
2 SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016 Artem Fedoskin <afedoskin3@gmail.com>
3 SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
6#include "horizonitem.h"
8#include "horizoncomponent.h"
9#include "labelsitem.h"
10#include "Options.h"
11#include "rootnode.h"
12#include "skynodes/horizonnode.h"
13#include "skynodes/labelnode.h"
16 : SkyItem(LabelsItem::label_t::HORIZON_LABEL, rootNode), m_horizonComp(hComp)
20 double az = -0.01;
21 static QString name[8];
22 name[0] = i18nc("Northeast", "NE");
23 name[1] = i18nc("East", "E");
24 name[2] = i18nc("Southeast", "SE");
25 name[3] = i18nc("South", "S");
26 name[4] = i18nc("Southwest", "SW");
27 name[5] = i18nc("West", "W");
28 name[6] = i18nc("Northwest", "NW");
29 name[7] = i18nc("North", "N");
31 for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
32 {
33 SkyPoint *c = new SkyPoint;
35 az += 45.0;
36 c->setAz(az);
37 c->setAlt(0.0);
38 LabelNode *compass = rootNode->labelsItem()->addLabel(name[i], labelType());
40 m_compassLabels.insert(c, compass);
41 }
46 if (!childCount())
47 {
49 }
51 //HorizonNode *hNode = static_cast<HorizonNode *>(n->skyNodeAtIndex(0));
52 QSGNode *n = firstChild();
53 SkyNode *hNode = static_cast<SkyNode *>(n);
54 if (m_horizonComp->selected())
55 {
57 bool visible;
59 const Projector *proj = SkyMapLite::Instance()->projector();
60 KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance();
64 while (i != m_compassLabels.cend())
65 {
66 SkyPoint *c = i.key();
67 if (!Options::useAltAz())
68 {
69 c->HorizontalToEquatorial(data->lst(), data->geo()->lat());
70 }
72 LabelNode *compass = (*i);
73 cpoint = proj->toScreen(c, false, &visible);
74 if (visible && proj->onScreen(cpoint))
75 {
76 compass->setLabelPos(cpoint);
77 }
78 else
79 {
80 compass->hide();
81 }
82 ++i;
83 }
85 hNode->update();
86 }
87 else
88 {
89 hNode->hide();
90 rootNode()->labelsItem()->hideLabels(LabelsItem::label_t::HORIZON_LABEL);
91 }
const CachingDms * lat() const
Definition geolocation.h:70
Represents the horizon on the sky map.
bool selected() override
HorizonItem(HorizonComponent *hComp, RootNode *rootNode)
virtual void update()
Call update() of HorizonNode and update/hide compass labels based on their visibility.
This node acts as a parent of nodes that comprise horizon and both filled and non-filled ground.
Definition horizonnode.h:21
KStarsData is the backbone of KStars.
Definition kstarsdata.h:72
CachingDms * lst()
Definition kstarsdata.h:224
GeoLocation * geo()
Definition kstarsdata.h:230
A SkyNode derived class used for displaying labels.
Definition labelnode.h:27
This class is in charge of labels in SkyMapLite.
Definition labelsitem.h:53
LabelNode * addLabel(SkyObject *skyObject, label_t labelType)
Create LabelNode with given skyObject and append it to LabelTypeNode that corresponds to type.
void hideLabels(label_t labelType)
hides all labels of type labelType
The Projector class is the primary class that serves as an interface to handle projections.
Definition projector.h:58
A QSGClipNode derived class used as a container for holding pointers to nodes and for clipping.
Definition rootnode.h:60
This is an interface for implementing SkyItems that represent SkyComponent derived objects on the Sky...
Definition skyitem.h:30
RootNode * rootNode()
Definition skyitem.h:57
LabelsItem::label_t labelType()
Definition skyitem.h:60
Provides virtual functions for update of coordinates and nodes hiding.
Definition skynode.h:28
The sky coordinates of a point in the sky.
Definition skypoint.h:45
void setAlt(dms alt)
Sets Alt, the Altitude.
Definition skypoint.h:194
void HorizontalToEquatorial(const dms *LST, const dms *lat)
Determine the (RA, Dec) coordinates of the SkyPoint from its (Altitude, Azimuth) coordinates,...
Definition skypoint.cpp:143
void setAz(dms az)
Sets Az, the Azimuth.
Definition skypoint.h:230
QString i18nc(const char *context, const char *text, const TYPE &arg...)
const_iterator cbegin() const const
const_iterator cend() const const
iterator insert(const Key &key, const T &value)
void appendChildNode(QSGNode *node)
int childCount() const const
QSGNode * firstChild() const const
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Generated on Fri May 3 2024 11:49:51 by doxygen 1.10.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006

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