171 of file geolocation.h.

◆ setName()

void GeoLocation::setName ( const QString & n)

Set City name according to argument.

nnew city name

Definition at line 229 of file geolocation.h.

◆ setProvince()

void GeoLocation::setProvince ( const QString & n)

Set Province name according to argument.

nnew province name

Definition at line 237 of file geolocation.h.

◆ setReadOnly()

void GeoLocation::setReadOnly ( bool value)

Definition at line 188 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ setTZ0()

void GeoLocation::setTZ0 ( double value)

Set Time zone.

valuethe new time zone

Definition at line 157 of file geolocation.h.

◆ setTZRule()

void GeoLocation::setTZRule ( TimeZoneRule * value)

Set Time zone rule.

valuepointer to the new time zone rule

Definition at line 164 of file geolocation.h.

◆ setXPos()

void GeoLocation::setXPos ( double x)

Set X.

xthe new x-position (meters)

Definition at line 198 of file geolocation.h.

◆ setYPos()

void GeoLocation::setYPos ( double y)

Set Y.

ythe new y-position (meters)

Definition at line 206 of file geolocation.h.

◆ setZPos()

void GeoLocation::setZPos ( double z)

Set Z.

zthe new z-position (meters)

Definition at line 214 of file geolocation.h.

◆ TopocentricVelocity()

void GeoLocation::TopocentricVelocity ( double vtopo[],
const dms & gt )

Computes the velocity in km/s of an observer on the surface of the Earth referred to a system whose origin is the center of the Earth.

The X and Y axis are contained in the equator and the X axis is towards the nodes line. The Z axis is along the poles.

vtopo[]Topocentric velocity. The resultant velocity is available in this array.
gtGreenwich sideral time for which we want to compute the topocentric velocity.

Definition at line 148 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ translatedCountry()

QString GeoLocation::translatedCountry ( ) const
translated Country name

Definition at line 97 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ translatedName()

QString GeoLocation::translatedName ( ) const
translated City name

Definition at line 76 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ translatedProvince()

QString GeoLocation::translatedProvince ( ) const
translated Province name

Definition at line 90 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ TZ()

double GeoLocation::TZ ( ) const
time zone, including any DST correction.

Definition at line 142 of file geolocation.h.

◆ TZ0()

double GeoLocation::TZ0 ( ) const
time zone without DST correction

Definition at line 136 of file geolocation.h.

◆ tzrule()

TimeZoneRule * GeoLocation::tzrule ( )
pointer to time zone rule object

Definition at line 150 of file geolocation.h.

◆ UTtoLT()

KStarsDateTime GeoLocation::UTtoLT ( const KStarsDateTime & ut) const

Definition at line 193 of file geolocation.cpp.

◆ xPos()

double GeoLocation::xPos ( ) const
X position in m

Definition at line 82 of file geolocation.h.

◆ yPos()

double GeoLocation::yPos ( ) const
Y position in m

Definition at line 88 of file geolocation.h.

◆ zPos()

double GeoLocation::zPos ( ) const
Z position in m

Definition at line 94 of file geolocation.h.

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