84 KStarsData, and SkyMap objects. It also contains functions for the \ref DBusInterface D-Bus interface. KStars is now a singleton class. Use KStars::createInstance() to
94 Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_PROPERTY(QString colorScheme READ colorScheme WRITE loadColorScheme NOTIFY colorSchemeChanged)
109 explicit KStars(bool doSplash, bool startClockRunning = true, const QString &startDateString = QString());
120 static KStars *createInstance(bool doSplash, bool clockrunning = true, const QString &startDateString = QString());
222 KStars provides powerful scripting functionality via DBus. The most common DBus functions can be constructed and executed within the ScriptBuilder tool.
223 Any 3rd party language or tool with support for DBus can access several interfaces provided by KStars:
225 <li>KStars: Provides functions to manipulate the skymap including zoom, pan, and motion to selected objects. Add and remove object trails and labels. Wait for user input before running further actions.</li>
226 <li>SimClock: Provides functions to start and stop time, set a different date and time, and to set the clock scale.</li>
227 <li>Ekos: Provides functions to start and stop Ekos Manager, set Ekos connection mode, and access to Ekos modules:
229 <li>Capture: Provides functions to capture images, load sequence queues, control filter wheel, and obtain information on job progress.</li>
230 <li>Focus: Provides functions to focus control in manual and automated mode. Start and stop focusing procedures and set autofocus options.</li>
231 <li>Guide: Provides functions to start and stop calibration and autoguiding procedures. Set calibration and autoguide options.</li>
258 * @param altIsRefracted If set to true, the altitude is interpreted as if it were corrected for atmospheric refraction (i.e. the altitude is an apparent altitude)
381 * @param speed speed at which line should appear from start to end points (in pixels per second)
391 Q_SCRIPTABLE bool setGeoLocation(const QString &city, const QString &province, const QString &country);
413 Q_SCRIPTABLE bool setGPSLocation(double longitude, double latitude, double elevation, double tz0);
428 * @param width the width for the exported image. Map's width will be used if nothing or an invalid value is supplied.
429 * @param height the height for the exported image. Map's height will be used if nothing or an invalid value is supplied.
432 Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void exportImage(const QString &filename, int width = -1, int height = -1,
447 Q_SCRIPTABLE QString getDSSURL(double RA_J2000, double Dec_J2000, float width = 15, float height = 15);
452 * @param storeInternetResolved If we fell back to the internet, save the result in DSO database for future offline access
466 * @note See EyepieceField::renderEyepieceView() for more info. This is a DBus proxy that calls that method, and then writes the resulting image(s) to file(s).
467 * @note Important: If imagePath is empty, but overlay is true, or destPathImage is supplied, this method will make a blocking DSS download.
469 Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void renderEyepieceView(const QString &objectName, const QString &destPathChart,
487 /** DBUS interface function. Return a newline-separated list of objects in the observing wishlist.
488 * @note Unfortunately, unnamed objects are troublesome. Hopefully, we don't have them on the observing list.
492 /** DBUS interface function. Return a newline-separated list of objects in the observing session plan.
493 * @note Unfortunately, unnamed objects are troublesome. Hopefully, we don't have them on the observing list.
498 * @param usePrintDialog if true, the KDE print dialog will be shown; otherwise, default parameters will be used
499 * @param useChartColors if true, the "Star Chart" color scheme will be used for the printout, which will save ink.
504 * @param imageUrl URL of FITS image to load. For a local file the prefix must be file:// For example
Renders the view through the eyepiece of various telescope types.
Definition eyepiecefield.h:37
Contains all relevant information for specifying a location on Earth: City Name, State/Province name,...
Definition geolocation.h:28
Manages adding/removing and editing regions and points associated with user-customized artificial hor...
Definition horizonmanager.h:41
Backends for exporting a sky image, either raster or vector, with a legend.
Definition imageexporter.h:24
void slotSetZoom()
action slot: Allow user to specify a field-of-view angle for the display window in degrees,...
Definition kstarsactions.cpp:1698
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setRaDec(double ra, double dec)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:44
void applyConfig(bool doApplyFocus=true)
Apply config options throughout the program.
Definition kstars.cpp:311
void slotEyepieceView(SkyPoint *sp, const QString &imagePath=QString())
Show the eyepiece view tool.
Definition kstarsactions.cpp:1965
void slotToggleWIView()
action slot: toggle What's Interesting window
Definition kstarsactions.cpp:580
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setColor(const QString &colorName, const QString &value)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:616
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void renderEyepieceView(const QString &objectName, const QString &destPathChart, const double fovWidth=-1.0, const double fovHeight=-1.0, const double rotation=0.0, const double scale=1.0, const bool flip=false, const bool invert=false, QString imagePath=QString(), const QString &destPathImage=QString(), const bool overlay=false, const bool invertColors=false)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:918
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void popupMessage(int x, int y, const QString &message)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:243
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void openFITS(const QUrl &imageUrl)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:1057
Q_SCRIPTABLE QString location()
location Returns a JSON Object (as string) that contains the following information: name: String prov...
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:253
void slotTrack()
action slot: Toggle whether kstars is tracking current position
Definition kstarsactions.cpp:1561
Q_SCRIPTABLE QString getObservingWishListObjectNames()
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:971
bool isStartedWithClockRunning()
Was KStars started with the clock running, or paused?
Definition kstars.h:856
void addColorMenuItem(QString name, const QString &actionName)
Add an item to the color-scheme action manu.
Definition kstarsactions.cpp:2089
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setTracking(bool track)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:237
Q_DECL_DEPRECATED Q_SCRIPTABLE QString getOption(const QString &name)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:375
Q_SCRIPTABLE QString getDSSURL(const QString &objectName)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:719
static KStars * createInstance(bool doSplash, bool clockrunning=true, const QString &startDateString=QString())
Create an instance of this class.
Definition kstars.cpp:239
void clearCachedFindDialog()
Delete FindDialog because ObjNames list has changed in KStarsData due to reloading star data.
Definition kstars.cpp:293
Q_SCRIPTABLE QString getObjectDataXML(const QString &objectName, bool fallbackToInternet=false, bool storeInternetResolved=true)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:738
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setAltAz(double alt, double az, bool altIsRefracted=false)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:61
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void waitForKey(const QString &k)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:222
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void addLabel(const QString &name)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:142
void slotGeoLocator()
action slot: open dialog for selecting a new geographic location
Definition kstarsactions.cpp:1033
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int speed)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:248
Q_SCRIPTABLE QString getObjectPositionInfo(const QString &objectName)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:819
void slotSetDomeEnabled(bool enable)
slotSetDomeEnabled call when dome comes online or goes offline.
Definition kstarsactions.cpp:399
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void addTrail(const QString &name)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:162
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void changeViewOption(const QString &option, const QString &value)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:419
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setApproxFOV(double FOV_Degrees)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:993
void slotSetTelescopeEnabled(bool enable)
slotSetTelescopeEnabled call when telescope comes online or goes offline.
Definition kstarsactions.cpp:387
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void exportImage(const QString &filename, int width=-1, int height=-1, bool includeLegend=false)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:703
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void loadColorScheme(const QString &name)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:631
void slotWISettings()
action slot: open What's Interesting settings window
Definition kstarsactions.cpp:552
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void printImage(bool usePrintDialog, bool useChartColors)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:1002
void slotClearAllTrails()
Remove all trails which may have been added to solar system bodies.
Definition kstarsactions.cpp:2046
void removeColorMenuItem(const QString &actionName)
Remove an item from the color-scheme action manu.
Definition kstarsactions.cpp:2111
Q_SCRIPTABLE bool setGPSLocation(double longitude, double latitude, double elevation, double tz0)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:325
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setRaDecJ2000(double ra0, double dec0)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:51
void updateTime(const bool automaticDSTchange=true)
Update time-dependent data and (possibly) repaint the sky map.
Definition kstars.cpp:592
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void removeLabel(const QString &name)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:152
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void setLocalTime(int yr, int mth, int day, int hr, int min, int sec)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:202
void slotShowPositionBar(SkyPoint *)
Display position in the status bar.
Definition kstarsactions.cpp:2158
static bool setResourceFile(QString const rc)
Override KStars UI resource file.
Definition kstarsinit.cpp:125
Q_SCRIPTABLE QString getObservingSessionPlanObjectNames()
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:982
Q_SCRIPTABLE bool setGeoLocation(const QString &city, const QString &province, const QString &country)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:271
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void lookTowards(const QString &direction)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:75
void slotSetTimeToNow()
action slot: sync kstars clock to system time
Definition kstarsactions.cpp:1253
Q_SCRIPTABLE Q_NOREPLY void removeTrail(const QString &name)
DBUS interface function.
Definition kstarsdbus.cpp:172
bool event(QEvent *event) override
Primary class to handle all Ekos modules.
This class deals with the observing conditions of the night sky.
Definition obsconditions.h:22
The Colors page allows the user to adjust all of the colors used to display the night sky.
Definition opscolors.h:32
Enables the user to set remote connection devices and options in addition to online and offline astro...
Definition opsekos.h:22
The guide page enables to user to select to turn on and off guide overlays such as constellation line...
Definition opsguides.h:19
Enables the user to change several INDI options including default ports for common devices,...
Definition opsindi.h:23
The terrain page enables to user to manage the options for image overlays.
Definition opsimageoverlay.h:24
The terrain page enables to user to manage the options for the terrain overlay.
Definition opsterrain.h:20
Class representing Printing Wizard for KStars printed documents (currently only finder charts).
Definition printingwizard.h:53
A GUI tool for building behavioral DBus scripts for KStars.
Definition scriptbuilder.h:94
Draws Rise/Set/Transit curves for major solar system planets for any calendar year.
Definition skycalendar.h:30
User interface for "Equipment Type and Parameters" page in WI settings dialog.
Definition wiequipsettings.h:24
User interface for "Light Pollution Settings" page in WI settings dialog This class deals with light ...
Definition wilpsettings.h:23
What's up tonight dialog is a window which lists all sky objects that will be visible during the next...
Definition wutdialog.h:40
Q_CLASSINFO(Name, Value)
bool isVisible() const const
This file is part of the KDE documentation.
Documentation copyright © 1996-2024 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Sep 13 2024 11:53:47 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
Documentation copyright © 1996-2024 The KDE developers.
Generated on Fri Sep 13 2024 11:53:47 by doxygen 1.12.0 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2006
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