
Search for usage in LXR

#include <kspluto.h>

Inheritance diagram for KSPluto:

Public Member Functions

 KSPluto (const QString &fn=QString(), double pSize=0)
 ~KSPluto () override
KSPlutoclone () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from KSAsteroid
 KSAsteroid (int catN, const QString &s, const QString &image_file, long double JD, double a, double e, dms i, dms w, dms N, dms M, double H, double G)
 ~KSAsteroid () override=default
double getAbsoluteMagnitude () const
float getAlbedo () const
float getDiameter () const
QString getDimensions () const
double getEarthMOID () const
QString getOrbitClass () const
QString getOrbitID () const
double getPerihelion () const
float getPeriod () const
float getRotationPeriod () const
double getSlopeParameter () const
SkyObject::UID getUID () const override
bool isNEO () const
bool loadData () override
void setAlbedo (float albedo)
void setDiameter (float diam)
void setDimensions (QString dim)
void setEarthMOID (double earth_moid)
void setNEO (bool neo)
void setOrbitClass (QString orbit_class)
void setOrbitID (QString orbit_id)
void setPerihelion (double perihelion)
void setPeriod (float per)
void setRotationPeriod (float rot_per)
bool toCalculate ()
bool toDraw ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from KSPlanetBase
 KSPlanetBase (const QString &s=i18n("unnamed"), const QString &image_file=QString(), const QColor &c=Qt::white, double pSize=0)
 ~KSPlanetBase () override=default
double angSize () const
QColorcolor ()
const dmsecLat () const
void EclipticToEquatorial (const CachingDms *Obliquity)
const dmsecLong () const
void EquatorialToEcliptic (const CachingDms *Obliquity)
void findPosition (const KSNumbers *num, const CachingDms *lat=nullptr, const CachingDms *LST=nullptr, const KSPlanetBase *Earth=nullptr)
const dmshelEcLat () const
const dmshelEcLong () const
const QImageimage () const
void init (const QString &s, const QString &image_file, const QColor &c, double pSize)
bool isMajorPlanet () const
double labelOffset () const override
double pa () const override
dms phase ()
double physicalSize () const
double rearth () const
double rsun () const
void setAngularSize (double size)
void setColor (const QColor &c)
void setEcLat (dms elat)
void setEcLong (dms elong)
void setPA (double p)
void setPhysicalSize (double size)
void setRearth (const KSPlanetBase *Earth)
void setRearth (double r)
void setRsun (double r)
void updateCoords (const KSNumbers *num, bool includePlanets=true, const CachingDms *lat=nullptr, const CachingDms *LST=nullptr, bool forceRecompute=false) override
- Public Member Functions inherited from TrailObject
 TrailObject (int t, double r, double d, float m=0.0, const QString &n=QString())
 TrailObject (int t=TYPE_UNKNOWN, dms r=dms(0.0), dms d=dms(0.0), float m=0.0, const QString &n=QString())
void addToTrail (const QString &label=QString())
void clearTrail ()
void clipTrail ()
TrailObjectclone () const override
void drawTrail (SkyPainter *skyp) const
bool hasTrail () const
void initPopupMenu (KSPopupMenu *pmenu) override
const QList< SkyPoint > & trail () const
void updateTrail (dms *LST, const dms *lat)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SkyObject
 SkyObject (int t, double r, double d, float m=0.0, const QString &n=QString(), const QString &n2=QString(), const QString &lname=QString())
 SkyObject (int t=TYPE_UNKNOWN, dms r=dms(0.0), dms d=dms(0.0), float m=0.0, const QString &n=QString(), const QString &n2=QString(), const QString &lname=QString())
virtual ~SkyObject () override=default
bool hashBeenUpdated ()
bool hasLongName () const
bool hasName () const
bool hasName2 () const
bool isSolarSystem () const
virtual QString labelString () const
virtual QString longname (void) const
float mag () const
QString messageFromTitle (const QString &imageTitle) const
virtual QString name (void) const
QString name2 (void) const
SkyPoint recomputeCoords (const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo=nullptr) const
SkyPoint recomputeHorizontalCoords (const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo) const
QTime riseSetTime (const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, bool rst, bool exact=true) const
dms riseSetTimeAz (const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, bool rst) const
QTime riseSetTimeUT (const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, bool rst, bool exact=true) const
void setLongName (const QString &longname=QString())
void setName (const QString &name)
void setName2 (const QString &name2=QString())
void setType (int t)
void showPopupMenu (KSPopupMenu *pmenu, const QPoint &pos)
dms transitAltitude (const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo) const
QTime transitTime (const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo) const
QTime transitTimeUT (const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo) const
QString translatedLongName () const
QString translatedName () const
QString translatedName2 () const
int type (void) const
QString typeName () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from SkyPoint
 SkyPoint ()
 SkyPoint (const CachingDms &r, const CachingDms &d)
 SkyPoint (const dms &r, const dms &d)
 SkyPoint (double r, double d)
void aberrate (const KSNumbers *num, bool reverse=false)
void addEterms (void)
double airmass () const
const dmsalt () const
dms altRefracted () const
dms angularDistanceTo (const SkyPoint *sp, double *const positionAngle=nullptr) const
void apparentCoord (long double jd0, long double jdf)
const dmsaz () const
void B1950ToJ2000 (void)
bool bendlight ()
SkyPoint catalogueCoord (long double jdf)
bool checkBendLight ()
bool checkCircumpolar (const dms *gLat) const
const CachingDmsdec () const
const CachingDmsdec0 () const
SkyPoint deprecess (const KSNumbers *num, long double epoch=J2000)
void Equatorial1950ToGalactic (dms &galLong, dms &galLat)
void EquatorialToHorizontal (const CachingDms *LST, const CachingDms *lat)
void EquatorialToHorizontal (const dms *LST, const dms *lat)
SkyPoint Eterms (void)
void findEcliptic (const CachingDms *Obliquity, dms &EcLong, dms &EcLat)
void GalacticToEquatorial1950 (const dms *galLong, const dms *galLat)
long double getLastPrecessJD () const
void HorizontalToEquatorial (const dms *LST, const dms *lat)
void HorizontalToEquatorialICRS (const dms *LST, const dms *lat, const long double jdf)
void HorizontalToEquatorialNow ()
bool isValid () const
void J2000ToB1950 (void)
double maxAlt (const dms &lat) const
double minAlt (const dms &lat) const
SkyPoint moveAway (const SkyPoint &from, double dist) const
void nutate (const KSNumbers *num, const bool reverse=false)
bool operator== (SkyPoint &p) const
dms parallacticAngle (const CachingDms &LST, const CachingDms &lat)
void precessFromAnyEpoch (long double jd0, long double jdf)
const CachingDmsra () const
const CachingDmsra0 () const
void set (const dms &r, const dms &d)
void setAlt (dms alt)
void setAlt (double alt)
void setAltRefracted (dms alt_apparent)
void setAltRefracted (double alt_apparent)
void setAz (dms az)
void setAz (double az)
void setDec (const CachingDms &d)
void setDec (dms d)
void setDec (double d)
void setDec0 (const CachingDms &d)
void setDec0 (dms d)
void setDec0 (double d)
void setFromEcliptic (const CachingDms *Obliquity, const dms &EcLong, const dms &EcLat)
void setRA (const CachingDms &r)
void setRA (dms &r)
void setRA (double r)
void setRA0 (CachingDms r)
void setRA0 (dms r)
void setRA0 (double r)
void subtractEterms (void)
virtual void updateCoordsNow (const KSNumbers *num)
double vGeocentric (double vhelio, long double jd)
double vGeoToVHelio (double vgeo, long double jd)
double vHeliocentric (double vlsr, long double jd)
double vHelioToVlsr (double vhelio, long double jd)
double vREarth (long double jd0)
double vRSite (double vsite[3])
double vRSun (long double jd)
double vTopocentric (double vgeo, double vsite[3])
double vTopoToVGeo (double vtopo, double vsite[3])

Protected Member Functions

bool findGeocentricPosition (const KSNumbers *num, const KSPlanetBase *Earth=nullptr) override
- Protected Member Functions inherited from KSAsteroid
void set_a (double newa)
void set_e (double newe)
void set_i (double newi)
void set_M (double newM)
void set_N (double newN)
void set_P (double newP)
void set_w (double neww)
void setJD (long double jd)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from KSPlanetBase
virtual double findAngularSize ()
void findPA (const KSNumbers *num)
virtual void findPhase ()
UID solarsysUID (UID type) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SkyObject
void setMag (float m)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SkyPoint
void precess (const KSNumbers *num)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from KSPlanetBase
enum  Planets {
  MERCURY = 0 , VENUS = 1 , MARS = 2 , JUPITER = 3 ,
  SATURN = 4 , URANUS = 5 , NEPTUNE = 6 , SUN = 7 ,
- Public Types inherited from SkyObject
enum  TYPE {
  MOON = 12 , ASTERISM = 13 , GALAXY_CLUSTER = 14 , DARK_NEBULA = 15 ,
  QUASAR = 16 , MULT_STAR = 17 , RADIO_SOURCE = 18 , SATELLITE = 19 ,
typedef qint64 UID
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from KSPlanetBase
static KSPlanetBasecreatePlanet (int n)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from TrailObject
static void clearTrailsExcept (SkyObject *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SkyObject
static QString typeName (const int t)
static QString typeShortName (const int t)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SkyPoint
static dms findAltitude (const SkyPoint *p, const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, const double hour=0)
static dms refract (const dms alt, bool conditional=true)
static double refract (const double alt, bool conditional=true)
static double refractionCorr (double alt)
static SkyPoint timeTransformed (const SkyPoint *p, const KStarsDateTime &dt, const GeoLocation *geo, const double hour=0)
static dms unrefract (const dms alt, bool conditional=true)
static double unrefract (const double alt, bool conditional=true)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from KSAsteroid
static const SkyObject::TYPE TYPE = SkyObject::ASTEROID
- Static Public Attributes inherited from KSPlanetBase
static QVector< QColorplanetColor
- Static Public Attributes inherited from TrailObject
static const int MaxTrail = 400
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SkyObject
static const UID invalidUID = ~0
static const UID UID_DEEPSKY = 2
static const UID UID_GALAXY = 1
static const UID UID_SOLARSYS = 3
static const UID UID_STAR = 0
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SkyPoint
static const double altCrit = -1.0
static bool implementationIsLibnova = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from KSPlanetBase
EclipticPosition ep
EclipticPosition helEcPos
QImage m_image
double Phase {NaN::d}
double Rearth {NaN::d}
- Protected Attributes inherited from TrailObject
QList< QStringm_TrailLabels
QList< SkyPointTrail
- Protected Attributes inherited from SkyObject
bool has_been_updated = true
QString LongName
QString Name
QString Name2
- Protected Attributes inherited from SkyPoint
long double lastPrecessJD { 0 }
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from KSPlanetBase
static const UID UID_SOL_ASTEROID = 1
static const UID UID_SOL_BIGOBJ = 0
static const UID UID_SOL_COMET = 2
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from TrailObject
static QSet< TrailObject * > trailObjects

Detailed Description

A subclass of KSAsteroid that represents the planet Pluto.

Now, we are certainly NOT claiming that Pluto is an asteroid. However, the findPosition() routines of KSPlanet do not work properly for Pluto. We had been using a unique polynomial expansion for Pluto, but even this fails spectacularly for dates much more remote than a few hundred years. We consider it better to instead treat Pluto's orbit much more simply, using elliptical orbital elements as we do for asteroids. In order to improve the long-term accuracy of Pluto's position, we are also including linear approximations of the evolution of each orbital element with time.

The orbital element data (including the time-derivatives) come from the NASA/JPL website: https://ssd.jpl.nasa.gov/?planets#elem

Provides necessary information about Pluto.

Jason Harris

Definition at line 32 of file kspluto.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ KSPluto()

KSPluto::KSPluto ( const QString & fn = QString(),
double pSize = 0 )


Calls KSAsteroid constructor with name="Pluto", and fills in orbital element data (which is hard-coded for now).

fnfilename of Pluto's image
pSizephysical diameter of Pluto, in km

Definition at line 25 of file kspluto.cpp.

◆ ~KSPluto()

KSPluto::~KSPluto ( )

Destructor (empty)

Definition at line 54 of file kspluto.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ clone()

KSPluto * KSPluto::clone ( ) const

Create copy of object.

This method is virtual copy constructor. It allows for safe copying of objects. In other words, KSPlanet object stored in SkyObject pointer will be copied as KSPlanet.

Each subclass of SkyObject MUST implement clone method. There is no checking to ensure this, though.

pointer to newly allocated object. Caller takes full responsibility for deallocating it.

Reimplemented from KSAsteroid.

Definition at line 48 of file kspluto.cpp.

◆ findGeocentricPosition()

bool KSPluto::findGeocentricPosition ( const KSNumbers * num,
const KSPlanetBase * Earth = nullptr )

A custom findPosition() function for Pluto.

Computes the values of the orbital elements on the requested date, and calls KSAsteroid::findGeocentricPosition() using those elements.

numtime-dependent values for the desired date
Earthplanet Earth (needed to calculate geocentric coords)
true if position was successfully calculated.

Reimplemented from KSAsteroid.

Definition at line 60 of file kspluto.cpp.

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Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:55:46 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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