77 * Ekos::Focus interface provides advanced scripting capabilities to perform manual and automatic focusing operations.
90 * select the focuser device from the available focuser drivers. The focuser device can be the same as the CCD driver if the focuser functionality was embedded within the driver.
97 * select the filter device from the available filter drivers. The filter device can be the same as the CCD driver if the filter functionality was embedded within the driver.
153 * Set Auto Focus options. The options must be set before starting the autofocus operation. If no options are set, the options loaded from the user configuration are used.
154 * @param enable If true, Ekos will attempt to automatically select the best focus star in the frame. If it fails to select a star, the user will be asked to select a star manually.
159 * Set Auto Focus options. The options must be set before starting the autofocus operation. If no options are set, the options loaded from the user configuration are used.
160 * @param enable if true, Ekos will capture a subframe around the selected focus star. The subframe size is determined by the boxSize parameter.
166 * @param boxSize the box size around the focus star in pixels. The boxsize is used to subframe around the focus star.
167 * @param stepSize the initial step size to be commanded to the focuser. If the focuser is absolute, the step size is in ticks. For relative focusers, the focuser will be commanded to focus inward for stepSize milliseconds initially.
169 * @param tolerance Measure of how accurate the autofocus algorithm is. If the difference between the current HFR and minimum measured HFR is less than %tolerance after the focuser traversed both ends of the V-curve, then the focusing operation
172 Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setAutoFocusParameters(int boxSize, int stepSize, int maxTravel, double tolerance);
228 void updateTemperatureSources(const QList<QSharedPointer<ISD::GenericDevice>> &temperatureSources);
277 * @param ms If set, focus inward for ms ticks (Absolute Focuser), or ms milliseconds (Relative Focuser). If not set, it will use the value specified in the options.
284 * @param ms If set, focus outward for ms ticks (Absolute Focuser), or ms milliseconds (Relative Focuser). If not set, it will use the value specified in the options.
289 * @brief checkFocus Given the minimum required HFR, check focus and calculate HFR. If current HFR exceeds required HFR, start autofocus process, otherwise do nothing.
314 * @brief checkStopFocus Perform checks before stopping the autofocus operation. Some checks are necessary for in-sequence focusing.
315 * @param abort true iff focusing should be aborted, false if it should only be stopped and marked as failed
325 * @brief Check CCD and make sure information is updated accordingly. This simply calls syncCameraInfo for the current CCD.
326 * @param CCDNum By default, we check the already selected CCD in the dropdown menu. If CCDNum is specified, the check is made against this specific CCD in the dropdown menu.
343 * @param FocuserNum By default, we check the already selected focuser in the dropdown menu. If FocuserNum is specified, the check is made against this specific focuser in the dropdown menu.
350 * @param filterNum By default, we check the already selected filter in the dropdown menu. If filterNum is specified, the check is made against this specific filter in the dropdown menu.
367 * @brief focusStarSelected The user selected a focus star, save its coordinates and subframe it if subframing is enabled.
375 * It calls focusStarSelected after multiplying the fractions (0.0 to 1.0) with the focus view width and height.
388 * @brief updateProperty Read focus number properties of interest as they arrive from the focuser driver and process them accordingly.
400 * @brief setFocusStatus Upon completion of the focusing process, set its status (fail or pass) and reset focus process to clean state.
424 * @brief setWeatherData Updates weather data that could be used to extract focus temperature from observatory
460 * @param enable If true, subframing is enabled. If false, subframing is disabled. Even if subframing is enabled, it must be supported by the CCD driver.
511 void autofocusStarting(double temperature, const QString &filter, AutofocusReason reason, const QString &reasonInfo);
512 void autofocusComplete(double temperature, const QString &filter, const QString &points, const bool useWeights,
534 void adaptiveFocusComplete(const QString &filter, double temperature, double tempTicks, double altitude, double altTicks,
547 void initHFRPlot(QString str, double starUnits, bool minimum, bool useWeights, bool showPosition);
557 void newHFRPlotPosition(double pos, double hfr, double sigma, bool outlier, int pulseDuration, bool plot = true);
649 * @brief syncSettings When checkboxes, comboboxes, or spin boxes are updated, save their values in the
736 return (canAbsMove || canRelMove || (m_FocusAlgorithm == FOCUS_LINEAR) || (m_FocusAlgorithm == FOCUS_LINEAR1PASS));
788 bool boxOverlap(const QPair<int, int> b1Start, const QPair<int, int> b1End, const QPair<int, int> b2Start,
813 // we will then scan back in (back to the originally requested position). This "overscan dance" is done
814 // to reduce backlash on such movement changes and so that we've always focused in before capture.
829 void getBlurriness(const StarMeasure starMeasure, const bool denoise, double *blurriness, double *weight,
837 /** @internal Search for stars using the method currently configured, and return the consolidated HFR.
839 * @return the HFR of the star or field of stars in the frame, depending on the consolidation method, or -1 if it cannot be estimated.
844 * @param newMeasure is the new measure (e.g. HFR, FWHM, etc) to consider for the current focuser position.
850 * @brief completeAutofocusProcedure finishes off autofocus and emits a message for other modules.
852 void completeFocusProcedure(FocusState completionState, AutofocusFailReason failCode, QString failCodeInfo = "",
887 * @brief handleFocusMotionTimeout When focuser is command to go to a target position, we expect to receive a notification
986 /// They're generic GDInterface because they could be either ISD::Camera or ISD::FilterWheel or ISD::Weather
989 /// Last Focus direction. Used by Iterative and Polynomial. NOTE: this does not take account of overscan
1013 Mathematics::RobustStatistics::ScaleCalculation m_ScaleCalc { Mathematics::RobustStatistics::SCALE_SESTIMATOR };
1033 /// Is HFR increasing? We're going away from the sweet spot! If HFRInc=1, we re-capture just to make sure HFR calculations are correct, if HFRInc > 1, we switch directions
1035 /// If HFR decreasing? Well, good job. Once HFR start decreasing, we can start calculating HFR slope and estimating our next move.
1049 /// Pulse duration in ms for relative focusers that only support timers, or the number of ticks in a relative or absolute focuser
1061 /// How many iterations have we completed now in our absolute autofocus algorithm? We can't go forever
1076 // Was the frame modified by us? Better keep track since we need to return it to its previous state once we are done with the focus operation.
1080 /// If the autofocus process fails, let's not ruin the capture session probably taking place in the next tab. Instead, we should restart it and try again, but we keep count until we hit MAXIMUM_RESET_ITERATIONS
1090 /// Keep track of request to retry or abort an AutoFocus run after focus position has been reset
1093 /// RESTART_ABORT = when autofocus has been tried MAXIMUM_RESET_ITERATIONS times, abort the routine
1108 /// If HFR=-1 which means no stars detected, we need to decide how many times should the re-capture process take place before we give up or reverse direction.
1110 /// Track which upload mode the CCD is set to. If set to UPLOAD_LOCAL, then we need to switch it to UPLOAD_CLIENT in order to do focusing, and then switch it back to UPLOAD_LOCAL
1118 // R2 as a measure of how well the curve fits the datapoints. Passed to the V-curve graph for display
1122 // Counter to retry starting focus operation (autofocus, adjust focus, etc) if the focuser is still active
1193 /// Track star position and HFR to know if we're detecting bogus stars due to detection algorithm false positive results
Interface intender for autofocus algorithms.
Definition focusalgorithms.h:31
void drawPolynomial(PolynomialFit *poly, bool isVShape, bool activate, bool plot=true)
draw the approximating polynomial into the HFR V-graph
void toggleVideo(bool enabled)
toggleVideo Turn on and off video streaming if supported by the camera.
Definition focus.cpp:5703
void checkTemperatureSource(const QString &name=QString())
Check temperature source and make sure information is updated accordingly.
Definition focus.cpp:561
void startFraming()
startFraming Begins continuous capture of the CCD and calculates HFR every frame.
Definition focus.cpp:4737
void newHFRPlotPosition(double pos, double hfr, double sigma, bool outlier, int pulseDuration, bool plot=true)
new HFR plot position with sigma
void redrawHFRPlot(PolynomialFit *poly, double solutionPosition, double solutionValue)
redraw the entire HFR plot
void loadStellarSolverProfiles()
setWeatherData Updates weather data that could be used to extract focus temperature from observatory ...
Definition focus.cpp:241
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setBinning(int binX, int binY)
DBUS interface function.
Definition focus.cpp:5244
void clearDataPoints()
clearDataPoints Remove all data points from HFR plots
Definition focus.cpp:3240
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setAutoStarEnabled(bool enable)
DBUS interface function.
Definition focus.cpp:5250
void runAutoFocus(const AutofocusReason autofocusReason, const QString &reasonInfo)
Run the autofocus process for the currently selected filter.
Definition focus.cpp:1006
void updateProperty(INDI::Property prop)
updateProperty Read focus number properties of interest as they arrive from the focuser driver and pr...
Definition focus.cpp:4306
void focusStarSelected(int x, int y)
focusStarSelected The user selected a focus star, save its coordinates and subframe it if subframing ...
Definition focus.cpp:4970
void reconnectFocuser(const QString &focuser)
reconnectFocuser Add focuser to the list of available focusers.
Definition focus.cpp:2010
bool setFocuser(ISD::Focuser *device)
addFocuser Add focuser to the list of available focusers.
Definition focus.cpp:699
void processData(const QSharedPointer< FITSData > &data)
newFITS A new FITS blob is received by the CCD driver.
Definition focus.cpp:2036
void focuserTimedout(const QString &focuser)
focuserTimedout responding to requests
void initHFRPlot(QString str, double starUnits, bool minimum, bool useWeights, bool showPosition)
initialize the HFR V plot
void selectFocusStarFraction(double x, double y)
selectFocusStarFraction Select the focus star based by fraction of the overall size.
Definition focus.cpp:4957
void appendLogText(const QString &logtext)
setFocusStatus Upon completion of the focusing process, set its status (fail or pass) and reset focus...
Definition focus.cpp:4722
void adaptiveFocus()
adaptiveFocus moves the focuser between subframes to stay at focus
Definition focus.cpp:980
void processTemperatureSource(INDI::Property prop)
processTemperatureSource Updates focus temperature source.
Definition focus.cpp:913
void removeDevice(const QSharedPointer< ISD::GenericDevice > &deviceRemoved)
removeDevice Remove device from Focus module
Definition focus.cpp:5467
void syncCameraInfo()
syncCameraInfo Read current CCD information and update settings accordingly.
Definition focus.cpp:463
void checkFilter()
Check Filter and make sure information is updated accordingly.
Definition focus.cpp:665
void drawCFZ(double minPosition, double minValue, int m_cfzSteps, bool plt)
Draw Critical Focus Zone on graph.
void finalUpdates(const QString &title, bool plot=true)
final updates after focus run comopletes on the focus plot
void minimumFound(double solutionPosition, double solutionValue, bool plot=true)
Focus solution with minimal HFR found.
void checkStopFocus(bool abort)
checkStopFocus Perform checks before stopping the autofocus operation.
Definition focus.cpp:1465
void checkFocuser()
Check Focuser and make sure information is updated accordingly.
Definition focus.cpp:737
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setExposure(double value)
DBUS interface function.
Definition focus.cpp:5239
void setTitle(const QString &title, bool plot=true)
draw a title on the focus plot
void drawCurve(CurveFitting *curve, bool isVShape, bool activate, bool plot=true)
draw the curve into the HFR V-graph
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setAutoFocusParameters(int boxSize, int stepSize, int maxTravel, double tolerance)
DBUS interface function.
Definition focus.cpp:5260
bool setFilterWheel(ISD::FilterWheel *device)
addFilter Add filter to the list of available filters.
Definition focus.cpp:501
void updateTemperatureSources(const QList< QSharedPointer< ISD::GenericDevice > > &temperatureSources)
updateTemperatureSources Update list of available temperature sources.
Definition focus.cpp:542
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setAutoSubFrameEnabled(bool enable)
DBUS interface function.
Definition focus.cpp:5255
void checkCamera()
Check CCD and make sure information is updated accordingly.
Definition focus.cpp:352
void selectImageMask()
setImageMask Select the currently active image mask filtering the stars relevant for focusing
Definition focus.cpp:1973
void adaptiveFocusComplete(const QString &filter, double temperature, double tempTicks, double altitude, double altTicks, int prevPosError, int thisPosError, int totalTicks, int position, bool focuserMoved)
Signal Analyze that an Adaptive Focus iteration is complete.
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void checkFocus(double requiredHFR)
checkFocus Given the minimum required HFR, check focus and calculate HFR.
Definition focus.cpp:5108
Q_SCRIPTABLE bool focusOut(int ms=-1, int speedFactor=1)
DBUS interface function.
Definition focus.cpp:1820
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void capture(double settleTime=0.0)
DBUS interface function.
Definition focus.cpp:1622
Q_SCRIPTABLE bool focusIn(int ms=-1, int speedFactor=1)
DBUS interface function.
Definition focus.cpp:1796
const QObjectList & children() const const
QWidget(QWidget *parent, Qt::WindowFlags f)
void update()
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:55:44 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:55:44 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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