80 explicit Legend(
const Legend &o);
81 Legend& operator=(
const Legend &o)
94 inline LEGEND_TYPE getType()
const {
return m_Type; }
100 inline LEGEND_ORIENTATION getOrientation()
const {
return m_Orientation; }
106 inline LEGEND_POSITION getPosition()
const {
return m_Position; }
112 inline QPoint getFloatingPosition()
const {
return m_PositionFloating; }
118 inline int getSymbolSize()
const {
return m_SymbolSize; }
124 inline int getBRectWidth()
const {
return m_BRectWidth; }
130 inline int getBRectHeight()
const {
return m_BRectHeight; }
136 inline int getMaxHScalePixels()
const {
return m_MaxHScalePixels; }
142 inline int getMaxVScalePixels()
const {
return m_MaxVScalePixels; }
148 inline int getXSymbolSpacing()
const {
return m_XSymbolSpacing; }
154 inline int getYSymbolSpacing()
const {
return m_YSymbolSpacing; }
160 inline QFont getFont()
const {
return m_Font; }
166 inline QColor getBgColor()
const {
return m_BgColor; }
172 inline bool getDrawFrame()
const {
return m_DrawFrame; }
178 inline void setType(LEGEND_TYPE type) { m_Type =
type; }
184 inline void setOrientation(LEGEND_ORIENTATION orientation) { m_Orientation = orientation; }
190 inline void setPosition(LEGEND_POSITION pos) { m_Position = pos; }
196 inline void setFloatingPosition(QPoint pos) { m_PositionFloating = pos; }
202 inline void setSymbolSize(
int size) { m_SymbolSize = size; }
208 inline void setBRectWidth(
int width) { m_BRectWidth = width; }
214 inline void setBRectHeight(
int height) { m_BRectHeight = height; }
220 inline void setMaxHScalePixels(
int pixels) { m_MaxHScalePixels = pixels; }
226 inline void setMaxVScalePixels(
int pixels) { m_MaxVScalePixels = pixels; }
232 inline void setXSymbolSpacing(
int spacing) { m_XSymbolSpacing = spacing; }
238 inline void setYSymbolSpacing(
int spacing) { m_YSymbolSpacing = spacing; }
244 inline void setFont(
const QFont &font) { m_Font = font; }
250 inline void setBgColor(
const QColor &color) { m_BgColor = color; }
256 inline void setDrawFrame(
bool draw) { m_DrawFrame = draw; }
262 QSize calculateSize();
268 void paintLegend(QPaintDevice *pd);
279 void paintLegend(SkyQPainter *painter);
287 void paintLegend(QPaintDevice *pd, LEGEND_TYPE type, LEGEND_POSITION pos);
300 void paintLegend(SkyQPainter *painter, LEGEND_TYPE type, LEGEND_POSITION pos);
308 void paintSymbols(QPointF pos);
318 void paintSymbol(QPointF pos,
int type,
float e,
float angle, QString label);
324 void paintMagnitudes(QPointF pos);
333 void paintScale(QPointF pos);
339 QPoint positionToDeviceCoord(QPaintDevice *pd);
341 SkyQPainter *m_Painter {
nullptr };
342 SkyMap *m_SkyMap {
nullptr };
343 bool m_DeletePainter {
false };
345 LEGEND_TYPE m_Type { LT_FULL };
346 LEGEND_ORIENTATION m_Orientation;
347 LEGEND_POSITION m_Position;
348 QPoint m_PositionFloating;
353 bool m_DrawFrame {
false };
355 int m_SymbolSize { 0 };
356 int m_BRectWidth { 0 };
357 int m_BRectHeight { 0 };
358 int m_MaxHScalePixels { 0 };
359 int m_MaxVScalePixels { 0 };
360 int m_XSymbolSpacing { 0 };
361 int m_YSymbolSpacing { 0 };
This class stores all of the adjustable colors in KStars, in a QMap object keyed by the names of the ...
This is the canvas on which the sky is painted.
The QPainter-based painting backend.
Type type(const QSqlDatabase &db)