222 bool AddFlag(const QString &ra, const QString &dec, const QString &epoch, const QString &image_name,
269 bool AddScope(const QString &model, const QString &vendor, const QString &type, const double &aperture,
304 bool AddEyepiece(const QString &vendor, const QString &model, const double &focalLength, const double &fov,
311 bool AddEyepiece(const QString &vendor, const QString &model, const double &focalLength, const double &fov,
337 bool AddLens(const QString &vendor, const QString &model, const double &factor, const QString &id);
357 bool AddDSLRLens(const QString &model, const QString &vendor, const double focalLength, const double focalRatio);
363 bool AddDSLRLens(const QString &model, const QString &vendor, const double focalLength, const double focalRatio,
bool GetAllImageOverlays(QList< ImageOverlay > *imageOverlayList)
Gets all the image overlay rows from the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:2518
bool UpdateCollimationOverlayElement(const QVariantMap &oneElement, int id)
Update an existing collimation overlay element.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:3490
bool AddOpticalTrain(const QVariantMap &oneTrain)
Add a new optical train to the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:995
bool AddFilter(const filterProperties *fp)
Add a new filter to the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:1857
bool AddSkyMapView(const SkyMapView &view)
Adds a new sky map view row in the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:2708
bool AddCollimationOverlayElement(const QVariantMap &oneElement)
Add a new collimation overlay element to the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:3455
bool AddObserver(const QString &name, const QString &surname, const QString &contact)
Adds a new observer into the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:669
bool AddLens(const QString &vendor, const QString &model, const double &factor)
Add a new lens to the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:1763
bool GetAllScopes(QList< OAL::Scope * > &m_scopeList)
updates the scope list with all scopes from database List is cleared and then filled with content.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:1619
bool GetAllHorizons(QList< ArtificialHorizonEntity * > &horizonList)
Gets all the artificial horizon rows from the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:2275
bool AddDSLRLens(const QString &model, const QString &vendor, const double focalLength, const double focalRatio)
Appends the DSLR lens with given details in the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:3076
bool getLastOpticalElement(QJsonObject &element)
getLastOpticalElement Return last inserted scope or lens
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:3195
void AddProfileSettings(uint32_t profile, const QByteArray &settings)
Add new profile settings to the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:3266
bool AddImagingPlannerEntry(const ImagingPlannerDBEntry &entry)
Adds a new Imaging Planner row into the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:2599
bool GetAllObservers(QList< OAL::Observer * > &observer_list)
Updates the passed reference of observer_list with all observers The original content of the list is ...
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:758
bool AddFlag(const QString &ra, const QString &dec, const QString &epoch, const QString &image_name, const QString &label, const QString &labelColor)
Add a new Flag with given parameters.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:1425
bool GetAllFlags(QList< QStringList > &flagList)
Returns a QList populated with all stored flags Order: const QString &ra, const QString &dec,...
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:1455
bool GetAllSkyMapViews(QList< SkyMapView > &skyMapViewList)
Gets all the sky map view rows from the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:2743
bool AddHorizon(ArtificialHorizonEntity *horizon)
Adds a new artificial horizon row into the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:2366
bool DeleteDarkFrame(const QString &filename)
KSUserDB::DeleteDarkFrame Delete from database a dark frame record that matches the filename field.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:851
bool GetAllLenses(QList< OAL::Lens * > &m_lensList)
Populate the reference passed with all lenses.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:1819
bool DeleteAllSkyMapViews()
Deletes all the sky map views stored in the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:2683
bool GetAllFilters(QList< OAL::Filter * > &m_filterList)
Populate the reference passed with all filters.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:1944
bool AddDarkFrame(const QVariantMap &oneFrame)
KSUserDB::AddDarkFrame Saves a new dark frame data to the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:794
bool AddImageOverlay(const ImageOverlay &overlay)
Adds a new image overlay row into the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:2465
bool GetProfileSettings(uint32_t profile, QVariantMap &settings)
Populate the reference passed with settings for one paritcular profile.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:3320
bool DeleteObserver(const QString &id)
Removes the user with unique id as given by FindObserver Returns false if the user is not found.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:731
bool GetCollimationOverlayElements(QList< QVariantMap > &collimationOverlayElements)
Populate the reference passed with all collimation overlay elements.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:3546
bool AddScope(const QString &model, const QString &vendor, const QString &type, const double &aperture, const double &focalLength)
Appends the scope with given details in the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:1551
bool DeleteEquipment(const QString &type, const QString &id)
Erase the equipment with given type and unique id Valid equipment types: "telescope",...
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:1499
bool DeleteAllEquipment(const QString &type)
Erases the whole equipment table of given type.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:1523
bool UpdateDarkFrame(const QVariantMap &oneFrame)
KSUserDB::UpdateDarkFrame Updates an existing dark frame record in the data, replace all values match...
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:823
bool GetOpticalTrains(uint32_t profileID, QList< QVariantMap > &opticalTrains)
Populate the reference passed with all optical trains.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:1086
bool UpdateOpticalTrain(const QVariantMap &oneTrain, int id)
Update an existing optical train.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:1030
bool FindObserver(const QString &name, const QString &surname)
Returns the unique id of the user with given name & surname.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:708
bool GetAllDSLRLenses(QList< OAL::DSLRLens * > &dslrlens_list)
updates the dslr list with all DSLR lenses from database List is cleared and then filled with content...
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:3133
bool GetOpticalTrainSettings(uint32_t train, QVariantMap &settings)
Populate the reference passed with settings for one paritcular Train.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:3417
bool AddEyepiece(const QString &vendor, const QString &model, const double &focalLength, const double &fov, const QString &fovunit)
Add new eyepiece to database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:1659
bool DeleteAllImagingPlannerEntries()
Deletes all Imaging Planner rows from the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:2574
bool DeleteAllImageOverlays()
Deletes all image overlay rows from the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:2440
bool GetAllProfiles(QList< QSharedPointer< ProfileInfo > > &profiles)
GetAllProfiles Return all profiles in a QList.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:2953
bool GetAllEyepieces(QList< OAL::Eyepiece * > &m_eyepieceList)
Populate the reference passed with all eyepieces.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:1723
bool AddOpticalTrainSettings(uint32_t train, const QByteArray &settings)
Add new Train settings to the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:3353
bool DeleteAllHorizons()
Deletes all artificial horizon rows from the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:2335
bool GetAllImagingPlannerEntries(QList< ImagingPlannerDBEntry > *entryList)
Gets all the Imaging Planner rows from the database.
Definition ksuserdb.cpp:2637
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:55:42 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2025 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Mar 7 2025 11:55:42 by doxygen 1.13.2 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
KDE's Doxygen guidelines are available online.